When Yoongi made it to Jimin's room, he found the door unlocked for once. He knocked and slowly opened it, peering inside at the dark room. He could hear the quiet muffled noises of someone crying and flicked the light on. Jimin flinched, curling up in his bed as light flooding through his room, shoving his face in his pillow.
"Jimin..." Yoongi said softly, walking slowly over to Jimin. Jimin didn't respond, his body shaking every time he sobbed. Yoongi reached the bed and gently touched Jimin's shoulder. Jimin flinched again at the contact but rolled over so he was looking at Yoongi. "Are you okay?"
Jimin shook his head, his bottom lip quivering. Yoongi felt his chest ache at the sight of Jimin, whose eyes were red from crying and cheeks streaked from the tears. He looked fragile, and Yoongi was afraid to touch him in case he snapped under his touch. Jimin reached out and gripped Yoongi's sleeve, holding him there as he looked up at him. His own sleeve dropped, revealing his thin arm.
"I'm the worst person in the world." Jimin croaked, his voice shaking. "I don't deserve everything I have."
"Jimin, you shouldn't say that." Yoongi kneeled down next to Jimin's bed, stroking Jimin's hair. "There are thousands of people worse than you, you're definitely not the worst person in the world."
"You're too nice to me." Jimin sighed, closing his eyes. Yoongi continued to stroke Jimin's hair as he watched him, feeling Jimin's grip on his sleeve slowly loosen.
"Do you have any plans for this weekend?" Yoongi asked and Jimin opened his eyes back up, shaking his head. "Well, you should come to my house. My Mum'll cook us food and we can watch movies all day."
"I don't want to bother you--"
"Jimin, I want you to come, you won't bother me." Yoongi smiled hopefully, grabbing Jimin's hand and shaking it lightly. "Come on, pleease."
"You're so desperate." Jimin mumbled, a slight smile on his lips. Yoongi grinned.
"I'll take that as a yes."
"I got a date with Jimin!" Yoongi exclaimed, shaking Hoseok excitedly. Hoseok looked a little surprised as his body was shaken, his eyes wide as he gripped on to Yoongi's shirt. He didn't really want Yoongi to let go and then fall on the ground.
"You did?" Yoongi nodded and frowned.
"Well, sort of. It's not a date date, like, I didn't ask him out on one... We're just going to my house and watching movies." Yoongi shrugged and shook Hoseok again. "But he's so small, so I'm going to make sure he eats when he comes over."
"Just make sure your mum's out when you do. It can get awkward otherwise." Namjoon said, drawing attention to him.
"Your jokes are getting old, Namjoon." Yoongi said. He then looked back at Hoseok, who unconsciously held his breath as he stared back at Yoongi. He was so close, he was literally touching him, and yet so far. Hoseok's grip on his shirt tightened as he forced a smile.
"Well, I hope you have fun." He said, letting go of Yoongi and stepping backwards. "But right now I have to do some homework so get out."
"Alright. Bye." As soon as Yoongi had left, Hoseok collapsed on to his bed face-first. Namjoon watched as he sighed heavily, and shook his head.
"Why didn't you try to get him earlier or something? You know, before Jimin enrolled here." He asked and Hoseok turned his head so he was looking at him. "Why didn't you make your move when Yoongi was single, lonely, and looking for someone."
"He's too good for someone like me. I'd never have a chance." Hoseok sighed, making Namjoon roll his eyes.
"Well, not if you don't try."
"He hugged me once."
"Get up." Hoseok frowned as Namjoon stood up and began tugging on his arm. "Get up, you're pathetic."
"What? What're we doing?" He asked as he got up. Namjoon held on to his arm as he dragged him over to their closest. Namjoon didn't answer him and began rummaging through it before pulling out to outfits. "Namjoon!"
"Get changed, I'm going to organise some dates for us." He said, handing Hoseok a pile of clothes.
"But I don't like girls..." Namjoon frowned at him.
"Do you really think I'm just limited to girls?" Hoseok shrugged. "The way I see it, the less restrictions I have, the more likely I am to get a date."
"So basically... You're desperate." Namjoon continued to frown at him before shrugging.
"Yeah, pretty much."
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