Chapter 28 confession
Kariah-Belle Nadire was ecstatic. For the first time in history, humanity was flying through space. Not only that but she was in a room with real aliens. Speaking of which one of those aliens kept glancing at her. She had been told that intel was traded so he was probably curious about Kul.
"Long ago Kul grew five races from the dirt of a planet we call Zymaria: Angelli, Lycan, Vympiri, Cullumbi, and Fae." Alucard was telling the story of the mortal races. "To guide these newly formed sentient beings, the goddess created the five deities. The five mortal races lived in peace until the Nephilim attacked. The Nephilim come from beings known as Titans. The Titans serve Darqus, the dark god."
"So when do the Darkness come into play?" asked Kaden.
"The Darkness are an anomaly just like humans," answered Alucard. "They did not exist in the universe before."
"Uh the universe before?" inquired Iris.
"Yes. There is a stone tablet that states the five mortal races, the Titans and the Nephilim existed in a universe before our current one. Apparently, that universe was destroyed by Darqus and the Titans. This tablet is where we found Kul and Darqus."
"Wow, that's a lot to take in," Kariah-Belle confessed.
"Indeed. Enough of the history lesson. Why don't we mortals get to know each other?"
"Sounds good," spoke Iris. "Alright, guys find someone to mingle with. Try to forge bonds. We will be allies after all."
Kariah-Belle was happy to do so. Her mood soured when she saw the pink haired Vympiri that had kidnapped her only weeks ago.
She made a face. The Vympiri bared her fangs.
"Be nice you two," Iris told them. "We're on the same team now."
The Vympiri hissed and Kariah-Belle rolled her eyes. The two parted ways.
Kariah saw Kaden head straight for Ahmeal.
The queen slapped him.
"You idiot. How dare you do something so reckless! What if you hadn't came back?! You'd leave me alone?!"
Kaden gave her a sad smile. "I'm sorry my darling. I wasn't thinking."
"That's the problem. You never think!" Ahmeal pressed her finger against Kaden's head.
Kaden gave a sly smile. "Aw come on Meals. Don't be like that. I was doing what I thought best for humanity."
"Does that include being a dummy?" She asked.
Kaden didn't say anything. Ahmeal stared at him. Kaden looked almost afraid. The only time Kaden had that look in his eyes was when Iris wanted one on one training.
"I'm sorry I left you behind." he finally said defeated. "I'm sorry I was being selfish. I wanted to protect you."
Queen Ahmeal sighed. "I know you did Kaden but if you would've talked with me about it we could've sat and came up with a plan. You're always doing things on impulse. This is why the cancel wants you on strict super vision. I know you mean well but geez think it through before you act on it."
Kaden smiled. "I hear ya."
The Queen hugged him and smiled.
Kariah-Belle was glad the two made up. She wouldn't feel so bad when she gave Kaden a piece of her mind later.
The Knight made her way over to the Fae who had been occasionally watching her.
She stretched out her hand. "Hellooo. I'm Kariah-Belle. You arreee?"
"Ahrulius." he moved his glasses up his nose then shook her hand. He gave Kariah-Belle a once over then smiled at her. "Nice to meet you."
Her heart fluttered. His smile was goofy in an adorable way.
Kariah-Belle smiled brightly. "Nice to meet you too. So what's it like where you from?"
"Well, I was born on the grassy planet of Vernim-Prime."
"Why do I get the impression you've visited more than one planet?"
Ahrulius gave a shy smile. "That's because I have."
"Oh, my Kul. That is so cool. How many planets have you been to?
"Quite a few. So you're a Knight?" he asked.
"Why? Any particular reason why you chose this path?"
"I want a seat on the Supreme Council. To achieve that grand goal I need to gain merit."
He nodded his head in understanding. "I see. Isn't it scary? Being a Knight I mean."
"Hells yeah it's scary. I literally died on my last mission."
Ahrulius' eyes grew wide.
"Long story short, I'm alive thanks to Kul and my mom."
