Chapter 20 - So they return(edited)
"Monty." Akio said with her arms folded.
The drakon peeled his lips from a young woman to look back at Akio. "Master Van wishes to speak with us."
Monty nodded. He gave the young woman a wink before telling her to be on her way.
Akio gave him a questioning eyebrow as the two made their way through the barracks. Akio normally didn't make other people's business her own but Monty had never seemed the type to sleep around. However the young man made quite a reputation for himself in the barracks of Zexus' capital. Akio's curiosity had peaked.
The Drakon shrugged. "It helps," he said softly. "If I stay occupied, I won't have to think of..." his voice trailed off.
His dead sister was still a sore subject.
Akio nodded. She understood that. She knew everyone coped in their own way. Besides that, it was better to have him kissing his comrades than snapping at them.
At first Monty would snap at the slightest things. He didn't take orders well for the first few weeks but somehow Akio managed to reign him in.
The two were never close back at the University so Akio had to wonder why he'd follow her commands. Maybe it was because they hailed from the same nation. Perhaps it was due to all the times she'd bested him whenever he would challenge her for her spot at Lyzria.
Regardless the reason, Akio didn't mind it. His skills were greatly needed and she was glad to be of use since she no longer had Kariah-Belle and Lax-Rim to look after.
For maybe the millionth time, her mind fell to the two closest to her heart. She hoped they were okay. She hadn't spoken to either of them since the month before.
"Ah, there you two are," said Master Van as Monty and herself entered the briefing room. "Akio, Monty. This is Iris Eloclipse."
The dark skinned woman shook Monty's hand after he bowed his greetings. She then smiled brightly at Akio. "We've met already, haven't we Ms. Stoneheart. I trust you're doing well."
Akio gave her superior a slight bow. "Yes Lady Iris. If you don't mind my asking, how's Kariah-Belle?"
"Oh she's wonderful..." She then glanced over to Van before adding, "It's your friend, Mae Lu who you should be worried about."
A small barely noticeable frown painted itself on Akio's face.
"She's been kidnapped by Vympiri. They plan to use her to get to Kariah-Belle."
"Let me guess." Monty said, interrupting. "Kariah-Belle couldn't help wanting to go rescue her friend." He chuckled. "Even when she knows it's a trap she'll run head first into danger."
"You let her go?" Akio asked.
Iris nodded. "She has Aya and Kaden. Your redhead friend and a divine Knight are accompanying her."
Worry filled Akio's belly.
Kariah-Belle had a tendency to rush things when someone she loves is in danger. If she couldn't keep her composer then she could end up right in their hands. Lax-Rim's temper alone could make him a liability...
"I'm going. Tell me where." Akio demanded.
"Akio, they're in Zexus. It's two days by air craft. The dust would have settled before you get there." Van informed.
Akio knew her master was right. They were in Laviria on a mission. Master Van wanted to stop at the capital to visit his long time friend, Star Titannia.
Iris placed a hand on the young woman's shoulder. "You're more than welcome to stay here and wait for word from them. If your master allows it."
"Of course. We have time to spare. Besides, we have some catching up to do." Van nodded.
"Thank you, master." Akio gave a slight bow. She then bowed to Iris. "Thank you as well, Lady Iris."
"No problem," Iris responded. "Please feel free to explore our lovely capital."
"Will do," Monty said with delight. "I've been dying for seafood."
He then extended a hand to Akio. "Care to join me?"
Akio knew she knew she couldn't spend all day worrying. Kariah-Belle had always told her that her tendency to worry would be the death of her before anything in Lore.
"Yeah." she said grabbing Monty's hand. "Let's go fill our bellies."
Some time passed by and the two master Knights found themselves sitting on a peer that overlooked the sea.
Akio sat across from the Drakon eating smoked Alquin trout on a stick. Akio was certain this was the best fish she'd ever tasted, even better than her mother's fish dishes.
Her mother had passed several years after her birth on the battlefield. She'd given her life to save a family of three. At first Akio had thought her mother foolish for not saving her own skin. It wouldn't be until her siblings and father gave their life for Akio did she begin to understand why her mother had sacrificed herself.
She closed her eyes as a memory of her mother passed through her mind, leaving as quickly as it had come.
She remembered the times when her father would tell her of his adventures as a Knight, and before long, Akio had gotten lost in her memories.
Her eyelids flung open when she felt something soft on the back of her head and a pair of arms wrap around her.
"Aaaakiiiiii," let out a familiar feminine voice. "Did you miss me?"
"Hello Kyanè," Akio said to her zealous senior. "Please lower your voice. You're drawing attention."
"Your constant cool demeanor is so cuuuuute!" Kyanè Laveil exclaimed as she rubbed her cheek against Akio's.
Monty snorted. "Obnoxious."
Kyanè glared at the Drakon. "What was that?"
"You heard me." Monty scowled at the biohuman. "I called you obnoxious."
Kyanè let go of Akio and made her way over to Monty. The young man stood. He was taller than her by about three inches. The two glared at each other.
Oh brother. Akio thought as she watched the two.
