Chapter 1:
Hey guys, sorry for the slow updates, I've been having a serious case of writer's block and I hate it.
Within a large valley there rested a small tavern atop a large hill.
The sign read "Boar Hat."
Inside there were multiple customers, chatting and enjoying some good booze.
"Alright here you go." A young-looking male stated placing numerous mugs of beer at a table much to the delight of the customers.
The rather short Male known as Meliodas then continued tending to the multitude of customers going in and out of the tavern.
"Wow, for such a young kid he sure is a hard worker." One Customer stated.
"Waiter?" Meliodas asked turning to stare at the customer. "I'm not the waiter pal, I'm the owner."
This caused the customer to give a look of surprise.
"That kid...owns this place?" He asked in shock.
With that he let out a shrug and returned to what he was doing.
"Okay, order up!" Meliodas declared placing a meat pie on a table making the customers all cheer.
"Oh boy smells delicious!" One man said as he and his friends got ready to dig in.
However, the moment they tasted the food, their taste buds were repulsed and viled by the thing on their tongues.
All of them immediately spat out the vile excuse for food.
"Yeah, our tavern's got great booze but terrible food." Meliodas stated blankly.
"Ya coulda told us that earlier!" The Customers yelled at the young looking boy.
"Are you messing with us?" One of them yelled seemingly ready to deck him.
"Hold on, look...he's packing a sword." One of them stated pointing at what appeared to be a sword on Meliodas' back.
"Well guys, it looks like we've got a problem." Meliodas stated with a serious look before snapping his fingers. "So let's fix it."
The group of customers tensed up upon hearing that.
That tension however immediately faded when a large pig walked up to them.
"Come on, ya call that a mess?" Hawk asked seemingly annoyed. "Really what do you need me for?
The customers were rightfully shocked upon seeing the talking animal.
"D-did that pig just talk?" One asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm a talking pig get over it." Hawk said sounding a bit annoyed before devouring the spilt and uneaten Meat Pie off the floor.
Once the pie scraps was fully devoured the talking pig let out a burp.
"Next time there better be some decent sized scraps." Hawk huffed before starting to walk off somewhere.
Before he did however, Meliodas said something that made him stiffen up with fear.
"Y'know I have a family recipe for whole roasted pork if you guys are interested."
"Those are the tastiest scraps I've ever had, I am so full!" The pig said nervously.
All the other customers chuckled at the scene.
However, all attention turned to the door upon it being opened.
There was immediate tension in the air as 2 individuals stepped through the door.
Allioni and Gustaf took a look around the place, every time their gaze fell upon a tavern patron, said patron would avert their gaze.
After a while both stepped aside to reveal a third figure outside the door.
The 3rd figure was truly imposing with some kind of cloak wrapped around his body and a metallic mask.
This figure was you.
(Y/N)/Meta Knight:
You slowly entered the Boar Hat Tavern, your cloak still wrapped around you making your presence known.
Sword Knight and Blade Knight are Allioni and Gustaf, also the door isn't broken:
Immediately your gaze fell on Meliodas.
The both of you stared each other down for a good while before you and your 2 followers took a seat at an empty table.
Everyone in the Tavern did their beast to act natural, but when 3 Holy Knights were among them, the mood was bound to be uncomfortable.
You were THE Meta Knight after all, one of the strongest Holy Knights in all of Britannia and leader of the Star Knights.
While it only consisted of 3 members, that being you, Allioni and Gustaf, it was a team that under your leadership was a force to be reckoned with.
The Star Knights were pretty famous for not only being one of the most efficient groups among the Holy Knights but also for being a group who'd help anyone in need.
If a problem was deemed too insignificant to deal with, say a small village being attacked by a monster, it is very likely they'd help without hesitation.
That earned you and your team a great amount of respect and admiration from Britannia's citizens.
So you can imagine how most would react to seeing someone like you and your team in a small tavern like this.
"So, is there anything I can get you guys?" Meliodas asked casually walking up to the 3 of you.
"Yes, I'd like some information if you don't mind." You stated clasping your hands together.
"Well I may not know much, but I'll try to help however I can." Meliodas said with a smile. "Anything for the greatest Holy Knight."
"I would not go that far..." You chuckled. "One of the greatest perhaps, but not THE greatest."
"I can see you're quite humble." Meliodas chuckled along.
"You're the one said I'm the greatest Knight, so yes I'd say I'm quite humble." You retorted.
Everyone in the tavern including Allioni and Gustaf seemed confused by your banter with this boy.
