^Can we just take a moment to appreciate how badass they look
•This is kinda like the the movie Warm Bodies with the plot and cure.
Lance POV:
I sat on the floor my back against the wall. My lungs burned and my legs ached from running. I leaned my head back exhausted. Pidge, Hunk, and I were raiding a convenience store a block or so away. There were heavily needed canned goods still stocked in messy rows on the shelves. A hoard of walkers showed up and we all had to flee. I know Pidge and Hunk were okay when they escaped but I have no clue now.
It's best to travel in groups but now that we're split up I have to be more careful. The only way to turn into a zombie is through a bite, or if you get their blood on an open wound as the infection lies in their spit and blood. Of course there is another way, you die without any fatal wounds to your head. That leads to how you kill a zombie, you fatally damage their head.
I breathed in and out slowly calming myself from the rush of adrenaline to escape. I leaned forward and pulled my blood stained bat off my back and threw it to the side. I pulled out my gun and took out the magazine. I was out of bullets.
"Shit." I whispered. I put away my gun and buried my face in my hands. I have to think of a plan. Something... anything.
I lifted my head eyes still shut tightly. I heard a small noise and my eyes snapped open. A zombie stood in the doorway looking at me. My breath caught in my throat and I couldn't help but glance at my out of reach bat. Why wasn't he attacking.
He was pale, dark around the eyes and blue veins were spread through his neck. His clothes were torn and trashed once being black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a red jacket. His shirt was off set showing his collarbone a bite above on his shoulder. His jacket hung loosely on him. He must've been extremely attractive before he died. His raven black hair messily framed his cloudy eyes.
The zombie followed my gaze to the bat. Zombies aren't supposed to be intelligent. I snapped and lunged for the bat rolling ready to swing. When I looked up he was gone.
I took in a sharp shaky breath rising to my feet. I walked warily to the door clearing the hallway. No zombie in sight. Could I have imagined it in stress.
I heard a loud thud.
Thud, thud.
I carefully made my way to the noise. I peaked around the corner to see the all glass store front swarmed with Zombies. I would imagine they were the same ones that split Hunk Pidge and I up. They must've followed me.
When they caught sight of me they became more aggressive pounding on the windows with hungry power.
Cracks appeared spreading rapidly. I realized the situation and ran to the other end of the store searching for an exit.
I heard the glass shatter and the wave of twenty to twenty-five zombies flooded in. I heard hungry groans down the hall. I ran to the exit and the zombies stumbled along following close behind surprisingly quick. I made it outside and the bright sun beat down on my skin.
I whipped around gripping my bat tightly. Zombies stumbled towards me hungrily biting the air hoping for flesh. I swung my bat hearing a crack as I knocked on in the head ending it.
Another one. Crack.
Another. Crack.
Crack, crack, crack.
I swung with all my power and the more tired I became the sloppier I grew.
Crack, crack, crack.
There are so many. Everywhere. They're everywhere.
Minutes passed and I finally stopped. They were all dead and I leaned on the bat huffing. I was out of breath and every inch of my body ached. I felt something touch my shoulder and cold grey dead fingers grabbed my shoulder ripping me towards chomping teeth. I yelled falling to the ground barely avoiding them.
The zombie fell on top of me opening and closing its mouth hearing the teeth clash together as he was an inch from my nose. I was pushing him with all my strength off but it was to no avail. The zombie was stronger and I was just so tired. I prepared to let him go and get it over with when my bat swung hitting the zombie in the side of the head ending it in less than a second.
I looked up to see my rescuer only to see foggy dead eyes staring back at me. The same zombie I saw earlier. I was breathless and tried to stand and run only to feel my legs grow weak immediately. He dropped the bat and grabbed me before I could hit the ground.
He lied me down gently and I stared at him beyond confusion. I pushed myself away backing up quickly. The zombie watched as I pulled out my gun at a lightning speed aiming right between his eyes, they call me sharpshooter for a reason. If this zombie is truly intelligent, my gun should scare him. It may not have bullets but he doesn't know that.
