chapter 15 - Welcome to the family(edited)
Akio Stoneheart roared as her glowing emerald green fist slammed into a large man's back.
A green explosion of mana boomed to life upon impact. The man was sent flying through a chrome pillar before crashing into a collection of crates. The man groaned but Akio was sure that the last attack was enough to keep him on his back for a while.
She swiftly spun on her heel and swung her jagged dagger to block a sword covered in black mana. The attack took her off her feet.
The black mana user sent a beam of black energy at her. Akio would've been hit if master Van hadn't jumped in front of her and deflected the attack. The beam blew a hole through a wall.
The Stoneheart once again spun on her heel and used her emerald dagger to deflect mana projectiles.
Three mana suit users and one Darklight user surrounded them.
Sweat beaded down her eyebrow. Her breathing was ragged, her lip was busted and her head pounded. Her emerald green armor was dented and her body ached in various places.
They had been battling these Talon members for some time now.
Master Van was sure to keep her from taking serious injuries.
To him, they were low level thugs.
To her, they were fearsome opponents.
Van dashed at the darklight user.
At the same time two mana suit users fired a volley of mana bullets.
Akio hopped around to evade the attack. One of them closed the distance with an axe that was powered by a mana tool. She narrowly ducked the blade aimed for her neck.
His suit differed from the others. The mana suit B-15 was a newer model. Made with Myethrian metal to better channel and conduct mana from the Tylion crystal that powered the suit. The metal was so rare even the Order of Knights had a hard time getting their hands on it.
She was stunned by a knee to the face that knocked her to the ground. She saw stars but shook it off quickly and managed to roll away. The ax dug into the ground where her head had been moments ago.
Her face met the back of his hand. The power from his suit sent her into the air. He then grabbed her leg and slammed her through a stack of crates that held illegal firearms.
She got to her feet. She wasn't beating this guy in a straightforward fight. She would have to be more strategic.
The model B-15 user lunged at her. She sprinted to the other enemies. They fired their weapons, but Akio deflected them before flipping over the Talon members.
Her heart thumped rapidly.
She landed next to one. She snatched a small orb from his belt, then kicked him into his comrade.
She leaped into the air, pressed a button on the orb, and threw it at the B-15 user.
It exploded in colorful mana that shook the old warehouse building.
She felt life force leave her when she forced mana into her emerald-scaled fist.
Akio then pushed off from the ceiling and flew towards him through the smoke.
He didn't see her coming.
The Knight planted her fist into his face. A green explosion of mana sent the Talon member tumbling along the ground.
The man laid there. That attack took the remaining mana the suit had to keep him alive.
The two remaining suit users were cautious as they closed in on her.
She collapsed and her mana hull shattered.
She had fought other darklight users and model B-15s since they busted up the illegal arms deal. She had nothing left in the tank.
They fired, but Van appeared in front of her.
Some parts of his body were covered with silver fur. He swatted every single projectile, causing them to be canceled out.
She had to admit the veteran Knight looked badass.
The gang members paused to reload but before they could, the holy Knight sent them both flying through a pillar.
They were down for the count.
Van reverted to normal. The intense mana coming from him disappeared when he turned to her.
"You're a Stoneheart alright." Her new mentor nodded approvingly. He extended a hand. "Let me call this in and we can start phase two of the initiation?"
Akio took his hand and he helped her to her feet. "What's phase two?"
Van grinned. "You'll see."
A few hours later, Akio lay topless on a tabletop. A needle dug into the skin of her pale back. She would wince every now and again as the woman holding the needle stitched a picture into her skin.
"Alright," said the tattoo artist. "All done. Take a look."
Akio stood. Van who had been beside her passed her a towel which she used to cover her breast. Like most holy Knights, Van had only one student who stood beaming at the young woman.
Van ordered Monty to stay at the barracks. He blamed himself for his sister's death and that self-loathing often erupted from him like an active volcano. Even Sir Van couldn't reign him in.
The young woman turned to look in a long mirror. On her back was a large wolf's head. The wolf appeared to be growling by the way its teeth were bared.
Akio never planned on getting a tattoo. The thought hadn't even crossed her mind. Looking at the one on her back now the young woman had to admit she liked it and couldn't wait to show Kariah-Belle.
She looked at the members of her squad and forced a half smirk.
Van smiled back. "Welcome to the family."
Kariah-Belle Nadire walked behind Kaden down the icy corridor. The pathway was so cold the Knights had to keep their mana hulls active. Otherwise, they'd freeze to death.
