I was a little tipsy writing part of this ngl. Now you gotta guess which part lol. I legit contemplated publishing this or not for a solid 10 mins before saying fuck it...
"Lance!" Hunk yelled as he watched his teammate fall to his knee. They were retreating from a group of roughly 30 Galran soldiers.
The ship was expected to have nothing but cargo and be fairly vulnerable. However, the large amount of guards proved to be otherwise.
Lance had stopped to pick off the soldiers, protecting his teammates in their attempt at getting away.
"Lance! What're you doing!?" He heard Pidge yell after. But Lance didn't move from his position as the hallway floor disappeared under the bodies of falling enemies.
"Go!" Lance shouted; quick and short, but his voice boomed powerfully.
"Lance get up!" Keith had begun to run back the way they came.
"There's no way we're getting out of here." Lance lifted his eye from the gun as more flooded down the hallway. "Not unless someone stays."
"Who said that had to be you?" Keith grabbed the collar of his armor and jerked it hard.
"Keith," Lance stood up shakily. He managed to pick off some of the closer soldiers and took the moment to breathe. "I had a crush on you since the garrison, I was the one who accidentally knocked your toothbrush in the toilet, and I broke Pidge's iPod." Lance said quickly planting a kiss on his cheek and pushed him into Shiro's grasp who had fallen back to retrieve them. Lance just as quickly turned and ran toward the crowd of soldiers, shooting as many as he could. His finger holding the trigger as long as he was able.
When Lance woke up, he was on the floor of a cell. He pushed himself up slowly, his pounding head making it difficult. A searing pain shot along his hairline; he reached up to feel and found it was covered in (now dry) blood.
"Lovely to see you're awake."
8 years later...
"We need to land immediately." Pidge rung in. "Our lions have all taken some fatal hits. Especially the blue lion."
"Keith, locate the nearest civilized planet. Somewhere we can work on repairing Voltron." Shiro ordered.
"Already a step ahead of you." Keith chimed in, "It's still a fair distance away, but we can make it. Sending you the location now."
"Etis? That place is totally old fashioned! They don't even use crystals to run their stuff!" Pidge whined.
"I know. But they rely solely on mechanics, which is all you need to get the lions back in shape." Keith retorted smiling.
"I think it's neat!" Hunk hummed.
"But why, in a world with magical crystals, would anyone stick with physics?" Pidge groaned.
They struggled to find anywhere to land in the busy city. Brass ships speeding by large buildings, many with smoke blowing out the tops. When they finally managed and jumped out, they caught the stares of many. The barriers formed around the lions.
"We should find a mechanic." Allura put her hands on her hips, analyzing the damage to her lion. "Oh blue..."
The team stood out like a sore thumb on the streets of Etis. Their white armor nothing like the outdated clothes of the people living there.
As they were walking by the buildings, they heard loud music playing from a small shop. "Hey, I know that song..." Hunk murmured.
"Yeah..., that's....-that's..." Pidge wracked her brain.
"Jessie's Girl. Rick Springfield." Shiro smiled. "Adam loved 80's music."
"Hey, it's a repair shop!" Allura pointed to a small rusted sign.
"I mean, they have good music taste, whoever it is must be good." Hunk laughed.
They all flooded in causing a small bell above the door to ring and their shoes thudded against the wood floors as they walked.
"Be there in a moment!" Called a male voice from somewhere within the shop. It was open and well lit with sunlight inside, but candles were all over the place. In fact, the place was moderately messy. Several tables were scattered, each having their own project sitting atop. One appeared to have a large engine all pulled apart and sprawled out. Another had a dozen watches, all in the same state as the engine. Gears and grease covered towels littered every surface.
A tall lanky fellow appeared from the depths of the shop. He wore tan slacks and blue vest with a white button up undershirt underneath. The sleeves of his undershirt where rolled up and smudges of grease tattered all articles of clothing. He had several leather straps all crossing his arms, legs, torso; some not even seeming to serve any purpose. He wore a black belt and brown boots and as he walked, his stature didn't quite seem level.
He had hair that was longer and wavy on top but shorter on the sides. An old gun was strapped to the side of his leg and a smaller scale hammer hanging from his belt loop on the other side. He had a leather pad over his right shoulder and leather pieces that wrapped around small bits of his forearm tied in place, his left one had a watch built into it. Covering one of his two light blue eyes was a small gadget. It had several lenses and looped back around his ear. In one hand, he held a watch and in the other, a rag.
"Sorry, I've been looking for a 5 centimeter bezel all day. Can't seem to..." his voice trailed off as he looked up at the paladins.
"We aren't exactly from here." Shiro politely joked to break the silence. The man's hand's were visibly shaking as he set the items he was holding down on the front counter of the shop.
"N-no kidding." He smiled briefly but it faded fast. "What brought you to rundown planet like this?"