He seemed to take a surprised step back. "W-wait." He stuttered.
"Did you just...?" I spoke quietly in utter shock.
"I'm-m n-not going to eat yo-u." He motioned for me to put down the gun.
I took a deep breath and placed it on the ground holding my hands up to show I had no other weapons.
The zombie suddenly lunged forward running at me full speed. I reached for the gun grabbing it and rolling out of the way. I flipped around on my knees to aim at him. He was tackling another zombie that was behind me. I had no idea it was there, I could've died if it wasn't for him. That was twice in a row.
I put my gun away and grabbed the bat. The zombie he tackled currently had the upper hand. It's jaws chomped wanting nothing but flesh. I swung hard hearing a familiar crack.
The unusual zombie stood to his feet quickly. "Tha-nks."
I was huffing for breath and I looked to the zombie. I watched his eyes trail from the bat to the gun in my holster.
"Why-y didn-n't you use the g-un?" He asked.
"Because I may or may not have any bullets." I said standing up a little straighter.
The zombie gave me a very 'you've got to be kidding me' kind of look.
"The name's Lance." I said hesitantly holding out my hand. The walker looked at my hand mildly surprised before shaking it loosely.
"I-I don't kn-know m-my nam-me. But i-it starts wi-th a K." He informed. (Every kiss begins with K *wink wonk*)
"Kalvin?" He shook his head. "Kevin?" No. "Kent? Kaleb? Katie?" He gave me a scowl at the last one and I put my hands up defensively. "Kaden? Keith-?"
"W-wait. Keith."
"Keith? That's your name?" I asked.
"I don-n't know but it so-ounds right." He looked around at all the zombies limp on the ground.
I wiped some sweat from my forehead off on my sleeve. "We should get somewhere safer." I glanced around the area my eyes landing on a market.
Zombies slowly stumbled emerging from the trees around us. We've been making a lot of noise, I'm not very surprised. If we don't movie quick, there'll be more. I grabbed Keith by the hand pulling him towards the market. He have to go around the building and across the street without being seen by other survivors and no additional walkers.
Other survivors can be kind and understanding, yet that's very rare now. Most times they are ruthless and are very willing to kill anything. Many have even resorted to cannibalism, to me, I feel that makes them no different from the walkers themselves.
We trotted along and I looked around the corner seeing the empty deserted street. It was dead silent. In movies that would be a bad sign, silence. To us still surviving, it was the most glorious sound, nothing. I pulled him quickly as I could drawing open the doors and pushing Keith in before shutting it.
We were quiet. Keith was a little noisy but I don't blame him, but I think we're in the clear. I tore myself away from the window sure we were safe finally. I turned my attention to the inside of this old grocer. It was dark and empty, cans on the floor many things ripped from the shelves unforgivingly.
I was lucky however and picked up a can of beans. I looked to Keith who almost seemed confused. "Food." I whispered shoving as many as I could in my bag. I hauled my bat on my shoulder ready to swing and began to clear the area moving slow and steady.
Keith put his hand on my arm and I flinched slightly. Normally a cold dead grasp would mean you're seconds away from being zombie food.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"I-it's fi-ine." He said back quietly walking off. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Keith pulling him close at my side protectively. He was a little startled but I just continued. I didn't want to admit it but I don't want to clear the market in the dark by myself.
Keith walked behind holding me by my shoulders as we walked through. We walked by the bathrooms and I realized just how bad I needed to go myself. "Wait out here, I'm going in." I said handing him the bat.
"Why?" He asked. He looked at the sign hard before realization washed over him and he nodded.
I sped walked in trying to be quick. Surprisingly, a lot of places in the area still had working water because of pumps being linked to sources that collect rainwater and natural filtration. Hopefully this is one of those places.
