"Hey Pidge? You know how Lance always makes fun of for being from Texas?" I ask leaning back in my chair with a smirk.
"Yeah...?" She looked up from her computer confused as to what I was going to say.
"I was thinking of messing with him a bit." I smiled deviously giving her a glance.
She breathed in deeply closed her laptop. "Yes."
I let out a laugh and stood up pushing in my chair. "See you tomorrow, I'm gonna wait till then to start."
I went to my room to get in my pajamas before making my way to Lances.
"Hey ready for bed? I'm tired." I asked walking in and plopping on his bed. Lance was in the bathroom with the door open washing his face.
"Heck yeah." He said drying his face with a towel before walking in. He was wearing plaid pajama pants and no shirt. I took off my shirt and got under the sheets Lance turning off the lights before joining me. "Night babe." He said quietly.
"I'm near about past going. Don't let the bed bugs bite." I said trying to keep a straight face as I snuggled into Lance.
"Wha?" He started but was too tired to say anything.
"Mornin' sunshine!!" I yelled ripping the sheets off Lance.
"Keeeiiith!" Lance whined shivering as the cold air hit him.
"Yer gone sleep the day away!" I laughed grabbing his arm trying to pull him out but he wouldn't budge.
"Keith, I know you're from Texas and all BUT PLEASE!" Lance rolled over with a pillow on his face.
But I wasn't done yet. I pressed play on a small remote and country music began to play loudly throughout the room.
'Yeah I'm chilling on a dirt road
Laid back swervin' like I'm George Jones
Smoke rollin' out the window
An ice cold beer sittin' in the console'
(Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean)
"Keeeeiith! Whyyyyy?!" He squeaked and I held back a laugh as I quickly exited the room. I couldn't contain He laughter anymore, when I got into the hallway I became hysterical.
"What's so funny?" Shiro asked as he walked by.
"L-l-l-Lance! I-HAHAHAHA!! Country and the-HAHAHAH." I couldn't even form a sentence. I immediately shut up and acted natural as Lances door slid open the music audible for only a moment until the door shut. Lance wobbled over to us still in his pajamas, he'd obviously managed to put on a shirt.
"Keith, what the hell!" Lance huffed.
"Lance you're scrawny as a Reid cattle but so strong you make Samson look sensitive!" I said with a heavy southern accent as I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing his cheek.
Lance stood there not even sure what to do. "Was that a compliment? Shiro? Was that a compliment?" He looked back and forth between Shiro and I.
"Did ya rip your britches?" I asked putting my hands on my hips cocking an eyebrow.
"My britches?! I don't even know what those are but they're fine!" Lance put his hands on his head in confusion, he was slowly turning into a mad man.
"Welp! We're burnin' daylight! Let's get som'tin tuh eat." I slapped my hand on Lances back urging him to the kitchen.
"Keith?" Lance asked as we were walking down the hallway.
"Yeah Lance? You look as confused as a goat on AstroTurf.
"I know you're from Texas and all, but I don't remember you being this Southern! Wait, maybe this is like one of those things where you're in love and all to the point where you ignore someone's flaws but then one day you realize it until you can't ignore it! Like in How I Met Your Mother!" Lance said beginning to panic.
"Lance, you're one bubble off plump. But y'know, yur cute as a speckled pup under a red wagon!" I laughed wrapping my arm around his waist as we walked.
We walked into the kitchen and sat at the table next to each other as usual, everyone was already sat waiting for Coran to come out with food.
"Okay okay... let's backtrack for a moment. I love you Keith, I really, really do. I don't care that you're from Texas and say some weird things sometimes..., I love you." He said looking me dead in the eyes as he held my hands. He's adorable right now and I just want to kiss him and act normal but, no. This is a prank that I refuse to let up on.
"Lance, you're hotter than a billy goat in a pepper patch on a sunny day." I said grabbing his face kissing him before pulling him into a side hug.
"Keith, you're making this REALLY hard." Lance squeezed me into the hug.
"Lance, you're sweeter than stolen honey." I leaned my head playfully on his shoulder.
Pidge was across the table, every fiber of her being was holding back laughter. Seeing her holding back laughter began to make me want to laugh too. Lance glanced down at me and looked up at Pidge.
"Are you messing with me?" He leaned away folding his arms.
"Nooo- I mean- Lance thats as crazy as a bullbat!" I slipped up, damn it!
"You are messing with me!" Lance yelled standing up.
I couldn't hold it back anymore. I Burt's out into laughter and pulled Lance into a tight hug. "Yup!"
"You are unbelievable." Lance put his hands on his hips instead of hugging back.
"Don't be mad! It was funny!" I laughed planting a kiss on his cheek.
"It was so not funny! I was thinking about how I'm going to have to spend the rest with you not knowing what you're saying half the time!" Lance huffed.
"Wait. Wait. Did you just-?" Pidge immediately popped in.
"Did I do what?" Lance asked oblivious.
"Lance made commitment!!!!" Pidge yelled standing up slamming her hands on the table. "You said 'I'm going to have to live with you the rest of my life not knowing what you're saying half the time!'!!!"
My eyes shifted to a red Lance who stood with his mouth hanging open. "It's okay Lance, I won't read into it." I said putting my hands up. I really was reading into it though. Lance, say he wants to spend the rest of his life with me is breathtaking. And know that I think about it too, I want to as well.
"No. I love you. Read into it all you want." He said planting a kiss on my cheek.
"Heheh we're just going to go um... talk for a bit." I said awkwardly yet hastily dragging Lance down the hallway to his room which was closer. We shuffled in, already kissing passionately.
'Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low...' the music blasted startling the two of them.
(Your man by josh Turner)
"Keith!" Lance gasped.
"Sorry!" I quickly ran up quickly trying to shut it off. "I kind of already had something planned, I was hoping the prank would last longer."
"Wait what did you have planned?" Lance cocked an eyebrow smugly.
"This." I said kissing him again. Let's just say Lance was so hot hens could lay hard boiled eggs.
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