Long chat
*At the throne room*
Darkfrost: hey axl.
Axl: oh hey Dark. Can i help you?
Darkfrost: is X there? I need him to give me some coordinates for the next briefing. Apparently it took me 2 days to finalize the report for our meeting.
Axl: well Nexus won't be here later on. Because he had some sort of extensive provisional care for the foundation day of the poor people's day at the Gahama village. Full of poor people there.... makes me feel like I wanna hug them all.
Darkfrost: aww thats sweet of you.
Axl: so how are you and Princess Aureate today?
Darkfrost: she's happy and i'm happy. That's all i could say.
Axl: you know, getting a princess can be really hard. Come to think of it, why do you like her at the first place? Just wondering.
Darkfrost: she felt intrigue as when the last time she felt her brother's oresence i guess. But the truth is.... i'm in love with her. You know how it feels when you share your feelings to someone who would care for you.
Axl: true.... true. She can be strict right? Or natural. I can't even tell if she is strict.
Darkfrost: she's not that strict dude. She's gentle, smart, beautiful... as the flowers bloom at her. *sigh* with that smile of her face, i can almost feel like she's.... umm.... i don't know what to say.
Axl: say no more. I can understand you there. You and her can be shipped and to be sailed and ride along the sunset.
Darkfrost: but do you think me and her can be like together forever?
Axl: it depends.
Darkfrost: depends on what?
Axl: it depends on how strong can your both hearts be like this longer before you two get tired of loving each other.
Darkfrost: sounds like a bitter part there.
Axl: i know. But the fact is, life can be this way. Even for the real love, things can be tough in the end. Even though the sentiments of the persons life is the remain quantity, he or she remains the love to be contact by another. Meaning the closest thing in their quantity is the love.
Darkfrost: oh ok. So what's it like to be a reploid?
Axl: tough, but smart enough to counter the enemy's attack with every direction it make.
Darkfrost: oh.
*computer beeping*
Axl: coordinates received. We have a visual fugitives. Seven of them... four went to east, while the three spread out through the tunnel.
Darkfrost: what are they up to?
Axl: i guess we should say its an "infiltration". But it won't gonna happen. Cuz i've got a secret weapon to trap them all inside.
Darkfrost: what secret weapon is that?
Axl: it's a secret dude. Haven't you learn about keeping a secret without telling anyone about it?
Darkfrost: hey i told you my secret.
Axl: wait what was that again? Hmm.... *2 minutes later* hmm....
Darkfrost: OH COME ON!?
Axl: what was that again?
Darkfrost: the one awhile ago. Don't you remember?
Axl: nnnope. My brain deleted the last message.
Darkfrost: dude... nvm.
Axl: hahaha!!! Got you there.
Darkfrost: yeah i know that. Let's just get this over with.
Axl: ok
X: hello fellow readers, its me X and these are my two best buds axl and zero.
Zero: hey
Axl: sup
X: you wanna know how did we get here? Allow us to tell you all our story on how we've met nexus before we left the Maverick hunters hq.
Axl: when nexus visit the hq, we've been called by commander signas for some important discussion at the meeting room. Perhaps that could have been the only reason why nexus was there too.
Zero: nexus took us as part of the noble knights of the galaxy. He had seen our reputations aside from training.
X: and many things had happened since the maverick hunter hq isn't running well. Lately, few mavericks have been scattering around at the city searching for reploids to be kidnapped. And ever since nexus was there, he helped us by supporting our hq in order to maintain proper management.
Zero: and ever since we've been chosen as the knights of the galaxy, nexus said that we can always go back there to visit or to stay. As long as if her ever needs us, we'll be there no matter what.
Axl: and you know what else is awesome? The portals.
X: that's right axl. Nexus developed some prototype yet useful weapon too called the "Cypher buster". Cypher buster was developed by the galatech corp or industry.
Axl: Galatech or Galactic techonologies. It is an industrial company build to design weapons and specialized all items aside from products that came from markets. The Galatech Industries were the ones who manufactured most of the future techs like gadgets or tv's.
Zero: they're also under nexus' Director of the company. How weird is that?
X: i know right. Well nexus had so many works like we dont even know if he is tired for that. Well anyways, the Cypher buster is an update for my buster though. It has a higher rate for charge shot and it can scan any elemental materials like lava or ice and other types of elemental materials.
Zero: so the reason also why nexus chose us, it's because he believes that we have the potential to protect this world without failing. So from there, we went to his place and bam. We all live there together.
Axl: yup.
X: that's all the information that you want know. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this novel and by getting interested. Hopefully you give support for the author of this story. Until then, see you in the story.
Zero and axl: *waves a goodbye*
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