Voltron Enchanted
You may recognize the plot from Ella Enchanted!!!
Gifts are usually something to be celebrated.
But not so much for Keith. At least for one gift in particular. A gift of obedience.
Of course he was a fairly headstrong child, but what child wasn't? His brother claimed that it was a fairy godmother or some shit who gave him the gift (if you could even call it that). She visited him as a newborn and presented the gift to his parents. Shiro claimed they tried to turn down the gift but she threatened to turn him into a skunk. As much as Keith hates the curse, he'd rather not be a skunk believe it or not.
Ironically however, Keith hates doing what people tell him to. Loathes it in fact!
His family always tried to be wary of his situation and offer him choices and avoided sentences that would cause him to obey without free will. Like saying: "please do your homework sometime tonight" vs. "go do your homework please". He still lost his free will not to do his homework but at least he could choose when he wanted to do it as long as it was that night.
Though, sometimes it was unavoidable or they'd forget. Like saying "Dig in!" At the dinner table. Keith had felt immense guilt for having picked up food by the handfuls and shoving it into his face, ruining the lovely dinner his father spent hours preparing.
But of course he couldn't control it. If someone told him to do something, even as an off handed comment, he had no choice. It didn't help when his parents both died. His mom fell ill and only two years later his father died in a fire on the job.
His brother was old enough to take custody and they've lived in a small apartment ever since. Keith had gotten into trouble quite a bit because of the curse and was no stranger to getting kicked out of schools. But he was a senior in high school now. His last year. He made a promise to Shiro there'd be no funny business. Keith had a grade point average of 4.2 and Shiro was already worried his record would diminish his chances of getting into a good college and receiving the full ride he was promised by the state.
"Is your summer assignment done?" Shiro asked as he stirred a cake mix blending the ingredients. Adam's birthday is on the same day as his second day of school, so they decided to celebrate today on the weekend as a family, and then Adam and Shiro could do a special dinner together on the day of.
"Yeah, I just have to print it out though." Keith ran a hand through his hair as he watched Shiro bake.
"You might as well do it quick before Adam gets here." Shiro suggested.
"Meh, don't really want to." Keith groaned.
"Keith, go print it." Shiro rolled his eyes.
Keith immediately stood up without hesitation and walked to the office. "Fuck you."
"Language!" Shiro huffed.
Keith returned and sat back down lazily. "Happy now?" He grumbled.
"Yes, thank you." Shiro smiled annoyingly bright.
Keith then observed Shiro have a change in demeanor. He seemed suddenly nervous and sat down the bowl he was stirring. "What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you about something before Adam gets here." He sat down across from Keith and looked at him seriously. "At Adam's birthday dinner on Tuesday, I plan on proposing. I wanted to talk to you about it first though, I know our situation has always been particularly different. And I know it's just been the two of us for years. But I want Adam to be part of it now."
"Shiro that's great! Did you already get the rings?" Keith asked surprised.
"Yeah," he pulled them out and showed off the ring happily.
"Um, if he's going to be part of our family... are you going to tell him?" Keith asked quieter now.
"It might be a good idea. I think he already generally knows there's something off. I could always tell it bothered him that we refused to tell him anything." Shiro sighed. "But ultimately, it's up to you."
"It's okay, you can tell him." Keith nodded.
"Thank you," Shiro smiled. They both quickly stood up awkwardly when they heard a knock on the door and it opened to show the familiar face.
Keith's alarm went off and he let out a low groan and turned over in bed.
Minutes passed before Shiro called through the hallway. "Get up and get ready! I made breakfast! Oh shoot, sorry!"
Keith suddenly sprung up from the bed and began getting dressed in his clothes for the day. He pulled on denim jeans, a black shirt, and a red flannel which he rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. He grabbed some socks and hopped on one foot as he made his way through the hallway to get to the kitchen.
"Careful, or you'll fall and break your face." Shiro smirked.
"Maybe then I won't have to go to school." Keith huffed sitting down at the dining table and dishing some pancakes and eggs onto his plate.
