Chapter Twelve
As you hesitantly walked up to her, Sans crashed through the door with a violent blue light surrounding his hands and right eye. He looked at you and your hands, still glowing f/c from your bolt, then turned his attention to Undyne, back against the wall, a couple of racks from where she had hit it with such a force. He looked back at you, mixed emotions in his one eye. "Did you do this!?" He asked, his voice was different. You looked at your hands. "Y/n..."
"You're gonna have a bad time"
~*~Sans' PoV~*~
I must've feel asleep or something because all I remember is hearing a huge crash coming from inside Undyne's house. The thought of Y/n being dead and having to reset again... I didn't want to have to go through another reset! I didn't want to have to reset ever again! When I met Y/n, I thought this would be the first timeline where things turn out ok but I guess not. I felt my right eye turn blue, a perfect opportunity. I quickly jumped down and opened the door forcefully. Instead of seeing Undyne, I saw Y/n, trembling with her hands glowing f/c and Undyne, her entire body pushed into the wall. I had no idea what happened and to be honest, I didn't want to find out! Y/n looked at me, she looked scared! I was so confused... "Did you do this!?" I asked, hoping for her to say no, but I knew she did as her hands were faintly glowing f/c from her magic. "Y/n" I didn't want a repeat of what happened in the last timeline, I knew what I had to do to stop it but I wished I didn't have to... I didn't want to!
"You're gonna have a bad time"
The memories of a past timeline flashed through my mind.
A human with brown hair and a stripped sweater fell down. They seemed nice at first but they were the real monster here.
They killed everyone... Papyrus, Undyne... Even me!
So I reset and tried to stop them before it was too late.
In past timelines, a person just like them came here, they were much nicer but died many times and gave up.
I wished this monster could be like them but I knew they wouldn't changed.
They searched for monsters to kill and wouldn't stop until nobody came.
It was torture.
Over and over again, I reset and tried to stop them.
The worst part was, they were aware of the resets somehow and knew whenever I did it.
I killed them but they kept coming back.
So one day, I had enough.
I had killed them so many times, over one hundred for sure, but one day, I told them that I would kill them and that there was no point coming back.
I told them to stay well away from the mountain and that if they ever came back, I would kill them and take their soul.
They didn't believe me so I fought them and killed them.
But as soon as a did, they reset immediately.
After that, they didn't come back.
I had finally won but I always feared they, or someone like them, would come back.
I was taking no chances with Y/n, I couldn't let this happen again!
I turned Y/n's soul blue, as much as I didn't want to do this, I had to. She looked at me, I couldn't look back.
"Sans... It was an accident! I had to do something or she would kill me! I didn't mean to I promise!"
I wanted to believe her but I didn't know if I could. I picked her up with my magic.
"Sans stop! Please listen to me!"
I suddenly started to hear laughing. Undyne! She was stood up straight and grinning at me, I walked over, Y/n still being held in the air.
"Undyne? What happened? Are you alright!?"
"Yeah I'm fine! It would take a lot more than that to strike me down!"
"Then... Why didn't you get up sooner?"
"I wanted to see what happened! I'm disappointed though! Humans are supposed to be strong, Y/n's just a wimp... Why didn't she finish me off? I would've in a fight!" There was a loud thud; Y/n! I had completely forgot about her! She stayed sat on the floor, staring at us.
"I gotta admit though, that attack... You're strong with magic, Y/n!" Undyne grinned.
"What happened here exactly?"
"Y/n wanted to leave but I didn't want her to! It was either she fought me to leave or she stayed! I guess she had enough and hit me" She shrugged. I looked at Y/n, she didn't even look back! I knew I had messed everything up... "Y/n I-"
"Sans..." She stood up and slowly walked over.
"Y/n... I'm so sorry this is-"
"I know..." She put her arms around me and hugged me tightly. "And I forgive you" I hugged her back immediately; until we were interrupted by Papyrus.
"No no! It's fine... In fact, we were just about to leave!" Y/n said, looking at Undyne, who nodded in response.
"I'll explain later Pap. Don't worry about it" Y/n let go at me and smiled, her cheeks were dusted with a faint pink."Come on, let's go home"
We said goodbye to Undyne then left. I teleported us back to the house, I could tell Y/n was tired and Papy didn't want to walk the entire way. As soon as we got inside, Papyrus went upstairs to his room and me and Y/n sat on the couch. She looked at me, I couldn't tell what it meant but I knew it wasn't good.
"Why did you do that...?" She asked quietly.
"Y/n... I don't know if you would believe me if I told you... Not after-"
"No I will! I want to know!"
"Alright then..." I told her about the timelines and that soulless human that fell down here. I didn't think she would believe me but she did! She said that she understood everything but then she asked me about my magic. I, for some reason found this hard to explain.
"Well... When I want to, I can activate it and my eye will turn blue. Then I can pick things up and stuff" I showed her how it worked and picked a couple of things up, she looked amazed!
"So is that how you teleport too?"
"That's more to do with the timelines. But I guess" I shrugged
"How many times have you reset?"
I froze. Every reset flashed through my mind. "Thousands..." I said, my voice was almost inaudible. I looked downwards and in a second, Y/n's arms were around me.
"Then... I promise.... That I won't hurt anybody and no one will die... I promise that I'll protect Papyrus until the very end and make sure that nothing will put him in danger! I'll make sure you'll never have to reset ever again!" She whispered. I hugged her tightly. If she really did this... I don't even know if it's possible.
"Thank you Y/n"
"No problem Sans"
I could tell Y/n was extremely tired. She laid down on the sofa and rested her head on the armrest. She stayed like that for a while and soon fell asleep. "It's an armrest, not a headrest" I whispered to her as I put a blanket over her then turned off the Tv and lights. I should really sort out a room for her... She doesn't mind the sofa though. She doesn't mind anything really. I teleported to my room, I couldn't be bothered to walk up the stairs, then went to sleep.
I knew from that moment that events would be much better.
((I'm sorry that took so long! I've had so much homework that I have had no time to write or do anything! But I've finished it all and now I can write!
If you would like me to explain anything then please ask, it's quite confusing with timelines sometimes (not to me because I've grasped the concept of time and space pretty well and I understand the universe more than I should but that's me. This is you) so feel free to ask!
I also have a question! Where are you from? And where do you think I'm from? I'm curious about my readers and I'd love to know!
But that's all I have to say for this evening, so until the next chapter!
~Lilian Out))
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