The Third Date
"No peaking!" Lance squawks as he reaches over to slap at Keith's hands. All the while keeping his eyes on the road of course.
"I wanna know where we're going." Keith frowns and folds his arms.
"Just trust me, it's good." Lance smiles as he rolls to a stop and he takes the brief moment to admire the full pout Keith is wearing. Lance has grown fond of Keith the last few weeks—perhaps too fond. Reminding himself about the bet has gone out the window and now he finds himself basking in his time with Keith, disregarding the expiration date. He's managed to prolong date three for about a week, but Pidge demands he wrap up the bet out of fear of Lance genuinely growing on Keith.
And Lance... Lance isn't sure what he's going to do after this date. Because Keith is the piece he didn't know he was missing, and he clicked into place immediately. No one has made Lance laugh like Keith does—and when he makes Keith laugh it makes his chest swell with pride. He loves the way Keith holds his hand and runs his thumb over Lance's knuckles. Or how Keith slings his arm around his shoulders and sometimes whispers inside jokes into his ear. He loves his voice, his hands, his hair, his eyes, his skin, his teeth..., everything. And sometimes Lance can't help but stare and wonder why Keith chose him, because Keith could have anyone.
And that's when it clicks for Lance. Because that's what makes love special. It's that two people see something in each other that they couldn't find in billions of other people. He can't let Keith go. It would be the most stupid thing he's ever done (and Lance has done some incredibly stupid stuff). And he finds himself for the first time ever, fearful of losing his significant other. And when he glances at Keith blindfolded in the passenger's seat, he's terrified of Keith losing interest in him. He snatches Keith's hand in his and is immediately soothed by the way Keith gently rubs circles in the back of his hand.
Lance only lets go when they arrive and he needs two hands to park. "Can I look now?" Keith asks.
"No!" Lance quickly grabs his hands away from his face and leans forward for a quick kiss. "Stay right there." He gets out of the car and runs around to Keith's side and opens the door. He takes Keith's hands in his own again and guides him. "Okay, now you can look." Lance is teetering on his heels as he waits for Keith.
Keith pulls off the blindfold and he's blasted by the sun's light. When his eyes adjust, he blinks at the building in front of him—an aquarium. A smile spreads across his face.
"C'mon," Lance grabs his wrist and drags him along without waiting for a response. He passes the main entrance which appears to be locked as though the place is closed.
"Lance? Are you... breaking in?" Keith says owlishly.
Lance chuckles, "Nope. I work here."
"You what?" Keith gawks at the new information.
"Actually, I'm more of a paid intern." Lance shrugs as he pulls out a set of keys and unlocks a side door. "This place is a reserve for endangered species and animals that need medical aid. It's usually not open to the public, we only really host school field trips."
"Wow," Keith whistles, "special access."
"Yessir! That's right." Lance pulls him inside and it's a room with a bunch of medical equipment, computers, and tools for feeding, cleaning, and caring for the sea life.
"Does this have anything to do with your major that you won't tell me about?" Keith raises an eyebrow.
"Clever man! I'm studying marine biology with a minor in oceanography." Lance flashes a proud smile that makes Keith warm inside.
"That's so amazing, you're so amazing." Keith pulls Lance in for a small but sweet kiss.
"Ah, it's nothing really." Lance laughs off the deep crimson spreading across his cheeks.
"No, it's really cool." Keith holds Lance's hand and lets himself be guided through several hallways until they're in the more recreational area. They bypass the gift shop where there's a picture of Lance and some of his coworkers wearing squid hats. Keith stops dead in his tracks and pulls Lance with him. "No way, this is so cute." Keith pulls out his phone.
"Gragh! Don't you dare take a picture of that!" Lance tries to cover the picture. "Pidge will never let me hear the end of it."
"Who says I'm gonna show Pidge?" Keith manages to fight off Lance long enough to snap a picture. "I'm making it my home screen." Keith says as he taps at his phone. Then he flips around his phone to show Lance the picture behind his apps.
