Chapter 4 - Atlantis
Akio Stoneheart watched as her best friend, Kariah-Belle, attacked the defenseless punching bag with the ferocity of a jinxra. With every hit, the caramel skinned young woman snarled. Sweat trickled down her brown skin.
Most around her would see a young woman working to stay in shape. However Akio could see the pain and anguish in each strike.
The pale-skinned young woman knew her friend was dealing with a heavy burden. Lives were lost to rescue her from the vympiri lord and Akio could tell it weighed heavy on her heart.
Though her face didn't show it, she hurt for her best friend. Despite her tough and playful exterior Akio knew Kariah was in pain. Though she was blowing off steam now, Akio doubted it wouldn't be enough. It would only be a matter of time before she snapped.
Lax-Rim entered the room. He gazed around the gym as he made his way over to where Akio was leaning against a silver wall.
"This underground city is amazing." The redhead said. "Stocked dinning halls, homes, and gyms. It's freaky how a place like this exists and no one knew about it.
Akio nodded in agreement. Her love interest had a point. According to her mentor, this place is supposedly hundreds of years old. Yet nearly everything sparkled and shined. It was like this place was made specifically for emergencies such as the one mankind is facing now.
"How is she?" Lax-Rim asked as he watched Kariah-Belle continue to hit the bag. Her brathing started gettting heavy but she never missed a beat.
"More or less the same." Akio answered.
"Figured as much. First the ordeal with Dracula then her long lost brother goes missing."
No one knew what happened to Kaden Nadire. The Master Knight disappeared from Atlantis without a trace. Not only that but she still blamed herself for the lives taken to save her from Dracula.
Kariah-Belle let out a snarl and the two looked to see the brown-haired young woman hit the bag with a mana hull surrounding her. The bag was tossed from the chain that held it and fell to the floor. Her curly hair bounced when she leapt onto the bag and began pounding away.
"Oh boy." Lax-Rim said rushing over.
Akio followed closely behind. On Lookers gave a confused look to the young woman yelling and pounding against the bag.
Lax-Rim caught Riah's fist before it slammed into the bag again. The thing was nearly destroyed with the oddly colored stuffing visible through the seems.
Her head snapped to them and Akio could see the stream of tears that ran down her cheeks.
"Ri, you need to calm down." The redhead said softly.
She looked as if she would shout at Lax-Rim but Akio spoke before she has the chance. "This won't bring them back. This won't help us find Kaden."
All the anger was completely replaced with remorse and loss as she began to bawl into her hands. Akio knelt down in front of her. She wrapped her arms around her and Kariah-Belle leaned into the embrace.
The two stayed like that a moment before Akio said, "Let's go grab a bite to eat. A good meal might cheer you up a bit."
The emerald-haired Knight was sure her friend would agree and to no surprise, Riah nodded against her shoulder.
"Great," Lax-Rim exclaimed. "I could go for some dumplings."
Some time later the trio sat in one of the large dinning halls that Atlantis housed. Akio was more than impressed with the underground city. The material used for the buildings were synzium. A rare stone with a silver-golden color. Though there was no sun, the sparkling structures provided plenty of light.
Most buildings towered high even though they were underground. Almost all the buildings served as apartments. Some people found empty spots to set up trading post. Akio figured the people wanted something that would distract them from what was taking place on the surface.
Inside the dinning hall were rows upon rows of tables and chairs. Near each wall was a buffet that one could take from. Chefs and their help, prepared meals with the tools that were provided and the rations that were stored during the evac.
This place was fit for living and Akio knew they would be safe here for some time according to her mentor.
Who built this place? She thought. Was it built specifically to hide from the Darkness?
"Wow Ri. You really put it away." Lax-Rim said chuckling at Kariah-Belle.
"Throwing a tantrum takes a lot out of me." Kariah-Belle said blushing a bit. "Listen guys, about earlier... I'm sorry, something inside of me just snapped and I-"
"Don't mention it, Ri. If anything you should apologise to that punching bag. It didn't stand a chance."
Kariah-Belle giggled a bit. Lax-Rim returned her smile with that goofy yet charming grin of his.
Akio felt her heart thump in her chest. Though most couldn't tell, Akio held much love for the reckless redhead sitting across from her. It was hard for most people to read her since she struggled with displaying emotions.
However Kariah-Belle could read her easily. She was looking at Akio with a knowing smile which earned her forced smirk.
Lax-Rim looked between the two young women, confusing etched across his face. "What is it? Is there something in my teeth?"
The young man began using his tongue to check for any pieces of food that may have gotten stuck.
Kariah-Belle was trying very hard not to laugh. If Akio could laugh she would be rolling on the floor right now. It was like watching a pup chase its own tail. Adorable.