"Very funny." Shiro rolled his eyes.
Keith finished eating all while bickering with his brother. Afterward he fixed his hair and brushed his teeth. He grabbed his school bag and sauntered into the living room.
"It's your last year, you should try not to look so constipated." Shiro teased. "It'll fly by and before you know it, you'll miss high school."
Keith gave him a doubtful look and Shiro ruffled his hair.
"I'll see you when I get home from work. Be on time to class and listen to your teachers." Shiro said grabbing his keys.
Keith's posture straightened at the order. "I'll be fine..."
"Love you baby brother!" Shiro gloated as he left.
Keith huffed and put on his black docs. He checked the time and decided it fitting to head out. He drove to school with dread. He hoped no one told him what to do.
He sat down in class five minutes early because he rather not run the risk of being close to late and moving through the halls at an inhuman speed.
Two minutes till the bell, a small ginger haired girl plopped in the seat next to his. He glanced at her and looked away quickly. Friends probably weren't a good idea.
"Hey, are you new here?" She asked.
Keith inwardly sighed. "Uh yeah, sort of."
"Oh, well I'm Pidge." She smirked, "and the big cinnamon roll there is Hunk."
She pointed to the person sitting in front of them. He turned around and smiled at the two kindly. "Don't call me a cinnamon roll, people will think it's weird."
Keith smiled a little, they seemed friendly.
"What are you losers talking about?" A higher pitched voice came from behind them.
"We were just talking to..." Pidge started.
"Keith." He filled in.
"Keith here!" She finished.
"Keith? What kind of a name is that?" The boy responded in an infuriating tone.
Keith turned around to see who the annoying kid was and froze. He was taller with chocolate brown hair and golden caramel skin. His eyes were a bright blue as they stared down at him. The boy was lanky but his shoulders were broad.
Keith gawked a little at the handsome teen in front of him. At least until he opened his mouth and started talking.
"Well, you're in my spot Keith." He folded his arms.
"How is that my problem?" Keith challenged.
"Oh I'll make it your problem," he moved closer to his face and Pidge reached out and jerked him by the shirt.
"Just sit behind him you asshat. Don't make a fool of yourself." Pidge sighed. "Play nice, he's a new kid."
Lance frowned and plopped down in the seat annoyed. "I don't like him. He looks shady like he's hiding something."
Keith's heart pounded at the comment. Was he that obvious? No way. How did this kid have one exchange with him and already know he had a big secret.
"Don't let Lance upset you, he's an idiot but we love him." Pidge rolled her eyes not noticing Keith suddenly perk in his posture.
"So why'd you move to this school? Are you from around here?" Hunk asked.
"Uh, yeah, I guess I just wanted to be a wildcat," Keith lied.
"Hmm, tell me, are you lying Keith? If that even is your real name." Lance glared at him suspiciously.
Keith's posture straightened, "Yes." He said clearly and immediately wanted to bang his head against the table.
"Ha! I told you guys! So, tell us why you actually transferred why don't ya?" He leaned in intrigued.
Keith felt annoyance rise in him. He hated being told what to do. "I was kicked out of my other school." He said through gritted teeth.
"Why's that?" Lance smirked.
"None of your business." Keith snapped. The bell rang and he heard Lance lean forward in his chair close to Keith's ear.
Pidge smacked his arm, "leave him alone Lance."
"Fine!" He said sitting back in his seat and Keith let out a breath of relief.
After class he briefly muttered a goodbye to Pidge and hunk purposefully ignoring Lance. He went to another class and before he knew it, it was lunch.
He walked out holding his trey and made eye contact with Pidge who waved him over. He also saw Hunk and Lance sitting there as well. Maybe Lance would be better than earlier.
"Well, if it isn't the mysterious emo kid from earlier!" Lance brightened.
Keith immediately turned around to walk away but Pidge grabbed him by the collar. "You'll get used to him."