"Oh my god, you're so embarrassing." Lance laughs and Keith happily slips his phone back into his pocket.
"You love it." Keith says confidently. And Lance can't even argue because, yeah, he does love that cheesy couple-y bullshit.
And when he pulls Keith to the first exhibit, he's delighted that Keith seems engaged. It's a large tank with seahorses. Lance can't help but talk about them, listing interesting facts and telling him stories. And Keith hangs on every word, listening intently and asking questions as he watches the animals with wonderful fascination. And it's like this through every exhibit. Lance presents Keith fish of all different types, shapes, sizes, and colors. It's almost too amazing as they saunter from tank to tank examining the sea creatures.
"You're gonna like this next one." Lance grins wide and tugs Keith to a large open pool of relatively shallow water. When they peak over the edge, three stingrays swim toward them and race along the edge. One especially as it slaps the edge splashing some water. Lance reaches in and pets them as they swim by. "They're water puppies."
Keith laughs and tentatively leans over the edge. Lance takes Keith's hand in his own and guides him to the stingray demanding attention in front of them. Keith's fingers graze along the top and Keith laughs aloud at the slimy but soft feeling.
"This is Susan. The spotted one is Baby. And the smaller one is Greg." Lance points at each one happily.
Keith chuckles at the name and runs his fingers along the backs of the happy creatures.
They move onto the penguins and Keith is taken aback when Lance is unlocking the enclosure. There's a smallish room where the penguins can enter from their enclosure through a small door at their leisure. When they enter, a few penguins are rushing to get through the door to see the two. "Hi Denise and Skipper." Lance coos.
"How can you tell all the penguins apart?" Keith stares at them in awe.
"Uh, well, I guess when you're around them enough. Based on the shape of their beak, size, marks, demeanor, eventually you can tell them apart just like anyone." Lance shrugs. Skipper waddles to Lance and starts playing with the keys hanging from his pocket. "This little dude is kind of a shithead and he only likes me for my keys."
Keith laughs when Skipper pecks Lance in the leg. "What about Denise?"
"She likes whoever is feeding her." Lance frowns at the penguin. "Where's Munchkin?" Lance asks just as another penguin rushes in with its flippers spread wide behind it. "Ah Munchkin! She's my favorite!" Lance crouches down and runs his knuckles over the belly of he penguin.
Keith scoots next to Lance apprehensively. The penguin eyes the stranger and waddles around Lance. Lance takes Keith's hand in his own again and, slow and gentle, guides Keith's hand to touch the hydrophobic feathers.
"She's the most easygoing and she likes attention. Munchkin is always doing water tricks and showing off for the kids." Lance laughs.
They watch the penguins for a while and Keith is sure they've explored everything when they walk out of the exhibit. But Lance keeps guiding him through the halls. They've passed a few of Lance's coworkers in the midst of exploring, and most passed with a quick greeting. Though, Lance lights up when he sees a woman with long silvery-white hair and dark bronze skin. "Allura!"
"Oh, hi Lonce!" Her voice is pretty and she speaks with a prominent English accent. "I thought you were off today."
"I am," Lance bumps Keith a little, "this is Keith. I wanted to show him around."
"Ahh, so this is Keith." She smiles warmly.
"Actually, I was going to take him to the 'you know what', if you don't mind." Lance winks.
"It's all yours." She smiles and waves off. "Nice meeting you Keith!"
"Where are we going?" Keith tilts his head.
"You'll see." Lance pulls them into what looks like another staff room. It has tables, chairs, cupboards, microwaves, and two fridges. Keith assumes it must be a break room of sorts. Lance walks to the fridge and pulls out a small picnic basket.
"You didn't," Keith smiles widely.
"I did." Lance grins embarrassed. "But that's not all, c'mon." Lance pulls him to another exhibit and pulls aside a dark curtain. Inside there's a tunnel and all around is a tank made as an archway above. Its massive and there's sea life swimming all around them. There are a few types of sharks, massive stingrays, and even sea turtles swimming above them. Lance lays out a blanket and sets up a dinner on top. "Hunk helped me make the food."