"Interesting. So you do have the goddess' power."
"Yup. What about you? Aren't you a Knight or whatever its called where you're from?" asked Kariah-Belle.
"No. I do serve in the Galactic Order however. I'm a simple scholar."
"So you're like super smart?"
He chuckled. "I don't know about super but I'd like to think I'm intelligent."
The chuckle was a small thing but it made her feel something she hadn't felt before. Was this love at first sight?
"Know any lightning craft skills?" Kariah hoped he knew what she was talking about.
"I know a couple," he nodded. "But I can't perform them. Maybe you could."
"It would be awesome if you could teach me?"
"Of course." He smiled. "Sounds like fun."
A new friend and teacher. Things were looking up.
She wanted him to laugh for her. Too bad she was no good at telling jokes.
"Knock knock." she started.
He gave a confused look. "Er, who's there."
"Alice," Kariah-Belle answered.
"Alice who?"
"Alice fair in love and war."
His confusion deepened as he thought about the joke. She was starting to feel stupid for having those words leave her mouth until he laughed. Her heart skipped a beat.
"That was delightfully corny," Ahrulius said as he composed himself. "I'm a sucker for corny."
"I'm as corny as they come." she inwardly cringed when the words left her mouth. "Actually, forget I just said that."
"Kariah-Belle, you are fascinating."
Kariah-Belle felt like she would melt. She grinned wildly and hoped she didn't look goofy.
Later, Kariah-Belle found herself in another room with Kaden, Iris, Monty, Akio, Kyanè, Van, Aya and Xex.
"We just got word," Xex began. "The ogres are taken care of but none of their prisoners survived."
"Dammit!" Monty shouted. "I knew we shouldn't have left them!"
Kaden looked like he was about to cry.
"Calm down Monty," Xex told him. "As a Knight, you must learn you can't save everyone."
"As a Knight, it's our job to try," he whispered.
Sir Van placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, you saved those you could. That's a win."
"It doesn't feel like it." Monty sulked. "Is that what you tell yourself to help you sleep at night."
Kariah-Belle could see the self-loathing in his stormy grey eyes. She hurt for her friend.
She also wondered if he was seeing his sister now.
"Yes." the older man replied. "We lost good men and women to the ogres, the fact that we're still alive is something to be grateful for. Take the win or else it'll keep you up at night."
Monty looked as if he wanted to say something else but decided against it. There was some silence before Kaden spoke.
"I-I'm resigning as a Knight. I'm turning in my cloak."
"What why?" Kariah-Belle asked urgently.
"I... In the labyrinth, I made a choice. I chose to save Rygilya over innocent lives." he began to cry. "I saved an enemy over the people I'm sworn to protect. I don't deserve to be a Knight."
There was a silence. Kariah-Belle didn't know what to say. She wasn't surprised at her brother's actions. She knew he and Rygilya use to be close. To be honest she wanted to tell him how stupid it was but knew he was already beating himself up.
She too had done something she regrets. Killing a defenseless man in cold blood.
She looked away at the memory. Mirage had nearly killed her but he'd looked so defenseless.
Ameal hugged him. "It's okay Kaden. If you can save Rygilya then it wouldn't have been for naught."
"I can't say I agree with your actions," spoke Xex "but you wanted to save a friend. That I can get behind."
"I don't agree with what you've done either." Kariah-Belle chimed in. She remembered her time with Rygilya. She knew Rygilya wanted to kill her brother. "It would've been better if Rygilya had died in that labyrinth. But I still think you're a hero. You did save all of mankind from Dracula after all."
Monty placed a hand on his shoulder. "We all have done things we aren't proud of, Kay. All we can do now is suck it up."
"Let this mistake confirm your resolve." Said Iris.
"I believe Rygilya can still be saved." Sir Van chimed in.
Xex nodded approvingly.
"This doesn't leave this room," Iris said looking at each of them.
Everyone nodded and Kaden sobbed in Ameal's arms. Kariah-Belle would take her brother's secret to the grave.
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