Superstar (p1)
Lance McClain, a popular idol. He's a sensation and took the whole world by storm. His music fell into several genres never truly settling. Lance was beyond successful having launched only two albums and done a variety of duets with famous singers such as Pink and Halsey. Every person knew his name and knew it well. Lance was the Tom Holland of music, taking the hearts of everyone. And the fact that every person found him irresistible was another thing. You could consider him a Justin Bieber without the getting arrested, outrageous behavior, and long hair. He was also an idol to many kids across the world struggling with their sexuality as he was openly bisexual and brought a lot of support to the community. The most shocking thing of all is he is only 17.
Keith, is in is senior year of high school. He has a few months before he turns eighteen and makes his great adventure into the world on his own. He has a very small friend group and the only person he truly considers close in his life is this brother Shiro. They aren't related by blood but that doesn't change anything.
Keith lives with Shiro and Shiro's boyfriend Adam in an apartment. They are poor but it isn't an issue. They are a family and enjoy each other's company whether they have money or not.
Keith found himself in love with Lances music while he'd never actually admit it. He doesn't usually like to hop on board with trends and popular things but he couldn't help it. The boy was goofy, generous, and of course good looking. His voice was soft and formed perfectly to any song he sang. Keith has listened to every song, duet, and cover, Lance has ever done. He doesn't idolize Lance because he assumed he was very different in person but he respects his music.
Keith came home and went to his room. He immediately pulled up a live stream of Lance on a talk show on his phone. He watched while sitting criss-cross in his bed. It went on awhile and it was pretty boring. Just Lance being asked simple questions. He started working on homework while listening distractedly.
"So, what's the next move in your career?" The man asked nosily.
"Well, I'm deciding to put a hold on my career for some time against what everyone else is advising." Lance spoke casually.
Keith stopped writing and quickly adverted his attention to the screen.
"This is the peak of your career, what's driving you to that decision?" The man asked another question.
"I'm only a teenager and I've been learning from tutors. I want to graduate from an actual school like any other person. Besides, I don't believe this is the peak of my career. If people like my music now, I hope they still will in the next year or two." Lance spoke kindly.
"You plan to go to an actual school? Private academy I'm assuming?" The man crossed his legs.
"Uh-no actually. It's a public school." Lance spoke nervously.
"Would you mind telling us what school?" The man asked.
"I'm sorry, I want to keep it a secret. I'm sure it won't take long for people to find out but I hope they respect my privacy. Besides, public schools have gotten much better security over the years, suspicious peoples aren't allowed in the building or on the property." Lance offered.
Keith shrugged, he wasn't wrong. However, he doubted people would ever respect his privacy.
"I'm sure your fans will be understanding of your break and I wish you the best of luck. Sadly we are out of time. Thank you for joining me today."
"Thank you for having me." He smiled a kind smile shaking the mans hand respectfully before the camera cut to the audience clapping as if their lives depended on it before it switched to commercial.
Keith laughed, he pitied the school that Lance enrolled in. The heavy amount of paparazzi that would cloud the building on a daily. At least all the girls there would have their dreams come true. It would be like Disney channel movie where the popstar sees the cute girl and they fall in love.
Keith got back to his homework. He wouldn't mind being in place of the Disney channel girl. He realized how stupid he sounded and went back to his organic chemistry.
The next day Keith walked to school only to see crowds of kids outside. The school was buzzing with people full of excitement. He walked to the main entrance curiously. He nearly froze wide eyed. Lance McClain stepped out of a small red car with a flat light backpack swung over his shoulder carelessly. Keith's was the opposite, heavy and overfilled with binders, books, and work.
Lance smiled at everyone waving kindly. Not in a million years would he ever expect this. This was a small town with a small population and a small school. He supposed it was a good choice after all.
Keith rolled his eyes realizing this would get old fast and went inside. He went to his locker and watched as the crowd slowly swarmed into the building filling the once empty halls.
Keith felt a twinge if annoyance and slid in a few binders and hanging up his jacket. Keith noticed Lance walking down the hall confused with a small ticket searching for his locker.
