"Please don't embarrass us." Shiro pleaded.
"When have we ever embarrassed you?" Lance put his hands on his hips.
Shiro gave him an 'are you serious' look that brought an infinite amount of memories in which they'd embarrassed them.
"Fair enough." Lance nodded.
"Look, we land, we shake hands, kiss babies, mind your manners, and don't insult unusual traditions. These people have many customs." Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose as he spoke.
They were all put off balance when the ship landed. Lances face suddenly twisted. "Oh quiznack, I forgot something in my room. I'll meet you all outside!" He took off leaving the others.
They simply shrugged and exited. The leader of the planet greeted them kindly. He was tall and handsome with short blonde hair and a good figure. He was young for a leader, early twenties at the oldest.
"Welcome to planet Raftheon!" He announced bowing. The citizens all followed respectfully. "It is a great pleasure to meet all of you. My name is Levan" He smiled warmly standing straight.
"Hey sorry, I didn't think it would take that long." Lance walked out of the ship.
Levan and his people looked at Lance in surprise and awe. "Please, may I ask your name?" He stepped forward.
"Uhm, Lance." He replied nervously.
He bowed grabbing Lances hand and kissing the top. "It's lovely to meet you. I'm Levan."
"Oh," Lances face was bright red, "i-it's lovely meeting you too."
The others watched bewildered, none as much as Keith however. He crossed his arms and set his jaw.
"Please, my people have thrown a large celebration for you and your friends." He smiled gesturing to the crowd of people waiting in anticipation. "If you don't mind, may I escort you?" He raised his arm.
"Oh, t-that's not necessary! Really, I'm okay." Lance laughed politely.
"Very well. I have business to tend to but I will join you all shortly." He smiled kindly.
The moment he left, his people quickly rushed the paladins. Mostly Lance.
Keith politely pushed his way through the people. He saw Lance surrounded by men and his face was red with embarrassment. In a moment of split thinking, jealously, and empathy, Keith quickly rushed up to Lance and placing his hand on his back pushing him away from them.
"Keith...?" Lance smiled.
"You just looked uncomfortable." Keith justified his actions.
"Thanks." Lance rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.
Keith was going to speak but was quickly interrupted when a mass of people carried the blue paladin away. Lance looked bewildered, embarrassed, and uncomfortable, all at the same time and it made Keith's blood boil.
He walked after them moodily and Pidge let out a laugh. "Jealous much?"
"Me? Jealous? Of course not!" Keith's voice raised defensively. "It's just... everyone on this planet is so infatuated with him. Clearly Lance doesn't like it."
"I don't know Keith..." Pidge frowned pointing to Lance. A little further ahead, a man was down on both knees holding up a ring. Lance had never been redder and he smiled nervously. "Lance has always been a flirt. And he is bisexual after all."
Keith quickly looked at her, "He's what?"
"You... didn't know?" She tried to ask. Keith, however was already running full speed with every intention of trying to intervene in the situation.
"Lance!" Keith called finally making it to Lance. He hunched over trying to catch his breath.
"Hey Keith." Lance spoke casually. "Alec here was just proposing."
"He was wha-!" Keith started to speak with a hint of anger but Lance places a hand on his arm.
"Remember what Shiro said." He gave a half smile.
Lance, he wasn't actually interested in any of these guys right? He was just doing it out of respect..., right?
"Hey, Alec, you're very sweet but I think marriage is different for your traditions than ours." Lance kneeled down placing a hand on the boy's shoulder comfortingly.
"Really?" Alec looked confused. "Marriage for us is out of love and respect; wanting to spend the rest of your life with that person. With you." He spoke wistfully.
"Well, yeah..." Lance faultered, "that's true. But usually we spend time getting to know one another. Really making sure they're the one. Love takes time, there's no rush." He smiled.
Keith watched with admiration for Lance. The boy was gorgeous and goofy but he could be passionate and caring.
"I believe I understand." Alec spoke with a smile.
"Great," Lance stood up and extended a hand to help Alec up as well, "I'm glad that's cleared up."
Alec pulled Lance into a hug taking him by surprise before going in for a kiss. Lance turned away in time for it to miss his lips and rather land awkwardly on his chin.
Keith moved to intervene but Lance gave him a smile that let him know that he could handle it. "Sorry, kissing is usually done after a little bit of time knowing someone." Lance explained.
Alec nodded and quickly grouped together the others. Keith and Lance gave each other confused looks before turning back to the circle of people talking in private. Lance shrugged, "Wanna see if there's food, mullet?"
