Pen Name: Sarah24sm
Username: Sarah24SM
Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?
No, it's not my real name. I once watched an anime called Princess Sarah and it was such a beautiful story of a young girl, who was strong, wise and kind beyond her age and I just got so inspired by her. She lost everything yet did not stop to be kind and giving.
That is why the name Sarah as for 24 it's the age I started to write and not just love the idea of it and SM is the initial of my real name.
How many books have you published till date?
20 plus books and more to come hopefully because in my head I am at 2050 with the number of books running but I have yet to write to reach to that year ;)
What are your future projects?
As I said I am at 2050 with the books that are in my heads, 10 plus books are lined up to be honest and at times I have to take a break from everything just to shut it down, the voices of my unborn characters.
What is writing to you?
The place where I am who I am and I can be anything; I can be any of my characters. I have no gender, no boundaries and I can have any name I want.
Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?
Both. I will go for both.
What genre books you like to work on?
Romance duh! That's obvious and with a little hint of mystery and misery to be honest. I just love the hurt that ping of heart breaking, the sadness of unrequited love and the sacrifice for your loved one or taking that one step back to hide behind the shadow before that person or you yourself find you.
Well, hope that makes sense.
If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?
Will love to although I have this itch to write a historical fictional story but having very little idea of the whole genre I am hesitating but let's hope.
Then we would love to challenge you to write a historical romance soon
Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?
You answered your own question putting the two words Reality and Fantasy in the question. The charms of writing is all about fantasy that takes us away from our reality some of us will forget it like Peter Pan once did about his world once we are out but some of us will create that world in our reality.
It's for us to choose to be a Peter Pan or Harry potter of our life.
Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?
Jazcullen, she is the one who inspired me to dare and write though she is from another website but she did post her book on wattpad.
I have not found any other writer like her; I mean I cannot stop talking about her books. My god! Her vision, the whole damn Affection series is because of her, like wow! You guys need to read her books.
Name few of your close wattpad friends.
Vashacanada, I can never thank her enough for what she means. Like I just love her, then there is Sanna, we talk like almost regularly any block and any idea I have she is one of the first to hear it, then there is Gazal, love her, she is the coolest chick and there are others too but I rarely talk with some of them.
What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?
To all the boys I loved.
Who is your favorite actor/actress?
I love Robert Downey Jr. aka Iron Man. Like ughh I cannot think of any heroic character than him, he is the perfect Iron man we all deserve, his style, his way....mind-blowing, please don't make me start on him, just go watch every Iron man movies and every other where he starred at Iron man.
I mean when asked any kid what's your superhero most of them will either say Superman, Batman or Spiderman but for me it was always Iron man and to actually be alive enough to know his movie was made it was such a blessing, and no one could be a perfect Iron man that the man himself, Robert Downey Jr.
What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?
Sleeping, eating let's just say you will always, always find me in my bed.
What are your hidden talents?
I can dance not your whole hip hop and wining any award dance but I can dance if that counts.
Who is your first celebrity crush?
I don't remember the first but reading this question I thought to Robert Pattison, yes our very own dose of vampiric world.
What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?
I gossiped about someone and send the message to the same person I gossiped about and now I check once, twice and thrice before I gossip at all.
One craziest thing you have ever done?
I purposed my crush on V day in front of everyone and he got all nervous and refused to take the flower which started as joke so I pretended I was just pulling his leg while my heart bled so next day I purposed every person around and distributed chocolates. It was fun after my heartache was done.
There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but have no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.
If that book you are holding is not worth your time and if you by any chance think you have a better way to give that book a better ending or storyline just give it a try, you can do better than the book you are reading, you can visualize a better storyline and you can damn well may not write a Oscar wining story but you can write to win few hearts ;D
Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?
What sort of writer does not?
What do you feel about this interview?
Happy and thankful ;)
You are awesome for actually thinking about this interview of me and well I will definitely like to thank my fans for all the love and support they have given and shown for my books and it's awesome.
Never stop imagining the world we all deserve to be in.
Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.
We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.
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