"You say that like it's a good thing." Keith mumbled sitting down.
"I'm right here." Lance frowned. "So?" He pressed excitedly.
"So what?" Keith looked at him unimpressed.
"Are you going to tell us why you got kicked out?" Lance leaned forward on his elbows.
"No." Keith shook his head.
"What? Please!" Lance begged.
"Why not?" Lance pouted.
"Because why?"
"Can we change the topic?" Keith sighed rolling his eyes.
"Fine." Lance frowned and crossed his arms. But Keith knew he was up to no good when a smile spread across his face. "You got a girlfriend?"
"No." Keith grimaced a little.
"What? Not even a little one? Not even a crush. No girls?" Lance pestered him.
"I'm gay." Keith felt like ripping his hair out. This kid was annoying.
"No way! You like boys? So you like me right? You think I'm hot?" Lance asked suddenly excited.
"Don't flatter yourself." Keith visibly rolled his eyes.
"No way. I bet you do! You might as well announce it to us. Heck, tell the whole lunchroom about how you're gay and madly in love with me, Lance McClain." Lance smirked jokingly.
Keith stood up calmly, stepped up onto the table for everyone to see, took a deep breath, and... "I'm gay and madly in love with Lance McClain!"
"Dude! W-what are you doing? I-I didn't mean it! You didn't have to-..." Lance frantically looked around the room and attempted to get Keith to get off the table.
The entire room had gone silent for just a second before suddenly buzzing even louder than before. Keith stepped off the table with a deadpanned face and sat back on his seat.
"What the fuck was that?" Pidge was bewildered.
Keith shrugged as he took another bite of his food. He looked up to see Lance staring at him with wide eyes and bright red cheeks.
"W-why did you do that?" Lance asked flabbergasted.
"What do you mean why? You told me to." Keith tilted his head.
"I didn't mean it! I was joking!" Lance screeched.
"Sure you were lover boy." Keith stood up and left to dump his tray leaving behind a confused and embarrassed Lance.
After that he only saw Lance once and it was passing in the hallway. Lance had quickly adverted his gaze and ignored him, which Keith was totally fine with.
Keith went home and patiently waited for his brother. As soon as he walked through the door, Keith bombarded him with papers that needed to be signed. "My teachers... you know," Keith didn't need to give an explanation as Shiro already understood.
"Don't worry about it." Shiro said in order to let him relax.
"Thanks." Keith plopped on the couch.
"So, how was your day?" Shiro asked.
And then he told him about Lance. How annoying and infuriating he was. How blatantly rude and how he kept making him do and say stuff he didn't want to.
"Hm," Shiro studied him, "sounds like you have a crush,"
"What!?!" Keith erupted. "Did you not listen to a word I said!"
"Yeah, I have, for the past two hours." Shiro smiled.
Keith went quiet seeing his point and pouted instead. Him? Like that asshole? No way.
After dinner, Keith decided to go to bed early. He laid in his bed and stared up at the ceiling thinking about his day. Thinking about that asshole in particular.
In the morning, Keith got up and took a shower. He got dressed and came down the hallway to join Shiro for breakfast. "Morning baby brother!" Shiro sung because he knew it would annoy Keith.
"Are you ready for tonight?" Keith asked.
"As I'll ever be." Shiro grinned and ruffled Keith's hair. "Ugh, dry your hair before you go to school."
Keith perked up, "I was already planning on it but gee thanks." He glared.
After breakfast, Keith dried his hair and brushed his teeth. He met Shiro at the door to say goodbye as per usual and finished getting ready to go.
When Keith made it to school he immediately felt dread at the thought of dealing with Lance. "Keith!"
Speak of the devil. Keith pretended not to hear the annoying boy call for him.
"Stay right where you are Kogane!" He called out.
Keith's feet immediately froze to the ground. He let out a huff of annoyance and folded his arms.
"Huh, I'm surprised you actually waited for me," Lance finally caught up. He started walking to the class thinking him and Keith would walk together but was surprised to see no one by his side. "Aren't you coming?" He turned back to see Keith standing exactly where he was before.