He stopped at the one directly next to Keith's to which he ignored Lance. People were swarming the area and it was annoying. At least they kept a fair distance.
"Hey, I'm Lance." He said twisting at the lock attempting to open it but failing and trying again.
"Hey." Keith shut his locker and swung his bag back over his shoulder. Clearly Lance was struggling and couldn't get the thing open. "Want help?"
"Please." Lance said finally giving up and handing him the paper.
Keith twisted it perfectly and opened it on the first try showing Lance how to do it as well.
Lance thanked him and Keith just walked off. The star quickly shoved the stuff in his locker and shut it running after the boy. "Wait, what's your name?"
"Keith." He spoke uncomfortably as a crowd of envious people watched. He didn't know what else to really say but gladly didn't have to worry about it as the bell rang.
Lance was lost as a crowd of people flew by him in a bustle to get to class. Keith felt sympathetic but the boy had a thousand kids in the school who'd be more that willing to help him get to the right classes.
Keith plopped into his seat in AP US history which didn't last long.
"Oh Keith, this is for you." She handed him a slip calling him to the office. "You're excused to leave, I'll catch you up when you get back." She spoke politely.
Keith thanked her and walked to the office. He was slightly annoyed, there was no way he was in trouble for anything, surely?
He walked in and handed the slip to a man sitting at the main desk. He was the schools receptionist and everyone knew him. "Hey Keith, don't see you here very often." He laughed.
"No kidding."
"Just down the hall, principle Coran wants to speak with you." The man informed going back to typing.
"Thanks." Keith swallowed hard. The principal? What had he done to talk with the principal?
He mocked before going in to see Lance sitting nervously in a chair in front of principle Coran's desk. "Uh, I don't think he's here yet." Lance smiled awkwardly.
"Oh." I said sitting in the chair next to him. Silence was the loudest noise in the room for what felt like millennia.
"Hello students!" Coran bursted through the door without warning. It caused both boys to jump, Keith with a deadly grip on his backpack while Lances long limbs sprung to life.
Coran happily walked to his desk plopping down in his chest as the two student attempted to calm themselves and their fast heart beats. "With all do respect, why am I here?" Keith asked pausing every so often to regain his composure.
"Oh, why, you're going to be Lances guide of course. Show him around, make sure he gets to his classes, your schedule is mostly identical." Coran spoke in his higher pitched voice while messing with his mustache.
"Great," Keith thought, "now I get to deal with Lances fan base on a daily."
"One more question?" Keith asked.
"If it's about if we can find another student to help Lance, then no." Coran predicted and Keith slumped back in the chair. "Alright off you go, you have Advanced English to go to." Coran pushed them out of this office and shut the door.
Keith was already leaving and Lance jogged catching up.
"Sorry you're getting roped into this, but I do appreciate the help." Lance spoke holding up his schedule.
"It's fine." Keith examined the paper. "Our school is divided up logically. We have different sections for each subject. Down on that end is Science, and the other end upstairs is Social Studies and the math department. The science department is big enough to take the upstairs and downstairs. Even class room numbers will be upstairs, odd are downstairs. Got it?"
Keith mercilessly spat information out as Lance helplessly tried to take it all in. They arrived at the Language Arts department and strolled into class. The students were working and the class buzzed with talk when they saw Lance. The teacher silenced them and helped the two boys catch up.
After the bell rang Lance tapped Keith's shoulder. "Hm?" Keith looked up from packing his things.
"I'm confused. I don't have a class listed under my second period." Lance held out his schedule.
"It's an open period. You don't have a class." Keith threw his bag over his shoulder.
Lance nodded at the new information before laughing.
"What?" Keith cut him a glare.
"Your backpack is bigger than you." He broke into laughter again.
"Ha. Ha. You're hilarious." Keith rolled his eyes already walking out.
Lance caught up to him. "So, you have an open period too right?"
"Yes." Keith headed up the stairs as Lance tagged along.
"What do you do on an open period?"
Lance watched bored as Keith carried over a stack of books to re-shelf. Apparently, Keith spends his hour and forty minute open class helping librarians put away books. At least the view was good.
