Vampire Keith
I have never felt more chill.
I got cozy chillhop radio playing and I'm eating Green Tea ice cream (it's super good btw, you must try it. It's Hägen-Dazs)
Anyway enjoy...
Keith blended in well.
He's what you call a vampire. Not the Count Dracula kind where he lives in a castle but they did both drink blood, they do have that in common.
He lives with Shiro, who is like a brother to him. Plus he worked in a hospital therefore he had better access to blood.
Shiro was the only person who knew of Keith's secret, we'll start with how that changed~:
(WoAh was that cheesy enough for yah m8?)
Lance was of course the outgoing, funny, and flirtatious boy in high school. Always out there, taking risks, challenging himself. He was well liked he had a small group of friends who weren't particularly popular but it didn't even seem to cross Lances mind. He was of course handsome, and being a flirt in combination with that tended to bring a lot of interested girls.
He always turned them down. No one knew why. Rumors spread such as he had a crush on Allura or that he was gay. Keith thought it was funny that just because the boy wasn't desperate for a girlfriend people had to assume some other reason.
What was Keith to Lance? Not much, simply a friend of a friend. Keith cursed himself, because he, like the other girls, had fallen victim to Lances good looks and amazing personality.
"Hey Keithy!" Lance said plopping down in the seat next to him.
"Hi Lance." Keith rolled his eyes. He spun his pencil between his fingers as he tried to focus on the problem before him, but Lance was distracting him from Parametric Equations. Lance didn't have to do anything but sit next to him in order to consume his thoughts.
Lances plate consisted of chicken strips, potato wedges, and white milk. Keith glanced over to see Lance pop a potato wedge into his mouth. He turned back to his homework and underlined key information in the question lightly to help him focus. "Why don't you ever eat lunch?" Lance asked.
"Um-..." Keith rubbed the back of his neck. No one really asked him, he wanted to put some thought into the answer and make it believable. He couldn't think, at least not with Lance sitting there making conversation with him.
"Do you not have money?" Lance asked. His expression turned to one with sympathy. "I could buy you lunch."
Keith felt butterflies waver in his stomach. Lance was offering to buy him lunch, Keith almost laughed at the thought that Lance would be his lunch. "That's okay, I'm just not much of a lunch eater. I snack throughout the day." Keith said amazed at his own quick on the spot thinking. It's not like Keith could come out and say 'Normal food tastes like charcoal because I'm a vampire and I drink blood. You have blood but I won't eat you.'.
"Oh okay. What are you working on?" He turned his head to get a look at the worksheet.
"Pre-Calculus." Keith said almost forgetting he was working on homework.
"That's nice. I've been having trouble figuring out Parametric Equations, they just make no sense to me." He rested his head in his hand.
"You're taking precalculus?" Keith said almost in disbelief. Lance nodded. "Oh. Well if you're struggling, I could help you sometime." Keith offered. He imagined Shiro's reaction to seeing him bringing home a friend. Shiro is extremely protective of anyone find out his secret.
"I think I'll take you up on that." Lance smiled.
Keith was to entranced to think of the consequences of that offer. But he listed them anyway. However, not all consequences are bad.
Lance was going to say something else but Pidge and Hunk sat down with trays of the same food.
"Sup losers." Pidge said sipping on some milk.
"Hey Pidgeon." Lance responded leaning back over in his chair. Neither of the boy's had realized how close they actually got while talking.
Lunch passed as normal and nothing very interesting happened. Another girl came up and confessed her absolute undying love for Lance. And Keith thought he was dramatic being a vampire and all.
Lance politely turned her down apologizing. Keith felt a twinge of happiness. He couldn't imagine what he'd do if Lance actually accepted one of these girls' confessions. Then again Keith was probably just like all of them, he'd be shot down too if he bothered.
Keith was dead, he didn't have time for this. If he was going to live for the next thousand years, he sure as hell wasn't going to spend it swooning over a boy he would never have. But then again, here he was, doing it anyway.
