Chapter 14 - The Gauntlet(edited)
"Damn choke," Aya heard Kaden say as he sheathed his blue and black sword. Aya watched as an ice ogre's headless body fell limp to his knees before falling over off the icy bridge into the chasm below. "Don't get in the way."
Here we go. Thought Aya as she came up behind them placing her SMGs in their holsters.
The group had only been roaming the snowy mountain for little over thirty minutes and this is already the third argument the two had.
Aya was sure if they didn't get on the same page soon, they'd fall behind the other teams. That wouldn't happen anytime soon if Kaden couldn't communicate his feelings effectively.
"I'm in the way?!" Kariah-Belle snapped back. "I'm not the one who butted in where I wasn't needed! I was all over that!"
"All over that?" Kaden mimicked in a condescending tone. "Aya and I killed two trolls each in no time. Here you are struggling with one. I mean I know it's chilly in here but it's not enough to give cold feet."
Kariah-Belle crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "I was trying to come up with a way to dispatch it without killing. I had just come up with a strategy before you butted in."
"Without killing it, she says." Kaden shook his head, disappointed. "Ice trolls are vicious creatures. They'll eat you alive without a second thought!"
It was true. The blue, furry creatures were ferocious.
"Well, you ever think about WHY they stay in the mountains, away from humans? They obviously don't want to be bothered with us. I think I'd be pretty vicious too if someone trespassed in my home."
Kaden opened his mouth to speak but closed it.
The younger woman waved her hands mockingly, "You're so big and strong. You could've easily dealt with them without killing."
It definitely impressed Aya. This time, she shut Kaden up without hitting him. Something only accomplished by Iris.
The young man tsked as he moved past her.
"I'm scouting ahead," he called back to them while he walked through an entrance inside the mountain.
Kaden knew their new teammate was right. He was strong and fast enough to knock them unconscious. He simply focused on dispatching it as quickly as possible and hadn't thought about showing the creature mercy.
If she was being honest, the thought had never crossed Aya's mind either. She'd always believed it was 'kill or be killed', even against weaker creatures.
Kariah-Belle Nadire. Aya thought with a small smirk. Interesting choice, master.
"Is he always such an asshole?" Kariah-Belle asked Aya as she watched him disappear through an opening the bridge leads to.
"Only when he cares," Aya said with a small chuckle.
The two began walking after him, being sure to stay vigilant.
"He cares?" Kariah-Belle raised an eyebrow. The look on her face said she found that hard to believe. "He has a funny way of showing it."
"He just doesn't want to see you hurt, is all. Mind you, he didn't get to see you in action back in the jungle."
Kariah-Belle thought for a moment. "I guess I understand. I wouldn't want to have someone I think would freeze in combat watching my back either." Grinning at Aya she added, "Guess I'll have to use this opportunity to shut him up for good."
Aya laughed. "Good luck with that. I'm stronger than him, yet he still finds the audacity to haze me."
"He should ask Lax-Rim about me." she said confidently.
There was a moment of silence and Aya bit her lip as guilt washed over her. This feeling was all because of her father. The traitor who nearly wiped out Kariah-Belle's family branch.
She knew of the grief the younger woman had to endure as her father had left her alone and broken. A chilly breeze that changed the direction of the falling snow was the noise.
"Kariah-Belle..." Aya began. "About my fa—"
Aya heard sounds of combat just ahead. The two young women exchanged glances before activating their mana hull and dashing through the opening.
The scenery completely changed. Instead of a single bridge, there were multiple frozen pathways. Long pillars of ice reached out of the darkness below high into the ceiling from the black chasm below were scattered about. Kaden stood surrounded by Vade, Tori, and Venton.
Vade lunged, visible torrents of wind swirling around his arms. The wind formed a drill he used to attack Kaden with. Kaden evaded one attack and deflected the next with his scaled arm. Thinking he found an opening, Kaden struck with his sword but the attack phased through the drakon. He then kicked Kaden away from him. Tori unloaded a volley of fiery bullets and Venton created an arc of mana, both skills aimed at Kaden.
However, Aya was already at his side. She summoned walls of ice that crumbled after negating the two skills.
Kariah-Belle tried to catch Vade off guard but the drakon had excellent reflexes. She passed right through him and he tried to strike her while she was off balance. To both Aya's and Vade's surprise, the girl defended against the attack.
She wasn't able to do anything about the left hook that would've drilled a hole in her head if Vade was serious.
The attack sent her tumbling along the icy floor. She recovered next to Aya and Kaden. Kaden looked mildly impressed.