Keith rolled his eyes. "Sure, Loverboy."
Keith and Lance both walked to the middle of the garden that had been arranged with flowers and lights. In the center with cobblestone walkways was the tables, chairs, booths for food and nicknacks. Raised slightly above it all were two throne chairs; both empty.
The two boys helped themselves to some (what they considered to be) punch. Keith raised the cup to his lips watching as Lance filled his. He lowered it when a small group of boys including Alec approached Lance.
"Blue paladin..." one spoke to get his attention.
Lance turned around and smiled. "Uh, Hey." He went to take a drink just as they all got down on their knees pulling out rings.
Lance nearly choked on the drink; it wasn't out of surprise but rather that the liquid had a sour taste. "Um, Alec..." Lance started, "I thought we were on the same page."
"I don't recall reading a book together?" Alec tilted his head. "I believe you should choose my proposal considering you know me best."
"Oh. OH!" Lance exclaimed finally understanding. "Um, I'm sorry... all of you but, I still don't know any of you that well. People take sometimes years before proposing."
Keith watched quietly and smirked taking a swig of the drink before spitting it out wincing. I looked over to see Lance was laughing at me and I gave him a playful glare. He was so... handsome and cute; somehow at the same time. I found myself laughing too, he simply had that effect on me.
The night was filled with music, odd foods, dancing, and Lance persistently being proposed to. After a while, he grew tired of explaining and just politely turned them down.
Keith watched over Lance the entire night. It didn't take long before he realized that he had nothing to worry about. Occasionally, they'd exchange smiles over the weird event.
One of the citizens announced the leader's arrival and the paladins all quickly regrouped to greet him. "Sorry for the wait hero's. I hope you have all been treated well."
"We have, thank you for everything." Shiro smiled and shook his hand.
Levan invited them to dinner in his castle and as they walked he strode next to Lance. "What did you think of the town?" He asked.
"It was lovely. Everyone was very kind and welcoming." Lance responded respectfully.
"Maybe it could be a future home to you?" Levan dropped slyly.
Lance smiled nervously. He couldn't help but wonder what was up with this planet and why they all seemed to have the same type.
"I'm guessing you were very much liked among the townsfolk." Levan gave a sort of half smile.
"Yeah," Lance said a little exasperated.
"You must forgive us. You see, you have a striking resemblance to the god of love in our culture."
Lance raised an eyebrow. "That explains it."
"Perhaps I could show you." Levan snaked his arm around Lance's escorting him.
Keith watched unable to help the jealousy that was crawling under his skin. He watched as the king shamelessly flirted and locked arms with Lance. He felt a bit of relief however when Lance glanced over his shoulder and gave Keith a look of 'can you believe this guy?'.
They all sat down at the long dining table and it was piled with foods of all colors. Levan snapped his fingers and a well dressed man entered holding a book. The man quickly opened it to a marked page and held it out for Lance to see.
"Hmm." Lance mumbled.
"What is it?" Hunk leaned over.
"Levan says that I look like the god of love. I mean I can see some similarities, but I don't see the resemblance." Lance stared at the picture.
The paladin's all took a look at the picture to give their thoughts.
"It doesn't look anything like you. You have blue eyes and I'm the picture it has brown ones. It's eyes are more narrow, and yours are round. It's hair is longer than yours and the face shape is nothing alike. I think you're taller too..." Keith examined it closely.
Lance smiled and looked to Levan. "I think that settles it."
The dinner was slightly awkward after that. Levan didn't ease up on his efforts much to both Lance and Keith's dismay.
"The sun is almost set and our fire dancers would like to perform for you before you leave." Levan said happily.
The paladins all perked up. Fire dancers sounded very entertaining.
Just as they were about to leave Levan approached Lance again. "Would you like to accompany me to watch the dancers?"
"See, I actually need to use the bathroom." Lance lied casually backing out of the room. "How about I just meet you all out there?" He didn't wait for a response and left.
Lance sat in the bathroom for a bit, waiting out the time until he figured they'd all be seated. He got up and snuck out to the garden where they were performing. Lance tried to keep out of sight of Levan and saw Keith sitting a few seats away. He tried to get his attention without catching Levan's.
After a moment of probably making a fool of himself, he picked up a pebble and tossed it at Keith. It bounced off his neck and quickly he turned around startled and rubbing the spot.
Lance urgently motioned for him to come over before hiding behind a small bush when Levan started to look around.