Keith went to his last two classes of the day and when the bell rang, he felt relief wash over him. He could go home and lay down in his dark room and get a break from all the light.
Sunlight didn't cause him to burst into flames or make his skin boil, but it did burn. Being out in the sun with no protection could leave his skin red and burned in just two to three minutes.
Shiro and Keith found ways around this. Keith would always wear SPF 100 sunscreen everyday along with long sleeves, pants, and his hair was a little longer to cover his neck and his face if he looked down. Then he would make a B-line for the car. Not running per say, but speed walking in order to not raise any eyebrows.
He waited inside looking out the window to watch for Shiro. "Hey Keithy." He heard Lances familiar voice.
He turned to see the boy walking towards him waving. Lance leaned against the wall his back to the window.
"So about you showing me how to do Parametric Equations..., did you want to maybe hang out some time or...?" Lance asked.
Keith wanted to scream yes at the top of his lungs but he kept his cool. "Yeah, sure."
"My house or your house?" Lance asked smiling.
"My house." Keith said quickly without hesitation.
Lance was surprised at first but then asked for a date and time.
"Would tomorrow work? After school?" Keith suggested.
"Yeah," Lance said breathlessly. They already knew where each other lived. They were neighbors and lived a couple houses away. "Um, I could give you a ride home if you'd like."
Keith thought for a moment. Shiro hadn't left the house yet, he knew that for sure because he always let the parking lot clear before coming to get him. He really shouldn't but... he couldn't say no. "Thanks."
He texted Shiro and when they left the building, Keith shoved his hands in his pockets, his hood was over his head, and he looked down while he walked. He could still feel the sun beating on him.
When they got in the car Lance didn't ask but he was clearly confused by his actions. Lances family probably wouldn't be the most thrilled about his interest in Keith. His mom and all the other neighbors would gossip about Keith and his brother Shiro. They wondered where his parents were and they could tell Keith would stay up extremely late every night as they could see the lights.
Lance didn't care everyone thought Keith was odd. He found the boy cute and interesting. Okay he thought more about Keith than that. Keith preoccupied most of his daily thoughts.
Keith quickly noticed that Lances windows weren't tinted in the vehicle and that light was showing through the windshield. He ripped at his hoodie trying to cover the light from his face. It burned.
"Are you Okay? Is the sun in your eyes?" Lance asked pulling down the visor to shield some of the light from his face.
"Oh um, thanks." Keith smiled lightly. Lance was thoughtful and that was one of many traits he admired.
Lance started the car and there was a tap on the window. He looked out and sighed at the figure. Lance cursed under his breath before rolling down the window.
"Hey darling." A girl in jeans and a baggy shirt with her brown hair pulled up in a bun asked.
"Samantha, hey." He tried to be polite.
"I'm savana!" She said offended.
"My bad. Sorry but I'm carpooling and Keith is running late, bye!" He quickly rolled up the window and pulled out of the parking space. He saw her throw her arms up in frustration.
Keith sat silently feeling awkward.
"Sorry about that. I kind of used you as an excuse to leave." He laughed nervously.
"That's okay." Keith spoke quietly. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"
"Why do you always turn them down?" He asked.
"Um, well. I have an interest in someone particular." Lance said nervously.
Keith laughed lightly. "The whole school is in love with you. I have no doubt if you ask they'd say yes."
"No, I'm pretty sure they're uninterested."
"Doubt it." Keith muttered. He was a little annoyed. He didn't like to hear Lance talk about his crush, it made him... jealous.
"You're salty!" Lance laughed glancing at him when they stopped at a red light.
"Am not!" Keith growled.
"What? What's bothering you?" Lance asked making a turn into their neighborhood.
Keith didn't get the chance to respond, the turn caused the evening sun to shine directly through the windshield. He gasped and immediately ducked down where his feet where. He forgot Shiro always went another way to avoid it. Not to mention he always had a blanket to hide under.
"What? Did you see someone you know?" Lance asked looking around. He didn't see anyone.
