chapter 25 - The Request(edited)
Iris Eloclipse scanned her surroundings as she kept watch in a patch of gravel. The Master Knights sat around the campfire fire. Kaden strummed on his guitar while Aya sang. Her cadence matched the soft vibrations of the instruments.
Kaden loved music. He could play a plethora of instruments. Iris knew the guitar was his go to whenever he was distraught.
The song was about a girl lost from her home. She never makes it back. She makes herself a new home in the woods.
The group had left Katrina and entered the swamps of Kryvirian in search of Medusa's hideout only a day before with great haste. There was to be a gathering of high ranking Knights on order of the Supreme Council in two days.
A plan of action would be decided on what to do about that Darkness champion's warning.
Iris gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She and Van had trouble dealing with two champions respectively. They were nearly killed.
If an army of those things appeared, Iris was sure Laviria or any other nation would fall.
Even with the looming threat of The Darkness Iris put rescuing Kariah-Belle as first priority. If her hunch was right and Lilith really did bequeath Kul to the young woman, Dracula would be coming up with a plan to extract the goddess. If her hunch was wrong then Kariah-Belle would most likely be kept to feed Dracula, which may just be worse than death.
Just then Van returned from scouting the area. "Wailers are indigenous to this area of Zexus yet I haven't seen any, surely they'd sense our life force by now."
His silver and hazel eyes scanned the area.
"Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth," Iris said. "The fewer obstacles, the better."
"Agreed," Van said with a nod. He then looked at her, his eyes asking a question.
"I'm fine." She gave him a reassuring smile. "I believe we'll get Kariah-Belle back."
"Have you thought how you're gonna persuade Medusa to give you Dracula's whereabouts?"
"Yes." She stated plainly.
"Keep me in suspense why don't you." playful sarcasm in his voice.
"I have no idea how I'm going to bargain with her. Medusa is a force all her own so I doubt there's anything I could get her. I'll just have to hope for the best." She paused then added, "If that doesn't work, I'll just have to beat it out of her."
Van laughed. "Good ol' Iry. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that though."
Iris glanced back at their sleeping students and wondered if bringing them was the right move.
She couldn't leave Kaden alone with suspicion of a mole in their ranks. She was certain that he was what the Darkness were after and someone had tipped them off. If he hadn't been on that rescue mission, they would've had him.
"We won't let them get him." Van sensed her concern. "The Council will come up with a way to keep him safe."
Iris shook her head. "That's just it, Van. I'm not sure the Council can be trusted."
Van nodded his agreement. "For now, we'll just have to wait to see what plan of action we'll take during the gathering."
"Right." Iris said with a nod trying to reassure herself.
The other holy Knight placed a hand on her shoulder. "Get some rest. I'll take over from here. I'll wake up Akio and Aya to keep watch after."
He then pulled out a deck of cards and began shuffling.
"Alright." Iris said getting on her toes to kiss her longtime friend on the cheek. "Just shout if anything happens, got it?"
Van chuckled. "And wake you up? I think I'll take my chances with whatever's out there."
Iris giggled, shaking her head as she went to the area where the tents were located and stepped into hers. She opened the top of her tent and gazed up at the night time sky. The stars were visible through the thin leafless trees.
The holy Knight then pulled out her flask and took a swig, warm whiskey slid down her throat as tears began to flow down her cheeks.
Guilt and grief stabbed at her heart as thoughts of Kariah-Belle invaded her mind.
So did memories of Kaden's and Aya's childhood.
"Kariah-Belle, Kaden, Aya... I'm so sorry," she whispered, sobbing.
She thought she steeled her resolve.
She thought she'd put her feelings aside for the greater good.
She was wrong.
The holy Knight thanked Kul for the soothing elixir she was chugging.
The sun had risen when the group of Knights continued their search for Medusa's lair. Everyone stayed vigilant.
The ground had started to shake nearly an hour ago. It was similar to a small earthquake and everyone was sure something big was heading towards them.
Only one creature had this power. It would close in soon.
Everyone had their mana skeleton active. The master Knights would need to maxed.
Flocks of crows took off in one direction.
A herd of wild deerra moved with swiftness on the shaking earth thanks to the mana around their legs. Younger ones stumbling along the way.