They stared each other down for a moment before the biohuman's lightly tanned arms moved in a blur. She grabbed Monty in a strong headlock faster than he could react.
"How about giving your senior a little respect." She told him grinning as she rubbed her fist vigorously against his scalp.
"Maybe I would if you weren't so damn obnoxious!" Monty exclaimed as he tried to get out of her grip.
"Says the guy going around kissing anything that moves."
"At least I'm not sexually harassing anyone!" Monty defended.
"It's not sexual harassment if she likes it. Right, my future lover?" Her crystal blue eyes looked to Akio for confirmation.
"For the hundredth time, my love belongs to another." Akio commented.
Kyanè's grin grew wide. "You say that now but you'll come around. They always do." She winked at her and Akio facepalm.
"Akio would rather be eaten by jackals than be your lover." Monty mumbled.
"Ha!" Kyanè blurted as she tightened her grip and rubbed harder with her fist. "You're just angry I'm not interested in little boys."
"I'm taller than you. I'm not little." Monty attempted to get away from Kyanè.
"That's not the word around the barracks back home."
Akio shook her head and facepalmed again as she listened to the two bicker. They often reminded Akio of Kariah-Belle and Lax-rim. She closed her eyes and a breeze played on her skin.
She hoped the two could rescue Mae Lu.
Akio's eyes flung open.
She felt as if her stomach was trying to tie itself into knots.
Anxiety gripped her.
She stood and scanned the area. Danger was near. This was a trait known to members of the Stoneheart branch and could be honed to be a formidable weapon in battle.
Kyanè stopped her bickering to watch Akio.
"What's up?" she asked letting go of Monty to glance around at her surroundings.
Monty rubbed his neck as he glared daggers at Kyanè.
"I don't know but something is coming." Akio answered. "Something very bad."
A shadow formed over them and the three looked up.
"I'm gonna go on a wild guess and say that's very bad." Kyanè stated.
Above them, a giant diamond shaped craft loomed over the capital. The thing was massive and had to expand over nearly half the city.
"That's no ordinary aircraft. What is that thing?" Monty said in awe.
"Not anything good." Kyanè answered.
Cylinder pods launched from the craft and plummeted towards the capital.
One crashed rather close, just behind a few buildings. The group exchanged looks.
Akio's heartbeat began to accelerate. Her stomach did flips.
The three hurried in the direction of the pod. They neared the shopping district where civilians were screaming, scrambling to leave the area. Akio could see the fear on their face as they pushed passed her in a panicked hurry.
She and the others got deeper into the shopping district. The crowd thinned so they had a clear view.
"Oh Kul," whispered Kyanè
Akio's eyes grew wide once she saw the corpses.
Blood and limbs stained the street, cars and buildings. Akio's eyes took in the massacre scene before landing on what she guessed was giving her a sense of dread.
Standing several yards away from them were creatures Akio had never seen before. They resembled Darklings but distinct differences could be seen. These creatures resemble velociraptors except with an upright spine. They wore high tech suits of armor. Some had rifles, others had swords and axes that were stained with blood.
The sight was frightening, sure but that wasn't where this feeling of dread was coming from.
Behind those creatures was a being that made Akio feel an emotion she hadn't felt since losing her father and siblings.
She knew what they were.
Darkness. The aliens that almost destroyed humanity over one thousand and four hundred years ago. That was one of their Champions.
Like the creatures in front of it, it's skin was midnight black. Unlike it's brothers, its head and face resembled a triceratops. It's armor looked to be molded into it's skin. It sported a cape that covered the right side of its body.
One of the foot soldiers peered down at a injured woman and reached for her throat
Akio saw Kyanè move. A amethyst mana hull flared to life around her.
She was beside the midnight skin creature within seconds, her amethyst and black hair moving in a blur. She threw a punch but the creature dropped it's would-be victim to catch her fist. The impact created a shockwave that kicked up dust.
"Shit," Monty said as his brown-gold mana hull flared to life around him, his scythe forming in his hand.
Shit was what Akio assumed they were neck-deep in. For that thing to easily catch her punch meant Monty and herself would need to fight seriously from the get-go.
Akio created her emerald green mana hull and pulled her dagger from the small of her back. Around her scaled fist, mana began to gather. She shaped the mana into a round shield that attached to her forearm.
The foot soldier tried to slash Kyanè but she dodged. The monster attacked with a fury of strikes.
Kyanè swerved them. She ducked one attack then pulled out a small device.
Flames ignited on both ends of the device and Kyanè slashed upwards as a scythe made of flames formed.
The flames cut through the monster and it's armor, the scorching fire leaving burn marks on the body. The young woman leapt back spinning her scythe in different angles before she landed in a stance.
Akio and Monty landed beside her.
"Be careful you two." Kyanè warned. "The slightest opening could be fatal."
Akio stole a quick glance at her senior. Her purple eyes were focused and serious. It was when an opponent was truly dangerous did she have that look.
One creature clicked with it's tongues and roared. The others roared in return. Then the velociraptor-like creatures charged at the trio.
Monty and Kyanè split, moving to attack from different positions and keep them off balance.
Akio faced three of the creatures. One swung its ax.