Keith felt extremely embarrassed. Never had he been more humiliated in his life. And that was saying a lot, he'd done some embarrassing things in his lifetime in order to keep his secret.
You might be wondering about Keith's lifetime. He's the same age as Lance and his friends. He just wont be 300 years from now considering they'd be dead and he'd look like he's in his 40's. No, vampires do NOT live forever. It's a common misconception. They just live an extremely long time. Keith tried not to think about it, he feared the day everyone he knew died and would be left alone. The had roughly 2,000 years of life meaning there's about 1,983 left to go.
Lance had pulled into Keith's driveway and he parked looking at the boy. "Are you Okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." He said immediately getting out of the car and went inside.
He never felt so stupid. He shut the door and went straight for his room. He shut the door and plopped onto his bed face down. He heard Shiro knock on the door.
"Hey Keith, who was that? He didn't find out about your secret did he?" He asked.
"Just a friend, he didn't find out anything." Keith mumbled.
"Okay, just checking. Tomorrow I'll get you some blood alright. Just try to sustain yourself with pig blood." Shiro said before walking away.
Keith sighed. He was really hungry. He got up leaving his room and went to the fridge pulling out a bag of the pig blood. It wasn't very good and it didn't satisfy his hunger as well, but it was better than nothing.
He poured it into a cup because what was he? An animal? He sipped on it and stuck his tongue out in disgust. It was so bitter. Though it was no where near as bad as regular food. His fangs would come out whenever he eats. The sharp teeth clinked against the glass as he took another swig.
He went back to his room and pulled out his homework. He stared at the precalculus homework and sighed. He never had a chance with Lance and definitely doesn't have one with him now. His phone went of causing him to jump. He only ever got texts from Shiro and it caught him off guard.
He read the text with wide eyes.
Unknown: Hey, it's Lance. I got your # from Pidge. Just wanted to check that we're still on for tomorrow.
Keith: Yeah, sorry abjt earlier.
Keith: about*
Lance: Don't be, I'll see you tomorrow😉
Keith: See you tomorrow 🙃
Keith jumped around his room fist bumping the air in celebration. He immediately began cleaning the house wanting to make a good impression. Shiro walked in and raised an eyebrow warily.
"Hey Shiro, mind if a friend comes over tomorrow to study." Keith asked.
"To study? Keith, are you sure you're being careful with your secret. All it takes is one small mess up and everything could go down hill. You know what would happen if someone found out right? It doesn't matter how close you think they are." Shiro warned.
"I trust you don't I?" Keith stopped what he was doing and folded his arms.
"I'm different, I'm family." Shiro explained.
Keith sighed and plopped down on the couch. "No ones going to find out."
"Keith, just don't let anyone get too close. You're going to outlive everyone anyway. Don't make it harder on yourself." Shiro spoke sympathetically.
"Okay. Can he still come over though?" Keith asked.
Shiro nodded, "But only under one condition."
"What?" Keith leaned back against the chair.
"You have to tell me about him." He smiled and plopped next to Keith on the couch.
"Why?!" Keith exclaimed.
"Because you like him."
"I do NOT like Lance. I'm just helping him with Precalculus." Keith testified.
"Ooh, so he's a smart kid. That means he could even become a doctor one day. Or maybe a phlebotomist. That means access to blood." Shiro nudged him.
"I mean, I guess." Keith sighed sadly.
"What's wrong?"
"Well, it's obviously got to stay a secret, the whole vampire thing. But if he were to find out, he'd probably be horrified. I don't want him to be scared of me." Keith spoke quietly.
Shiro looked down. "It's tough. I know. I wish I could do more for you or even understand what it's like. I'm sorry." He rubbed Keith's back. "Just, be careful but don't forget to have fun too."
Keith gave him a half smile. Shiro really was just looking out for him.
The next day he rarely saw Lance around school. But Keith didn't mind much as he was going to be coming over to his house. They were going to be studying together. In movies, that would be code for make out. Keith however would mind that second option.