The swamp inhabitants were on the fritz for a while now. Making a fuss as they ran in a freight.
"Uh.... Guys!" Kyanè shouted from the rear in warning. Iris turned, as everyone else to find Kyanè pointing to the distance.
"Vox Serpent!" Van shouted as a massive black serpent creature slithered towards them with great speed before pouncing at them.
It sailed a great distance through the air.
Everyone scattered in different directions.
Iris took in the location of every one. Not noticing the creature had sprouted multiple large arms and quickly changed its trajectory by pushing off before its body hit the ground.
Trees didn't stand a chance against the massive serpent.
Its mouth was wide and ready to engulf her and Van.
She barely had time to grab Van and warped just as the creature's jaws snapped shut. They were above the beast the next second. The two eyes on top its large head locked on to them. With unusual reaction time and agility, the beast flicked its large tail upwards and swatted the two out the sky.
The two holy Knights crashed into the ground, destroying trees and causing a deep crater.
"It really is a Vox serpent." Iris said getting to her feet, her voice held concern. "I thought they nested at the edge of Noxrelm region. What is one doing all the way out here?"
"Medusa I'll bet." Van sounded sure of himself. "Terror-beast don't migrate far so I'll wager Medusa tamed it."
Iris agreed. She did have the ability to hypnotize any serpent and force her will upon it. "Must be closing in on her lair." she said.
Strong winds made the water of the swamp splay and gust formed in the air. No doubt caused by the swift movements of the over two-hundred-yard-long serpent that had great height and width.
Iris took off in the direction they had come from, Van following closely beside.
The black-haired man preformed a partial transformation. Silver fur formed from his shoulders to his hands and from the knees down. Black markings appeared on the right side of his face.
A trait of the Lycanna family. He'd only entered the second stage as neither of them wanted to risk having low life force when confronting Medusa.
The two poured on the juice. Moving at a speed faster than sound when they finally saw the Vox Serpent doing battle with their students. The thing was slinging its massive body around with ease and fluidity. Thanks to its ability to grow huge arms anywhere on its body, it could attack in a variety of different angles.
She saw Kaden lose his footing due to the terror beast's earthquake trait. In the blink of an eye, he spun and activated his flame avatar. A sword of lightning knocked away the vox-serpents giant black hand.
Show off. Aya said in the Nurolink.
You ain't seen nothing yet. Kaden responded.
Iris summoned a sword of Stardust and warped above the beast. She dropped down fast as the serpent was coming down from an ascent.
It sprouted two large arms that tried to grab her. She spun mid-air to narrowly avoid being grabbed, then dodged the second by warping.
The animal sent several hands to grab her, but she maneuvered midair to evade capture.
Once close enough, she thrust her stardust sword at its head.
The blow was hard but the thing was durable enough that a stardust weapon of this heat didn't do any significant harm. Its durability was probably due to the mana it constantly exuded. The strike merely served to slam the beast against the ground.
Suddenly a hand sprouted right under where Iris was standing. Grabbing her before large arm sprung upwards from its head.
It put Iris over its mouth as she struggled in its grip.
"Tch." She clenched her teeth after realizing even with maximum output of her mana skeleton resistance was futile.
They don't call 'em terror-beast for nothing.
It lowered her down, its mouth opened wide. It planned on chomping off its own fist.
Van appeared and smacked the thing hard on the side of its face.
The creature would've been knocked a short distance away with Iris if not for Kyanè and Aya appearing near the wrist that held the holy Knight.
Aya had dawned her Stardust Queen armor and wielded a stardust sword. Kyanè with a blazing hot sword.
They cut its wrist.
The combined attack almost didn't severe the hand completely but freed Iris. She warped to Kyanè before another hand could grab her.
She landed in the swamp waters and saw Aya had warped near Van.
She found the trembling of the earth to have become stronger. Iris knew this thing could send out vibrations that shook the earth for a few miles. Lucky the arms it could form were not as tough as its body.
"Monty, Sink em!" Van shouted
Monty did as he was told. He plunged his scythe into the ground then clapped his hands together. Van mimicked him.
"Earth craft: Great Massive Sinkhole" they yelled in unison.
Van perfectly synced his mana output to the young man's
Monty was struggling to keep up.