Keith stood up from his chair and hastily walked to where Lance was hiding. "What are you-?" Keith began but Lance signaled to be quiet and grabbed his hand pulling him away.
Keith was in awe as Lance dragged him into the thicker flower filled parts of the garden where no one was. They could still see the stage but it was slightly far away and the audience was out of view. It was quieter and more peaceful here and they sat down in the soft grass.
"Sorry, I was worried Levan would see me." Lance huffed.
"Hiding from your new boyfriend?" Keith teased but there was a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Ha. Ha." Lance deadpanned. "I'm trying to be polite. I really am. But this planet is killing me." Lance rolled his eyes.
They watched the dancers for a moment and then Keith turned to him. "Didn't you need me for something?"
"Huh?" Lance looked confused.
"You called me over here."
"Oh, no. I just wanted company I guess." Lance began to pick at the grass.
"Oh." Keith echoed.
"Well, I mean..." Lance looked nervous. "I guess I have a reason for calling you over. I knew this planet was supposed to be really pretty and I got an idea. But then it kinda blew up in my face with Levan and his town of marriage obsessors." He rambled.
"What was your idea?" Keith asked curiously.
Lance pulled out a rectangular box. "This is what I ran back to my room to get. I was hoping I could give it to you in maybe better circumstances." He handed it to Keith who took it looking surprised.
Keith opened the box and his eyes blew wide. He pulled out the small knife. The craftsmanship was incredible and it was very detailed. "You got this for me?" Keith looked up awestruck.
Lance nodded with pink cheeks.
"I love it!" Keith gushed over the weapon. "Thank you Lance."
Lance smiled, happy with Keith's reaction. "There's something else too..." he added trailing off and looking at the grass again.
Keith looked up, all ears.
"I know we used to argue a lot, and we still bicker quite a bit. I also know that I've always been very careful to make it seem like I'm annoyed by your existence. But I want to finally come clean. Keith, I really like you. More than as a teammate or a friend." Lance admitted.
Keith looked surprised but he quickly moved in for a kiss. It lasted minutes before they gained the self control to pull away. "I really like you to." Keith grinned.
They leaned against one another and continued to watch the fire dancers in the distance. When the show was over, they sighed. "Please tell me it's time to go home." Lance flopped back on the grass.
"What? Sick of your fan base already?" Keith teased.
"It was whatever at first, but now it's just exhausting." Lance looked up at Keith and smiled. "But it was cute watching you get all jealous and protective."
"I was not jealous!" Keith defended.
"Oh, sure," Lance rolled his eyes. "You were practically glowering at every guy who even looked at me." He laughed.
"I... okay," Keith nodded, "I was slightly jealous."
"If it makes you feel any better, I had a whole plan for tonight. I was going to try to get you to dance even." Lance admitted.
"Really?" Keith seemed to brighten.
"Yup, I had ever possible trick in the book I could think of to get you to like me." Lance laughed nervously and rubbed his neck.
"As if you needed to do any of that to get me to like you." Keith chuckled.
Lance quickly looked up. "Did you like me before today?"
"Of course I did," Keith laughed.
"Wait, how long?" Lance sat up, intrigued now.
"Well... I mean I always thought you were attractive, but after we all became a team... I don't know, we got to know each other better and it sort of just... happened?" Keith explained with flush cheeks. "What about you?"
Lance's cheeks lit up and he laughed nervously. "We should get back to the others." Lance went to stand up but Keith stopped him.
"Oh, no you don't!" Keith smiled and kissed Lance again. It was short and sweet, but Lance looked like he was in a happy daze all over again.
"Fine, I liked you back at the Garrison." Lance admitted.
"You liked me all the way back at the Garrison and never said anything?!" Keith's mouth opened in shock.
"Yes," Lance groaned in embarrassment.
Keith laughed and Lance pulled him into another kiss.
"Lance! Keith!" They heard Pidge calling for them in the distance.
"Guess it's time to go," Lance smiled pulling away. Keith stood and helped Lance up.
They walked out of the garden and the team all looked relived to see they were okay.
"Where'd you two run off to?" Shiro asked with a smile.
"We found a super nice spot to watch the dancers from." Lance explained. Shiro winked and the two boys blushed.
"Well it's time to go lovebirds." Shiro gave a dad like smile and headed back, the two following.
Keith saw Levan approaching and touched knuckles with Lance. Lance looked up at Keith and smiled before interlocking their hands. Everyone looked relieved once they were back in the castle of lions.
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