Lances eyes watched as Keith examines the spine of a book and pointing his finger along the rows before finding its spot and sliding it in. How could he not find this boy drop dead gorgeous? And man was he a nerd...
"That's the last of it." The librarian smiled to Keith. "Thanks hun."
Keith strolled over and sat across from Lance at a table by a window. "Os that it? Is that really it? It's so boooring." Lance slumped.
"You're stuck with me for the day, not the year." Keith pulled out his binder not even looking up to talk. "Lunch is after this, so you could leave campus and have a longer lunch."
"Really, you can do that?" Lance asked mesmerized. Keith nodded leaning on his hand looking up at Lance finally.
"Why don't you?" Lance asked.
"I don't own a car. Any place to eat is to far to walk there and back in time." Keith shrugged.
"Oh. Whatcha doing now?" Lance spouted off yet another question.
"Organic chemistry. I never not have homework from that class." Keith sighed.
Lance stood up and walked behind Keith looking at the sheet. "I had a really good O-chem teacher, I can help."
Keith was slightly surprised staring at the star in front of him. He blinked looking back at the sheet when Lance gave him a smirk.
"Don't fall in love with me." He winked.
"Not a problem." Keith said smugly to insult Lance.
There's a problem. Lance was very different from what Keith expected. He was kind and thoughtful but smart and stubborn. Keith nearly facepalmed at the realization he was becoming the average teenage girl of America.
Keith absolutely refuses to let himself have crush on Lance. It's ludicrous and he has other things to worry about.
"Hey Keith, ready for day two?" Lance leaned against the lockers trying to look cool. Keith closed his locker and smirked folding his arms.
Lance smiled, Keith was different from everyone else, there was no fooling him. "Day two? Don't you know your way around by now?"
"No, I can barely remember where the science department is." Lance whined.
Keith chuckled, "Liar." He rolled his eyes and began the walk to class holding his binder to his chest with a smug look.
Lance caught up following him. "C'mon, you aren't going to leave me alone in this mansion of a school are you?"
"I'm not leaving you alone. There's a thousand students who are dying to even talk to you." Keith rolled his eyes again.
"Yeah but I don't know any of them, and they all think they know me." Lance pouted.
That seemed to strike something with Keith. It hadn't occurred to him that he could have no friends. The boy was popular but no one actually knew him.
Keith stopped and turned to him. "Fine. But what makes you think I'm different from everyone else?"
"I can just tell." Lance smiled.
"Well you're wrong then." Keith said as they began walking again.
"What makes you say that? You're the only one who hasn't treated me like I'm famous." Lance smiled still confident in the boy next to him.
"Yeah, because well... well..." Keith couldn't think of anything. He didn't know why it was so easy to treat Lance normally when it was so difficult for everyone else.
"You don't like my music, do you?" Lance gave a half smile, he seemed totally fine with the thought.
"I didn't say that." Keith scolded.
"There's no other reason right? I mean, it's okay, I can't appeal to everyone." Lance brushed it off like it was no big deal.
"I actually happen to enjoy your music thank you." Keith admitted and blushed. He never told anyone that he actually listened to that type of music that was so far out character for him.
"You don't have to say that to make me feel better, I don't mind." Lance assured.
Keith sighed and pulled out his phone scrolling through his albums and flipped the screen in his direction. Every album, song, cover, and duet Lance was ever in was there.
A wide smile spread across Lances face. "Wow, you're actually a secret fan? Keith, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were in love with me." Lance teased.
Keith punched him in the arm. "Jerk." He put his phone away. "Tell anyone and you'll be sleeping with the fishes."
"Now that I know you're actually a big softy, I'm not as intimidated by you." Lance continued. Keith glared at him with fury. "Okay, Okay! I'm done." He chuckled.
"Better be." Keith raised his fist playfully making Lance flinch.
"Wait, so why are you so... cool? Like, about me being famous and all." Lance asked.
Keith shrugged. "I don't know? I mean, you're just a person. You're no different from the next person besides your talent."