"Lance this is..." Keith trails off as he watches a massive stingray pass above them.
Lance reaches up and pulls Keith to sit down next to him. It's quiet as they sit and eat, both too enthralled by the creatures in front of them to hold a conversation. But when the food has been eaten, Lance sets everything aside and scoots to sit shoulder to shoulder with Keith. And after several minutes, Lance lets his head rest on Keith's shoulder.
"Do they have names?" Keith asks out of the blue.
"The shark there is a shovelnose shark, his name is Henry; the one there is a blue shark, he's Theodore; and that one is a mako shark and I named him, he's Troy Bolton." Lance says proudly.
Keith laughs aloud, "Of course you did."
"The turtle there is Bethany, and that one is Todd, her mate." Lance smiles. "We used to have dolphins who were injured from trappers trying to illegally catch them we guess. But they are all healed so we released them back where we found them last week. I hate to say it, but I'm glad to see them go—dolphins can be real assholes. They kept fucking with Bethany and Troy."
"Really? But TV always makes dolphins seem so sweet." Keith frowns.
"Oh hell no, they're the worst." Lance smiles when he feels Keith reaching for his hand. "The stingray there is Betty, and that one is Danny, her mate."
"Did you name those ones too?" Keith asks.
"I can tell. Grease huh?"
"Yes," Lance laughs pushing his head further into Keith's arm.
They watch for a while, and it's comfortable. Lance wants to say more. He wants to invite Keith to come with him to meet his family. He wants to sit by his side forever. He wants to hear Keith's embarrassing childhood stories. He wants to know everything there is to know about Keith. He wants Keith to know everything there is to know about him.
Fuck the bet.
Lance sits up, takes Keith's face in his hands, and squishes his cheeks. "At the end of the month I'm driving out to see my family... and I want you to come with me."
Keith looks shocked. A little like a fish with his cheeks squished, his wide eyes, and the way he keeps opening and closing his mouth as he tries to find the words. "O-okay,"
"Is that alright?" Lance asks and he really worries that maybe it's too soon, too weird. But family is important to him. Keith has to be on board with his family and vise versa.
"Yeah, of course," and Keith is pulls Lance's hands off his face so he can lean in for a kiss.
On the way out of the aquarium, Lance pulls Keith to the gift shop. "Close your eyes."
"Oh no, not this again." Keith closes his eyes anyway.
He opens them as he feels something being placed on his head. Lance has a squid hat on his head and Keith feels one on his own. Lance takes a picture of them together with the matching hats and it's so cute Keith can't help but enjoy it. So embarrassedly, he asks Lance to send him the picture.
Keith walks into class looking more chipper than Pidge is used to seeing—especially for a Monday. The date was amazing and it left him buzzing. After the date, they'd gone to Keith's dorm and watched a movie only they hardly paid attention. They kept talking through the film and then they were kissing. Keith loves kissing Lance, almost as much as he loves Lance.
He was definitely surprised when Lance invited him to meet his family. But he knows how important family is to Lance, so he was quick to agree. Sure he's nervous, but mostly because he wants to make a good impression. And he has a few weeks to prepare in the meantime.
"Well, aren't you happy," Pidge glares at him.
"What? I can't be happy?" Keith shrugs his shoulders.
"Not without good reason. Did you and Lance go on your 'third date' yet?" She does air quotations.
"Third date? I mean yeah," Keith cocks his head, a little confused.
"Tell me honestly, did Lance tell you about the bet? Is he splitting the money with you or something?" Pidge accuses.
"Bet? What bet?" Keith lowers his eyebrows.
"Do you really not know? Because I swear, if you're lying to me right now..." Pidge shakes a fist.
"Pidge, what bet?" Keith asks again more seriously.
