Veronica is a Traitor
"Shiro want an update of the progress on the engines for the B418 fighter jet." Keith informed Lance not even looking up from his papers.
"Ugh... do we have to?" Lance whined.
"We? By that I meant you." Keith smirked leaning on the table.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Lance stood up pushing his chair back in. "Hey, Isn't that in the east wing?" He asked as they headed out of the conference room.
"Yeah, why?" Keith confirmed.
"My sister said she was on duty there this morning." Lance smiled widely.
"Oh, I haven't met her." Keith stared ahead as they turned into the east wing.
"She's the best." Lance commented as Keith pulled open a heavy set door letting Lance in before following.
"Baby brother!" A woman's voice rung. A tall girl with light tan skin and brown hair and eyes came into view. She was definitely Lances sister, the two could be identical twins. The only difference was eye color as Lances were blue.
Keith smiled at the nickname. Lance a paladin, defender of the universe; he's saved galaxies! But his sister still sees him as the baby.
Lance felt self conscious of the nickname in front of Keith. He gave his sister a small stink eye but she just smiled wider. "Uh, this is my sister Veronica. And Veronica this is Keith."
"Keith? Like the one you had a crush on back in the garrison?" She asked.
Keith's head couldn't have snapped in Lances direction quicker. "Veronica!" Lance screeched.
"You what?" Keith asked determined to get to the bottom of this.
Lance cut a look to his sister. "I'm never telling you anything ever again."
Keith, as he wasn't getting any information from Lance, turned to the snitch of the room. "Did he really have a crush on me?"
"Oh yeah! He'd come home and tell me all about him. 'Oh Veronica! Today Keith nodded in my direction!' 'Oh Veronica! Today Keith dropped out of the garrison! I'll never find love!' She mocked.
Lance ran forward clapping a hand over her mouth. "We just need the work report papers."
She was smiling as she grabbed them and handed them to her younger brother. "You two lovebirds have fun."
"We are not lovebirds!" Lance stomped before heading back to the door and swinging it open.
Keith looked from Lance to Veronica before leaving with the boy. When they were alone walking down the hallway Keith glanced up and Lance to see the boy was brooding and irritated. "Is it true?"
"Keith, if you want to make fun of me just do it already." Lance stopped and folded his arms.
"Make fun of you? Lance it's not-" Keith began.
"Okay, then can we pretend that never happened?" He spoke before continuing to walk.
Keith stood where he was; arms folded, weight shifted to one leg and a raised eyebrow. "Would you care to listen to my feelings?" He spoke with a hint of sass.
"Your feelings? Look Keith, I know, you don't see me that way. And hey look, it's fine. I get it." Lance put his hands up and continued on walking.
"Lance, I like you." Keith said bluntly.
Lance froze and slowly turned around. "You what?"
"I like you." Keith repeated.
Lance slowly walked to Keith again and they seemed to hesitate before kissing. Keith's arms wrapped around Lances neck and Lances hands found Keith's hips.
"I wasn't expecting that." Allura exclaimed covering her eyes looking away.
The two separated quickly blushing madly. "Sorry, we were just-" Keith tried to explain.
"Having a moment." Lance finished smiling as he wrapped an arm around Keith. "And I think we'll continue elsewhere."
The two laughed as they headed off to find a private room.
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