This made Lances stomach do flip flops. In just two days, this boy has already captured his heart.
The bell rang and Keith dragged lovestruck Lance off to class. They sat down in their seats beside each other. As Keith was pulling out his work getting prepared for the lesson a question popped into Lances head and carelessly asked it to poor unsuspecting Keith.
"Are you gay?"
Keith dropped his bag and quickly looked at Lance mortified. His hand slapped over the taller boy's mouth. "Are you insane?"
Lance licked Keith's hand and he pulled it back wiping it on Lances jacket in disgust. "What? It's a simple question."
"Yeah, and do you have any idea what could happen if anyone found out. I'm made fun of enough." Keith sighed and went back to his work.
"So you are?" Lance pressed.
"Yes." Keith scolded.
"That's amazing! Why didn't you tell me before?"
"Oh I'm sorry, when we met should I have said 'Hi my name's Keith and I like dudes.'?" Keith whispered.
"Preferably, yes." Lance smiled.
"You're unbelievable." Keith rolled his eyes although there was a smile on his face as well.
After class Keith headed in the direction of the library but Lance grabbed him by the jacket. "Nope! We're going to lunch!"
"What? Lance I already told you..." Keith started.
"I know, and I asked my driver if he could take us to which he said yes." Lance pulled him to the doors to leave.
"You're ridiculous. I didn't bring my wallet." Keith argued although he let himself be dragged off.
"I'm paying." Lance smiled pulling him to a car parked outside.
"Fine." Keith smiled shaking his head as he got inside.
Lance shut the door behind him before greeting the driver. "Hey Hunk!"
"Hey, where we going?" The man replied kindly.
"Where do you want to go?" Lance looked to Keith.
"Um, I don't know. You can choose." Keith pushes off the decision.
"Taco Bell?" Lance offered. The two agreed and it was settled, they were going to Taco Bell.
They sat down with their tacos across from each other. Hunk said he was going to eat in the car because he wanted to listen to the radio but a wink to Lance suggested otherwise. The lobby was empty so it was just the two of them.
"Thanks Lance for lunch." Keith said for the third time.
"And again, you don't need to thank me." Lance once again flashed that smile that made Keith's stomach do flip flops.
They talked for a while as they enjoyed their food until Lance had another question that he didn't think through. "You should come over to my place after school."
"What?" Keith froze his legs going numb.
"To hang out." Lance quickly added.
"Uh, Yeah, sure." Keith pulled out his phone. "I just need to let Shiro know."
"So let me make sure I have this right. Shiro is your brother right? And you live with him?" Lance asked.
"Yeah, were not actually related by blood but he's basically my brother. And we live with his boyfriend Adam. Though I think Shiro is going to propose." Keith took another bite of his taco.
"What about your mom and dad?" Lance didn't think the question through.
"They... passed away." Keith hesitated to tell him our fear of making him uncomfortable.
"Oh my- I'm so sorry!" Lance felt a wave of guilt.
"No, it's okay. I didn't really remember them anyway." Keith assured.
Silence loomed and Lance cursed himself for asking.
"Shiro said it's okay." Keith said putting down his phone. He didn't seem phased about the previous topic but Lance knew he was probably sad about it.
"Oh good." Lance smiled.
On the way back to school Hunk smiled back at them. "Soooo... How was your date?"
"Hunk!?" Lance screeched.
"Our what?" Keith was wide eyed and his body was numb.
"It wasn't a date Hunk." Lance spoke embarrassed.
"Oh, my bad!" Hunk smiled but it didn't seem like a mistake.
They exited and went back to their regular schedule.
The bell finally rang to end the day and Lance happily pulled Keith off to his car. "You seem excited." Keith smirked.
"I've never had a friend over." Lance said thrilled as he opened the door to the car.
"Never?" He asked climbing in.
"Never." Lance confirmed.
They arrived at a normal looking house besides several security cameras set up in its corners tucked under the roof.
There were vans parked along the street and when they got out reporters came bustling out of them trying to flag Lance down.
