Chapter Nine
"Seven human souls... That's all we need... One last soul until we are free"
She looked at you, her golden eye staring deep into yours. "You have the last soul we need. Now hand it over before I rip it straight out of you!"
You shook your head, refusing to look at her.
"So be it" She handed you a spear hen jumped back.
"There is no way you can escape! So you'll have to fight me or die!"
"But I don't want to fight" you said quietly, trembling slightly. However, you were to quiet for her to hear.
She ran towards you, her spear gripped tightly in her hands. "Let's end this!" Her voice was low and filled with an emotion you couldn't describe but knew so well....
Shaking, you gripped the spear tightly in your hands. You knew exactly what you had to do. You raised your spear, blocking Undyne's then had an idea. You held the spear in one hand and raised your other, light surrounding it. A small shock of lightening hit Undyne, dazing her for a second; your plan worked! You began to run as fast as your legs would carry you. As you were running anywhere but in Undyne's direction, you had no idea where you were. Everything was silent until a single noise came from your pocket, your phone. You pulled it out immediately and answered it.
"Y/n! Are you there?" It was Sans.
"Yeah what's-"
"Where are you?"
"Waterfall why?"
"Oh god! Where in Waterfall?"
"To be honest..." You started walking around, looking for something that could tell you were you were. "I don't know!"
"Have you passed two houses, a red and blue one?"
"Napstablook's house? Yeah I just visited him and his cousin! They're really nice and-"
"Have you met anyone else?"
"Well there was this girl in armor who-"
"That was Undyne! You need to come back here now!"
"I can't... She is that way and I don't think I can stun her again"
"Stun her?"
"Yeah! I used the magic Toriel taught me and ran!"
"Nice work! But why can't you do it again"
"It's really tiring..."
"Oh yeah... Alright what does the area you're in look like?" You couldn't see anything but blue lights and darkness.
"Blue glowing mushrooms... And lots of glowing plants"
"Oh good! Go to the..." There was a short pause. "Temmie Village. It should be safe there!"
"Alright but where is it? Oh never mind! I found it!" You smiled then walked down.
"Wait until I get there, I'll take you back to Snowdin"
"Thank you Sans... Um... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to scare you like that and now I'm probably scaring you again... I'm really sorry...." You sighed.
"It's ok Y/n! You're a lot nicer than the last human who came here!"
"The last human?"
"Don't think about it too much, ok? Let's just say" You knew he was going to make an awful pun here.
"They had a bad Tem"
"Come on, Y/n, You're laughing"
"I am and I hate it"
"Well I'll come and pick you up, see ya"
"hOI!!!!!! i'm tEMMIE!!" A small cat-like monster in a sky blue sweater walked up to you.
"Hoi" You said back, like a Temmie would. It looked really happy, you guessed everyone said 'hi' instead of 'hoi' which made it feel special.
You began to explore the village, asking the Tem about things but they told you something completely different. After talking to every Tem there was, you decided to go inside the shop.
"hOI! welcom to... da TEM SHOP!!!" A Tem with grey hair was sat behind a box labelled 'TEM SHOP'
"Hoi" You said in response.
You looked in your pockets and had collected quite a bit of gold from talking to monsters and sparing them instead of fighting them. You didn't want to hurt anyone and making them your friend was a plus! You asked the Tem about herself. "hOI! i'm temmie" Was all they said.
"Alright then... What about Tem history?"
"yaYA!!! us tems have a deep history!!" For it to talk English like that surprised you.
"What about... the shop?"
"yaYA!!! go to TEM SHOP!!!" They went back to their strange broken language.
"Can I buy all of these Tem flakes?" You had about 60 all piled up in your hands.
"yaYA! 60G!" The Tem nodded eagerly. You slid it across the table then left the shop. "Thank you"
Sans still hadn't arrived yet so you decided to eat a Tem flake. "They taste like cereal!" As soon as you opened the bag of them, every Tem in the area looked at you and started inching closer to you. "Do you all want my Tem flakes?" You asked. Every Tem nodded. "Alright get into a line"
You started feeding all of the Tems and they began to like you. After feeding literally every Tem, even the one that was stuck in the wall, about 5 Temmies walked up to you. "cAN TeM eaT teM flaKES?" They all asked. You nodded and smiled, feeding them. You got a little curious and pet one whilst it was eating. "tEM liKe pET! Pet tEM MORE!" The Tem sat on you and you began to pet it. More Tems came towards you and sat on you, which you gladly pet.
Sans had finally came but you were too busy petting to notice. it look him some time to notice you as you were almost completely buried in a pile of sleeping tems. "It's about Tem you arrived" you smiled smugly at the skeleton. Sans facepalmed. "Purr-sonally, I think I took a reasonable amount of Tem!" He replied with the same smile you gave him. "I disagree! I thought you Furgot about me" You smirked. Sans looked at you, surprised.
"Nice one, but you have to do better than that to out-pun me! just give me a mew-ment"
"Dammit sans! I got nothing!"
"heheh you did good though! C'mon, let's go home"
"I'm stuck.... Meow I'll have to stay here"
"Well I can't leave you Furr-ever" Sans replied.
"Get out." You really could never out-pun him! You shook the Tems off then stood up. "nOOO! Tem WAnt HoomaN tO stAY" a Tem said. "Why don't Tem stay with hooman?" You stooped down to their level and smiled. "tEM WAnt tO stAY wIth HoomAN!" They vibrated intensely. "Then come with me and you can!" The Tem smiled and nodded. "Boi EveRY tEM" They waved "Boi" all of the Tems waved back. The monster jumped into your arms and smiled at you. "Sans I'm keeping it" You looked at him completely seriously. "Alright then but I have a pet rock to take care of"
The three of you walked out of the Temmie Village and in a couple of seconds, ended up outside Sans' house. "That took five seconds how did we not pass anything and go straight here? That was the quickest short cut I've ever encountered!" You were so surprised. "tEM cONfuseD...." It looked at Sans suspiciously but he shrugged in response.
After you all went inside Sans and you were lead on the sofa while your new Tem was happily sat in a trash can in the kitchen. "Sans?" You got his attention.
"How did you do that earlier? And the time before..." You asked.
"Do what?"
"Get us from one area to another in about a minute?"
Sans looked at you with a strangely serious expression. It wasn't like him to do that at all and you didn't like it, not just because it was Sans being serious but because you had no idea what it meant. Finally, after a long pause, he answered.
"Let's just say..." He returned to his regular goofy grin. "I know how to do a lot of things. Some being Sans-ational!"
"Sans! I thought you were being serious!"
"Heheh seriously though, but I can't tell you just yet, you'll learn eventually"
"Why not now?"
"Because. that would ruin it!" Sans looked down, his smile getting smaller and smaller.
"Sans? Come one, let's go to Grillby's!" You nudged him, snapping him out of his thoughts,
((Hello reader! I bet you were expecting an Undyne Vs Y/n fight weren't you. Well that's next chapter!! I have the majority of it planned out so it shouldn't take too long to write but I want to play the Sims so I'll write it tomorrow! I honestly didn't think this story would get more than 1,000 reads because there were so many better ones to read but you chose to read mine and now it has something like 7,000! Thanks you for that! In fact, I was looking back on this and I remembered when I got 500 reads! That didn't seem that long ago at all but now it's about 14x that and that's amazing!
I actually have nothing else to say... Um... Oh! Thank you to PyroDragon_01 for drawing my Oc! Go and follow them because they are really nice and a great dragon artist who deserves more followers!
That's all I have to say today, I'm going to play The Sims now! Until next time!
~Lilian Out))
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