Galactic Monster
*Back in the kingdom, the 11 knights took their long rest for the day*
Zock: your majesty. A letter was sent here and its for you sir.
Nexus: hmm.... *reads a letter* I see. Call the others for some important details that i must discuss it for them.
Zock: yes sir.
*3 mins. later at the royal throne room*
Nexus: Good morning everybody. I do hope you all had a wonderful sleep. Because today, i have some important details to discuss. The Councilors of the Galaxy offered all of us a part time work at the academy. As the headmaster of the school "which is me", and the rest of you are the professors of that place. This could be the opprtunity to train the students as hunters for them to become a successor in the future.
Axl: hold on. Why did they offered us a job if we dont even know what to teach those students.
Nexus: not to worry axl. We just need to prepare things before you even complain about it. Besides, the professors are professionals am I right?
Frostcore: true. I never doubt at being a professor. As long as you teach professionally, i can guarantee that this could help the learners to achieve more.
Darkfrost:that is so true frost.
Frostcore: why thank you dark.
Nexus: alright enough. Later this afternoon will have a tour, so please make sure that all necessary things that you want to do must not be involve in some violations. Just in case alright? I think we're clear here. Any clarifications? Now i'm going to explain the requirements for the Academy. But first let me introduce to you *opens the hologram* the Galactic Hunter's Academy.
Everyone: woah..... so cool
Nexus: as you can see, the academy runs over a hundred sections and levels of the school. This indicates the level of students learning adaptabilities for them to take their course into the next level. From there, the school has a huge library that lets you walk up to 15 miles. The place there was huge and tall, so the rest of the books are there and plenty of them were established.
Frostcore: nice.
Nexus: now moving on to the next place. The school campus is the largest set for the grand entrance, it comprises 35 pillars inside the hallways. And the statue there was the creator. Bestowed upon to be the guardian. Now as you can see, the hunter's academy was build 100 years ago by the Last Paladdin knights of the golden phoenix under the procision of the three continents that supports this school. So by then, all the race have been established by my rules of equality. As in all of them.
Zero: woah...
X: he just blew my mind.
Nexus: not so fast. Their canteen is the successful one too. Because of the top 50 cuisines, everyone is enjoyed to eat and its free. So now our requirements to the Hunter's Academy is the interview from the Councilors of education, examination programs and the papers of academic rules of this school.
Darkfrost, wait hold on. Why do we need that kind of requirements nexus?
Nexus: because that would hold almost the rules and regulations of the school. Especially the subjects that we can use to promote a benefits on running the school for the reputation. On top of that, our school's main division program.
X: what's that?
Darkfrost: it's about the school's field of study. Wherein the question is "what's our main topic of this school. What is it all about?".
X: oh. Sounds hard though.
Nexus: but good enough try.
Crimson lance: i guess that sounds good to me. Even i felt like to go back to school.
Nexus: very well then. I've ask them for extension until a week.
Zero: a week. Why?
Nexus: i'll have to finish the book of academic rules to the Hunter's academy.
Frostcore: we'll help you out at anything nexus. Just let us know.
Nexus: thank you guys. Our meetings here is over. I'll have some other things before we start another meeting. So in the meantime guys, be prepared for interview with the councilors. They may be strict in the eyes, but they are confident to speak gently without a pressure.
Silverfrost: no frets. Just say something and everything is gonna be fine.
*1 week later*
Silverfrost: i take that back. I cant speak.
Darkfrost: relax. Nexus got this.
1st councilor: all rise in the honor of the 11 knights of the galaxy. You may take your seats gentlemen. Your majesty, you can take your seat here. So for today, the offers you have heard from the emperor was not simply that easy correct?
*they nodded*
1st councilor: good. So first things first we have to ask the emperor nexus' academic book for the Hunter's Academy. Your majesty why is your book entails about the histories of the monster hunter?
Nexus: it is the nostalgic rule as the way it needs for the better future to uphold the legacy of the ancestral Paladdin Knights of the Golden Phoenix. Knowing that monster hunter is the tradition for hunting monsters. I've also have the source of it. It came from earth since historical times before the future.
1st councilor: some of your IST personel have the potential to handle this. Are you sure about this your majesty.
Nexus: yes.
2nd councilor: and you have selected these categories as part of education for your academic position: "International Mathemathics, Geometric Sci-cal and pre-calculus, Engineering industries for academic systems, the economic histories of the Galaxis, Physical Education regarding to Academic Hunting System, Home Cuisines from the history, all basic and advance from what i have mentioned earlier as in all of them, let see. Learning an international languages for education purposes, learning blacksmiths, advance alchemist, archery and gunner classes, melee weapon combat trainings and the Biological histories of the galactic monster. This is very complicated for a "monster hunter" education *chuckles*.
2nd councilor: i do hope you know what you're doing your majesty.
Nexus: yes i do councilors.
1st councilor: I am very quite astonished by these chosen categories your majesty and thank you for the soft copy of your book. We'll established this right away. The 10 knights we'll have an interview after lunch so be prepared.
Axl: we will.
Zero: that was awesome nexus.
Darkfrost: yeah dude. Im proud of you
Nexus:aww thanks guys. I couldn't have done it without you all.
X: hugs!!
Everyone: hugs!! *and stops hugging*
Frostcore: so now what?
Darkfrost: just eat until the interview.
Silverfrost: alright then. Time to get something to eat.
*suddenly commander alpha ran towards nexus*
Commander Alpha: YOUR MAJESTY!!! *bows quickly*
Nexus: easy commander. Tell me what what happened?
Commander Alpha: the galactic monsters have breached the Galactic HQ.
Axl: WHAT!?
Zero: that can't be.
Darkfrost: how is that even possible?
Commander Alpha: we don't know how sir. But the only thing that happened that time is the explosion coming from the outside. Some yellowish looking goo was the one that destroys the barrier of the ship.
Darkfrost: yellowish goo?
Nexus: the corrosion. One of the deadliest substance used to create an explosion depending on the size and its impact.
X: we have to stop them. Who knows what would have happened if we let that thing crossed the ship so quickly.
Frostcore: not to mention our navigators.
X: ALIA!!!!
Zero: LAYER!!!
Nexus: and so are the rest. We have to go now. Our interview here is over guys.
All: right.
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