"We were in a battle with a Galra fleet and a few of our ships received quite a bit of damage. We needed to land quickly." Allura informed. "We were actually looking to get some help."
"Do you-... do you know who I am?" The man suddenly asked nervously.
"Sorry, how rude of us to not introduce ourselves. I'm Allura." She smiled apologetically.
"I'm Shiro."
Keith looked at the figure in front of them, a figure that seemed so familiar.
"Don't be rude." Allura nudged him. Keith looked to her confused, having not paid much attention to the previous conversation.
"Keith. I know." The man suddenly said.
"How did you-...?" Keith looked suspiciously at the man.
The man then leaned against the counter and with a sigh pulled off the lens contraption. "Lance. Former paladin of voltron." He extended his hand.
His hand was ignored as many of the paladins went in for hugs. Tears streamed down the faces of his former teammates.
"How-? You were..." Keith looked like a deer caught in headlights.
Lance smiled rubbing his neck. "Yeah, well..." he distanced himself from the team, walking behind the counter and picking up his rag again. He rubbed his hand with it nervously. "It's sort of a long story."
"It's a good thing we have time." Shiro said smiling.
Lance pursed his lips and looked down at the counter. His eyes went a little wide and he smiled. He picked up a small circular metal piece with grooves. "Found the bezel." He chuckled. He snatched up the watch and strutted to the small table full of the same item. He sat in the chair and put the lens contraption back on. He studied the watch carefully and flipped down a few lenses increasing the magnification. The paladins quietly walked up behind him to watch. He used a few tools as he worked slipping each piece into perfect place. In a matter of seconds, he held up the watch, it was working good as new. He set it down on his workbench and stood up. He leaned back against it gripping the edge.
"The sun is setting here shortly. How about you stay here and we get to work on the lions in the morning." Lance pulled the lenses off his face and set it down.
"That sounds like an excellent idea!" Allura smiled, her eyes still red from crying.
"Great, I suggest you stay here. I don't know a motel nearby that won't rob you blind." Lance smiled. "I'll show you around."
Lance gestured to the area. "This is the shop, careful what you touch, many of these are spring loaded." He chuckled. He led them up a set of stairs. There was a small kitchen, living room, and a hallway with a few doors. "And this is where I actually live. Feel free to use what you like. Make yourself at home."
Lance walked into the kitchen and pulled a glass from the cupboard. "Poker night was last night so I'm pretty low on snacks." He said filling up the glass.
Overall, the place looked small but cozy. The paladins all looked around slowly.
"You all just came from a fight, do you have a change of cloths?" They shook their heads and Lance set the glass down.
He snapped his fingers and walked down the hallway, gesturing for them to follow. "I have some."
He opened the third door and walked in, going through a dresser of clothes. He pulled out a few button up shirts and a few pairs of slacks. "I think I might have something that could fit you Shiro..." he dug around. "Ah! Here," he held out the cloths giving everyone their's. The paladins thanked him examining the fabric.
Lance stood and opened the doors in the hall. "That's my room," Lance said pointing at the one he got the clothes from. "These are all spare rooms, and that's the bathroom." He said pointing to the room at the end. "You can use mine too, I'm probably going to crash on the couch."
"Thank you Lance." Shiro patted his shoulder.
Lance smiled and leaned against the wall. "It's really good to see you guys." Suddenly, a small noise like a sizzle and a pop, rung. He cursed under his breath and leaned on one leg. "You should all get changed."
They dispersed into the rooms and bathroom. Because there was only four places to change, Keith changed in the same room as Shiro. Keith was out just as quickly as he was in. The blade had taught him quick outfit changes, and that was with skintight suits nonetheless.
He glanced over at Lance who didn't seem to notice him. Lance had stood up from the wall but was standing on only one leg. He had each hand on either side on the wall to keep his balance as he hopped through the hallway.
Keith quickly walked to Lance, "Whats wrong?" He grabbed Lance's arm and pulling it over his shoulder trying to help him balance.
Lance cursed under his breath again. "You change fast." He chuckled.
Keith wore a button up shirt tucked into grey slacks and had a pair of suspenders. As for his hair, it was loosely pulled back into a small ponytail. Lance flushed slightly at the sight.
Keith ignored him, "Stop changing the subject, what's with your leg?" He helped him through the living area and Lance urged to the stairs.
"It's nothing, I just need to get to the shop." He said as Keith helped him down.
When they reached the bottom, Lance quickly planted himself on a bench.
"You should go back upstairs and get situated." Lance smiled pulling out a few tools.
"What? No. Lance," Keith shook his head. "stop being stubborn and let me help." He grabbed Lance's pant leg and he responded by quickly grabbing Keith's hand. His grip was tight, but so was Keith's on his slacks.
Lance looked at him but sighed. "You won't freak out then?"
"Of course not." Keith dipped his eyebrows sternly.
"Fine." Lance pulled up his pant leg to reveal not skin but steel plates, wires and gears.
