Pen Name: June D. Silver
Username : JuneDSilver
Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?
It is not my real name, but it's inspired by how I would've been named if I were a boy and a combination of my middle names and last name (really, it's a long story to explain)
How many books have you published till date?
The last time I checked I have 10 books and 1 scrapbook published on wattpad, and 2 have been deleted by me
What are your future projects?
Oh dear... do you have a minute? I have 2 new collaborations coming up and a few other stories that people can vote on in my scrapbook.
What is writing to you?
To me, writing is a way to escape the real world, but also to channel my hyperactive moods into something that isn't physically exhausting. And of course, I love to write in general and entertain people with my stories.
Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?
It's been a long time hidden dream that I kept hidden until later ;)
What genre books you like to work on?
Teen fiction and Young/New Adult are my favorites, I must say, tho I like reading different genres too.
If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?
I would, but not until after I finished the works I promised my readers first ^^ (so basically it would get in line :P)
Then we would love to read a Historical Romance book from you soon.
Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?
Words are the music in books. You can—if done well—take readers on a journey and make them experience your stories, teach them new things and insights and in some cases even help them with struggles or self-development. And obviously it can work as an escape to a different world.
Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?
I gotta say I love Adam Silvera, Becky Albertalli and John Green outside of Wattpad. On Wattpad my favorites vary throughout the year.
Name few of your close wattpad friends.
Minimxmist (Jacob), Edeny_ (Eden), Glynfrans (Glyn), Dollygrand (Dolly) & Ellen_Reese (Ellen)
What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?
Thirteen Reasons Why
Who is your favorite actor/actress?
I don't really have a fav? I have a few I try to avoid tho, but no specific favorite.
Who is your favorite Villain you couldn't help but love?
The Joker (Batman), you just gotta love The Joker.
What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?
Ooeff... Soccer, Painting, Napping, Swimming, Ice hockey (to watch)
What are your hidden talents?
Can't think of anything but having very flexible muscles (sorta hypermobile), and being good at manipulating if needed (tho I know its not a good quality :'D)
Who is your first celebrity crush?
Real crush.... Has got to be Cristian Chivu. I was practically married to the guy in my mind.
What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?
I can't really come up with one situation that was most embarrassing. I have had my moments, like saying really stupid things or ripping your jeans on the ass (but only 2 people knew it happened) etc. but nothing specifically funny or bad?
One craziest thing you have ever done?
Oh, do you have a moment? I have a Bipolar Disorder. I do crazy things all the time. (Don't go bungee jumping while you're drunk)
There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but has no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.
Imma preach here :p Just write! You don't have to publish things right away if you're not comfortable. Nobody needs to read but you. But just write. Practice makes perfect; and writing is only taught by writing, writing, writing. We all fail, we all have our shitty first-written stories (I still have stories I wrote years ago and I laugh at them because I came a long way ever since). My tip? Try finishing a story first, even if it's not that well written. It's an art and an amazing accomplishment to not just have a start, but to have a start, the climax, the subplots, etc. and an actual end. You can go back and polish later; accomplishing an end is amazing if you ask me.
Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?
I'm not really into comics. I do occasionally read a few comics on Tapas.io, but writing/drawing/creating a comic? I'll do the story, someone else can make it into a comic ;)
What do you feel about this interview?
It was a fun experience! Loved the questions and hope my answers are satisfying :')
Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.
We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.
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