7) Ambush
"How did you get here so fast uncle? I thought you were in Italy!" Micheal questions wondering how Stefan was able to react so quickly.
"When Mike called me, I was landing at the airport. The Don sent me to collect from people that owned him dough. Sir Crewe was one of those sorry souls, so him plotting the death of my nephews only made it more urgent to find him. So how are my nephews? Aside from the death plot and all." Stefan smiles as the elevator stops with a slight jolt upward.
"Overall not too bad Uncle," Micheal replies, "and you?"
"The usual business I don't want to share too much or you could be killed for knowing about it." Stefan says with a straight face. "Use this to communicate with me." He hands Titus a Cobra walkie-talkie. "I will ride in my car behind you we'll meet at the bar."
Stefan gets into the passenger side of a black BMW while Micheal and Titus jump into their Jaguar. Micheal makes a hard U-turn to head back to the bar. Not even 12 miles down the normal street ways, a man is kneeling with a loaded RPG pointing directly at the Green Jaguar! Micheal stomps on the brakes!
"Micheal, what the fuck are you doing?! Get us the hell out of the way!" Titus shouts.
"Well, brother you wanted to go down in flames." Micheal smiles with humor
"Micheal, this is not a time for your damned dark humor!" as Titus says those words the RPG fires followed by the sound of a rocket propelling. Both Micheal and Titus close their eyes in anticipation. Out of nowhere, a Humvee stops 5 feet in between the RPG and the Jaguar. shortly followed by an explosion. Then the sound of more RPGs and two 50 caliber machine guns mounted on the Humvee and another.
A woman dressed in an officer's service coat steps out of the 1st Humvee. As she approaches with a Marine as an escort, the shine of four stars on her shoulder reveal her rank as General in the US Army. Her name tag reads Summers and there is a 101st Airborne patch. as she reaches the car Micheal and Titus are in, the clicking of the two 50 calibers stop.
"Gentleman, my name is General Bianca Summers of the 101st Airborne. I would advise you to follow us as we escort you to your bar. Then we need to have a conversation about the men that attacked you." General Summers speaks sternly and without any hint of panic from the recent attack.
"Umm ... sure. But how did you survive those RPGs?" Titus hesitates.
"Thanks to DARPA's Iron Curtain all RPGs are disabled within centimeters of the Humvee. Now we have more pressing issues. If you will follow my Humvee and the other will cover the vehicles from the rear." Summers and her escort walk briskly back to the 1st Humvee as the second brings up the rear.
Micheal raises Stefan on the walkie-talkie "Uncle, this General Summers wants us to follow her to the bar. Should we trust her?"
"No worries nephew, she is an old friend of my before I was a mafia boss." Stefan replies seconds later.
Dedicated to NicolaSolace7 check out her book of poems Looking for Lethe
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