Lance pushed himself from the bench to sit on the table. He laid out his leg and began to unscrew parts.
"W-what happened?" Keith immediately asked.
"Basically what happened to Shiro." Lance said removing a metal piece with a few wires attached.
"Shit Lance..." Keith ran a hand through his hair looking at it. His face screamed guilt.
Lance snapped his head up to look at him, "Don't." He pursed his lips. "You have that look like this is your fault,"
"God, Lance, it is though." Keith rubbed at his eyes. It wasn't until then that Lance realized just how worn Keith looks. Like 8 years of guilt had been building to this.
"You don't really think this was because of you?" Lance grabbed Keith's wrist trying to receive his full attention. "Keith, none of what happened was because of you. I knew exactly what I was doing when I stayed behind that day."
"I should've come back for you, we ran away while you threw everything you had. I should've at least fought by your side." Keith set his jaw.
"You did come back for me Keith. You ran back to get me, but I pushed you to Shiro, remember? Besides, it wouldn't have done any good to have two paladins captured that day." Lance assured holding Keith's wrist still. Though it was close to his chest.
"That was one hell of a good bye by the way. You really came clean." Keith chuckled anxiously. He socked him in the shoulder, "I knew you were the one who knocked my toothbrush in the toilet."
Lance laughed rubbing his shoulder. "Yeah, sorry about the whole springing a kiss on you too. Young me figured I'd might as well if I was going to die."
"Sorry? The only thing you should be sorry for is waiting till you disappeared for eight years to tell me." He laughed.
"Oh, so you liked it did you?" Lance raised an eyebrow.
"Liked it? Lance, I liked you." Keith leaned against the table.
"Oh," Lance smiled as his cheeks went a bright red. He tinkered with a few pieces before putting his leg back together. "Let's see if that works."
"Again? Really?" Keith rolled his eyes.
"What?" Lance frowned.
"You change the subject whenever you're not sure what to say." Keith smiled picking up a small doohickey and fiddling with it.
"I do not!" Lance argued.
"Mhm." Keith raised an eyebrow in protest.
"I don't!" He attempted again.
"You're still doing it." Keith set the funny looking tool aside and folded his arms.
Lance sighed. "Okay," he leaned back on his hands, "I feel dumb that younger me could've told you much sooner."
"See? Was that so hard?" Keith smiled.
"'Was that so hard?'" (That's what she said) Lance mocked while pushing himself into a sitting position and sliding off the table. His feet met the ground testing it.
Lance's leg went weak and suddenly gave out with a pop and yet another sizzle. Keith rushed forward enveloping Lance in his MUSCULAR arms. Lance swooned pulling him closer!
(Sorry I'll stop)
Lance's leg went weak and suddenly gave out with a pop and yet another sizzle. Keith quickly reached out and grabbed him by the bicep holding him steady. "T-thanks." Lance looked at him mildly surprised. He leaned back on the table and Keith grabbed his leg gently bringing it level.
"Tell me what to do." Keith said sitting on the table across from him and placing Lance's metallic foot in his lap.
"It's pretty complicated and finicky..." Lance raised an eyebrow.
"Then I guess you'll just have to guide me through it." Keith glanced up at him.
Lance smiled, he was a little impressed. "Okay, remove the cover." Lance handed him a small flathead screwdriver.
Keith took it and began to go to work on the screws. "So? Why this place?"
"What'd ya mean?" Lance leaned back on his hands as he watched Keith.
"Of all the places in the universe, why stay on a planet that's so far back in technological advancement?" He carefully removed the cover.
"Okay, now twist these wires and they should disconnect. Some are stubborn." Lance pointed around the tiny wires in his leg. "Well, I guess I'm over fancy alien tech. It's what brought me out here. It's what pulled me from you guys. I guess... I guess it just feels safer. Besides, I have so much for myself here." he seemed dazed and Keith looked up from what he was doing to look at Lance. "I don't want any more chaos."
Keith quietly went back to disconnecting the wires.
"You can be creative here." Lance said suddenly. "You can make the most amazing inventions. You can fix things that people love." He reached out and snatched up a small pocket watch. "A girl stopped by earlier today. She couldn't have been more than eleven. She was in tears because she was playing and broke this. Apparently it belonged to her grandfather." Lance took a deep breath. "She didn't have any money. No one here does. But that's the beauty of my job. I can help people, the same way voltron does. Maybe on a smaller and far less significant scale, but I have a purpose."
Keith disconnected the last wire with a chuckle. "You don't need voltron to be a hero."
Lance smiled but it faded quickly. "Slide that piece down there," Lance pointed and Keith followed his directions closely. "Okay, click that out of place now."
"Ah shit Keith!! My leg!" It detached at the knee.
Keith immediately began to panic. "Lance I'm so sorry! I didn't-!" He stopped when he saw Lance holding back laughter. "Asshole."