"Lance was acting really cocky about how much of a ladies man he is and how he could charm anyone. We made a deal that I could pick anyone in the lunchroom and if he could get them to go on at least three dates with him and then break it off, he was the winner and I owe him $100." Pidge explains. "So of course, I picked you because you turn down everyone. I thought he let you in on the deal or something. Sorry, I didn't think you'd actually like him." Pidge really does look sorry.
"Like him? I-I barely tolerate him." Keith tries to pretend the information doesn't bother him, but the look Pidge gives him reveals that it wasn't convincing in the slightest.
"I'm really sorry." Pidge says again.
"Just leave it." Keith looks away from her and puts his earbuds in. Pidge pulls them out.
"I think Lance really does like you." She admits.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Keith cuts her a sharp look.
"I don't know. Just..." She tries again.
"Just drop it. I wasn't that serious anyway." Keith lies.
At lunch, Keith goes late and ignores Lance's texts asking him where he's at. He keeps his earbuds in and when he passes the table Pidge, Hunk, and Lance are sitting at, he avoids looking at them. But he can see Lance's smiling face from the corner of his eye, and it causes a horrible feeling to bloom in his chest. When he ignores Lance, he sees the smile drop. Maybe Lance will take the hint and leave him alone. Lance was gonna break up with him anyway.
But when he sits down, Lance it's sitting beside him and reaching up to pull out his earbuds. Keith jerks his head away and pulls one out himself. "What?"
"Aren't you gonna sit with us? Are you okay? What's got you upset?" Lance looks genuinely concerned, and Keith can't help but think this guy deserves an Oscar for this performance. He glances at the table and sees the guilty look on Pidge's face. Keith doesn't say anything. "Oh c'mon, you can't stay grumpy forever." Lance says playfully and scoots closer.
"Really? Wanna bet on it?" It comes out bitter and angry, and Keith couldn't help himself.
And Lance's reaction is like a child being told the principal called. "You... know about the bet?"
"Yeah," Keith looks down at his food tray, he lost his appetite. "Look, I'm just gonna go." He stands up and starts away, but Lance grabs hold of his hand tight.
"Can we talk?" Lance asks, and his voice comes out embarrassed and quiet.
Lance looks ashamed, and he's avoiding looking Keith in the eye. Still, the tight grip on his hand draws out the feelings he has for the boy at the aquarium. "Okay,"
Lance is tugging him through the halls and he takes a moment to realize Lance is leading him to Keith's dorm. It would be a good private place to talk. The door shuts behind them and Lance is twirling around in a panic.
"Okay, I admit, I was planning on you not finding out about that. Well maybe you do, but it would be like years down the line when you'd be stuck with me and we can sort of laugh it off." Lance rambles.
"What?" Keith is lost.
"Yeah, like, you know... 'hey babe, remember when I first asked you out?'" Lance laughs nervously.
"The bet—"
"Fuck the bet! It was stupid! Well not entirely 'cause who knows if I ever would've asked you out without the bet, but—" He starts rambling again.
"You're not breaking up with me?" Keith asks hesitantly.
"Breaking up with you? Keith, I'm in love with you." Lance looks at him mortified.
"You're... in love with me?" Keith knows he's asking a lot of redundant questions, but you can't blame him, he's been thrown through several loops in a matter of a few minutes.
"Well... yeah, of course I am." Lance shrugs trying to down play it now.
Keith grabs the front of his shirt and pulls him into a kiss. "I love you too."
Lance lights up and his eyes brighten.
"You totally ruined the whole romantic thing we had going though. You know the 'you saw me from across the room' thing." Keith frowns.
"Hey, technically I did see you from across the room. And I'm pretty sure my exact words to Pidge were 'I would totally let that guy rail me'." Lance grins mischievously. Keith's face turns a bright red and he scoffs at Lance. "Plus, I don't believe in the whole love at first sight thing. There's attraction at first sight—boy was that a thing. But it was more like love at first conversation."
"Hmm, I'd say it was more like third or fourth conversation." Keith teases.
"You're a butt." Lance says flatly.
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