I did my business, thankfully this place does have water. I walked to the sink washing my hands face and arms, even running some through my hair. You never know when you'll get the chance again. He have fully functioning showers at the camp but who knows if I'll make it back.
I heard a loud crash and thud outside and I ran quickly. I saw Keith tackled by an old lady walker. He was attempting to push her off as he reached for the bat. I pulled out my gun realizing how useless it was. But I found another use, I threw it full force hitting her in the back of the head. The was knocked off and growled angrily. Keith quickly reached grabbing the bat the lady attacking him again.
They wrestled with the bat being the only thing between them. I let out a low growl of my own. I dong know what I'm thinking but I felt my legs running and next thing I know I'm tackling her off Keith. Her head was reaching up as far as it could trying to bite me. I breathed heavily as I watched had jaws open and snap shut rapidly. Flesh and brains was all that's on her mind.
"Wa-tch out!" Keith yelled. I rolled to the side and when her teeth were inches from mine there was a crack and she went limp.
I in took a sharp breath and looked up at Keith. "Thanks." I said. He looked extremely attractive.
"No, tha-nk you." He held out his hand pulling me up. I pulled him into a hug.
Maybe I was desperate for some kind of human interaction, even if one of us wasn't quite human. But I felt much better. His raven hair ticked my cheek and his skin was cold to the touch.
Durning a zombie apocalypse you aren't expected to get many hugs for obvious reasons. I've only received any from Hunk, and occasionally Pidge, Allura, Shiro, or even Coran. This hug was different from all those, it wasn't really because he was dead per say, sure it was slightly off with a colder touch but... it was something else.
I heard him take a sharp intake of breath and I shot my head up. He's dead, they don't breathe. He seemed to be as shocked as I was. He was clutching his chest and he reached up to feel his pulse. I reached up pressing lightly on his neck with two fingers to see.
I felt a beat. Slow, weak, but there.
"There's a puls-se, that means I'm-m technically alive." He said quietly with wide eyes.
"It's still too slow to support life, we'll monitor it to see if it picks up." I said rubbing my thumb lightly along his neck. He stared at me with beautiful violet orbs. Damn, why does he have to be dead?
I pulled away annoyed that such an amazing person had to be zombified. But that pulse, could he be coming back to life? If so, what's curing him?
He took in another breath. "Feels odd..., bre-eathing."
His speech noticeably got better since his heart began to beat. It happened when we hugged, could I have done it somehow?
We heard a faint noise like someone was entering and I ducked behind some shelves pulling Keith with me. He was more agile.
I heard Pidge's voice telling Hunk to be quiet and get armed in case there were Zoms.
"Pidge! Hunk! It's me!" I shot up happily. The two twirled around pointing their guns away from me as smiles spread across their faces.
"Lance! Are you okay? You haven't been bitten?" Pidge asked.
"I'm okay, I haven't been bit." I said relieved they were okay as well. That also meant that we are going to be able to get back to camp as a team.
Keith stood up slowly a little confused and Hunk and Pidge immediately aimed. "Lance! Behind you! Move!!!" They screamed.
I quickly realized and made sure to move in front of Keith to keep them from shooting. "No! He's a good zombie!"
"Lance this is no time for you goofing around! Move!" Hunk pleaded.
"I'm serious," I narrowed my eyes, "Keith is good. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him." I said sternly.
Pidge breathed heavily, deeply conflicted. "Lance please." Her eyes darted between me and Keith.
"Don't." I warned. "I trust him."
Hunk hesitated before putting him gun down. "There. Now Lance please move away from him."
Pidge watched and then followed his actions.
"How stupid do you think I am?" I rolled my eyes. I looked down at my hands unsure of what actions I should take to prove he is indeed good. My eyes trailed to my forearm revealed by my rolled up sleeves. I held up my arm near Keith's mouth. "See? Any normal zombie can't resist taking a bite."
"Lance what are you doing?!" Pidge yelled. Hunk watched horrified of what the next moments could bring.