"You have to admit, that was pretty funny." Lance laughed grabbing his leg and pulling it on. He clicked it in place. "For real now. Shift that down..., flip that up..., tighten that..., okay now reassemble."
Keith followed every step and when he finished, he looked up for Lance's approval. Lance slid off the table onto his feet and Keith stuck out his arms just in case.
Lance moved his leg around and gave a small hop. "Works like a charm!" He rolled down his pant leg.
"Lance? Keith?" Allura walked down the stairs. "Oh there you two are! I wanted to ask if I could use the shower?"
"Uh, yeah, sure." Lance quickly turned around. "Oh, just keep in mind, it's reversed. Hot is cold and cold is hot."
"Got it." She walked back up the stairs.
"You hungry?" Lance asked.
"I could eat." Keith nodded.
They walked up the stairs and Lance went to work on making a stew. "Can I help?" Hunk asked with a wide grin.
"Do you even have to ask," Lance laughed.
Hunk began to chop up some vegetables happily. Lance washed his hands and scooped up the veggies and slid them into the pot. He wiped his hands on his apron and began to add a few spices.
"So Lance, when are you gonna tell us what's happened in the last eight years?" Allura asked. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel and she was in a pair of pajamas also lent by Lance. Everyone piled into the kitchen and took a seat to hear.
"Oh... well. Not much." Lance shrugged stirring the pot and leaning against the countertop.
"Oh come on. We wanna hear." Pidge pushed up her glasses.
Lance chuckled and looked at the ground before meeting the gazes of his former teammates. "Okay, okay." He sighed. "Well, I was kneeled in the hallway and I was picking off soldiers. Eventually there were too many--you guys were out of reach by now—so I fell back. I sprinted off and actually made it to a pod. As I was trying to start it, they caught up and snatched me before I could launch the damn thing. One of them took their gun and hit me in the head with the end of it. When I came to, I was in a cell. I was in there for probably days. Eventually, and you won't believe this, Lotor walks in."
"Asshole..." Pidge muttered.
"Agreed. He offers me an opportunity of sorts. Team up with him and end voltron for the greater good."
"Dumbass, what would make him think you'd ever agree." Allura frowned.
Lance looked down. "I didn't agree... at first."
"What do you mean at first?" Shiro asked befuddled.
"Lotor, every week for two months visited me. He never mentioned the deal after the first visit. But he didn't need to." Lance pursed his lips. "I... I want you all to know I have no aggression or bitterness to any of you at all, not anymore. You see, I expected you all to storm in with voltron and break me out. Or at least look for me. But when I found out you weren't, I became upset." Lance saw the looks of his former teammates and sought to make them feel better.
"You have to keep in mind, I was broken. I was just... bitter and alone. I'm not proud okay?"
His former teammates stared at him with watery eyes.
"Maybe I shouldn't..." Lance began.
"No, tell us. It's in the past but we at least should know." Keith's face was soft but stoic.
Lance felt his eyes sting but blinked it away. "I'm embarrassed to even tell you this, I regret all this more than you could imagine. One day Lotor walked in to visit me, he opened the cell and let me out. He said and I quote 'I was hoping to use you to lure your team here and defeat them. However my plan fell apart of sorts.' We talked and... and I agreed to help. It... it was that damn witch. She has this way of getting into your head and making your emotions more extreme. I was upset and heartbroken to be separated from voltron. She was able to use that feeling and twist and contort it into this ultimate bitterness and hatred."
The way his former teammates were looking at him made him uncomfortable. "I won't pretend this didn't happen and I won't lie. It felt like I wasn't in control." Lance sighed. "I hate even more to tell you this next part."
"It gets worse?" Pidge asked sniffling.
Lance nodded slowly. "I... one night when you were all sleeping. I snuck into the castle of lions. The castle didn't see me as an intruder you know?" Lance swallowed hard. "I went to Keith's room first." Lance swiped at a tear that rolled down his cheek. And looked away from the paladins. "I had the knife, I had this blaring voice in my head yelling at me to do it. It wasn't my own, that I know now. Haggar's work is pure evil." Lance turned back to the paladins. "Keith, I don't know how it happened. But I looked at you, and I was there, I had the knife and... and the voice, Haggar's voice stopped. Or, rather, I overcame it."
"As soon as I understood what was happening, I fled. I managed to escape Lotor for the time being."
"Oh Lance, it's okay. Haggar is manipulative and she has the ability to control you. To push you." Allura assured.
"It doesn't excuse anything I did." Lance closed his eyes. "I hid on a planet. Full of cool alien tech, a very appealing place. Lotor had his claws there too." Lance cursed under his breath. "It wasn't long before I was snatched up one night. When Lotor realized he couldn't persuade me anymore he sent me to fight in the arena." Lance admitted.
Shiro shifted. "I'm sorry."
"I made a good friend there, I trusted him with my life. He didn't make it out one day. Two days after that, they threw me in with the machine that killed him. It crushed my leg, but I won. I escaped the next day."
