Six Keiths
Red- angry/aggressive
Orange- playful/fun/outgoing
Green- kindness/shy
Purple- romantic/lovey
Blue- sadness
Yellow- fear
"Careful of the beams everyone, we do t know what they do." Shiro yelled dodging several Galra shops and avoiding the large white beams of light moving quickly to hit the paladins.
Lance was freezing a fleet of ships and the large ray of mysterious light heading in his direction. "Lance!" Keith yelled angrily diving his lion in front of the blue paladin.
The beam shown on the red paladins lion but for a moment nothing happened. Everyone held their breath but for moments nothing happened.
Nothing happened. Nothing.
"IDIOT! AREN'T YOU PAYING ATTENTION!? YOU COULD'VE DIED!" Keith screamed through the intercom at Lance. He knew Keith was a hothead but this just seemed extreme.
"Paladins, head back to the castle." Allura said quickly.
Everyone pulled their lions back. "Allura, what was that light?" Shiro asked concerned.
"I'm afraid you will all find out quickly." She sighed heavily.
The paladins filed out into the control room, all but Keith. "I'll go find him." Lance said darting off. He felt guilty about whatever it was happening to the boy. Keith had saved him.
He heard someone yelling from the red lion, obviously Keith. The red lion became aware of Lances presence and lowered its head opening the jaw for him to enter.
Lance stood in shock at the sight before him. Multiple Keith's. Their jackets all had different colors, each was acting completely different bringing nothing but chaos. "You!" Keith with his usual red jacket snapped his head in Lances direction fire in his eyes.
"Chill out! Lance was totally fine! It coulda happened to anyone, amirite?!" Another Keith with an orange jacket swung his arm over Lances shoulder very buddy like.
Another Keith with a yellow jacket hid behind Lance watching red jacketed Keith. "Red scares me sometimes." He whispered quietly to Lance.
"H-Hey Lance. Your eyes are very pretty." Said green jacket Keith shyly. His hands were in front of him bashfully like a high school girl twiddling his thumbs.
"I-uh. There's um- a lot of-uh Keith's." Lance gulped.
"Well duh! What did you think happened!?" Yelled red.
"We'll never get back to normal!" Whined a blue one before bursting into tears grabbing at Lances shirt.
Lance was trying to comfort blue while getting pulled in all different directions by the raven haired boys. Then suddenly he felt a small hand creep up his back and Lance yelped jumping back. "What's wrong Lancey?" A purple one asked seductively in his ear.
"Uh-I um, what's-who?" Lance was so panicked by all the Keith's in the room and the fact that they were all so different. He hasn't been here 30 seconds and already knew they were hard to manage.
"Purple! Could you please stop hitting on Lance?!" Red yelled throwing his hands in the air.
"Oh c'mon! He's cute! This is our one chance now that green and yellow aren't in the way." Purple whined.
"We should um get you guys to the control room with everyone else." Lance said changing the subject.
Lance guided them out which was difficult with all the arguing between the Keith's.
Blue clung to Lance and yellow hid behind him as they walked down the hall. The taller boy was still trying to take in all of it. Purple kept looking at Lance and winking which seeing Keith do practically made him drool.
Yellow was rambling about everything that could go wrong while red was mumbling angrily. Orange walked lazily with his arms behind his head.
"Allura informed us about the effects." Shiro said as Lance walked, in the Keith's following him.
"Oh my gosh." Pidge burst into laughter.
"Give me some info here, because I'm clueless." Lance tried to break away from blue which was unsuccessful.
"Obviously." Red snapped.
"The beam managed to split Keith based on his emotions. Each color represents an emotion. I'm sure you can guess which ones are which." Allura typed quickly as she spoke. "But luckily it says here it's curable! It will take a few hours for us to build a beam to reverse the effects."
"Yes! See! It helps to be positive! Amirite blue!" Orange nudged blue wiggling his eyebrows.
"I don't know about you guys but I vote Lance has to watch the Keith's." Pidge smirked with some minor hidden motives.
"I think I can live with that." Purple smirked devilishly at Lance.
"He's the one who got us into this mess in the first place! Doesn't anyone care about that at all?" Red stomped his way to Lance angrily causing the tall boy to flinch. The paladins including Allura and Coran silently left them to work on the cure.