"Yeah," Keith muttered, "in a minute."
Lance looked around a little confused. "What are you doing? You're just standing there."
Keith rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm not just standing here,"
"Do you not want to walk with me that bad? You could just say so ass face." Lance suddenly looked angry and stormed off.
"Wait!" Keith called but the boy was long gone. He felt a bit of guilt but quickly forced it down. Lance might have been his only means of escaping his being stuck to the floor.
Keith stood there annoyed and panicked as he watched time tick by. The first bell rang, and the second to be in class rang shortly after. He tried calling Shiro but his brother was at work and didn't answer.
Guess he was missing class.
Angry and bored, he played games on his phone for a bit, worked on homework, and even read. Finally the bell rang and the halls flooded with students again. He saw Pidge, Hunk, and Lance leave the department and branch off from each other. Lance was coming his way. Now was his chance to get unstuck.
"Lance!" Keith yelled across the hall.
The boy looked up confused before locking his eyes on Keith. Visible confusion washed over him. He glanced around the hall as he warily made his way to Keith. "Why didn't you come to class? Were you standing there the entire time?"
"Tell me to move." Keith demanded.
"What? Why?" Lance grimaced. "You know you missed important notes you dumbass." He reached in his bag and pulled out some lined paper with scribbled notes on it. "They aren't very nice because I had to write everything twice and keep up."
Keith took them in a daze. "You took notes for me? But I made you mad earlier,"
Lance shrugged, "Don't expect me to do it again. You better be there tomorrow." He started walking away and Keith panicked.
"No! Lance! Tell me to move!" Keith demanded again.
Lance looked at Keith like he was deranged and started to continue walking.
"If you do... I'll... I'll..." Keith thought, "I'll tell you why I got kicked out of my last school!"
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
Lance seemed to perk up at the deal. "Okay, Uh, Keith, stop standing there like an idiot."
Keith immediately felt his feet release from the ground and he stumbled a little feeling relief and exhaustion wash over him. After all, standing in the same place without moving for over an hour is less than ideal. "Thank you," Keith muttered before quickly reminding himself the boy was the one who got him stuck in the first place.
"You can tell me later at lunch why you got kicked out," Lance smiled a little too happy, "Keithy."
Keith stiffened at the nickname. "What did you just call me?" But he looked up to see Lance already headed down the hall.
He would've pondered the odd encounter if not for his phone screen lighting up with Shiro's goofy contact photo.
"Hey, what's going on?" Shiro asked quickly.
"Uh, everything's good now but I was stuck in the fucking hallway all first period." Keith sighed. "Can you excuse me from the class?"
"Uh, yeah, I don't see why not. I'll just say you had a dentist appointment or something." Shiro sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't answer sooner."
"It's okay, you're working." Keith assured. "I gotta go or I'm going to be late to my next class."
Keith made it to his class on time but he had trouble focusing. After all he had a lot on his plate. He pulled out the notes Lance had written and read them. He paid attention to the way Lance crossed his T's and the way his penmanship would switch back and forth from cursive.
"Keith, answer the question up on the board." The teacher said sternly like he already had to repeat himself a few times. Keith jolted looking up from the notes.
"Uh, right," he looked at the math problem carefully and answered in just a few seconds, "4.57,"
"That's correct, thank you." The teacher moved on.
Keith felt relief for once that the teacher actually told him what to do, or he may not have been able to answer.
When the bell rang for lunch, Keith stood up and left rather quickly. He knew Lance would be patiently waiting for Keith to show up and ask him about his last school. He could easily just skip lunch and avoid the encounter all together. He wouldn't be holding up his end of the deal and it would be unfair, but did he really want Lance to know?
Keith decided to go regardless because he was hungry after all and Lance would probably end up hunting him down and demanding Keith tell him anyway. He spotted the table with Pidge, Hunk, and Lance all sitting and chatting with smiles.
