Chapter Eleven
"Well... Let's go" the three of you walked up to the fish-like house. Sans turned left and hid whilst you and Papyrus knocked on the door.
"Oh, Papyrus. You're late"
"YES BUT YOU SEE, I WANTED TO BRING A FRIEND WITH ME TODAY AND SOME THINGS GOT IN THE WAY, HER NAME IS Y/N" Papyrus said then gestured to you. Undyne gasped, a blue light forming in the shape of a spear in her hand.
"You're the human I have been searching for-"
"You mean... You knew where they were the whole time!"
"And you didn't bring them to me and the Royal Guard?"
"Papyrus! You- ARG!" She slammed the door shut but after about a minute, opened the door again.
"Just come inside..." She said through her teeth. "Let's get this over with..."
You walked through the fish-like house, and was surprised to see it looked surprisingly normal. There was a small kitchen at the back of the room with a small blue door in the left corner, a black piano to the left and to the right, a square tables and a huge sword like one from an anime. The walls were covered in a blue wallpaper with pink polka dots and the floor was tiled with blue and yellow. You put your back against the wall and layed on it.
"Papyrus?" She called.
"Can I talk to you for a moment? In private?" She asked
She walked over to a door and let him inside, however, she didn't walk in. Instead, she shut and locked the door.
"UNDYNE?" You hear Papyrus' muffled voice through the door.
"Wait, Papyrus. I have to do something important!" She shot a glare at you but you stared at her and smiled slightly.
"Why are you here!?" She asked, her tone was colder than the air in Snowdin. "To rub your victory in my face? To shock me again? What!?" The more she spoke, the harsher her voice got.
"No! Not at all! I just wanted... To... Um..." You had never found talking so hard since you last saw Toriel!
"I don't want to do any of those... I just wanted to be... friends?" You looked downwards, avoiding all eye contact.
"You think it's that easy, punk? You're the only thing stopping us from escaping this hell and you want to be 'friends' like that!? Sure let's be besties and frolic in fields of flowers! NOT! If Papyrus wasn't through that door, I would have killed you there and then! Would a 'friend' do that!?" You shook your head.
"That's what I thought... Now get out of my-"
"DANG WHAT A SHAME! I THOUGHT UNDYNE COULD BE FRIENDS WITH Y/N BUT I GUESS I OVERESTIMATED HER. SHE'S JUST NOT UP TO THE CHALLENGE!" Papyrus said, Undyne's expression changed into a different kind of anger.
"CHALLENGE!? WAIT- Dammit... He thinks I can't be friends with YOU!? Fuhuhu what a joke! I could be friends with a wimpy looser like you any day! I'll show him! I'll make you like me so much! You won't be able to think of anyone else! Fuhuhu! This is the perfect revenge!"
She gave you a wide grin. "Why don't you sit down?"
"Um... Can I look around a little first?" You said quietly. She was probably the scariest fish you had ever seen!
"Sure" You walked over to her piano first, "What? Were you expecting me to serenade you?" You shook your head then tried to play something but pressed a couple of the wrong keys.
"No! You play it like this!" Undyne walked over to your side then sat at the piano and began to play. She was really great at it! "Arg! You got me to play for you... Just... Look at something else!" You wanted to play but you knew Undyne would probably kill you so you moved onto another object.
After looking at everything, you went back to the piano. Undyne was a little nicer now. "Do you have something to play?" She asked. You suddenly heard a door open then a quiet 'Nye he he' Coming from outside. You knew Papyrus had escaped. "I completely forgot about Papyrus! Stay here!"
She ran outside then looked around. "Where'd he go?" She asked herself then shrugged and walked inside. "You can play now" She said then gestured to the piano. You sat down then began to play. You only knew two songs but it was enough to surprise Undyne. "Hey I know that song!" She walked over to you and sat on the stool at the piano. "Here, you play this part and I'll do this" She began to play along with you, it sounded amazing! "That was great!" She wasn't that bad. "But you have to play with more PASSION!" Her eyes lit up with something you could not tell, but you knew what it meant. 'Oh no...' You thought, mentally sighing. She began to aggressively play, although the song was soft and pretty, not violent and rough. "Um, Undyne? It's meant to be softer... Like this" You began to play but, like Undyne told you to; with more passion. She watched in amazement as your fingers gracefully glided over the keys.
After a couple minutes of playing, you finally finished and stood up. "Well... That's all I have" You said. "I should probably go..." Just as you turned around, a spear shot at you, merely missing your chest. You froze.
"You're not going ANYWHERE!" Undyne yelled. "We haven't even had a chat yet!" She grinned at you. You nervously sat down on the one seat by the table. "Here, I'll get you a drink" She went to the fridge then set out some things across the surfaces. "Choose what you want and I'll make it for you" You stood up but a spear was shot your way. "SIT DOWN! You're the guest so I'll get it for you. Why don't you use the spear to choose?" She scared you sometimes. "I'll have..." You looked at the selection of drinks then picked up the spear and pointed to a small box. "The tea please...." The spear was extremely light! Undyne nodded and began to make it.
You and her chatted until it was time for you to go. "Thank you, I've actually really enjoyed myself... But I have to go now..." You said. Undyne didn't act very positively to this. "NO!" "Undyne I have to-" "No you must stay! We haven't did so many things!" You shook our head. "ARG! STAY OR FIGHT ME TO LEAVE!" You widened your eyes, she was so eager to fight! You shook your head but she shot a spear at you, you didn't want to fight but some part of you did! You said quietly that you didn't want to fight but you knew it was the only way to go so you formed a small ball of lightening in you hand and shot it at her with full force! You didn't mean to, it just flew out of your hands! The bolt hit her square on, pushing her back into the wall. You put your hands over your mouth, did you hurt her? Did you KILL her!? As you hesitantly walked up to her, Sans crashed through the door with a violent blue light surrounding his hands and right eye. He looked at you and your hands, still glowing f/c from your bolt, then turned his attention to Undyne, back against the wall, a couple of racks from where she had hit it with such a force. He looked back at you, mixed emotions in his one eye. "Did you do this!?" He asked, his voice was different. You looked at your hands. "Y/n..."
"You're gonna have a bad time"
((Hello! Sorry for having to do such negative things, I will post the next chapter tomorrow maybe? I have no idea, I have school, rules are strict and I currently miss my bed. I hope you liked this chapter, there may be a fight between you and Sans, like I said in the comments, you are going to have a bad time so your time might be now! Who knows I could surprise you! Thanks for 11k as well! I missed 10k so here we are! It was 7 last time I checked so I'm surprised! Thank you! Bad times are ahead and you're going to have one!
And I will to if I don't sleep soon so that's all and good night!))
~Lilian Out!
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