Keith looked at my leg and looked away.
I pulled out some bowls and began to serve the stew. "I landed here. The first night of staying here, I was mugged. But Edwin came to my rescue. That old fart could really kick ass. He used to own this place. I worked as his apprentice and stayed here. Edwin taught me everything I needed to know. I owe him everything. He passed away two years ago." They all sat at the dining table with their stews but no one ate yet, all too concerned with Lance's story. "I found out he left everything to me. He didn't have any family. I've kept his business going and he left me quite a large sum of money. Turns out he was rich. I only knew him two years and he did all that for me."
Lance smiled. "I've been taking care of this place since."
"Lance we are so sorry all that happened to you." Allura looked to him sadly.
"There's no reason to be. It all led me here." Lance smiled. "I'm sorry I nearly killed you..."
"Don't be, it wasn't even you." Keith assured.
"What do you think broke Haggar's hold on you?" Pidge asked.
"Well, the reason Haggar was able to get ahold of me was by how bitter I was. The large festering amount of negative energy was how she got me." Lance looked at Keith with a smile. "I guess I should be thanking you. I suppose it means you ridded that anger. You helped me enough that I could get free."
Keith looked mildly surprised. "I didn't really do anything, I mean I was asleep."
"Still." Lance rolled his eyes.
Quickly they all began to tell stories of their adventures and time away. They reminisced and brought up old forgotten memories. Just like that they were laughing and joking around.
Suddenly, they all heard a noise downstairs and footsteps heading up. When a man appeared, the paladins were standing ready to attack. "Sorry, wait." Lance stood. "Allow me to introduce Dellen, my boyfriend."
"You're what?" The group seemed to all ask in disbelief.
Lance caught sight of Keith and saw his eyes were wide. It caused a feeling in his chest to sink.
The man standing before them was short with dark hair that was pulled into a small pony tail. He had very clean and luxurious clothing and a shiny pocket watch hanging from his vest. His long coat had rich blue and purple colors. Dellen seemed to glower at the group which caused Lance to swallow nervously. "These are some friends of mine." He addressed the paladin's name's.
"Nice to uh... meet you." He gave the group all a glance up and down.
"We just sat down for dinner if you'd like to join." Lance beamed.
"Yeah, make me a bowl." He nodded and sat at the table.
Lance stood up quickly to fix him some of the stew. When Dellen sat down, he gave the group all a distasteful look.
"So, Dellen, tell us about yourself." Allura smiled trying to keep the peace.
The man seemed to glance in Lance's direction almost wondering if the situation was worth playing nice. "I work for my father in a wealthy business. We sell inventions." He seemed sort of bored by the question.
"That's actually how we met. His father wanted to buy an invention from me." Lance smiled walking back to the dining table and set the bowl in front of his boyfriend.
"You forgot the..." Dellen started.
"Spoon! Right!" He stood back up and went to retrieve the utensil.
"And how do you all know Lance?" Dellen asked almost suspicious.
"We were teammates." Keith answered, his voice low.
"Remember when I told you I used to pilot a ship some years back in the fight against the Galra?" Lance walked back in.
Keith watched the way Lance walked, it was smooth and swift. And when Lance set the utensil on the table and sit to finally eat, it made his blood feel hot and his stomach ache. He moved his stare from Lance to his supposed boyfriend who was already looking at him with a fury in his eyes. Why was Dellen giving Keith the stink eye?
Lance noticed the tension at the table and smiled. "I just remembered, the other day I was walking through a market and I saw a cow. It immediately reminded me of Kaltenecker. I've been craving a milkshake ever since."
The paladins laughed. "I still vow never to drink milk again." Allura shook her head and grimaced.
"Oh gosh, and when we fled the mall riding her. Lance, didn't you hit your head?" Keith laughed. The table boomed with delight. Except for Dellen eating silently and looking annoyed.
After some time bringing up old memories, they finished eating. Lance stood to take their bowls. He picked up Dellen's and his, reaching for Keith's. "No, no, I got it. You made dinner." He quickly picked up his own bowl and tried to take the two from Lance.
"But you're my guests." Lance rolled his eyes.
"Who showed up unannounced." Shiro added taking his bowl to the kitchen following Keith.
The paladins one by one cleaned their dishes. "You can set them there, I'll dry them." Lance smiled gratefully as he pulled out a towel.
Keith grabbed the end of the towel. "No, I will. Go sit down." Lance stared at Keith for a moment. Was he doing this because he still felt guilty about everything? That was his first thought, but when Lance let go of the towel, Keith gave him a smile that didn't feel like it was out of pity or him trying to make up for something. It felt genuine and good. Pidge pushed Lance out of the kitchen despite his protests.
