Chapter Thirteen
I put a blanket over her then turned off the Tv and lights. I should really sort out a room for her... She doesn't mind the sofa though. She doesn't mind anything really. I teleported to my room, I couldn't be bothered to walk up the stairs, then went to sleep.
I knew from that moment that events would be much better.
It had been a long while since you had moved to Snowdin and after multiple complaints from Mettaton, the two skeletons had finally set you up a room! It was in the attic but you didn't mind. It had everything you needed and that's what mattered.
You were sat on your f/c bed, reading a book that you had got from the librarby when Sans knocked on your door.
"Knock knock"
You sighed, smiling. You knew what this meant.
"Who's there?"
"Sans" That was unexpected! You got off your bed and walked to the door. As soon as you opened it, a snowball was launched at your face.
"It's snowing and the town is having a huge snowball fight, care to join us?" He smirked at you. You both knew that this would end up with you two going off on your own and having an epic battle but you were happy with this. You nodded, smirking back.
"Of course"
You rushed downstairs and put on your f/c coat and earmuffs. It was freezing outside and you didn't want to get sick. Sans took your hand after you had finished putting on your boots and got you to join a team. The town was separated into two sides. Red team and blue team. You joined red and Sans joined blue. You knew that he was going to focus only on hitting you but this didn't stop you. You were going to win this war and you were going to hit everyone. No one could beat you at snowball fights and you weren't going to let Sans change this.
Monster kid came out from behind a wall with a green whistle around their neck. They looked so happy and excited, seeing someone so pumped about this filled you with determination.
"The field is split into 3 zones. Red safe zone, danger zone and finally, blue safe zone. You can get as close to the opposite safety zone whilst in the danger zone but you cannot go into the opposite safe zone. If you do, you will be disqualified. Once you are hit three times, you are out. That's all!" He smiled then jumped to get the whistle to his mouth.
"Ready.... Set.... Go!" He blue the whistle meaning the war had began. You ran behind a wall and began to make your supply of Snowballs. You pilled them up behind you in two piles for easy access then began to launch then at every blue player there was. There were going like bullets and nothing could stop you. No one except a certain skeleton.
Sans had decided to use his powers with your technique. As much as it seemed like it to you, this was not cheating. He took out the first line of reds in seconds but that didn't matter to him. He wanted you! He kept behind a wall in the safe zone and waited until you came out from hiding but that wasn't going to happen any time soon. He began to grown impatient and ran out from his safe zone. You hit each other at first but as he threw more, his directions became more predictable. You soon knew where he would throw and began throwing snow in that direction to counter them then at him. In almost no time, you got him out.
"Take that Sans!" You laughed as you watched him walk to the side of the field to show he was out. There weren't very many players left now that so many were out but your team was winning. You ran into the danger zone, all of your snow in one hand and your throwing one being free, taking out any remaining blue players. Little did you know that there was one blue player that was just about to beat you. You had one hit left and as soon as you turned, it was gone.
"Looks like I win" You heard Sans say.
"But you're out!"
"I took someone else's place" he came out from behind a wall, smiling with his hands in his pockets.
"I hate you" You smiled, launching a snowball at his face. He ran and you followed, throwing more snowballs at each other. He lead you to an open area where the snow coated absolutely everything. It was perfect. He began to get a bunch of snow but instead of lobbing it at you, he rolled it on the floor making it larger until it was half the size of him. You soon realised that he was making a snowman or this the end and your death would be by a giant snowball. You ran up to him and started helping him by making the middle part. He helped you lift it on top then finally started making the head. He helped you lift it on top with his powers and smiled.
"I think we did a great job, Y/n"
"Yeah! All we need is the face, you get the face and arms! I'll get the rest!" You ran out and to the house and took one of Papyrus's scarfs and out of your wardrobe, a fedora then looked for anything else you could use. You started to realise letting Sans choose the face was a bad idea but shrugged it off as you put on the fedora and scarf. It was a lot easier than holding them plus, you looked fabulous!
Sans had found two pebbles for the eyes and a curved stick for the smile. He couldn't be bothered to get a carrot so he teleported to Grillby's and took a ketchup bottle and used that. You soon returned to see your masterpiece and Sans sitting on top of it.
"Ah, Y/n! You're looking fabulous!"
"Did you actually use s ketchup bottle?"
"Where am is uploaded to find a carrot?"
"True. Here, you can put the scarf on, I'll put on the hat"
"But Y/n. You already have the hat on" Sans grinned as he put the scarf. On him.
"Get out." You laughed, Sans joined you.
"You know Sans, that scarf looks great on you!"
"Nah, Papy looks better. You really suit that fedora"
"Thank you!"
You both put it on then looked back at your creation.
"We did a great job" you smiled,
"I snow we did"
"Icy what you did there"
"It looks really ici-cool"
"Once again, I can't beat the pun master" You laughed.
"Nope, no one can"
You sat in silence for a little while, staring at the frozen water in front of you. It was so cold that the river was completely frozen. All you could hear was the sound of snowballs being thrown and laughter coming from the town until Sans decided to speak.
"Have you ever went ice skating?" He asked.
"No I don't think so" You replied.
"Do you want to?" You thought about it then smiled, nodding your head. From out of almost like nowhere, Sand pulled out two pairs of ice skates. You two put them on and walked towards the ice.
"It's easy! Just hold my hand"
Sans guided you into the ice and showed you how to skate. In almost no time, you learned how. You laughed and raced each other around the lake, you were having so much fun. Suddenly, Sans skated to far but opposite you then stopped. "Y/n, skate towards me!" He yelled. You did as he said and just as you got close, he lifted you up and spun you. You closed your eyes but soon felt safe in his arms. He put you down then smiled, the two of you laughed.
"C'mon Y/n, let's go home"
((Hello! I suddenly felt extremely motivated and started writing this! But after, there are only 2 more chapters left and those are the ending 2 so look forward to those because they are going to be long and fluffy!
I've found the jacket for my Jake English cosplay! It was like it was made for me, I look really good in it too! It goes nicely with my black skinny jeans so I'll wear it for non-cosplay uses too!
That's all I have to say for today, I'm not feeling very well right now so I'll go and have some cereal and see if I feel better after that. I love cereal, what's your favourite type? I really like Krave or honey nut cornflakes.
This has gone on longer than expected So on that note, I'm going to go, until next chapter!))
~Lilian Out!
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