He sat down and Lance immediately perked up. "Spill it." He smiled leaning forward.
And curse Lance for his choice of words because Keith tripped forward and did exactly what he was told to.
Mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, milk, and a small cookie all made their attack on Lance's lovely blue shirt, neat orderly hair, and irritatingly perfect complexion.
Keith opened and closed his mouth several times as he stared at the now mess of a boy in front of him. Lance stared back at him with big wide eyes as he scooped a clump of mashed potatoes off himself.
"I'm s-sorry." He stumbled racing to grab napkins, returning momentarily holding a large clump of them in hand.
Lance snatched them incredulously. "I meant 'spill it' as in tell me about your last school! Not dump and entire tray of food on me!" Lance's cheeks were a dark red as he cleaned himself.
Keith wrung his hands, "I know! It was an accident."
"It didn't look like an accident..." Pidge looked at Keith almost sad at her own accusation.
Keith looked to Hunk for some kind of help or back up but the boy just looked away.
"What the hell is your problem?" Lance seethed.
Keith wanted to give him some sort of response. One that would fix the situation and give them some sort of understanding. But all he could do is stare at them.
"Are you going to answer or just stare at me like an idiot?" Lance huffed.
Keith balled his hands into fists. "You dumbass." He picked up his tray angrily and began to clean up the mess.
"I'm the dumbass? I didn't just spill a tray of food on someone!" Lance stood up. Most of the mess had been cleaned now except his shirt had a large darkened stain and he smelled like food.
Keith opened his mouth to make a comeback but his eyes latched onto a single pea. A single pea stuck in Lance's hair. A smile suddenly cracked across his face and he attempted to hold back a laugh that out of nowhere crept up on him. It wasn't even funny, nothing really about the situation was all that funny. But he couldn't help himself.
Lance's face almost seemed to contort angrier. But when Keith reached and picked the pea from his hair, Lance's anger faded. And whoever said that laughter's infectious, was hella right because a small smile peaked its way onto Lance's face.
"I'm sorry I spilled my tray on you." Keith pursed his lips.
"And I'm sorry I distracted you with my good looks and made you trip." Lance nodded.
Keith snorted. "Don't flatter yourself."
"What did we just watch?" Pidge looked to Hunk who shrugged.
Keith followed Lance to to bathroom to help clean up and keep talking to him.
Lance wetted a clump of paper towels and rubbed at his shirt.
"So, why did you do it?" Lance asked a little quieter now and not so angry.
"I told you it was an accident." Keith glared at him.
Lance sighed. "Is it because you don't want to tell me about your last school? You could've just said no."
"No! It's- it really was an accident!" Keith was starting to get frustrated. He balled his hands in fists and stared at Lance.
Lance leaned against the sink and folded his arms. "Really?"
"Really." Keith grumbled.
Lance bit his lip. "Fine. It was an accident." He shrugged.
"You believe me?" Keith relaxed a little.
"Well, if you say it is then I believe you." Lance continued cleaning.
"Uh, did you just want to know about why I got kicked out of my last school?" Keith asked wringing his hands.
"Are you implying you've been kicked out of more than one school." Lance raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe..." Keith bit at his cheek.
"Hm," Lance smirked.
"What?" Keith folded his arms.
"Didn't really peg you as a bad boy rule breaker." Lance looked him up and down.
Keith scowled at him, "I'm not. I just... had a few hiccups."
"Okay then," Lance gave him a look that made Keith feel a twinge of annoyance. "Well, start with school one."
Keith's posture straightened as he heard the order. "Stop telling me what to do." He blurted. "Sorry, uh I was first kicked out of Balmera High back in freshman year. It was a bunch of things like fights, trouble, and whatnot. But the thing that really was a deciding factor was when I set the gymnasium on fire."
"You what?!" Lance screeched.
"What? It was an accident of course!" Keith defended himself.
"How do you accidentally set a gymnasium on fire?" Lance put his hands on his hips.