"We got it Lance, just sit down." Lance huffed but he gave them thankful looks. He was watching the paladins all work, sitting on a stool. His eyes fell on Keith. He was staring intently at a bowl he was working on drying and he glanced up at Lance. Their eyes met and Keith smiled making Lance's heart beat a bit quicker and his body felt much lighter.
"Hey, babe," Dellen said getting his attention, "I'm going gambling tonight, mind if I..." he trailed off raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah, right!" Lance stood up quickly he left to his room and returned with a handful of cash. He handed it to Dellen who shoved it in his coat pocket. The paladins all gave casual glances at the exchange, unable to ignore it.
"Well, I should be heading off." Dellen smiled standing up. This was the most pleasant he'd been all night.
Lance gave him a smile, "Have fun." He said before turning back to the paladins. He seemed a little caught off guard when Dellen planted a kiss on his cheek before leaving.
If Keith didn't know any better, Lance almost looked uncomfortable. And when Dellen had disappeared from their sight, Lance's shoulders almost seemed to ease. Keith realized his staring and how he almost seemed to be brooding and quickly went back to drying dishes.
Lance noticed the looks he was getting from his teammates, and he feared they'd confront him about something having to do with Dellen. Had it been his attitude, laziness, or the fact that Lance just gave him money, he wasn't sure, but it very well could be all of them. To avoid the conversation Shiro was a mere few moments from starting, he stood up. "I should get your rooms ready. I haven't had visitors in a while."
Keith watched Lance disappear into the hallway and when he looked up, he could see Shiro pursing his lips. "It's none of our business." Allura took a dry bowl from Keith and put it away.
"I know." Shiro still didn't look at ease.
Lance returned with pajamas, blankets, and towels, for everyone. "Just in case any of you want to shower, and remember hot is cold and cold is hot." He handed them off to everyone.
Lance helped Pidge and Allura get settled in their room before helping Shiro and Hunk with their's. That left Keith with Lance's room. It was pretty late and the paladins all drifted to bed, Lance had taken a few blankets to the couch.
Keith laid awake in Lance's bed. It smelled like him. He turned over and tried again to fall asleep, to no avail. Keith swung his legs off the bed and rubbed his eyes. Maybe a glass of water could help.
He shuffled down the hallway quietly to the kitchen. When he looked out into the living room, blankets were on the couch, but there was no Lance.
He glanced down the hall to see the bathroom door wide open and empty. Keith bit his lip questioningly. He moved to the stairs and descended into the workshop.
Candles were lit all around one desk where Lance could be found hunched over tinkering with a pocket watch. Keith believed it was the same one he talked about with the little girl.
The last wooden step of the stairs creaked and Lance looked up quickly, panic washed away when he saw it was Keith. "Working late?" Keith asked walking up to join the boy.
"Always." Lance smiled. "Trouble sleeping?"
"A little." Keith pulled up a chair next to Lance's and watched him work.
"You never used to sleep well, did that ever get better?" Lance asked still tinkering with the watch but taking occasional glances up to Keith.
Keith was silent for a moment. And Lance turned his attention to him.
"It... well it got worse after you disappeared. For a long time. One night, I slept perfect. And since then, it hasn't been so bad."
"Think that night was the one I paid a little visit?" Lance raised an eyebrow, he made the comment mostly as a joke.
"I wouldn't doubt it." Keith responded seriously. He yawned and leaned his head on Lance's shoulder.
Lance grinned as he tinkered with the watch. Keith stared at his work and when Lance was finished, just a few minutes later, it looked good as new.
"Can I ask you something?" Keith asked tiredly, he seemed to be drifting off.
"Yeah?" Lance tilted his head.
"Why Dellen?" Keith tried not to sound too jealous or accusatory.
"Oh..., uhh...," Lance rubbed at the back of this neck.
"It's okay if you don't want to answer." Keith lifted his head.
"I'll answer, just don't judge me too harshly, okay?" Keith nodded in response and Lance took it as a sign to continue. "I met him through his father because he buys my inventions. We had gone on a few dates and he was nice, so I said yes when he asked me to be his boyfriend. Then he started showing his true colors..."
"So? Just break up with him." Keith frowned.
"I would've, but I'm sort of backed into a corner. Dellen really does like me, he does! But, I think if I were to break up with him, he'd convince his father to stop buying inventions from me. But my inventions mean everything to me! I want people to have them, and use them, and treasure them." Lance looked down at the pocket watch sadly. "And it's better than being alone."
Keith was quiet for a moment. Lance has a passion for what he does, and he's willing to put up with someone like Dellen in order to do it. Keith's heart swelled in his chest at the last sentence. There's no way Dellen could be better than being alone.
Then again, Keith was raised in a quiet and empty home as opposed to Lance who grew up with a large family and thrived off people around him.
"Find someone else to buy your inventions!" Keith turned to him frowning.
"Keith..." Lance's face softened.
"And-and you don't have to be alone! You have us! And there's hundreds of people out there who would be honored just to go on a date with you!" Keith felt himself growing annoyed.