"Your noob isn't half bad," Vade commented.
"I'll say," added Aya. "Alright, Kariah-Belle. Time to see what you can do."
"Roger!" said the newly appointed Knight. She dashed at Tori.
Kaden activated his lightning cloak and smirked at Vade. "I was hoping to spare against you soon, Dragon Whisp." He challenged using Vade's title.
Vade smirked back, getting into a stance. "Likewise, Lightning Flame."
The two young men charged each other and exchanged strikes.
Aya looked to Venton who held his claymore in a stance, waiting. "Are you ready, Aya."
"Ever the gentleman," Aya said, giving a kind smile while she drew her two SMGs.
"It is unsporty to attack an unready opponent."
Venton swung his large sword and an arc of mana cut through the air. Aya dodged, then felt something heavy slammed into her. She heard a beastly growl while she was being pinned down. She was forced to increase her mana output so she could have the strength to kick the creature off. She quickly got to her feet and began dodging Venton's large blade. The young man had gotten faster and Aya noticed he had little openings.
Nevertheless, Aya found one and exploited it. She deflected a sword strike and delivered a roundhouse kick, sending him tumbling along the ground. She swiftly evaded the beast from before.
It slid to a stop next to Venton and Aya recognized it. "Gingy?" She referred to the wolf-like creature. Her fur was a ginger color. She was large with defined muscles, longhorns and wings. "You've gotten so big. You both have done some growing, eh."
"We've pushed ourselves every day," Venton stated just before he charged. Gingy barked what Aya assumed was a greeting then followed behind him.
Aya dashed towards them. She formed mana into the ground and willed an icy hand to grab Venton's ankle. He stopped, as realization dawned on him. Gingy would've slammed into him but the creature leaped over and aimed a blast of mana at Aya. She flipped backward to evade, and Gingy landed in front of her. Aya could see the mana around her horns as she charged. Aya flipped over as the creature crashed into a block of ice she formed moments ago.
"Sorry!" she called out as Gingy staggered. Aya gave the ice block enough mana to daze the creature. She then went on to trap Gingy in a cage made of ice.
Aya smiled. "You last longer than the last time we sparred. Keep up the hard work." Aya left Venton struggling to pull free and went to help Kariah-Belle.
The rookie was barely holding her own against Tori. While Tori's skill was mid to long-range, she was no slouch in close combat. Her experience made all the difference.
She started over to help Kariah-Belle but flipped backward as arrows pierced where she had been standing moments ago. Icy spikes shot up from where she had been moments ago.
"You started the party without us!?" said a familiar voice from a pathway above. "An invite would have been welcomed ya'know."
Himoria, Arim-kiel, and Myrin stood above them on a large branch that protruded out of the ice.
"Arim-keil, Myrin. See what the rookie can do."
The bright red-haired young woman and the drakon leaped towards Kariah-Belle.
"As if I'll let you." Aya moved to intercept them but before she could reach Himoria landed in front of her.
"Nuh uh uh." The bio human said raising her beautiful pink and silver bow. "You're fighting me, Frozen Gun. Today is the day you show me that Stardust element of yours."
Aya tilted her head as if curious and said, "But if I used that you'd be even more outclassed than you already are."
Himoria smirked. "We'll see about that."
A blue arrow formed between her fingers. She loosed it at Aya who dodged. Aya rushed the pink-haired girl, dodging her arrows made of ice and mana. She got in close and the two women fought. Himoria using her bow when in close conjured a block of ice to propel herself into the sky to let off a volley of arrows.
Aya made the mistake of glancing in Kariah-Belle's direction. The poor girl was putting up a valiant effort but against three experienced master Knights, she stood little chance.
"Pay attention!" Himoria shouted, launching another volley of arrows.
Himoria obviously saw the opening and decided to take it. A root suddenly shot from the ice when Aya escaped the arrows. The root quickly turned into thick bark as it wrapped around her. She struggled to break free but couldn't.
The arrows hit her abdomen before exploding into icy shards of ice that would've pierced her from the inside out if they had dug into her skin.
The force was enough to push her over the side of the pathway but she flipped mid-air to regain her balance. She landed on a pathway some ways away.
Aya knew she needed to get to Kariah-Belle fast or she would be forced to submit.
It was then that she noticed a thick mist had started to form. The mist was normal for this particular ice cave to form. It was often used to confuse the combatants. It had steadily gotten thicker and thicker.
Everyone had stopped their battles. The mist had gotten too thick to see much of anything.
Which could only mean one thing...
"Frost serpents!!!" Vade shouted out.
