Sibling's Babysitter
"Thank you so much, we're so sorry about the short notice." Mrs. McClain smiled warmly at Keith.
"It's no problem, really." He smiled back. "I'll probably just play a movie if that's alright."
"Oh, that's perfectly fine. The kids know how to work the TV and there's popcorn in the pantry. Help yourself to anything you want. They've already eaten and if they don't behave, feel free to send them to their room or take away electronics. My oldest son Lance usually babysits, but he does lacrosse and they have a game out of town."
"Maria, we should probably leave we're going to be late." Mr. McClain said putting on his coat.
"Oh okay. The weather looks like it might get bad." She put on a scarf.
"Better hope Lance makes it to Altea okay." Mr. McClain said grabbing a set of keys and meeting his wife at the door. "We'll be back in the morning."
"Have fun!" Mrs. McClain smiled and the door closed.
From the context, they were going to Mrs. McClain's sister and her husbands home a few hours away for a date night. They said they might drink and decided to just stay there for the night.
Keith found the four kids in a room down the hall. They were all playing a game that involved LEGO's, barbies, and most strangely, a large pot from the kitchen.
Keith introduced himself briefly and asked to join the game. A robot lion toy was shoved into his hands and they played for a half an hour. He caught on to their names, and it was obvious the kids were goofballs. They talked about hundreds of random topics, everything from their favorite fruits, to their big brother Lance.
"Lance plays barbies with me all the time." Malorie shoved a few barbies into his lap.
"Oh, does he?" Keith smiled. Keith was aware that he went to school with this boy (as told to him by Mrs. McClain a hundred times), but he doesn't know who of course.
"Yeah, but he didn't want me to tell you." She said distractedly changing the clothes of one of her barbies.
"Why is that?" Keith was grinning ear to ear now.
The little girl shrugged. "I dunno. He just freaked out when he found out you were playing with us."
Keith thought for a moment; so the boy knows him. "How about we all watch a movie?" His eyebrow raised.
The kids sped to the living room without giving him a response. He followed them out to find the TV was already on and they were arguing about what to watch. "Let's watch Saw!" A young boy said mischievously.
"Absolutely not." Keith laughed snatching up the remote. He sat back on the couch as the kids all flooded around him.
"50 Shades Of Grey!" A young girl giggled.
"How do you even know what that is?" Keith switched the accounts to be for children.
"Lance made that joke." She spoke proudly.
"How about Mulan?" He suggested.
They all agreed, (some more reluctant than others). He started it and popped some popcorn. He came back with two bowls of it and the kids ate it within the first half an hour.
When the movie finished, it was 9:00 and time for them to go to bed. He struggled to get them to listen, still a bit rambunctious. The house was finally peaceful with all kids in their respective beds at 9:30.
Keith curled up on the couch with a blanket and opened up a book. He actually liked the McClain home. It smelled of cinnamon and apples from the candle warmer in the corner. The place was fairly big, enough to fit the large family.
About ten minutes passed, the sound of the front door knob jiggling caused him to jump to his feet. When the door opened, Keith was armed with a solid ceramic vase. If he smashed it over an intruder's head, he was sure the McClains would find it in their heart to forgive him for destroying their decor.
He lowered it when a tall tan boy rushed in and shut the door shivering. His nose and ears were pink from the cold and he was blowing warm air into his hands. Keith recognized him immediately, he'd seen this boy a thousand times around school. "S-Sorry. I thought you were an intruder." Keith put the vase back where it was.
"No, that's fine, I would've called, but my phone died." He smiled setting his bags down and started to pull of his layers of coats.
"Your parents said you'd be out of town." Keith said leaning against the back of the couch.
"The weather got so bad our coach called it off. My car nearly went into a ditch." He pulled off his boots and continued to try warming his hands. "I'm gonna change quick, my pants are soaked."
Lance disappeared up the stairs and Keith exhaled. He darted to the bathroom and quickly pawed around his hair and straightened his clothes. He was checking his teeth when Lance appeared in the doorway. "Oh, I forgot to mention..." he trailed off when Keith bolted upright startled.
"Uh, w-what is it?" His voice seemed to go up an octave.
A smile slowly widened across Lances cheeks, "I was gonna say the roads are bad and that you should stay."
"Oh," he nodded, "yeah, good idea."
"Okay." He flashed another smile and left to go change. Keith mouthed an 'oh my gosh' and his eyes were wide. He walked back to the living room and sat down picking his book back up.
Lance grabbed a pair of sweatpants from his drawer that he knew he'd look good in. Then he searched his closet and pulled out a form fitting sweater with a more festive pattern.
He ran his fingers through his hair and, similar to Keith, checked his teeth. When he went back down the stairs, he saw Keith on the couch reading peacefully.