Lance smiled weakly. "That's sweet of you, but it's all easier said than done."
"You're just afraid of change. You never turned something down before just because you thought it would be difficult. You were a fighter pilot at the Garrison, you became a pilot of Voltron, you helped us reclaim hundreds of galaxies, you risked your life to save us, you escaped the Galra, you look after your own business, and how is any of that easy?" Keith was staring at Lance who looked shocked.
"I..." he sighed and shook his head. "I know." Lance suddenly cracked a smile and chuckled. "Leave it to you to call me on my bull."
"I have a talent for it." Keith joked and rested his head back on Lance's shoulder. "Also, I think Dellen didn't like me. Well, noticeably more than everyone else."
"Yeah... sorry about that." Lance tapped his fingers on the work table nervously. "That may actually be my fault."
"What? How?" Keith tiredly lifted his head to look at him.
"Well, when he first asked me to be his boyfriend I warned him that I was still getting over... you." Lance swallowed.
"Oh." Keith mouthed. "How long ago did you guys start dating exactly?"
"Almost five months ago." Lance answered avoiding eye contact.
"Are you... are you over me now?" Keith asked sounding curious.
Lance let out a laugh, "Keith," he shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever be over you."
"Oh..." Keith suddenly seemed slightly dazed.
"Sorry," Lance suddenly apologized, "I guess, liking you was something—some kind of fantasy—that I could picture to keep myself sane. Sometimes, when I was fighting in the arena, there'd be nights when I'd lay awake fantasizing about being back with Voltron. We'd be dating or something like that. We'd defeat the Galra. Sometimes I'd imagine us winning the war and going home, I'd get to introduce you to my family and all that cheesy stuff." Lance thought back for a moment and fiddled with the watch in front of him.
"Fantasy..." Keith began.
"What about you? Any romantic endeavors?" Lance quickly moved on.
"Nothing special." Keith shook his head. "Nothing like the boy who kissed me, saved me, and then disappeared for eight years. It's pretty hard to top that."
"What can I say? I set a high bar." Lance shrugged playfully.
Keith yawned which Lance silently and appreciatively took witness to.
"You should head back to bed," Lance tucked a loose hair of Keith's behind his ear.
"So should you." Keith retorted. He folded his arms and leaned them on the workbench and rested his head atop for some cushioning.
Lance rolled his eyes but Keith made no sign of moving anytime soon. He began to finish tinkering with the watch and after five minutes of doing so, he heard light snores coming from Keith. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips and set down the watch. He reached out and gently touched his fingertips to the scar on Keith's cheek. When the boy didn't wake up, he slowly traced his fingers up through his hairline and gently caressing his cheek. It was almost impulsive when he found himself leaning down and pressing his lips lightly to Keith's forehead.
When Lance pulled away he realized that it was indeed very late. He enveloped Keith in his arms and pulled him close causing Keith to stir awake. Keith silently followed Lance as he lead them up the stairs and to Lance's room.
Lance peeled back the covers and drew Keith to the bed. Keith sat down on the edge and looked up at Lance expectantly.
Lance stood in front of him and Keith grabbed his hands drawing him down. Lance was in a daze but his heart was pounding. He didn't pull back when Keith's lips finally met his. He pulled them closer enjoying the feeling of Keith. The same Keith he thought he'd never get to see again.
He had to resist the urge to hold Keith close, to grip him in his arms and never let him go. Lance pulled away and looked down at their hands. Something that felt too right—had always felt right. He'd always longed for Keith, but now, he seemed to be slipping through his grasp. "It's getting late," He spoke in a hushed tone.
Keith nodded but didn't break his stare as he crawled into the bed. Lance pulled the covers up and his hand rested on Keith's chest. Feeling the steady rise and fall. He was almost delighted to know that Keith's heart was racing just as much as Lance's was. He leaned forward and planted a slow kiss to his forehead and left the room leaving an awestruck and confused Keith.
In the morning, Keith woke up to a delightful smell. It had him rolling out of bed-Lance's bed-and heading toward the source. He walked out of the hallway to see Lance in the kitchen with an apron on. Shiro was sitting on the couch fiddling with some small contraption that he'd ask about later.
Keith walked into the kitchen and Lance smiled brightly when he saw him. His eyes seemed a little bluer today, and his skin glowing and golden. "Good morning,"
"Good morning," Keith said with a yawn which rested into a small smile. It was good to have Lance back. All his thoughts could consist of since finding him was how amazing it was to have him back.
"Hungry?" Lance asked as he poked at some scrambled eggs.
"Starving." Keith eyed the food, his stomach letting out a low growl.
Lance grabbed a plate and served him some eggs, toast, and a few unfamiliar items yet they let off a delicious smell. "What about you Shiro?"
"Oh yeah, the food looks amazing." Shiro stood up finally setting down the trinket.
