*This is a request made by wAsTeOfSpAcEPeEpS
Lance POV:
I think something is wrong with Keith, he's been quiet, or should I say quieter than usual. We just found out he's Galra and that could be something to do with it. I could talk to him and ask him what's wrong but maybe that's out of place considering I'm his 'rival'. On one side I want to say 'to hell with it!' And just ask what's up, but on the other he could become angry and not want to talk about what's bothering him, that would screw everything up.
I let up on annoying him a bit, I think he noticed. In fact, I've been almost completely civilized and nice to him.
Speak of the devil, Keith walked in and sat down on the couch the opposite side of me. He was as far away from me as he could be which made me feel infuriated. Infuriated enough to say this, not thinking it through all the way: "I don't bite you know!" It was sharp and I flinched at myself after saying it.
Keith was staring at me with wide eyes before he cleared his throat and looked a bit calmer. Keith then got comfy on the couch by moving slightly closer. I sighed heavily and leaned on the arm of the chair.
"Geez, you act like I'm going to tear your head off!" I said quietly but loud enough to hear.
"Yeah and what's with that?! Shouldn't you be teasing the shit out of my mullet or get angry that I stole your thunder or something?! Why is it that you've stopped?" He turned his body to face me. This isn't what he's been bothered by, right? I shrugged slightly in response to his outburst. "It's because I'm Galra now isn't it!" He snapped.
I sat in utter shock slightly take aback by what he just said. "Keith... is that what you think?" I asked quietly. Stood up and walked to the end of the couch and sat down right beside him.
"Everyone has been treating me differently since we found out." He huffed sitting back and turning away from me.
"Keith, I thought something else was wrong, that's why I quit teasing the shit out of you." I laughed slightly.
He turned and looked at me quickly in surprise. "Really, that's why?" He asked relaxing a bit.
"Well, yeah. I just thought... maybe you were upset about something. Keith," I said grabbing his hands which surprised him, I didn't care how weird it was at the moment, "You said everyone's been treating you differently?"
"U-um well yeah, sort of. I think Allura's more shook by me being Galra than anyone." He stuttered a bit at first probably because of the hand holding, and the close proximity, or it could be the fact that I was staring at him so intensely my eyes were boring into his flipped soul. I should stop. I blinked and looked down at our hands before looking back at his face.
"She can get over it, I'm sure she just needs some time to adjust. Besides, no one can stay angry at Keithy, especially for something that silly. I lightly poked his side with a smile on my face. He squirmed immediately and pushed my hand away as fast as possible.
"Wait, Keithy, are you... ticklish?" I smiled widely,
"No! Don't you even dare, we were having a heartfelt moment. And don't call me Keithy" I held up my hands and wagged my fingers teasingly. "Lance! N-" he broke into laughter as I tickled him mercilessly.
"What Keithy?"
Keith slowly slid off the couch trying to escape my evil wrath of horrid tickling. "Lance!! BAHAHAHA! Pl-HA-ease!" He pleaded.
I sat on top of him as I continued to tickle his sides effortlessly. That was until he kept kicking up his knee to push me off in hopes of escaping. "What was that?" I laughed, "I can't hear you through the giggling!"
Before I knew what was happening he quickly sat up and captured my lips. I froze, tickling was no longer on my mind. He slowly lied back down on the floor as we never separated the kiss. My hands moved from his sides, my right caressing his cheek while the left got tangled in his mullet.
I pulled away breathing heavily. "Wow, your mullet's soft." I said quietly. He laughed before quickly using his knee to maneuver his way out from under me quickly. I was flipped into the floor and confusion set in. Keith's face popped in view upside down as he hovered above me.
"Don't ever tickle me again or you'll wake up with a face full of shaving cream." He pecked my lips before sitting up.
"Whatever you say... Keithy." I dropped the nickname and he glared at me playfully.
"What?!" I whined. "It's a cute name and you know it!"
He sighed, "Fine, you win! Just don't call me that around the others."
"Of course, it's to cute for the big bad ass Keithy." I teased him and he smiled before rolling his eyes.
"Shut it before I change my mind."
I sat up and we had a semi-short yet sweet kiss. "Holy quiznack..." I whispered with a grin.
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