Lance sat on the other end and pulled out his phone. It was quiet for several moments and he slid his phone back into his pocket. Keith's eyes continued to move back and forth across his book.
"Um..., what're you reading?" Lance asked awkwardly.
Keith looked up to him and chortled raising the cover. Lance blushed, embarrassed by his poor attempt at starting a conversation.
"Right." He stood up, "I think I'm going to bed." He started for the stairs, but he stopped when Keith looked over the back of the couch.
"Are you sure? It's only 10:00; we could watch a movie." He slid his bookmark into place and closed his book.
"Uh yeah, I mean sure, that sounds great." Lance smiled sitting back where he had before and turning the TV on.
"I was thinking Disney."
"Ooh! What about Mulan?" Lance lit up.
"I watched that with your siblings."
"Hmm, Emperors New Groove?" Lance raised an eyebrow.
"Do you even have to ask?" He cuddled up in a blanket.
Lance turned it on and pulled his feet up. A few minutes into the movie, Keith glanced over to see Lance was cold. He had goosebumps and his hands were under his legs.
"Want under?" Keith asked lifting the blanket.
"That's okay-" He started.
Keith scooted closer and pulled the blanket over the both of them. They sat awkwardly at first, but slowly relaxed.
Lance had his arm across the back of the couch and it slid down eventually draping over Keith's shoulders. Keith, in response, leaned into him.
Before either of the boys knew it, they were kissing. Well, more making out. Lance had a hand on the back of Keith's neck, his thumb rubbing gently at his cheek, the other on his waist. Keith wrapped his arms around Lance and slid onto his lap. This continued until a small child wandered in, "Lance?"
Lances eyes widened, his hands were holding Keith's face already so he simply pushed him back and used his thumbs lifting his top lip. "Nope! No cavities!"
"Lance, why were you kissing Keith?" Little Malorie asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"I wasn't, I was checking for cavities. Besides, this is all a dream. You're sleepwalking; go back to bed." Both his hands were resting on Keith's hips now and Keith was trying to keep from laughing by burying his face in the boys shirt.
"Okay." She nodded slowly walking back up the stairs to her room.
When she was gone and out of earshot, both of the boys started laughing. "Want to go to my room?"
"Yeah, we probably should."
They turned off the TV and went to his room closing the door behind them. Lance sat on the bed likely hoping they would pick up where they left off. Keith had different plans and instead was strolling around looking at the pictures and nicknacks he had on shelves and dressers.
"My siblings didn't talk about me while I was gone did they?" Lance asked nervously. "They tend to over share."
"No, not really." Keith smiled. "Mr. wet the bed until he was eight."
Lances eyes went wide, and drew out a long groan while face planting in his bed.
"What? Also, I think you're due another Barbie session with Malorie and Alejo."
"Noooo, I told them not to tell you." He frowned looking up from his comforter.
"Ah, heaven forbid I think you're a good brother." Keith said sarcastically.
Lance smiled looking up at Keith and leaning back on his hands. Keith bit his cheek and sat next to Lance. "It's almost midnight, want to go to bed?"
"Yeah, sure. Where should I sleep?" Keith asked standing up.
"My bed?" Lance had a cocky smile.
Keith raised an eyebrow, but he didn't comment on it. "Okay, I'm going to change into my pajamas." He left and went back downstairs and pulled them from his overnight bag, changed in the bathroom quickly and replaced them with his dirty clothes.
When he walked back in, the room was empty; the covers on Lances bed were peeled back and a few more pillows were thrown onto it.
Lance walked in behind Keith holding a few more blankets. He tossed them at the foot of the bed and looked at Keith happily.
Keith climbed into the bed and Lance turned off the lights following soon after. They got comfortable under the covers which included Lances long arms being wrapped around Keith and Keith's head resting on Lances chest.
Lances parents came home early that morning. They made breakfast and called down everyone to eat.
"Mph..., Keith. Wake up." Lance mumbled tiredly while shaking his shoulder.
Keith's eyes opened and he slowly sat up.
"My dad made breakfast." Lance said getting out of bed and stretching.
"Did they come in here?" Keith asked quickly looking at Lance nervously.
"No." Lance chuckled. "I heard them yell up the stairs."
Keith calmed immediately. He stood up and shuffled to the door. They both made it down the stairs and greeted everyone.
After they dished themselves, they sat down and began eating.
"Hey Lance?" Malorie put down her fork.
"Yeah?" He responded shoveling a bite of waffle into his mouth.
"Were you and Keith making out last night and told me I was just sleepwalking?"
Keith was mid-sip of water and he sprayed it back into the cup, while simultaneously Lance choked on his waffle.
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