Akio swerved around it. The creature spun, swinging it's other axe in a downwards angle. She noticed the edge of the blade was covered in mana.
Akio barely avoided the weapon but managed a counter attack. She stuck her mana cloaked dagger straight through it's stomach with a grunt. The armor was tough but it felt as though it's skin was tougher.
"Akio! Jump!" Monty shouted.
She did just that. She took to the sky and a second later, the body of the monster she was just fighting was engulfed in flames.
She followed the trail of flames to see another of the midnight black monster using what looked to be a flamethrower attached to it's wrist.
They'd slay a comrade just to get a kill.
The monster launched itself at Akio. She barely had time to use her mana shield to block the creature's spear.
The attack pushed her into a building. She crashed through the wall and landed with a slide.
The beast then aimed it's flame thrower and a pillar of flames shot towards the master Knight.
Akio flipped to the side and threw her shield. The projectile soared through the air and smacked into the beast face, stunning it.
The Knight capitalized. She leapt forward and jabbed her mana coated dagger through its head. The two were carried out of the building and Akio found herself being attacked by two of the creatures.
Her mind drew a blank when she realized she couldn't react in time.
If not for Monty and Kyanè quickly dispatching the creatures, Akio would've taken heavy damage.
The three of them were now surrounded and even though their numbers had dwindled, the trio were greatly outnumbered.
I can do this. She thought, briefly closing her eyes, her father and siblings flashed in her mind. She opened them just as two of the beasts moved.
Akio met the creatures. She engaged all five in battle. This time keeping her guard up. She occasionally ran into Monty or Kyanè to pick off each other's foes.
She felt the ground shake beneath her feet as fighting broke out throughout the capital.
Several minutes went by when the battle was over.
Akio took in the scenery. Ruined buildings, destroyed cars, and dead bodies littered the streets. She looked around for the bigger creature with the cape but saw no sign of it.
The place should've been cleared as the alarms blared and an announcement came on directing civilians to evacuate to the nearest safe center. Other Knights in the vicinity would have helped civilians with safe passage.
Reinforcements were there to provide aid but none of them were divine Knights. Akio guessed they were taking on much fearsome opponents.
"Damn." The Drakon said between heavy breaths as he glanced down at the three arrows that pierced his left arm.
Kyanè wiped the sweat from her forehead. If not for her, she and Monty would be dead.
Akio wished she'd had the boost that came with their armor. Sadly their gear was back at the inn.
"Look!" One of the master Knights pointed.
Akio glared at the triceratops creature through one eye. The other was swollen shut. Her breathing was heavy, her head pounded as she gripped her dagger tighter.
It's purple cape flapped in the breeze as it stared down on them from atop a clothing building. It looked to be holding something in both hands.
The creature tossed the contents at them. Akio was ready to move but froze when severed heads fell at their feet.
"Divine Knights," Kyanè whispered, looking with horror.
Monty looked as though he was going to puke.
Every cell in Akio's body screamed at her to tuck her tail and take off in the opposite direction.
"Listen." Kyanè announced to the small group of master Knights. "You fought well but from here on out I'm going solo. Retreat and lead any civilians to a safe center."
"In your dreams." Monty stated. "No way am I leaving you with that."
"You'll only be in the way." She told them, her voice cool and even. Her fiery scythe transformed into a katana.
Short spiral black markings appeared down her body and face. Akio felt the incredible mana combing from her. She placed a hand on the ground and her shadow stretch in opposite directions.
Akio watched as the shadow connected with hers and a shadowy version of herself emerged from the ground, same with Monty's shadow. "I won't be able to hold back."
Akio knew being around when Kyanè used her branch's signature skill was dangerous. She couldn't control the shadow doublegangers very well. It was as if they had a mind of their own and the only thing they shared with Kyanè were enemies. If any one of them happened to be in the way they would get caught in the crossfire.
"I'm not leaving!" Monty shouted. "If we die here we die together. I'm not turning tail. Never again." He clenched his scythe. He leapt at the creature. "Never will I abandon my comrades!"
"Fool!" Kyanè shouted as she charged after him.
They closed the distance within seconds and attacked simultaneously.
The midnight being simply used it's thick tail to quickly swat away both attackers, sending them rolling along the ground
They regained their footing in front of Akio.
"I... It could've killed us." Monty said, his eyes wide with surprise. "It would've only taken him a second."
"Are you mocking us!?" He shouted in rage. "Take us seriously, damn you!"
"I do not wish to kill you yet, human." It said in a deep voice that sent chills down her spine.
Even Akio's eyes grew wide. None of them expected it to know how to speak their language.
"I sense great potential in each of you. I will let you retreat now so that I may kill you later. When you are stronger."
Kyanè blinked. "What?" she said obviously hearing what the creature had said.
"I did not expect humans to have such powerful fighters. Even on this planet, Knights are strong. I have never seen a skill like yours in the Galactic Order. Come mortal. Show me what you can do." He pointed to Kyanè.
"The Galactic Order?" Monty whispered. "What's he talking about?"
Kyanè smirked though Akio could tell she was bluffing. She knew the three of them stood no chance. "Very well. Remember you asked for it!"
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