Her mind flashed with Lax-Rim coming to her rescue. He had taken a back row seat to a fight against powerful opponents to make sure she and others had reached safety the day of the evacuation. If not for him and the other reinforcements, Akio would be dead.
Wanting to express her love, she walked over and sat in his lap. Kariah turned around on the stool while the Stoneheart heart gave a passionate kiss to her lover. She was sure anyone nearby could hear the smacking of mouths and didn't care. She stopped caring when Lax wrapped his arms around her and kissed back.
Abruptly, she got up and sat next to Kariah who was grinning from ear to ear. The two women fist bumped.
Lax-Rim gave them a confused look. Not knowing that long ago, the two had sworn to each other they would always look out for Lax-Rim.
Before he could finish, the entire dinning hall began to stir with whispers and murmurs.
Akio looked to see Iris, Van, Himeko and a few Divine knights walk through the large double doors.
Normally, the famed Knights would be surrounded by fans, asking questions and for autographs. Akio guessed it was do with what was going on above ground. Some had warmed up to living in the beautiful city of Atlantis but still gloom was a disease that touched even the most cheerful of hearts.
Still, children were in awe of the Knights. They were heroes after all.
The newly arrived Knights spotted Akio's group. They made their way over, the looks on their faces said they weren't here to socialize.
"We need to talk." Van said.
Akio walked with the group of Master Knights behind their superiors. The other Junior Master Knights had no idea what was going on and was just as baffled as her.
She couldn't help but wonder why after nearly five days of hearing nothing, did the veteran Knights desire an audience with the Master Knights present.
Finally the group entered a round room and Akio spotted senior master knights. Kyanè and Aya were beside each other. Kyanè, the sky blue-haired young woman gave her a weak smile. Normally she was bright and vibrant, often to the point of being obnoxious. Akio could see in her crystal blue eyes that she knew what this meeting was about.
Van, Himeko, Iris and four Divine Knights stood in the center. The Master Knights stood around them, eager to get any short of information.
Master Van cleared his throat before speaking. "I'm sure you all have questions. Let me start by saying this; we have taken a loss. The Darkness, the creatures we've all heard legends about have taken our homes. They attacked our evac fleets and took many lives. I'm not gonna lie. Things are looking grim. However, our very own Star Titannia has proposed an idea that may just drive the Invaders back."
He then gestured to Iris who stepped forward. Everyone tuned in.
"There is a weapon out there that could aid us in taking back our homes. It's an ancient weapon known as the Key of Atlantis."
Whispers went around the room. Akio knew of this weapon. It was one her father had told stories of. No one knew what the weapon actually did but it was told to have aided in the battle against the Darkness long ago. According to her father, it was only a story.
"The Key of Atlantis?" One Master Knight questioned. "Isn't that just a myth?"
"It very well could be." Iris answered.
More whispers. It was obvious the crowd was becoming increasingly unsure of their leaders decision making skills.
"How is a fabled weapon supposed to help us now?" Another Knight said.
"We will find it and use to destroy the Darkness."
"Find it?" Said a young woman. "Do you mean go above ground? With those things running around up there?"
"Listen, fable or not that weapon is our only chance to claim our home. Aside from that, it will be only a matter of time before they find this place."
She was right. Akio and everyone else knew it. Though Akio also knew what everyone was thinking.
The rations here would only last about two years.
Iris nodded. "Now that we're all on the same page, we will be splitting you all into eight platoons. Seven of which will search for the legendary weapon. The eight will be dealing with a problem in the ice lands of J'covia."
Akio noticed Six Guns Zero looked slightly annoyed at the mention of the region.
"A few villages there have lost communication with the Four Nations a few days before the evacuation. Some of you will be sent to investigate, find out what went wrong and bring back any survivors. You will be giving your platoon leaders via Holopad."
"What of Kaden?" Asked Kariah-Belle.
Iris's features softened. Most of the Knights had heard of the lost Nadire's disappearance. Though most had no idea he was a Nadire. It was no surprise Kariah-Belle would ask.
"A search team has already been put in place." Iris answered.
"Am I on it?"
"No." Answered Iris.
Kariah-Belle scowled. "Why not!?"
Now Himeko spoke. "Because you would be in the way if Darkness attacked. This search force is composed of elite Divine Knights lead by Holy Knight: Dragon Blade and holy Knight: Monster Sythe. You'd only slow them down."
Kariah-Belle's face sank into sadness. She knew the veteran Knight was right. She'd only be a liability if a battle with the Darkness accured.
"If you understand then you're going to love this. We have three days until we head out. In those three days we will push you harder than before." She then cracked her knuckles and gave the crowd a mischievous grin. "I'm looking forward to whipping your littles asses into shape."
Iris looked over the crowd. "If you thought your training was tough before then this very well may break you! Prepare for hell!"
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