"So what do you wanna know?" Meliodas asked.
"You see, we heard rumors about a Wandering Rust Knight around this area and one rumor even said that that Rust Knight could be one of the Seven Deadly Sins." You explained.
"We'd like to know if you have any information on this Rust Knight." Gustaf added.
"Rust Knight?" Meliodas asked thinking about it. "Sorry, I got nothing."
"Come on now." Allioni said sighing. "You work at a Tavern, people come and swap stories, you have to know something."
"Sorry, I don't." The short Male stated making you sigh.
"Well that sucks."Allioni groaned while Gustaf simply nodded in disappointment.
"It seems we've reached a dead end once again." He stated a hint of frustration in his voice.
However, you were not done yet, for you knew who this boy was very well.
"Well then, perhaps you at least have some information on the Seven Deadly Sins." You stated and just like that the whole Tavern went tense.
"The Seven Deadly Sins?" Meliodas asked curiously. "Sorry never heard of em."
You knew that was a complete lie, but you said nothing about it.
"Sir Meta Knight..." One guy from the table next to yours got your attention.
"Yes, random tavern guy?" You asked with a raised brow.
"Umm...the Seven Deadly Sins are's been such a long time and they haven't been seen." He stated.
You let out a small chuckle while your 2 companions smirked at this man's foolishness.
"You see my friend, over my years of training, battling and experiences I've learned a very important rule." You stated matter of factly. "No one is dead unless a corpse is found and even then it's fifty fifty chance the death won't be permanent."
Everyone in the Tavern except Meliodas gained confused looks upon hearing that bit of wisdom.
"We don't have any real proof the Sins are dead, so therefore they are all still alive until proper evidence of their death can be found." Gustaf explained.
"So yeah, unless we find proof or find them, we're gonna keep searching." Allioni concluded.
Everyone in the Tavern shrugged and continued about their business.
You stared at Meliodas for a few seconds and nodded.
"I understand..." You said getting up to leave.
"Hey boss..." Allioni said getting your attention. "Is it okay if we get some drinks and food first?"
"Allioni, we have no time to waste." Gustaf insisted.
"No no, it's fine." You said sitting back down. "We've been out here for a good while, I do believe a break is in order"
"Yes." Allioni fist-pumped while Gustaf merely rolled his eyes.
"We can get drinks but..." You said before gaining a concerned look which switched over to Meliodas. "We are NOT getting the food here!"
"Why?" He asked confused.
"Um...just a feeling, please don't order food here." You beseeched. "I can't afford one of my Knights to gain food poisoning."
"If you say so Boss." Allioni shrugged.
"Alright, so what'll you guys be having?" Meliodas asked.
Before any of you could order, the door to the tavern swung open getting everyone's attention.
Much to everyone's shock and horror, there in the entrance stood the very thing you and your Knights were after.
It was the wandering Rust Knight themselves.
There was a tense silence in the air, everyone seemed scared or nervous except for you, your Knights and Meliodas.
The Rust Knight let out deep raspy breaths as they took heavy clunking steps inside.
"The...Seven...Deadly Sins..." They said suddenly taking deep breath.
They seemed quite tired, perhaps they've been walking for a very long time.
In that armor, in the blazing sun, it was most likely a very unpleasant experience.
However, it would appear that the others around you just grew even more terrified as screams filled the tavern.
Almost everyone immediately scrambled towards the exit in a panic eventually leaving you and your Knights alone with Meliodas.
"We got em guys!" Allioni exclaimed receiving a glare from Gustaf.
The Rust Knight slowly approached you guys and this immediately put your 2 companions in guard evidenced by them reaching for their blades.
However, before they could attack, you raised your hand to stop them.
Meliodas walked up to the Rust Knight without fear much to your companion's shock.
"So, who are you?" He asked firmly.
It was only a few moments before the Rust Knight fell backwards further proving that indeed the Knight was tired.
This caused the Knight's helmet to fall off allowing their face to be seen.
What everyone saw under the helmet shocked and surprised them all, even you.
"It's a woman..." Meliodas said a bit surprised.
You and your Knights all exchanged looks of pure shock upon seeing the woman's face.
"Princess Elizabeth?" You thought to yourself.
And there we have it, the first chapter of this story, sorry for the long wait.
I feel like a broken record saying that on almost every story, but I just feel like I have to.
Anyway yeah, Allioni and Gustaf will be your Sword Knight and Blade Knight for the story.
I thought it'd be a fun idea, dialogue between you 3 will be a lot of fun.
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