Lance grabbed Keith by the back of his shirt and pulled him into his room as he was walking by catching him by surprise.
Keith began to protest until he saw it was Lance and smiled. They began to kiss enjoying themselves. Keith pulled away, "I gotta go, I told Shiro I'd train with him. I'm already five minutes late."
"I hate keeping us a secret. I miss you." Lance whined frowning.
He nodded understanding, "I know, I do too. How about you train with me and Shiro?" He took Lances hands in his.
"I don't know, it'll be hard not to watch you train." Lance smiled widely. Keith raised an eyebrow suggestively and Lance ran to grab his equipment. In mere seconds they were walking down the hall together smiling and holding hands.
They stopped in front of the door and let go of each other. "Don't take it to heart?" Keith asked, part of their usual routine holding up a fist close between them.
Lance nodded bumping his fist lightly against Keith's. They gave each other a quick kiss before looking annoyed and angry walking through the door.
"What's the problem?" Shiro asked already over it.
"Keith's stupid face, that's the problem." Lance huffed.
"Whatever Lance." Keith snapped.
"It doesn't matter just let it go. Lance are you joining us?" Shiro asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling energetic." Lance using a quick excuse to be there. Since they started dating they became masters of lying, scary good.
"Great." Keith said sarcastically.
"Keith." Shiro warned.
Keith grabbed a sword and shield setting them aside to use. Lance grabbed a gun feeling it's weight and liking the feel.
Keith envied how well he could lie, he wasn't bad at it himself but if Lance was around there was no need.
"Can we just start?" Keith sighed.
"Yeah, let's start the simulator." Lance urged.
"At least you two can agree on that." Shiro nodded. "Lance, since you're here, let's improve your relationship with Keith. If it worsens, we may not be able to form Voltron."
The two boys were laughing hysterically on the inside but externally they looked annoyed and frustrated.
"This is a level 8 bot. I expect you to work together, protecting each other while fighting." Shiro explained.
"Level 8?!" Keith yelled. "I haven't even made it past 5. I can't even beat four on some days!" Lance looked panicked but remained quiet.
"Then you better do you're best to find a way to beat it. Begin simulation." As soon as the words escaped his mouth, a bot formed holding a large sword. It was much bigger than the usual ones and they shot each other nervous glances.
Keith attacked first going for a perfect and swift swing for its leg. It dodged flipping around lifting the sword to strike him. Lance shot hitting the hilt of the sword just in time. The sword fell but in a blink of an eye it was back in its hands ready for another attack.
Keith prepared to make the first move again but Lance extended his arm in front of the boy. "Wait, let it make the first move. Defense could be our advantage."
Keith was mildly surprised. Lance always sounded way more confident and mature in battle. Coming up with ideas that made battles successful. It's one of his most irresistible states. He knew Lance had self worth issues but he could never understand why. He was so important and essential to the team.
The paladins all walked in to watch including Allura and Coran. They were mildly amused in disbelief they were fighting such a difficult level.
The bot began to charge aggressively. Lance pulled down into a kneel shooting with precision Keith longed for with a gun. The shots were enough to distract the bot mildly stunning him. Keith took the opportunity and in a split second had slid slicing through its leg. They were successful.
Or so they thought. It reached grabbing Keith by the back of the shirt and ripping him aside. "Keith!" Lance yelled as Keith rolled along the floor his sword sliding past him.
Lances face hardened and he fired quickly as much as he could hitting the same spot. The bot backed off a little and Lance ran to the boy's aid.
"Are you Okay?" Lance helped him up checking him over subtly to see if he was seriously injured.
"I'm fine, just a little bruised." He grabbed his sword shifting his weight to one leg as the other was hurt.
Lance was typically a fairly chill person but anger boiled over in him and he swung around and fired at the bot.
Keith was surprised, he'd never seen Lance truly let anger get to him before. Each shot landed perfectly at the neck of the bot. Keith then understood why he was aiming there. A small piece of metal covering the spot seemed to be damaged and wires began to be exposed thanks to the sharpshooter.
As helpful as it was Keith knew in order to beat it he'd have to stab the spot through with his sword. He began to charge and went for its blind spot as it was preoccupied in dodging Lances long range attacks.
"Keith no!" Lance said worriedly lowering his gun to see how Keith's situation was panning out.
The bots sword formed into a gun and it shot three times. Two missed and the third grazed past his cheek scraping it. Keith yelled jumping as his sword slipped through the breach in its armor cutting wires and destroying it.
The bot turned blue and disappeared back within the castle as they had won. Lance and Keith smiled widely before immediately pulling each other into a hug.
"My bonding exercise worked better than I thought." Shiro said wide eyed. The others stood with their mouths hanging open.
"Are you Okay? You look like you got hurt." Lance said inspecting the boy who just rolled his eyes.
"I'm fine Lance." He said caressing his cheek to see the small scratch from the bullet that had grazed him.
"You don't look fine." Lance grabbed Keith's hand pulling it away from his cheek.
"Then stop looking. Are you okay?"
"Haha! You guys are acting like a couple." Pidge laughed.
The two boys panicked having forgotten their pretense in the heat of battle. They pulled apart at lightning speed with red faces. They remained quiet and avoided eye contact.
"A couple of what? Badasses who just beat a level 8 bot?" Lance said triumphantly trying to change the subject.
"Really? Because from here it looked like you were both making googley eyes at one another." Pidge pushed up her glasses and folded her arms with a smirk.
"Ew! What?! We're both dudes!" Lance said defensively.
"But Lance I thought you were Bi?" Hunk chimed in.
The paladins all looked to Lance in mild surprise. "It was a phase?" He said it sounding more like a question than a statement. Trying to hide their secret was proving impossible now.
They raised an eyebrow, as if that was believable. Keith took a small look to Lance and he nodded to the shorter boy.
They both intertwined their hands squeezing out of nervousness. "I guess the jig is up." Lance rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand nervously.
"Lance and I have been dating." Keith smiled lightly.
"For how long?!" Shiro asked.
"Three months, sixteen hours, four minutes, and thirteen-no fourteen seconds." Lance said quickly.
"How exactly did we not know about this?! Lance is a horrible liar." Pidge asked.
"I've been practicing lying thank you very much." Lance defended.
"Yeah he's the better of us at lying actually." Keith added backing him up.
"What? No, you know you're better." Lance turned smiling at him and holding both the boy's hands to his lips.
"This is weird to watch." Allura said her eye twitching slightly.
"Look, we know this may change some things about our team and how it may function, that's why we kept it a secret. But..., we still hope you're okay with this." Lance said nervously holding onto Keith for comfort.
"Of course we support you two." Shiro assured them.
"I totally knew you guys were going to get together. It was just a matter of time." Pidge said folding her arms.
The two rolled their eyes. "Hey Keith?"
"Hm?" He asked looking at his boyfriend happily.
"We can kiss when and wherever we want now." Lance wiggled his eyebrows. 🐛🐛
They leaned into each other taking a deep kiss. "Are we going to have to put up with PDA all the time now?" Pidge whined.
They both looked at her dead serious. "Yes."
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