He hurriedly pushed Keith to the door as Hunk got out and blocked them. Many shoved mics in their faces all asking questions too quickly for either to register.
Lance guarded Keith putting his arm around him as he pushed through making it inside. He made a sound of relief and apologized for the paparazzi. Hunk finally popped in as well.
"Here's for lunch Hunk." Lance held out some cash and Hunk put his hands up.
"No, it was my pleasure. It was great to meet you Keith." He smiled. On his way out the door Lance stuck the cash into his collar without him noticing.
"Sometimes he's too nice for his own good." Lance smiled. He led Keith up to his room.
The room was a good size with guitars hung on the walls with several posters. There was a collection of guitar picks that were displayed on a shelf. There's was quite a few books, a desk, and a piano. It made the room slightly crowded but it worked. Keith looked around and looked at his desk. There were several spiral notebooks packed full with notes and papers sticking out of the edges. One was open and had song lyrics displayed only halfway written.
Lance blocked his view closing the notebook but not before he caught a glimpse of the title.
"What's that?" Keith asked shifting forward.
"Gotta write songs in something." Lance smiled grabbing them and shoving them in a drawer.
"I thought you were taking a break." Yeah well, I'll go back to it one day and I'll have some songs to start with I guess. Besides, I love what I do.
"Can you show me that last one?" Keith asked curiously.
Lances face noticeably reddened. "I-ee uh, it's... not finished. Maybe another time."
"I don't mind if it's not finished. I saw my name on the top." Keith folded his arms.
"You must've read it wrong." Lance brushed it off. "Wanna play a game?"
The two sat down for a game of battle ship. "How about this, if I win, I get to see what was in the notebook. If you win... I don't know, what do you want?"
"I want you too..." he thought for a moment, "cuddle with me."
"Are you serious?" Keith looked annoyed.
Lance nodded happily and the game began.
Lance won.
"You cheated." Keith accused.
"No, I won fair and square." Lance gathered the pieces of the board smiling.
"I want to see the notebook." Keith huffed.
"Better luck next time bud." Lance boxed up the game. "I'm going to go put this away, and when I get back, prepare to cuddle."
Keith glared at him up until the moment the door shut. He sprung up and opened the drawer pulling it out and quickly flipping to the page.
You hide your smile, you hold back your laugh, and although you roll your eyes, I know deep down you care. I know I just met you, and I know you give these things time. But deep down I already know it and- some was scribbled out. -I just want to make you mine.
I know I like to joke and I know I like to tease. But believe me my love is blind and my love is free. Another part was scribbled and it ended. Keith was awestruck. Does Lance feel this way? Could he feel this way? It was odd as songs Lance wrote were usually never love songs but this was and it was different.
The door opened and Lance froze seeing him holding the notebook. "What are you doing?!" Lance grabbed it and quickly shoved it back in the drawer.
"Wait, Lance..." Keith started.
"Go." Lance said angrily.
"What?" Keith was almost shocked and a look of hurt set into his face.
Lance was overcome with embarrassment of having his feelings for him revealed. "You're right, you are like everyone else. No respect for my privacy."
"I don't know why I was stupid enough to let myself think that you were serious." Keith actually thought Lance liked him and now he felt stupid. He felt going down the stairs quickly.
Lance hesitated before following him. "Keith." Lance said to stop him but the boy didn't. "Wait!" The door shut and silence filled the house.
Once outside Keith had tears pouring down his cheeks and he raised his phone to call Shiro it going straight to voice mail. He shoved his phone in his pocket and looked up to see paparazzi all running to him holding cameras and mics.
He quickly wiped his tears trying to look normal as he headed in the other direction but it was too late and they already caught wind that he was crying leaving the house. He eventually took off running knowing it was the only way he could lose them. He headed in the direction of home and made the hour long walk. The paparazzi were following in their vans and Keith flipped them the bird grumpily.
He just had his heart broken and stopped on, the last thing he wanted was a bunch of cameras stuck in his face. Just thinking about it made him sniffle wiping at his eyes. They stuck around for the first 30 minutes but left after that to possibly get back to their posts.
Keith got home and went straight to his room.
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