Pretty Flower, Pretty Lance
"Lance! You can't run off by yourself!" Keith said annoyed chasing after Lance.
"I'm just looking around!" Lance said very carefree.
Keith rolled his eyes. They were in a castle on an abandoned planet. It was dusty and rotting away but that didn't stop the paladins from investigating.
They had split up but Keith didn't trust the reckless Lance to go off by himself. Maybe his crush on him had a small-very small- reason to do with it.
He turned a corner nearly running into Lance. He was standing unmovable like a brick wall staring at a glowing purple object mesmerized.
"Lance?" He caught sight of what Lance was staring at and inched closer to it.
"What do you think it is?" Lance asked.
"Only one way to find out." Keith said reaching forward nervously grabbing it. The glowing faded to reveal a small purple flower sitting in Keith's hands. "It's just a flower." He said a little disappointed.
"I think it's pretty." Lance said but was sidetracked when he heard Shiro calling for the two.
"Ow! The thorns keep stabbing me." Keith said trying to holding it safely. A purple goo coated his fingers and he set the flower behind his ear. "What is this stuff?"
"C'mon Keith, we gotta go." Lance said turning back to the raven haired boy.
Keith stood mesmerized by him. A light red glow spread throughout his cheeks and he latched onto Lances arm giggling like a teenage girl.
"Oh no..." Lance muttered.
"Lance! Keith!" He heard Hunk and Pidge yell.
"Come on." Lance said pulling Keith along back to the group.
"Okay, you can take me anywhere you want Lancey Lance." Keith batted his eyelashes.
The group finally came into view and they stood mouths agape as they saw Keith fawning over Lance.
"You're really pretty Lance. You smell really good." Keith said gushing over him.
"Um uh thanks." Lance said nervously.
"What's up with Keith?" Pidge asked.
"I'm uh, not really sure." Lance rubbed the back of his neck.
Keith went on his tiptoes getting close to Lance smiling. "I'm in love with Lance!" He exclaimed.
"What?!" Lances face flushed a deep red and he pulled away from Keith.
Keith made a pouty face. "C'mon Lancey Lance, hold me!" He opened his arms wanting an embrace.
Lance hesitantly wrapped his arms around the shorter boy. He enjoyed it but Keith wasn't himself.
"Aww! Lancey Lance!" Pidge mocked.
"That's enough. We should head back immediately and find out what's wrong with Keith. He could be dangerous." Shiro stepped in.
"I don't know, Keith doesn't seem that dangerous to me." Hunk said pointing at the two.
Keith was hugging Lance tightly smiling as he embraced the boy.
Lance was a little unsure standing stiffly. "I think I agree with Shiro. This is really off from Keith."
"Good, let's move out." Shiro instructed and they all made their way to the castle.
"Hey Lance, what's that flower behind Keith's ear?" Pidge asked.
Lance explained the find and Pidge grabbed it careful not to touch it with her bare hands and get poked.
"I'll examine it and find out its effects." She assured.
"Thanks." Lance said before getting a small squeeze from Keith.
They made it to the castle of lions and they all began to follow Pidge to see what they could find. "Hey Lance, maybe you should stay out here and watch after Keith." Shiro suggested.
"Okay, just let me know when you find anything out." And with that, the two boys began walking down the hallway. Keith horribly acted like he tripped and hurt his ankle. It was obvious that he was fine but he clutched it in pain.
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Lance, can you help me?" Lance bent down and examined the spot playing along. "Can you carry me?"
Lance rolled his eyes, "Sure." He smiled lifting Keith up bridal style. If only Keith actually liked him for real, he could truly do this for Keith if he got hurt.
They continued down the hall and Keith looked up at the taller male fondly. "Lance, you're so pretty."
"Yeah yeah, and I smell really good." Lance finished.
"Kiss me."
"What?! No!!" Lance yelled. He'd imagined kissing Keith 100 times over, never was it like this. Besides, he wasn't himself. It was like taking advantage.
"What? Are you scared Lancey Lance?" He smirked.
"No... it's just..." Lance began to testify again but trailed off getting lost in Keith. Then again, he may never get the chance to kiss the boy ever again. The two's lips connected and they melted.
Blushes were evident on their faces and it almost felt magical. That was until Keith's eyes snapped open and he ripped himself away falling from Lances grasp. "What the hell Lance!?!"
"You started it!" Lance yelled back.
He watched as Keith wiped his mouth on his sleeve. Something churned in Lances stomach, his eyes stung and a lump form in his throat. "I wasn't in control!" Keith snapped.
Lance turned around and started to head away. He supposed he should see what information they found on the flower. "Sorry." He muttered leaving.
Keith sat hoping he made it convincing enough. Maybe he was too mean to the boy, Lance seemed a little crushed. He would choose that over Lance finding out he had a crush on him and turning him down any day.
Lance entered the room to find Pidge sitting at her desk typing away. "Oh there you are, where's Keith?"
"Don't know, don't care." He said harshly catching Pidge off guard.
"Okay, well the others just left to tell you what we found out. The flower has a poison that can enhance someone's romantic feelings." Pidge informed .
"Meaning, the feelings had to already be existent." She finished flashing a smirk and pushing up her glasses.
"I gotta go quick." Lance took off out the door nearly colliding with Keith.
"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm super embarrassed, I mean, I forced myself on you and-" Keith confessed.
"And have I ever told you how pretty you are." Lance said with a smile. "And you smell really good."
"Lance what are you-?" Keith began.
"Keith, I know you were under the persuasion of the flower but I also know there must be pre existing feelings in order for it to do so and enhance them." Lance explained and Keith's face dropped ready for a rejection.
"Look I know I was being stupid and-" Keith started frustration showing.
"You weren't being stupid, you were being sweet." Lance said brushing back some raven hair from the shorter boy's face.
"What are you talk-?"
"Keith, I like you." Lance said quickly.
"Lance..., I like you too."
The two both leaned forward lips connecting for the second time that day.
"I'll make some popcorn." Pidge said leaning against the doorway arms folded before walking away.
"Pidge! Do you have to ruin our moment every chapter!" Lance yelled.
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