He was giddy under the blanket the entire ride home and he heard Shiro chuckle. "I'm going to run to the store and let you and your friend study."
"Okay." Keith was smiling under the blanket. This was why Shiro was the greatest brother ever. He dropped Keith off and when he was inside he looked around the dark room. Lance wouldn't mind how dark it was, right?
Keith bit the inside of his cheek. He turned on a lamp. Good enough right?
There was a knock at the door and he quickly opened it. Lance froze with his hand still raised to knock. "Hey." He smiled breathlessly.
"Hey." Keith couldn't look away from him.
"Can I come in?" Lance asked.
"Of course." Keith almost laughed. As being a vampire, you did have to be invited in.
To say that both boys were nervous, it would be an understatement. Lance walked in and couldn't see well because of the transition of the bright outside to a dark living room.
When his eyes adjusted he saw there really was no light. Well except that from a single lamp in the corner. A thought popped in his head but he quickly dismissed it. He had a twinge of hope that maybe Keith was trying to dimly lit the area to make it romantic. But as if.
Keith walked to the kitchen, Lance following close behind. "Did you want something to drink?"
"Uh, yeah actually, thanks. I have gym for my last class." Lance smiled softly.
"Water?" Keith pulled down a glass.
"Yeah, is it in the fridge?" Lance asked reaching for the handle.
"No!" Keith yelled sliding in front of the fridge quickly. The act had caused Keith to be tightly squeezed between Lance and the refrigerator. Their breathing both slowed and before either of them knew it, they were kissing.
Keith wrapped his arms around Lances neck and Lances hands found their way into Keith's hair and jawline. When they stopped, their heads rested together. Smiles silently formed.
"A-about that water." Keith said walking back over to Lances glass.
"O-oh Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Was that in here?" He asked pulling it open. Keith was too late.
Lance shuffled back tripping and falling back. Keith quickly shut it and ran to Lances aid. "I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to see that." Keith said quickly.
Lance moved away from him. "Why?"
"Why do you have blood?" He asked almost traumatized.
"Lance it's nothing-"
"Bull. No one has bags of blood for nothing." Lance said sternly.
"Lance..." Keith looked at him with glossy eyes. "I-... I, I'm sorry." He couldn't bring the courage to tell him.
"Tell me." Lance demanded.
"I can't!" Keith exclaimed. He remembered what Shiro had said the previous day, now he was scared.
Lance stood up shakily. "Is it... human?"
Keith stayed silent. While most of it was pigs, he knew there was a fresh bag of human blood brought home from Shiro just today. "Look, my brother is a doctor, that's why."
"Plenty of people are doctors, they do not keep bags of human blood in their fridge at home!" Lance stepped back.
Keith stepped forward. "Lance please."
"I... I don't want to leave. I just want to understand. I want to know." He looked away as he spoke.
Hearing this almost brought back all hope for Keith. How does Lance not hate him. "Lance. I'm a vampire."
They stared at each other blankly for several moments. Keith walked toward him. Lance took a step back at first but stopped. This was Keith. Nothing has changed about him. He's the same person he's always been, right?
"I drink blood, I'm sensitive to light, I have to be invited in wherever I go, I'll live for a couple thousand years, and I have fangs. I understand if you're afraid of me."
Lance brought up a hand to touch Keith's face. Keith let his fangs out as proof. "You won't hurt me, right? And you don't hurt anyone else, right? I don't see any reason to be afraid of you."
Keith was almost taken back. "You're insane."
"You're telling me that? I don't drink human blood." Lance laughed.
Keith laughed along, "I don't drink human blood all the time, just roughly twice a month."
They sat and talked about the subject and Keith debunked many misconceptions of vampires.
As Keith was pulling out the homework Lance stared at him, head rested on his hand.
"Why don't you sparkle?" He complained.
Keith stared at him for a long second. "I am nothing like Edward."
Lance smiled mischievously. "I'll start calling you Edward."
"Fine... Bella." Keith threw in the name causing Lance to gasp.
"You just went there."
Their relationship had taken a turn for the better.
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