Shut Up
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Keith and Lance had been everywhere from bickering to straight up fighting all day. The other paladins were getting impatient and down to their last straws.
"You idiot!" Keith yelled,
"At least I don't look like you!" Lance spat back.
"Would you two shut up!" Shiro finally exploded.
They quieted but they were still shooting each other glared behind folded arms.
"You both are acting like children! You're driving me insane! Go sit somewhere far, far away from here and work out your problems." The paladin instructed. The others sighed in relief that the fighting was over, or at least no longer able to be heard.
They stormed off angrily. "Who's room?" Lance asked through gritted teeth.
"Yours." Keith said with thought.
They entered and when the door shut they turned to each other awkwardly.
"Great, now we get to stay in a room together. Exactly how I want to spend my night." Keith mumbled.
"Why do you always want to fight!" Lance yelled agitated.
"Don't even! You're the one who made us rivals!" Keith jabbed a finger at him.
"Don't point at me!" Lance slapped his hand away. Keith responded by doing it again more to annoy him this time. Lance growled and ran his hands through his hair turning away.
Lance struggled, he couldn't like a guy. It's not part of the norm. No one in his family was gay, maybe he wasn't gay. After all, he still liked girls. Maybe there was something for that. He did often take his frustration out in Keith, he thought it would help to rid the feelings but it just made them stronger.
"I... I'm sorry, Okay?" Lance sat down on his bed frustrated. Keith stared at the boy. No way, even in a moment like this, could he look that good. Keith's heart jumped a little. What could he be sorry for?
Keith sat next to him staring forward at the wall in front of them. "Me too."
Lance had his head in his hands and he looked up at Keith. "You don't have anything to be sorry for." He said quietly before burying his face in his hands again.
Keith looked around unsure of how to respond. His eyes landed on a handful of photos pinned to the wall. He stood walking to it and examining them all. "You know I do, I fight back and start them just as much as you."
Keith's eyes fell on a picture of him and Lance. It was taken by the Cuban boy when Keith had least expected it taking him by surprise. He smiled at it brushing his fingers along the edge. Upon looking at more, he quickly realized there was a fair amount of him. They were typically shots of him not knowing his photo is being taken. Either gazing of into the void of space or even a rare event of him smiling.
He heard Lance behind him and turned to see Lance looking at the pictures as well. "You know, a lot of theses are of me, Lance." Keith said flirting slightly.
"Shut up! I only have them because you're a teammate! I wouldn't have them otherwise." Lance argued.
"See! You're fighting with me again!" Keith stomped.
"Well have you ever thought that- that maybe I don't actually want to fight with you!?" Lance said anxiously.
"Then why do you-!" Keith began to yell back before he was cut off by a soft pair of lips meeting his.
"Would you just shut up." Lance said pursing his lips realizing what he just did. He could never take that action back and if Keith rejects him... it's game over.
Keith stayed silent slightly shocked. He stared wide eyed at Lance.
'I blew it' Lance thought. He turned to walk away rubbing his neck angry with himself.
"Wait." Keith grabbed him by the shoulder. He squeezed lightly and looked at the ground nervously. "D-did you- can we do that again?" Lance let out a small nervous laugh. "Don't laugh at me."
"Sorry." Lance said turning to him and letting his hands slide up to the raven haired boys face slowly leaning in to kiss him. They both closed their eyes sinking into it.
The kiss became more passionate and they eventually pulled away.
"Can I do something?" Lance asked.
"Um, I guess." Keith said unsure.
Lance ran his hands through Keith's hair feeling it and twirling it between his fingers. "I always wanted to touch your hair. It's even softer than I thought it would be."
Keith rolled his eyes but he was smiling. He liked the feeling of Lance playing with his hair.
"Can I braid it?" Lance asked finally.
"S-Sure." Keith agreed embarrassedly. He turned around giving him access and sat feeling Lances long slender fingers comb through it.
Lance was about halfway through braiding a small piece when the door slid open revealing a very confused Shiro.
Shiro began to laugh but slapped a hand over his mouth. "A-are you braiding his hair?"
Keith pointed a stern finger at him. "Shiro don't you dare tell anyone."
"I'm sorry but I'm telling the others. They'll love how well you two are getting along." Shiro darted out.
Keith went to take off after him but Lance was holding his hair preventing him. "Let me finish." Lance whined.
Keith was ready to protest but he fell back into the nice feeling of his hair being messed with. "I guess I could kill him later." He mumbled like in a trance.
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