Peanut Butter & Jelly Keith
Allura slowly landed the castle on planet Kuleon. A strong but generous civilization dwelled there that made it well known that they were willing to join the coalition.
The paladins including Allura and Coran exited and stared out at the new world.
"Hello, I'm Renishee Tokeyn, king of Kuleon." And old man spoke in a gravely voice. He walked with a cane and a long cloak. "This way." He turned around.
The hero's gave each other approving looks before following. They walked through a gorgeous town with stone roads and shops lining them filled with flowers and fruits. Children laughed and played filling the paladins with hope in defeating the Galra. This was worth risking their lives to protect.
"This is my castle." He lifted his hand. The castle was tall and yellow crystals grew in clusters on the side of the structure.
Upon entering, two guards stood holding spears with heads held high as their king passed.
Renishee showed them little of the large castle before growing tired and sitting down.
"Sir, I'm sorry I'm late. I was helping Mrs. Yurak load hay for trading. It won't happen again." A man entered bowing as he spoke.
"Ah! Tobien! Everyone, this is my grandson." He smiled widely clearly proud of the boy.
"Its a pleasure to meet you." Tobien kneeled bowing his head.
"Please, the pleasure is all ours." Allura spoke kind heartedly.
Tobiens eyes locked with Lances and he smiled causing Lance to panic and do the same.
"I would love to get to know the defenders of the universe better, may I show you around the town?" Tobien asked.
"Why, that would be fantastic." Allura exclaimed.
It was a fun filled day of meeting a numerous amount of people and walking through the cobblestone streets.
Tobien definitely took an interest in Lance, that was no doubt in anyone's mind. Keith however was a little more reluctant to the idea.
"You should totally join us for dinner. I'm making pasta and garlic knots, Lances favorite." Hunk offered.
"I would love to. As long as the others are okay with the idea." Tobien said politely.
"No of course, join us." Shiro smiled welcoming.
"Maybe you should go back to the castle with Renishee. Won't they be wondering where you are?" Keith suggested grumpily. He did not like Tobien, that much was obvious.
"C'mon Keith, don't be rude." Lance scolded.
"No, it's alright." Tobien defended.
"Well, I'll make enough for everyone!" Hunk said happily.
They made it back to the castle and Lance sat in the couch with Tobien. They talked and laughed while Keith listened quietly occasionally glancing up at them. He was reading pretending to be there on his own accord and not to keep an eye on the two.
"-no really I do!" Tobien exclaimed chuckling.
"Oh whatever! You're such a nerd!" Lance laughed bashfully.
Tobien had his arm rested behind Lance and hand on his shoulder. Keith felt fury pool in his stomach.
"Hey Keith, are you alright?" Lances attention tore away from the boy next to him.
"Yeah, I'm alright." Keith quickly vanished behind his book.
Lance wanted to say something else, anything. However, he didn't get the chance, Hunk walked in and called everyone to dinner.
While they ate everyone laughed and joked with the guest, all of course except Keith. He pushed the food around in his plate before taking a bite reluctantly.
"What does everyone think?" Hunk asked happily.
"It's great!" Lance exclaimed.
"Yeah, thank you for having me." Tobien smiled.
Keiths stomach jumped, he wanted to punch that guys smug face so hard in an alternate reality. But the more Keith thought about it, the more he realized that maybe he was better for Lance than him.
Keith was grumpy and wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Tobien was happy and light hearted; upbeat and joyful. The polar opposite of Keith.
Keith saw Lance laugh at a something Tobien said and felt reality hit hard. "Hunk, thanks for the meal, it was really good." Keith stood up walking to the kitchen to clean up his plate.
He was rinsing his plate as Lance and Tobien walked in with theirs as well. Keith wanted to drown himself in the sink, it was like they were following him. Every time he saw them it was like it was being rubbed into his face that he could never be like that with Lance.
Lance walked over with his plate and Keith took it for him. "I got it." Keith spoke softly.
Lance lingered by him wanting so desperately to talk to him. Something didn't feel right between them, like something changed and Lance didn't like that. Their relationship didn't seem to take a turn for the better, he wanted to find out why.
"Lance." Tobien said wanting to leave.
"Right, I'll be right there. I'm going to help Keith with the pots." Lance said walking to the 'stove' and grabbed up the cooking ware.
He saw a bit of annoyance flash in Tobiens eyes before leaving.
"You don't have to do that, I got it." Keith said turning off the water.
"No, I want to help." Lance stood next to him and put some soap and water in it.
"I said I got it." Keith grabbed the scrubber from his reach.
"Keith, I said I want to help." Lance whined reaching for it.
Keith however didn't listen. And when Lance finally grabbed it from his hand they were noticeably close.
"Sorry." Lance turned back to the pot.
Keith stood for a moment before huffing and drying off his hands.
"What's your deal?" Lance snapped drying off his hands and turning to Keith with his hands on his hips.
"Nothing!" Keith argued.
"Then why are you so upset? Look I'm just-... it's that- agh! It almost seems like you're... bothered by Tobien and I flirting." Lance leaned against he counter looking down at the floor.
"I'm- I'm not." Keith hesitated. "Why would it be any of my business regarding your relationships with other people?" He turned to leave.
Lance grabbed him. "But you still seem angry."
"I'm always angry, isn't that me? The hothead?" Keith said fury bubbling over.
"No!" Lance was letting his own emotions get the best of him.
Both boys wanted the same thing yet they just kept missing.
"Keith I-... I can't- Its just-!" Lance could find the words and finally gave up letting go and walked back to the sink putting his hands on the edges and leaning over it looking down.
Keith saw his struggle and felt guilt take hold in his chest. He walked up next to Lance but didn't dare look at him. "I'm sorry." He breathed. "You're right, I'm upset."
"Why?" Lance looked in the opposite direction.
"Because I want something that I know will never happen." Keith huffed.
"I know how you feel. Keith... I lo-"
"Hey Lance are you almost done?" Tobien opened the door poking his head inside.
Lance and Keith both quickly parted as they were incredibly close.
"Yes. I'll be out in a moment." Lance said a hint of annoyance finding its way through his words. Tobien left and it was the two boys alone again.
"What were you going to say?" Keith asked.
"Nothing." Lance laughed but there was no humor in it as he rubbed his eyes.
Keith felt his own hand reaching up to cups Lances face, his actions uncontrollable. His thumb touched Lances lower lip and before he knew it he was kissing the taller boy.
Lances hands tangled in Keith's hair pulling him closer.
One of Keith's hands was on the back of Lances neck while the other was on his lower back holding him torso to torso.
When they parted they lingered in place.
"Keith I love you."
"I love you too." Keith spoke softly.
"Lance? are you done yet?" Tobien stick his head through the door again seeing the two.
"I'm busy!" Lances head tilted back in annoyance.
He quickly apologized and left.
"I thought you like him." Keith pulled away.
"I tried. I thought you wouldn't like me ever. I was trying to move on and well, when I saw you acting all grumpy I thought maybe you were jealous and it kind of gave me hope." Lance smiled.
"Great to know you were filled with hope at my misery." Keith glared.
"Misery? Aw! Keithy! You really were jealous!" Lance teased.
Keith just rolled his eyes as Lance pulled him into a warming embrace.
"You're a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Lance said playfully.
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