They had faced obstacle after obstacle, and Kariah-Belle was glad to take a breather.
The two hadn't spoken since entering the path. They were being cautious just in case traps were waiting for them.
Her eyes went to the scabbard at his side. It bore the Nadire crest.
"How'd you get the sword?" she asked.
"Iris gave it to me on my sixteenth birthday. "
Does he have missing memories too? Kariah-Belle wondered.
People kept saying the two looked alike though she didn't see the resemblance. She wondered how they were related. She thought back to the vision from the first time they locked eyes. His were honey brown, like hers but they didn't have three white lines. That didn't mean he wasn't of Nadire blood.
A few seconds of silence passed when he asked, "do you want it?"
"No. You've had it all this time. As far as I'm concerned it's yours now. Just take care of it."
Kaden nodded. "Thanks. Would've been a real bummer to part with it."
Silence befell them once again.
"I know you don't want me on this team but I'm not weak. I can—"
"I know you're not weak." The Knight turned to her. He looked at her for a moment then rubbed his head in frustration. "Look. You're the Last Nadire. You'll become a beacon of hope for humanity someday. You dying would be really, really bad."
He then looked away and spoke quietly. "I speak for all of us when I say if we let you die, we'd never forgive ourselves."
So he was afraid of not being able to protect her. Aya was right. He did care.
"I won't die until I sit on the council." She told him confidently.
He shook his head. "You're still naïve. The Order of Knights has many enemies. You could be killed when you least expect it."
"Then I guess you better make sure I get stronger," she told him. "Because I'm not turning tail to run. If I did that then my friend died for nothing. I won't allow it."
Kaden watched her for a moment. Her eyes held courage and conviction.
Finally, he chuckled. "You're stubborn. I suppose that's not necessarily a bad thing. Fine. I'll help with your training, but you better not kick the bucket until you're on the council."
The two master Knights shook hands.
They finally exited the pathway and entered a large chamber. In the middle waited a large beast.
"A manticore!" Kariah-Belle blurted out with excitement. "I've always wanted to see one!"
She was in awe of the mighty beast.
The creature was big, with the body of a lion but the head and wings of a bird. It's tail was an actual serpent. The creature looked majestic with its colorful wings.
It had probably smelled them before they entered its den.
The animal let out a screech and charged them. A green mana hull surrounded it and she knew they were in trouble.
Adrenaline raced through her veins.
The two Knights dodged. Kariah-Belle felt her heart thump in her chest.
Kariah-Belle charged her sword with mana and tried to strike the beast but her sword was deflected by its tough hide. The snake attached to it's rear end smacked her away. She tumbled along the icy ground until she rolled to her feet.
Yeah her current close combat abilities were useless against that thing.
The newly appointed master Knight witnessed a fiery large fist come from Kaden and crash into the animal's face. The beast staggered.
Kariah-Belle felt life force leave her as lightning crackled to life around her sword. With a roar she launched an arc of lightning at the creature and engulfed it in an explosion of electricity.
The manticore was dazed and Kaden took off running. "Were leaving!"
"Say less!" she took off after him.
The young woman was mildly disappointed she wouldn't be able to see the full extent of the manticore's power. She was smart enough to know better than to stick around.
The manticore bounded after them.
They exited through a arc in the icy wall opposite the way they entered. Kariah-Belle sprinted down a wide corridor. Kaden ran next to her. Both Knights poured as much mana into boosting their speed as much as their bodies could handle.
Now fear made Kariah-Belle's heart thump wildly in her chest thanks to the manticore that chased them.
The large thing was fast. Kariah-Belle had learned about the creatures in Wild Life studies. The beast lived up to her expectations. Not only was it fast but powerful too.
The manticore roared and Kariah-Belle felt the heat from behind her. She glanced back to see fire forming in the manticore's mouth.
That didn't look good.
"Dammit!" Kaden cursed before sliding to a stop when a massive fireball shot from the beast.
Kariah-Belle slide to a stop as well. She watched as large fiery red arms exploded from his mana hull. They caught the flaming ball but Kaden was being pushed back.
Kariah-Belle sprung into action. Lightning began crackling to life around her sword and she leapt. She sailed over Kaden as Lightning currents completely surrounded her blade.
She yelled a defiant battle cry.
"Lightning craft: Lightning Fang!" She shouted swinging her sword.
