The Housekeeper part II
It seems that Nexus might have carried away a little bit for the two teams except the first one. But frostcore and the others might think its fun to hunt and to finish the quest rather than to be bored. And to be honest, not every chores we decide is easy because every chores depends on whatever the situation it can be dealt among the rest. In time the three teams split up and look for their requirements needed to accomplish. 1st team went to check, the 2nd team went on and hunt while the 3rd team became a legend by finding the rarest materials needed for the blacksmith to forge something special.
Axl: im always ran out of luck.
X: isnt that supposed to be a supertitious belief? Why would you have a luck if its not real?
Zero: that actually depends on the crazy one. Apparently its no use of using the goodluck charm either. Cuz its been made as an accessories.
X: yeah your right.
Axl: aww. But its my charm. T^T
Zero: get over it axl come on. We've got work to do.
Ax: alright.
And so the 1st team became agitated by their work because they were bored after the first chores was done. Meanwhile the 2nd team seems to be neutral after the defensive integrity of the quest from shen gaorens attack.
Crimson Lance: give everything you've got team. This thing needs to fall.
Frost Phantom: TIMBER!!!! *swing his frost scythe at the legs of Shen gaoren*
Storm Axis: HAILING THUNDERSPEAR!!!!! * shoots out billions of thunder spears*
*after shen gaorens defeat*
Crimson Lance: aww man, how come you guys didnt told me this element of surprise you've two been making?
Storm Axis: *ahem* its our secret to our final technique. But with you, it is an ultimate.
Frost Phantom: that is why our trusted movement should w8 until the ultimate monster we faced can be even deadlier than this mountained crab.
Crimson Lance: *sigh* all right.
And so the 2nd team manage to defeat the mountain crab in order to protect the fortress. While they are on the quest or challenge rather, the 3rd team doesnt seem to be having problems on their tracks. Apparently, they've discovered the talons made from the lao-shan scales that increases their defense and strength. They made it to the finals and they are ready to face Nakarkos, the Skeletal Elder dragon of the demon knight.
*at the camp*
Silverfrost: hey guys i have a question.
Darkfrost: what is it?
Silverfrost: is it really true that if you've become a pervert one, can it also gains an ability to use powers too?
Darkfrost: thats ridiculous.
Nuke: yeah and it only happens on every episodes of some anime weirds and stuffs. And besides the "reader is paying attention to our conversation here". So try to lower your creative and the imaginative thinking to yourself?
Silverfrost: sowi. Sowi Mr.Reader.
(Referring you of course)
Mr.Reader: *insert your reply here*
(Why do i even bother to make this. XDD)
Darkfrost: if only the dragonator were there, we wouldnt have any problems at all.
Nuke: yeah. Thats true.
Silverfrost: hey guys look what i've just found.
Darkfrost: what the!?
Nuke: where did you get that!?
Silverfrost: general did. Thanks general. *waves at the sky*
???: no problem. Btw...
Young sailor: yes sir?
???: have you seen my dragonator?
The 3rd team have something may have in touch with the dragonator on their hands. But they hid it somewhere so that the guild nor the general wouldnt know where could have the dragonator been placed now. Unfortunately the general had a lost sense of his mind when he keeps asking about the dragonator.
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