Chapter One
~*~Sans' PoV~*~
"So I'm a sentry in Snowdin forest, right?
I sit outside and watch for humans. It's kind of boring,
Fortunately, deep in the forest...
There's this HUGE door and it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes!
So one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual
I knock on the door and say
'Knock knock'
And suddenly, from the other side
I heard a woman's voice!
'Who is there?'
So naturally I respond,
'Dishes who?'
'Dishes a very bad joke'
And she just howls with laughter
Like it's the best joke she's hear in a hundred years!
So I keep 'em coming
And she keeps laughing
She's the best audience I've ever had!
Then after a dozen of 'em, SHE knocks and says...
'Knock Knock!'
'Who's there?'
'Old lady!'
'Old lady who?'
'Oh! I did not know you could yodel!'
Needless to say, this woman was extremely good!
So we kept telling each other jokes,
'knock knock!'
'Who's there?'
'Nana who?'
'Nana your business!'
For hours!
Eventually I had to leave...
Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story.
But she told me to come back again
So I did.
Then I did again.
And again,
It's a thing now,
Telling bad jokes through doors,
It rules!
One day though,
'Knock knock!'
'Who is there?'
'A broken pencil!'
'A broken pencil who?'
'Nevermind, it's pointless!'
I noticed she wasn't laughing very much
I asked her what's up
Then she told me something strange...
If a human ever comes through this door...
...Could you please, please promise me something?
Watch over them and protect them...
...Will you not?
Now I hate making promises
And this woman,
I don't even know her name
But... Someone who sincerely like bad jokes...
Has an integrity you can't say 'no' to
Do you get what I'm saying?"
"Anyways," I said to Grillby. I spend a lot of time at Grillby's, it's just a nice place to be I guess.
"After that, she didn't respond...
About a year past... and she didn't respond
So I gave up!
But last week, I was thinking about this
And decided to visit the door to see if the woman was there!
So I walked to the door and knocked,
No one responded so I began
to turn back
But suddenly I heard a voice!
So I told a joke.
'Knock knock!'
'Who's there?'
I soon realized the voice was different! But I continued...
'Adore who?'
'There's adore between us! Open up'
She began to laugh, quite a lot too!
'That's a good joke but... Knock Knock!'
'Who's there?'
'Anee who?'
'Anee one you like!'
This girl was good! Really good!
'I'm Y/n by the way'
Y/n... I don't think I could ever forget that name
'Cool, I'm Sans'
We began to talk and make really bad puns and jokes
Then she asked me
'Sans? Are you a monster?'
For some reason, I didn't want to answer this question but...
'Uh... Yeah I'm a skeleton. Why?'
'Toriel said monsters would hurt me but you seem kind'
Toriel... That must have been the name of the woman...
'Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you'
'Really Sans?'
'Yeah... Uhh I hope you don't mind me asking but, are you a human?'
'It's alright you can tell me!'
'I'm not a human but I think they're cool' she finally said.
I don't believe her but I'll never know until I see her
She's a nice girl, you know
She told me she had to go but told me to come back tomorrow
I did and she was waiting for me at the door
We began telling more jokes and puns
She was just as good as me!
We've been doing this since but today she told me something
Something strange
'Sans, come exactly an hour later tomorrow alright?'
'Huh? Why?'
'I need to do something important at this time tomorrow'
She sounded different when she said it,
The tone in her voice changed...
She sounded really serious...
'Alright then but be careful if it's important'
But we continued until she quickly said
'I have to go, see ya'
Then I heard her run away.
But all Grillby did was nod in response. "I need to go home, like I said, Papyrus gets sort of cranky without his bedtime story" He nodded again then I left. When I got home, I couldn't get the thought of Y/n out of my head... I know almost nothing about her but it feels like we've known each other forever! But I don't even know what she looks like! I hope what she's doing doesn't get her into trouble... Or stops us from talking... I'll just have to wait and see I guess...
I told Papyrus his story then went to bed, I didn't feel like staying up any longer so I got in bed then fell asleep straight away. I didn't want to wait for tomorrow so I thought I would sleep it away and I was right! I still couldn't stop thinking about Y/n though... It's stupid really...
I guess I worry too much...
((How's that for a first chapter? I'm actually going to proof read this so there should be less typos than usual
I love undertale so I decided to write this, I had the idea and I've been wanting to write it ever since I came up with it so I'm happy to finally get this chapter out!
I hope you enjoy this story, It's going to be one of my favourites (other than my Gravity Falls one but this one will be better)
I feel like my writing has improved since my old English teacher knows I write on here so she's gave me a bunch of tips and tricks to help me!
I've also decided I'm going to cut down on the ~'s as they aren't very... Literal? I don't know but I guess I've just got bored of them... Feel free to use them still I have nothing against them but- This is all turning out wrong... I'm going to shut up and continue with the next chapter now... Please ignore that last part.
That's all
~Lilian out))
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