Her sword collided with the fireball. The fireball was heavy. Even with Kaden's help, she had trouble pushing it back. The mana that exuded from the attack was nothing less than incredible.
She roared once more.
Their efforts weren't in vain. With Kaden's help, Kariah-Belle was able to dispel the fireball, turning it to ember. An arc of Lightning flew from her blade through the embers to connect with the manticore. The explosion stunned the beast
Kariah-Belle fell, static occasionally running across her body. She was paralyzed and unable to catch her balance. She would've crashed into the icy floor if not for Kaden catching her. The young woman had already used her Lightning fang three times in under two minutes.
"That wasn't enough to do any major damage!" She told Kaden frantically. "Run!"
Kaden needed no more coaxing. He bolted. Sweat beaded down his forehead.
The manticore roared from behind them after having recovered from the earlier attack. Kariah-Belle could hear it bounding after them. It was closing in.
"Up ahead!" Kaden said. "I see a light!"
He poured on the juice. The corridor got smaller, tighter as they ran. As if closing in on them. Still, the manticore pursued. Until it couldn't...
Kariah-Belle felt the same heat from earlier when the manticore roared.
"Another blast!" she hollered.
His face hardened with determination.
The beast stopped to let the blast escape its mouth. The fireball crackled behind them as it chased.
"We're gonna get cooked!" Kariah-Belle said in a panic. Looking over Kaden's shoulder. The fireball was only several yards away. It blazed down the corridor that had gotten too small for the manticore.
The heat grew hotter as the fireball drew near. Kaden had almost made it to the exit but the fireball would engulf them before they can make it.
Kaden grunted as his Lightning Cloak sparked to life around him. An instant later, Kariah-Belle was tumbling on the dirt ground beside Kaden. The fireball crashed against the walls as it was unable to fit through the doorway.
Kariah-Belle was panting as she lay chuckling on the ground next to Kaden. Not because of exhaustion, but because her heart was still racing.
"Way to come through," she told him through ragged breaths.
Kaden caught his breath. "You weren't bad yourself," he responded. "Guess you're not a choke after all."
The young man tried to sit up but collapsed back down. Kariah-Belle sat up next to him. Worry on her face. Looking at him now, she couldn't see the resemblance everyone spoke about. He had honey-brown eyes like hers, but they didn't have three white lines that were common among the Nadire.
"Don't move around. You used up a lot of Life force that last stretch. You could end up killing yourself."
Kaden said nothing. He just laid there with his eyes closed.
"Nice job making it out alive you two." Iris said as her and the others leaped off the hover rover.
All three squads had made it out of the icy cave. Kariah-Belle and Kaden had been the last to exit.
"So...who won?" Kariah-Belle asked.
"Well technically Himoria and Aya exited the cave first. It would be a tie between your two teams." Iris explained. "However, the true point of this game was to test whether you have a right to bare the master Knight's insignia."
She then looked to Kaden. An eyebrow arched in question. "Well?" She prompted.
Kaden stayed silent for a moment. "She's not half bad. I mean she's no pro obviously but her use of mana and high reserves of Life force will definitely come in handy. She has a lightning-based technique. With some polishing could become a very fearsome weapon." He then looked at Kariah-Belle. An apologetic look on his face. "Above all else, she has heart. If not for her quick thinking I'd have taken some serious damage. I owe you an apology Kariah-Belle. I'm sorry for the way I acted."
Kariah-Belle felt her chest swell with pride. She grinned at the Kaden. "Apology accepted."
"Well isn't this heartwarming." said lady Ratilla, an amused grin on her face. "Almost brings a tear to my eye."
Sir Jericho laughed wholeheartedly. "There are few things sweeter than earning the respect of comrade eh, Kariah-Belle?"
"I have to agree sir," Kariah-Belle said, standing and dusting herself off. "Though sweet Lantin lam chops sound even better. I'm starving."
"I suggest we have our barrack's chef whip us up a few," Aya responded. "He's one of the best cooks in the whole of Kartrina."
"I could eat." said Vade.
Tori placed a hand on her belly. Her face said she would be joining them.
"Then it's settled." said Himoria heading the Rover. "Let's fill our belly's to celebrate our new girl!"
"Here, here!" The group of master Knights cheered.
They all headed for the hover rover. Their Masters behind them.
Kariah-Belle turned to stare down at Kaden who stared back. She smirked and offered a hand to him. Kaden grinned back as he took her hand.
"Welcome to the family."
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