"Well, it's complicated, but I was put up to it." Keith tiptoed around the subject.
"Huh," Lance shrugged, "okay, go ahead... if you want." He added quickly.
Keith felt a bit of joy at the last bit. "Thank you. Um, next was Galra High. That school already has a bunch of delinquents so it's not often you hear about kids getting kicked out of there."
"No kidding," Lance stared at him curiously.
"I sort of pulled the fire alarm and the entire school was evacuated and the fire department showed up."
"Christ Keith! Why?" He stared flabbergasted.
"Um, I thought there was a fire?" Keith tried the lie.
"Hm, that's bull but we'll get back to it." Lance pointed.
"And then there was Marmora High..." Keith continued.
"Woah woah, wait. There's more?" Lance laughed.
"It's the last one!" Keith said defensively.
"Okay, let me hear it." Lance sighed goofily. "Uh, please, if you want."
"I got kicked out of that one for..." Keith cleared his throat, "Uh..."
You could physically see the the curiosity and excitement floating off Lance at the anticipation Keith was unintentionally building.
"Actually I think I'm going to hold off on that one." Keith tapped his finger against his chin thoughtfully. Of course all of these incidents were due to his obedience and none of which had been on his own accord. Still, even though it wasn't his fault, it didn't change the fact that Lance would think he was a raving lunatic. Even more so, that is.
"Nooo..." Lance frowned, "that's the worst! Now all I'm gonna think about is what you could've done to get kicked out that's worse than setting a gymnasium on fire."
"Well, if it makes you feel any better, it's probably not as bad as setting a gymnasium on fire per say. But it's much more embarrassing."
"It doesn't." Lance deadpanned. "Now I'm just more curious. Please spill the beans."
"Goddamn it Lance!" Keith immediately pivoted around on his heel and left the bathroom heading straight for the cafeteria. He walked up to the nearest unsuspecting kid and picked up his bowl of beans spilling them all over the fucking table.
Lance rushed up behind him in time to see the mess of beans scattered across the table.
The poor kid looked up at him mortified, being just a freshman. He probably thought Keith was bullying him.
"What the hell Keith?! What's wrong with you?!" Lance looked at the poor freshman.
Keith was pissed. It was Lance's fault! Of course he couldn't say that, but that asshole just had to tell him what to do. Keith wordlessly began to clean up the mess without so much as looking at Lance.
"Oh so you're just going to ignore me now?" Lance folded his arms. "Fine, go ahead! Ignore me! See if I care!"
Keith whipped his head around and Lance's words faded and died. Lance appeared blurry and then almost seemed to disappear. It wasn't that he's gone but Keith couldn't focus and his eyes just seemed to breeze over. Keith realized Lance's words and understood. Serves Lance right for ordering him around all the time. At least now he could get some peace. But deep down Keith felt guilt tug at him. The idea that Lance probably though Keith was genuinely ignoring him and reaching a whole new level of pettiness made him feel sour.
Keith knew he was unable to address Lance whether he liked it or not, so he finished cleaning up the mess as well as he could and left.
The next day Keith showed up for class and both Pidge and Hunk gave him funny looks. Keith sat down and looked out the window.
"Keith, are you really going to be this petty?" Pidge looked at him disapprovingly.
"What?" Keith turned his head to look at her.
"You literally shoulder checked Lance walking to your seat and won't even respond to him talking to you! Don't 'what' me!" Pidge gave him a foul look.
Keith sighed and looked around unable to see Lance still. "Can you do something for me?"
"What? You're acting like a dick! Why would-" Pidge began to lecture but Keith cut her off by turning to Hunk.
"Hunk, tell me to stop ignoring... you know." Keith spoke quickly. Hunk looked at him questioningly. "Just do it."
"Uh, Keith... stop ignoring Lance." Hunk said looking at Keith like he was crazy.
Keith glanced behind him finally able to see Lance who was looking just as confused as Hunk. "Are you...?"
"I'm sorry Lance." Keith grumbled and turned forward again.
