The Mullet
Lance POV:
Everyone was training under Alluras orders. I was taking a break sitting on the side taking occasional sips of water watching Keith and Shiro fight. Well, mostly Keith.
The way he moved was intoxicating, his hair, his hips, his legs, his arms. Oh damn, and the expression on his face. His shirt fits him so well. Sweat was rolling down his face and I could feel my stomach turn. He was fricking adorable.
"Lance, can you stop staring at me, it's distracting." He said as he swung his sword it getting deflected by Shiro's hand.
I began to panic, I had to cover it up. "I-I wasn't staring at y-you! I was staring at.... you're mullet is gay!" I blurted it out thinking of anything. Truth is, his mullet is one of my favorite things physically. It says a lot about him, as much as the cloths he wears.
"Really Lance," he blocked Shiro's attack and huffed. "I think you're gay for my mullet."
I felt my face go red. "W-what? No I'm no-" I tried defend but decided to shut my mouth.
"Lane has nothing to say back for once?" He laughed. Shiro was obviously struggling to ignore the conversation. A smile tug at the corners of his mouth.
"Shut up!" I said standing up grabbing my bayard and walking to fight a gladiator. Keith and Shiro stopped fighting and I went to start a match setting it on level five. I usually do alright at level 3 but I was kicking it up two notches.
"Lance, don't you think that's too h-" Keith started taking a gulp of water from his water bottle and wiping some sweat. He was still out of breath and it was making me all hot and bothered which was starting to anger me. Why Keith of all people!
"It's fine!" I cut him off. Typically Keith goes on level four, he struggles but manages. "Start training sequence!" I yelled in a low voice even startling Keith slightly.
The gladiator formed and prepared pulling out a large sword. He lunged at me and my bayard shifted to the gun. I shot hitting him in the chest which didn't do much damage. I slid out of the way in the nick of time and blocked his follow up attack. I shot a couple more times, one hitting the side of its head, one missed, and the third hit the forehead.
I growled at my bad aim and pulled out of the way as he threw a kick but I didn't quite catch his attack with his sword and he front kicked my abdomen. I rolled before sliding across the floor, my gun had shifted back into the bayard and skidded past me.
"Lance! Quit it! This isn't funny it's-" Keith was sounding stern but I was serious.
"I know!" I snapped jumping up and lunging for my bayard. It turned into a gun just in time as the gladiators sword stopped mere inches from my face. It slowly got closer and closer as it was overpowering me. I looked over at Keith who had his fists clenched in anticipation, his eyebrows wrung with worry. I then pushed back harder sliding out from its grip. I went under the robots legs and as quickly as I could fired my gun and running full speed jumping onto its back putting my gun into the crevice of the head and body firing causing the head to blow off.
It stayed standing for a moment before dropping to its knees and collapsing in defeat. I huffed catching my breath at awe with myself that I won.
"Lance! You idiot! You could've gotten yourself killed!" Keith snapped harshly. "Forget what I said earlier! It was just a stupid joke! I know you hate my mullet!" He walked up angrily face engulfed with concern.
I began to laugh despite by body aching and telling me not to. "Keith, I was upset because I know what you said was true."
He froze, "Lance, what in space are you talking about?"
I leaned forward against by bodies will and gripped his arm pulling him down to the floor with me. I ran my fingers through his mullet. "As much as I tease you for it, and say I hate it. I Lance McClain, hands down, adore your mullet." I confessed with a smile.
Keith sat there stunned with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Just the mullet huh?" He asked.
"Well damn Keith, I already confessed I think your mullets hot, you want me to tell you about my crush on you too? Two confessions in one day? Are you trying to kill me?" I said dramatically.
"Back it up a bit, you said you adore my mullet, did I just hear you call it hot?" He wanted my to repeat it and judging by the large smile on his face, he was never going to let this go.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes. Keith leaned forward and kissed my cheek and breathed out into a smile of my own in disbelief.
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