Chapter Two
~*~Sans' PoV~*~
I told Papyrus his story then went to bed, I didn't feel like staying up any longer so I got in bed then fell asleep straight away. I didn't want to wait for tomorrow so I thought I would sleep it away and I was right! I still couldn't stop thinking about Y/n though... It's stupid really...
I guess I worry too much...
~*~My PoV~*~
You had been staying with Toriel for a long time now, years. You enjoyed being around her and she had became a mother to you. You had grown up quite a bit now and the ruins and froggits just weren't doing it for you so you decided to explore the place Toriel told you not to go. You had no other place you hadn't seen and you knew the ruins so well, if there were any secrets left, you would know exactly where they were. Yes, Muffet sometimes visited to restock on the spider bake sale treats but she was the only visitor and you began to get lonely and bored. Since you couldn't remember your family, you didn't really know anyone out of the ruins you could go or talk to so you were stuck there.
You walked down the stairs that she specifically told you not to go down; luckily, Toriel was in the ruins when you did this. You looked downwards to see nothing but a dark corridor that looked as if it lasted forever! As you continued to walk down, you noticed there was some light coming from the corner, a torch! You picked it up of the wall and began to walk. The walls were in a purple-magenta brick, covered in cracks as if they were hundreds of years old and the floor was black and lined with what looked like was once a smooth black tile but at that moment, it was a sooty grey cracked slate. At the end of the seemingly endless hall was a door that towered over you. Everything was silent but you suddenly heard footsteps from the other side of the door. "Knock Knock" Said a fairly low voice as they knocked on the door. You stayed completely silent for about a minute but, just as you heard the footsteps walking away, decided to speak. You walked closer to the door and replied with "Who's there?"
"Adore" The person replied. They sounded happy that there was a response.
"Adore who?" You asked. You decided the person speaking was a male from the sound of their voice.
"There's adore between us! Open up!" Said the voice. This made you laugh quite a lot as it was a really stupid joke.
"That's a good joke" you smiled. "But..." You started, trying to think of stupider joke to match his.
"Knock knock!"
"Who's there?" The voice replied, sounding like he wasn't expecting a joke back.
"Anee who?"
"Anee one you like" You said, laughing a little at your own joke. The person behind the door laughed too, like it was the best joke he had heard in a while.
"I'm Y/n by the way" You smiled.
"Cool, I'm Sans"
'Sans... What a strange name' You thought.
You began talking and making bad jokes and puns for hours! You kept listening for Toriel's footsteps but soon forgot about her as you were having so much fun with Sans. After a while, you remembered how Toriel said about monsters and how they attacked and killed humans. She told you lots of stories about monsters and humans and it sometimes made you feel bad for being part of such a violent and murderous race, especially since you thought monsters were so interesting! You didn't know why anyone would want to kill a monster! You thought about it more and soon decided to ask Sans what he was. It made you quite nervous but you were desperate to ask. "Um... Sans?" You started, quite scared of the answer you were going to get.
"Are you a monster?"
After you answered there was a short pause.
"Uh... Yeah I'm a skeleton. Why?" He replied.
"Toriel said monsters would hurt me but you seem kind" You smiled.
"Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you" Sans responded straight after you said about Toriel.
"Really Sans?" You asked, just to be sure.
"Yeah... Uhh I hope you don't mind me asking but, are you a human?
You stayed silent for a couple seconds. You didn't really know if you should tell him or not but decided it couldn't do any harm as he said himself that he wouldn't hurt you, plus anyone who would randomly go up to a huge door and tell a really bad 'knock knock' joke couldn't be that dangerous could they?
"It's alright you can tell me,"
You thought about it more but decided to lie and say you weren't, just to be sure.
"I'm not a human but I think they're cool" You said finally.
After that, you continued to talk and tell bad puns and jokes once more until you had to go. Toriel would be worried about you if she found out you were gone.
"I have to go before Toriel get's worried, come back here at the same time again tomorrow, ok Sans?" You smiled as you stood up.
"Alright, see ya kid" He replied then you walked up the stairs.
Toriel was still in the ruins so you decided to see if she was with Muffet. You liked Muffet, despite her being a huge human-spider monster but she was nice to you so you were to her. She brought you dresses that she had spun herself which you were very grateful for but you didn't wear them very often. Your favourite on was a F/length, F/c and S/f/c dress with a bow tied around the back. You wore it for special occasions, which was very rare since it was only You and Toriel along with a couple of Froggits but you wore it when Muffet came to visit. You soon found her drinking tea with her. She was quite happy to see you and offered you some tea and spider cookies, which you gladly took and thanked her for. She wasn't this nice to you when you first met her because you were a human but she had grown quite attached to you since you started talking to her more. Soon after you were best friends!
Muffet soon had to go so you saw her off then went back to your room. You opened the door and shut it when you were in. You didn't realize how boring it was without someone interesting to talk to until then. You sat on your bed then sighed, you hadn't felt like this in a long time, the last time being when you first arrived at the ruins. You laid down on you bed and tried to clear your mind but you couldn't get Sans out of your head. You thought about when you would see him next and what you would say. It took you a while but you had an entire convocation planned out in your mind. You would ask him what it's like outside the ruins. If it sounded good, you would ask Toriel if she would let you out, even if it was just once! If it didn't sound too great, you would stay inside. The thought of it made you happy to finally find something new. Life was boring without fun and adventure. Yes, the ruins were fun at first but to you then, they seemed so empty and small. You had, had enough of it and wanted to be free.
You were determined to be!
((Hello reader! I would just like to say, please bear with me, the chapter will be much better later on, this is just the beginning!
I have some other stuff to do so chapter 3 will be out around this time tomorrow if not earlier so watch out for that
That's all I have to say for today, until next chapter,
~Lilian out))
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