day 29- midnight snacks
Lance woke up thirsty. It wasn't an unusual occurrence and he could put off feeding if he ate some food, but it was still annoying that it interrupted his beauty sleep. Slowly, careful not to disturb Keith, he slipped out of bed and padded downstairs to the kitchen. He was in Keith's house, sleeping over because Keith's parents weren't home for the weekend.
They'd spent the day playing videogames, going on a walk in the forest, and baking cookies that looked weird as fuck but tasted good, among other things. And by other things, Lance meant making out until their lips were red and tender, their shirts shed to the floor, Keith letting out low, rumbling growls that sent shivers up Lance's spine.
They hadn't gone too far beyond that so far, and Keith always blushed way too hard when Lance talked about it that he didn't push it. Besides, Lance liked kissing Keith. For someone who'd never dated anyone before, the werewolf was an extraordinarily good kisser.
Lance shook his head, trying to clear away the thoughts. Keith made him feel all fuzzy and warm and happy. He was in love and goddamn did it feel good to finally have Keith reciprocate his feelings (apparently, he had for a year or so, he'd just been too nervous to confess. Lance didn't blame him, he'd been just as nervous).
The two knew how their relationship would be looked down on. The pack would consider it treasonous to the pack, letting a vampire of all things rise above the importance of the pack to Keith, and the other vampires (not that Lance necessarily talked to them regularly) would think Lance to be 'lesser' to have a relationship with something living, as opposed to another vampire.
Sure, Lotor had made a few advances on Lance the first few weeks after he'd changed the teen, but the brunette Cuban knew where his heart lay- dark, sharp eyes and pale pink lips and god, those lips. Lance blushed deeply, trying to clear his head.
He opened the fridge, browsing for something meaty, like leftover burgers or hotdogs or anything with some protein, really. Just enough to get him through the night. He could, technically, hunt anytime he wanted, but he valued his sleep. He could go hunt in the morning.
Lance heard footsteps behind him and turned. Keith, shirtless, his boxer shorts sitting dangerously low on his gorgeous hips, was stumbling tiredly towards him, running his eyes. Lance smiled as Keith wrapped his long arms around the vampire's neck, humming tunelessly. "Why're you up?" Lance's boyfriend mumbled, barely enunciating.
"I'm hungry," Lance told him, wrapping his arms around Keith's waist and rubbing his palms over his ribs. The kitchen was illuminated solely by the refrigerator's stark white light that only stretched a few meters out across the wooden floorboards.
Keith slipped one of his hands out and over Lance's, grasping their palms and holding it aloft. "Dance with me," he whispered, swaying in the silent kitchen. He met Lance's eyes. "Hungry or thirsty?"
"Thirsty, but I can eat something now to hold me off until morning," Lance replied quietly, kissing Keith's ear and dancing with him to imaginary music.
Keith shrugged. "We don't have any meat. Mom's vegetarian. I thought you'd know that, mister."
"I thought I'd check just in case." Lance held out his arm so Keith could spin beneath it. They both smiled and Lance pulled Keith back his chest, kissing his forehead, his nose, each eyelid...
"Just drink from me if you're thirsty."
Lance stopped dancing and sighed. He could still feel Keith's back arched against his body, shaking as he drank, the taste of him overwhelming and overpowering, struggling to pull away and being rewarded with their first kiss when he did.
Keith's blood was, in every single way, better than a rat's and Lance despised going back to the alleyways afterward to feed on rodents, but he hated himself for drinking from Keith and vowed to never do it again.
"You can't have me drink from you every time I get thirsty, mi amor. I'd drain you."
"I don't want you to go outside now. It's cold. And dark. And late."
"I'm a creature of the night," the vampire whispered into Keith's ear, kissing the two puncture marks he'd made on Keith's neck that were healing now. "I'm made for the cold and the dark and the late."
"And I'm made for cuddling you on cold, dark, late nights, so drink from me and come back to bed," Keith pointed out, frowning slightly.
"No." Lance hoped his stubbornness would be enough to sway Keith.
"Why not?"
"It's not right. You're my boyfriend. And a werewolf."
"I want you to, though."
"I like it."
Lance blinked at the simplicity of Keith's answer. "What?"
Keith closed his eyes, pulling himself closer to Lance. "I like it," he repeated. "I like feeling wanted." Lance rested his head against the werewolf's.
"Why do you do this to me?" he groaned.
"Because I love you."
"That's not fair."
Keith sighed dramatically and held his hands to Lance's cheeks, looking him dead in the eye. "What's not fair is that I'm telling you that I'm okay with it, that I like it, even, and that we have a nice, warm bed upstairs waiting for us and you're still not doing anything, McClain."
Lance raised his eyebrows. "Fiesty," he murmured. Keith rolled his eyes, tilting his head to the side invitingly, the side that the vampire hadn't bitten. Lance looked from his eyes to his neck and back like he was watching a ping-pong match, then gave in. He let the refrigerator door shut with a soft thump, leaving the two in complete darkness.
They navigated blindly. Slowly, reluctantly, Lance gathered Keith towards him, their bodies pressed flush together, one hand traveling up to brace the other side of Keith's neck, the other flat against the small of the werewolf's back. He inhaled deeply, asked Keith one last time for confirmation, then exhaled and bit down.
Lance was careful not to take as much as he had last time. He wasn't literally dying here, just thirsty as hell, so he didn't need to take so much. But, with Keith, it was hard to stop. He tasted really good and his skin was warm and alive, his pulse loud and perfect and just a little bit fast. He tasted even better now that they'd been spending so much time together, that their bond had tightened.
Keith had no idea how perfectly irresistible he was and Lance was in love with him, falling so hard it hurt.
When he'd finished, Lance swallowed one last time, washed the lingering taste down with some water from the sink, then scooped Keith up in his arms and carried him back upstairs.
"I love you," he told the werewolf as he laid both of them down in bed.
"I love you," he whispered as he pulled the covers over them.
"I love you," he breathed as he kissed Keith goodnight.
Keith curled up next to Lance and ran his fingertips over the contours of the vampire's face. He smiled tiredly. "I love you more," he said as they both fell asleep.
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