"I'm sorry but I didn't exactly ask you to save me did I!?" Lance retorted back.
"Why you-!" Keith began rolling up his sleeves but orange held him back.
"Okay, Okay. How about we all watch a movie?" The Keiths all looked around at each other before nodding.
"I-I hope it's not a sad movie, I'll probably cry if it's a sad movie." He began crying for the twentieth time.
"We won't watch a sad movie." Lance assured comforting the blue jacketed Keith.
"Let's watch an adventure." Red said plainly.
"A comedy!" Orange shouted.
"No scary stuff. Especially clowns." Yellow chimed in.
"How about a romance?" Purple suggested.
"Okay... this is going to be difficult." Lance sighed. "How about Up?"
"The kids movie." Red looked at Lance like he was ridiculous.
"Hey, we don't exactly have much to choose from. Pidge and me only got a few movies from the Earth store." Lance smiled and he angrily looked away blushing.
"Up it is!" Orange yelled and flopped onto the couch lazily.
Lance sat down as the movie began only to be cuddled up to by the raven haired boys. Well all except red.
Red sat on the very opposite side with his arms crossed stubbornly as he watched the movie.
Lance petted yellows hair distractedly. "Hey red, why don't you join us?" Lance asked gesturing to the large cuddle pile.
Red looked at him his face slightly pink, he seemed to contemplate something before sliding to them embarrassed. Then he did something taking Lance by complete surprise. He rested his head on the taller boy's shoulder.
Lance smiled widely but didn't say anything. He felt a hand rub his thigh and he quickly looked for the source. Of course it belonged to purple who was still watching the movie.
'How can he do that with a straight face?' Lance thought panicked.
"Heya Purple..." Lance said nervously. "Um-."
"Stop! You're gonna scare him away!" Yellow panicked holding onto Lance tighter.
"He'll never like us back!" Blue cried sobbing into a pillow.
"What?" Lance looked at them all dumbly.
"Shut up blue!!" Red snapped.
"Hey, don't talk to others like that." Green said warningly.
"D-does Keith..." Lance began with wide eyes.
"No." Red cut him off flatly.
"Yes." Purple chimed in with a wide smile. All emotions froze holding their breath and stared at Lance to see his reaction. There was only two ways it could go; Rejection or reciprocated feelings.
"Really? You aren't messing with me?" Lance was breathless.
They all simply nodded in sync.
"YESSSS!!!" Lance jumped up throwing his fists up triumphantly. "HE-HE LIKES ME BACK?! YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUS RIGHT?" Lance came face to face with them again.
"Yeah, he's liked you for a while." Green informed. All six were kind of surprised by how excited Lance was.
"Holy fudge yes!!!" Lance grabbed reds face and kissed him in celebration.
"W-w-w-w-what?" Red stuttered. He was trying to be angry but was to surprised and flustered.
"We have the..." Pidge walked in surveying the situation. "Are you guys watching Up?"
"C'mon! Let's get Keith back to normal!" Lance said energetically pushing all the raven haired boys out the door.
Everyone stood back as the six emotions stood in front of a deadly looking machine.
"No worries! This will get you all back to normal in a jiffy!" Coran said ecstatically.
Purple blew Lance a kiss and winked. The paladins looked at the Cuban boy confused clearly wanting answers but he didn't pay any attention. Instead Lance caught the kiss and put it in his pocket looking forward to having his Keithy back.
Coran pressed a large red button and a white beam shot drowning out the six emotions. The machine made several questionable noises and smoke began to rise. Everyone looked worriedly hoping it had worked despite the machine's defects.
The white light disappeared and the smoke clouded any chance of an immediate result.
The smoke began to settle and Keith appeared through it fanning the spoke away as he coughed lightly.
It was Keith, normal Keith. His emotions all in one being.
"Keithy!" Lance yelled and ran forward pulling him into a hug.
Keith stood slightly shocked and mildly confused even though he remembered the previous events. Lance then grabbed his face and kissed him.
The other paladins watched in disbelief. Hunk gave Pidge five bucks silently.
"Glad to have you back in one body." Lance smiled.
"Glad to be back in one body." Keith slowly smiled back processing it all.
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