Loud roars that would turn into hisses could be heard through the mist as the huge blue serpents slithered up the pillars. Their glowing blue eyes were visible even through the thickness of the mist.
These deadly creatures hadn't been here before. Last year they'd been deeper into the cave. Kariah-Belle could end up seriously hurt. They needed to bail and fast.
"Now if you get cold feet I'd understand!" said Kaden shouted through the mist.
"Enough Kaden!" Aya snapped. "Get her out of here! Now!"
"Myrin! Arim-Kel!" Himoria called. "We're bailing! Look for the nearest exit!"
"Tori, Venton! We're pulling out as well! Let's move!" Vade commanded.
The serpents attacked.
"Look out!" Aya heard Kariah-Belle shout.
Now there were sounds of a battle again. Aya's mind worked to analyze the situation. Kariah-Belle, Venton, Tori, Arim-keil, and Myrin were surrounded by three frost serpents. The creatures were wrapped around the icy pathways and pillars. The two nearest exits were blocked.
The group was trying to escape but the creatures whipped their tails with great speeds to attack and created blocks of ice to intercept the attacks by the master Knights. If things kept on, they'd run out of life force.
"Aya!" Himoria said landing next to her. "Frost serpents traverse in groups of six! We need to move fast!"
"Any bright ideas?" Kaden asked as he and Vade landed next to the two women.
"We act as a distraction," Himoria said. "Kaden and Venton will provide backup for the escape."
"Sounds good," Aya said nodding.
Everyone sprinted for the serpents. Aya took to the pillars.
Himoria conjured a branch to lift her into the air. They blasted the serpents with a barrage of icy bullets and exploding ice arrows.
Aya could see that these creatures, like many others, could create mana hulls. That along with their thick scales was enough for them to absorb the attacks with little damage. However, it served to aggravate the beast. One of them hissed and shards of ice appeared next to it. They launched at the two women who dodged.
Kaden and Vade made their way into the circle of frost serpents.
"All right newb," Kaden said to Kariah-Belle. "Now's the time to prove you're not a choke."
Kariah-Belle nodded. "What's the plan?" She responded ignoring the jab.
The group dodged a quick snap by a serpent. Noticing the other frost serpent preparing an attack, Kaden rushed over leaving a lightning trail in his wake. He slammed his black scaled fist into the serpent. The best flinched from the impact but quickly responded by smacking it's head into the young man, knocking him into an ice pillar.
"Hey ugly!" Aya heard Kariah-Belle taunting as she and Himoria fought to distract one of the beasts. "Chew on this! Lightning Fang!"
Aya heard electricity crackling before a loud boom. This one sounded more explosive than the previous one. She'd increased the charge time for more damage.
Aya smirked when she glanced at Kaden. He looked mildly impressed.
The beast roared in pain but quickly retaliated by sending large icy spikes in their direction.
Himoria and Aya combined their efforts in order to shatter one of the spikes, leaving only one. The group dodged the other, splitting up in the process.
Now the serpents were confused and unsure of which prey to attack.
"Now!" Vade shouted.
"Grand Wind Turbulence!" Venton swung his sword.
Everyone jumped over the pathway as a massive gust of wind shaped like a tsunami slammed into two serpents, cutting and pushing them away. If not for their mana hulls, the beasts would've been ripped apart.
The group either landed on a platform below or clung to a pillar.
"Everyone bailout!" Himoria commanded!
"Don't have to tell me twice." said Tori. Already at a sprint. "I'm outta here!"
The others did the same. Everyone made for the nearest exit. However, one of the beasts was persistent and followed after the group.
Aya and Himoria once again provided cover fire. Kaden dropped from above, crashing down on the serpent's head through the mist and slamming it into the ground.
"Go!" Kaden moved towards the exit.
Himoria and Aya wasted no time. They leaped from pillar to pillar, using more mana to increase their attributes.
A serpent spotted them and hissed in rage. It realized it wouldn't catch up to its meal so it summoned a giant spike of ice and launched it at them. The two women made one final leap. Using as much strength as they could muster.
Just as the ice spike caught up, the two women tumbled through an hole in the icy wall. The spike crashed into the path behind them and became stuck
"Well, that was close," Himoria said laying on the ground breathing heavily.
"Too much so for my liking," Aya said breathing just as hard.
Gazing around, Aya saw that it was only her and Himoria in a small icy walkway. The other master Knights had taken a different pathway. They were probably somewhere below them though you could never be too sure within the gauntlet.
"So," Himoria said getting up and offered a hand to Aya. "Shall we find our trouble makers?"
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