Not bad Van. Iris said in the link.
The young man was hanging in there.
The earth opened in under the serpent. The creature sunk deep into a chasm.
"Everyone!" Iris yelled. "Hit em and hit em hard!"
The master Knight's pulled their best techniques.
"Lightning craft: Grand dragons lightning crown," Kaden called out. Dragon-like armor encases his skin on the left side of his body and at the same time, a full dragon avatar emerged around him. He aimed his lightning sword and large bolts of lightning crashed down from a cloud that had formed above.
Monty created large shards of a diamond-like mineral filled with mana. "Earth Craft: Great Dyminand barrage!"
Kyanè turned the shadow copycats into a black ball. Strong flames surrounded the ball and she shot them at the serpent.
"Stardust craft: Grand stardust Golem!" Aya shouted. A large figure made of stardust formed behind her. She then took it a step further and equipped it with Stardust armor and a stardust sword. The golem then leapt over her and banged into the creature stabbing it with great force.
Iris created a numerous massive shards of blue element. They used so much life force it caused her nose to bleed and her head to pound. She launched it at the serpent the same time van blasted a barrage of large wolf's heads made of light green energy encased in mana.
Everyone's attack crashed into the creature at the same time.
The group of Knights cautiously peeked over the man-made chasm. They looked down the deep hole to see a large pitch-black carcass.
"Nice!" Kyanè exclaimed. "That's what I call teamwork."
"Very well done." Iris said as everyone gathered.
"Using Stardust to add to the golems destructive impact was very clever." Kyanè said to Aya, nodding in approval.
"Thanks." She responded. "I'm envious of the heat. I see you've managed to surpass me yet again."
"Not bad, rookie." Kaden told Monty.
Monty nodded his thanks.
"I never thought I'd see you again. Van Lycanna." said a familiar voice.
Everyone turned to see a woman wearing black robes that had two stars shining brightly. She held a scepter with a snake coiled around it.
"Medusa." Van stated. "How'd you know where to find us?"
"My pet." She gestured to the large sinkhole the serpent lay dead inside. "I could see through its eyes. You know, before you killed it."
"Why have you decided to show yourself?" Iris asked. Her guard was up. She braced for any attack.
"That question has a simple answer. I seek refuge for me and my daughters." She stated plainly.
Van and Iris exchanged a look.
"Refuge?" Van questioned.
Medusa nodded. "I've heard of Their return. The Darkness. Alone we have no way of defending ourselves. We are desperate."
Iris wasn't surprised Medusa had heard of what went down a couple days ago.
Van and Medusa exchanged another look.
"Medusa," Iris began. "We will agree to give you refuge in exchange for Dracula's whereabouts."
It had been two days since Iris and the others returned to Kartrina. Today was the day the Supreme Council had called the rulers of the nations, and influential Knight's to gather. Iris was waiting for Van just outside the gathering room with queen Ahmeal, Kaden, and Aya.
"Master..." Kaden spoke, interrupting Iris from her thoughts. "This meeting... Will I be the topic of conversation?"
Iris didn't want to lie. She nodded. "You will be a topic. Yes."
"If I'm a topic, why am I not allowed to participate?" He questioned, sounding a bit aggravated.
He was on edge and Iris didn't blame him.
Aya placed a hand on his shoulder. "Kaden if anyone says something you won't agree with then there'll likely be problems. If that happens then the council may force you to stay under lockdown and constant supervision. You'll have no chance of being allowed to rescue Kariah-Belle."
Kaden stayed silent; Iris knew the young Knight didn't want his life to be dictated by others. He greatly valued free will. Potentially, having it ripped away was making him uneasy.
"Kay," Ahmeal said, reaching up to ruffle his hair. "Leave it to us. We won't let them keep you in a cell."
"You've got the Solar Queen and Star Titannia on your side," said Van with a chuckle as he approached. "Trust me. When they say leave it to them, leave it to them."
Kaden sighed but nodded. "Okay then." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll leave it to you."
Ahmeal smiled at him then kissed his cheek. "We'll tell you how things go," she said. "Keep your communications close."
With that Iris along with Van, Ahmeal, Kyanè and Aya entered the Gathering Chamber. Leaving Monty, Kaden and Akio to wait outside.
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