"Lance, I don't kn-now that this w-will work." He said grabbing my arm and pulling it down from his mouth.
Pidge and Hunk watched in disbelief. "No, you did exactly what they needed to see." I smiled putting my hands over his.
"Lance? What, what is he?" Hunk asked.
"Not a what." I corrected annoyed. "He's just like me and you, except he's a little... dead-er."
They stared in wonder, shock, and mild horror. I grabbed Keith's hand and squeezed it lightly pulling him towards the two.
"My nam-me is Keith." He spoke holding out his hand to my teammates.
They stared at it hesitantly. They both nervously shook it muttering their names.
"Isn't he cute?" I smiled holding his hand tighter and scooting closer to the zombie boy.
"Lance what are yo-?" Pidge started.
"He's coming back to life." I stated quickly. The twos eyes widened unbelieving.
"What makes you think that?" Pidge pushed up her glasses.
I told her about the pulse and possible cure.
"We need to get him back to the camp, they'll want to know any information on a possible cure." Hunk informed.
"I don't want him to be a target, they'll try to shoot him." I said frustratedly back.
"Then we'll sneak him in." Pidge said slyly pushing up her glasses with a smirk.
I smiled realizing how on board she actually was with a friendly zombie. "We should raid this place before we go." I said looking at the long rows of shelving.
"You're right." Hunk said pulling off some cans of corn. "This place is a gold mine."
"Keith and I will start on the other side and meet you in the middle. There may be some zombies around, not the friendly kind. We got attacked just before you showed up." I said locking my arm with his.
The two looked slightly untrusting at Keith before nodding. Keith and I started as I said on the other side and walked slowly through each aisle choosing what we needed most as we had limited space in our bags.
"Hey Keith?" I asked breaking the silence that loomed.
"Yeah?" He looked up from a bag of cotton balls and placed them back on the shelf turning to me.
"Thank you." I said quietly.
"F-for what?" He asked a little surprised walking to me.
"You name it." I chucked, "You've done a lot, including saving me on multiple occasions."
"I s-should be thanking yo-ou. You saved m-me too." We were only inches apart. I raised my hand to brush some hair out of his face.
I slowly leaned in him doing the same. What was I doing?! He's dead! I froze our lips were close to touching. I was ready to pull away when he closed the gap and I melted into the kiss. Even if he is dead, that doesn't change how kind, clever, and amazing he's been. Not to mention, he's extremely cute.
He snapped away from the kiss clutching his chest again. He coughed a little breathing regularly. I quickly lifted my hand to his neck checking his pulse. It was completely normal. A perfect pulse.
"You're alive." I said quietly at first in disbelief. "You're alive!" I shouted more excitedly.
"I'm alive?" He checked his own pulse a smile spreading across his face slowly.
"You're alive!" I yelled uncaring.
"I'm alive!" We were practically kids jumping with joy. I then leaned in quickly stealing a kiss and we melted into it. I placed my hand on his cheek and his hands hung loosely on my shoulders.
"Ahem, Lance?" Pidge said pushing up her glasses as Hunk stood with a raised eyebrow.
"Guys!" I quickly tore away from Keith embarrassedly. "How long have you been, uh, standing there?"
"Oh just long enough to know you have a big gay crush on Keith." She smiled widely.
"You're dead." I glared at her.
"It's not me you gotta worry about, just wait till Shiro finds out, you know, dating a zombie and all." She teased.
"Bite me hobbit."
"Hold me back!" She yelled acting like she was ready to fight. Hunk just put up his hands and she turned to look at him. "Hunk, you're supposed to hold me back."
"How was I supposed to know, you didn't specify who." He shrugged.
I turned and smiled at Keith, he was an addition to our team now and I think he's gladly accepted. Keith smiled back before a loud rumble came from his stomach.
"You aren't hungry for brains are you?" I asked.
Keith thought for a moment, "Not particularly." He joked.
I laughed, "Let's get you something to eat."
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