"What is that?" Keith asked as he walked to the table happily holding his plate.
"It's a puzzle, Lance made it. I've been working on it for the past half an hour and I don't think I've made much progress."Shiro shook his head.
"I told you it was one of my more difficult designs." Lance shrugged handing him a plate. Shiro thanked him and sat next to Keith.
One by one, the rest of the paladins were drawn out by the delicious smell and joined breakfast. Eventually they heard the bell ring downstairs and boots coming up the steps.
Dellen emerged at the top of the stairs and looked around to see the paladins still there. "Morning," he greeted.
Keith felt a surge of guilt. He'd technically kissed this guy's boyfriend last night. His eyes flicked up to see how Lance was reacting.
Lance stood up immediately, "good morning, are you hungry?"
"Uh, yeah, thanks babe." He went and sat down next to where Pidge and Lance were sitting. His boyfriend set a plate of food in front of him and sat back in his spot.
Lance pursed his lips and twiddled his fingers as he watched Dellen eat. "Good?"
"As always." Dellen smiled and leaned forward to kiss Lance.
Lance was looking down and turned his head as his boyfriend went to do so. Instead the kiss landed awkwardly on his ear and Lance seemed surprised. "Oh sorry." But he didn't go in for another kiss.
When breakfast was finished and cleaned up, Dellen smiled and wrapped his arms around Lance from behind affectionately. Lance stiffened but let it happen.
Keith watched with a sour attitude, he couldn't help that ping of jealousy that danced in his stomach.
"I should head off to work here shortly." Dellen announced to Lance.
"Yeah, I'm helping them fix the lions here shortly. Do you mind staying for a bit longer?" Lance asked.
Keith felt a flush of heat rise in him. Why does Lance want him to stay longer? Does he actually enjoy this guy being around? Maybe Lance did love Dellen deep down, maybe the wish that he and Lance could be something more to each other was just that: a wish.
They all got dressed and ready for the day, excluding Lance who'd already showered and dressed. "I'll meet you all at the lions in a little bit if you don't mind. I already have the tool kits set at the door." Lance smiled.
Keith noticed the way he was holding Dellen's hand in his, and that he was having them leave ahead. He was probably planning on snogging his boyfriend or doing something mushy and romantic. After all, Lance was a romantic.
Keith reluctantly left with the rest. As they reached their lions they began to unpack their tools. They couldn't help but notice however, when the front door of Lance's shop slammed closed and Dellen took wide strides leaving. As he passed his eyes locked onto Keith's, they burned with anger.
"This is your fault!" He snapped.
Keith stood dumbfounded. Had Lance come clean about the kiss? Dellen was likely wanting to tear him to shreds if that was the case.
Lance exited his shop looking slightly guilty and when he caught sight of Dellen harassing his teammates, he groaned with annoyance. "Can you just go please?"
Dellen strutted off and Lance silently walked to the group and began working on the Blue Lion. He didn't address Dellen's outburst and no one brought it up.
Lance's mood brightened again as time went on which made Keith a little more relieved. He hoped Lance wasn't mad at him. Keith walked into Blue's cockpit to find Lance and Shiro in a deep conversation. When they noticed him enter, they quickly stopped and Lance gave him a weak smile. "Hey."
"Hi, what's up?" Keith looked between them.
"Uh nothing important," Shiro shrugged it off, "I'm gonna go check on Pidge and Hunk." He clapped a hand on Lance's shoulder and left.
The moment Shiro exited the cockpit, Lance started to speak. "I'm really sorry Dellen yelled at you."
"Uh, it's fine. Was he mad that we'd... you know..." Keith guiltily asked walking up to Lance.
"Oh, no, uh... we sort of broke up." Lance looked away. "Well not sort of, we did."
Keith looked at him wide eyed and felt happiness rise in himself. "Really?"
"Yeah, last night after you went to bed, I stayed up a little longer making some... plans. Actually, that's what I was talking to Shiro about." Lance grinned and rubbed his neck.
"Plans? What kind of plans?" Keith was getting excited. He stepped forward and Lance looked at him tenderly.
"My predecessor Edwin owned this shop before me. Maybe it's time for me to pass it on too. Abigail, my apprentice, has already proved to have a lot of promise and she's just as knowledgable as I am now. I think it's time I take my calling somewhere else now." Lance explained.
"And where's that?" Keith watched him intently.
"With you." Lance took Keith's hands in his. "Change is never easy. But then again, when have we ever taken the easy way?"
Keith stared at him at a loss for words. Lance had been gone so long, and now, just like that, he gets to have him back and in all the right ways.
"Shiro said the rebellion is desperate for people who can fix their ships and even maybe make some modifications. Plus I'd be able to teach others. I'll be doing what I love with the people I love." Lance gripped his hands tighter and Keith dove in for a sweet celebratory kiss.
They stood alone in the blue lion, and together they realized they were opening a whole new chapter in their lives. One they could share.
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