"Oh nuh, uh, uh! You're not getting off that easy!" Lance snatched him by the back of the collar and dragged him out of the classroom.
"Lance! What the hell! You're going to make us tardy!" Keith squirmed, but Lance didn't let him go until they were outside in the empty hallway. The bell rang and Keith sighed.
"I think I understand. I don't think you want me to, but I do." Lance suddenly smiled.
Keith started to panic, and his heart sped up. "What are you talking about?"
"I think, you can't help but do what you're told." Lance spat.
"That's absurd. You dragged me all the way out here and made me late for class just to tell me that bullshit?" Keith started walking away hoping his nervousness wasn't showing through.
"Keith, jump up and down."
Keith froze in place and bounced once. When his feet touched the ground again, he was already twisting around and grabbing Lance by the shirt. "Listen fuckhead if you tell anyone I'll-" Keith seethed.
"Hey hey, I'm not gonna tell anyone." Lance put his hands up defensively. "But um, why do you do what everyone tells you to?"
Keith mumbled an incoherent answer and released Lance's shirt.
"By brother said it's a... fairy godmother..." Keith grumbled.
Lance burst into laughter, he was laughing so hard he had to grab Keith's shoulder to keep himself up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that's just too good!"
"Shut up, tell me to do something impossible. Just watch." Keith shrugged his hand off his shoulder.
"Fine. Uh, Keith, float in the air..." Lance put his hands on his hips.
Keith's feet lifted off the ground and he began to float like it was zero gravity. "Really you couldn't have picked anything else?" He glared down at the speechless Lance.
Keith began to float a little too high for his liking and he scrambled for purchase haphazardly grabbing Lance by the ear.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Keith!" Lance swatted at his hand and Keith cursed trying to find literally anything else to grab with no luck.
"Lance get me down!" Keith snapped.
Lance was rubbing his ear hurt and quickly realized Keith's situation.
Keith was beginning to float over the balcony making the drop just that much farther. "When I get down from here..." Keith glared at Lance.
"Oh shit Keith!" Lance reached over the balcony unable to grab him. "I'm panicking. Keith, I'm panicking."
"Calm the fuck down before you say something I have to do. Now, choose your words wisely. Be specific so I don't fall to my death." Keith huffed folding his arms as he began to slowly float upside down.
"Okay, okay, um... Keith..., slowly and gently and without getting hurt, lower down... into my arms." Lance said the last instruction with a shit eating grin.
Keith moved back over the balcony and slowly lowered down. "You're an idiot." He grumbled arms still crossed as he felt himself ease into Lance.
"I'm surprised you haven't decked me." Lance laughed with a grin.
"I can't. I literally fucking can't." Keith growled. "Now put me down."
Lance rolled his eyes and set Keith on the ground. Keith dusted himself of and gave Lance the stink eye.
"This makes so much more sense..." Lance pondered, "It's why you spilled your tray, and stood on the table, and why you spilled that kids food the other day! Oh my god!"
Keith huffed. "I... I streaked across the football field butt ass naked."
Lance looked at Keith mortified. "What the fuck?"
"That's why I got kicked out of my last school." Keith mumbled.
Lance tried to contain his laughter. Tried. But it was too good. "Holy shit Keith!" He wiped at tears.
Keith stood with his arms folded but even he cracked a small smile. Eventually they were both laughing and Lance threw an arm around Keith.
"Oh god that's better than anything I could've come up with." Lance sighed finally letting the laughter die down. "I'm guessing you were told to do it?"
"Yeah," Keith looked at him feeling almost relieved. It felt like a large weight had been taken off his shoulders. "I never even told my brother the full story. I told him I still had my underwear."
"I would pay anything to have been there," Lance chuckled facing Keith. Because his arm was hooked around Keith, they were very close and Lance blushed. "Keith?"
"Uh... yeah?" Keith answered a little dazed.
"We should get back to class," Lance's eyes searched his face.
"Kiss me."
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