Muggle F***er
Excuse my profanity, I saw an opportunity and took it.
Request by: 21smol_beans12
Lance sat on the floor of his room leaning against his bed. He focused his energy into a ball of magic and tossed it up in the hair catching it. He sat doing this for a while, bored.
Finally he threw it up as an idea hit him. He grabbed his phone and the ball of energy hit the floor dispersing into swirls of blue magic.
Lance: Hey, can you hang out?
Hunk: Sorry bud, I'm studying for the history test.
Lance: fiiinneeee
Lance: I'll just go bug Pidgeon.
He tapped on his phone pulling up their conversation.
Lance: You busy?
Pidge: Shouldn't you be busy studying for the test tomorrow?
Lance: but I don't wanna
Pidge: Do it.
Lance sighed and put down his phone going back to the massive history book in front of him.
After five minutes he couldn't take it anymore. He was desperate.
Lance: Hey Keithy, you busy?
Keith picked up his phone and did a double take seeing who sent the message. Lance flooping McClain.
He was studying for the test but... this was Lance.
Keith: Not really
Keith: why?
Lance: Wanna hang out?
Keith: What about the test?
Lance: We can study together
Keith immediately dropped his phone doing a mini panicked scene around his room before finally throwing himself on the bed and answering.
Keith: Fine, where?
Lance: Lets go to the café down the strat.
Lance: street*
Keith: see you in 20
Lance threw down his phone and sprung up rummaging through his closet for something nicer to wear. This was his rival but that doesn't mean he can't look nice.
Keith jumped up and quickly went to the bathroom to fix his hair and brush his teeth. He did a quick spritz of cologne not wanting to make it strong but just enough to know it's there. He doesn't want Lance to get the wrong idea. After all, this is his rival.
Lance sped into the bathroom pawing at his hair and began brushing his teeth. He reached for his cologne and sprayed it a few times. That doesn't smell like cologne? He looked down at the bottle to see it was his sisters perfume. It smelled really good but-he looked at the time and went into a panic rinsing out his mouth. There was no fixing it.
Keith bustled into his room and gathered his things. He assumed what he was wearing is fine and that Lance would be suspicious if he was wearing something different than he did today. He ran back to the bathroom and put his hair into a quick pony tail changing his mind. Pidge had told him before that Lance mentioned something about liking it. He saw the time and panicked grabbing his things and speeding out. "Bye Shiro, I'm hanging out with a friend."
"Bye mom, I'm hanging out with a friend!" Lance called grabbing his things and speeding out the door.
Keith got there first but saw Lance walking just down the street with his bag. They gave each other soft smiles before Lance caught up.
They walked inside Lance holding the door for Keith. They both ordered and Keith insisted on paying. "You can pay next time." He said. Both of their stomachs did flip flops at the sentence. Next time.
They sat down and waited for their coffee as they pulled out the massive books to study. "You smell like a girl." Keith observed.
"Oh my sister thought it would be funny to spray me and I didn't want to be late so I just left it. It's stupid really it pro-..." Lance rambled clearly embarrassed by it.
"It smells good, I like it." Keith smiled.
Lance smiled bashfully. Flipping through the pages of his book. "I like your hair. It's nice pulled back like that."
Keith was going to say something but the barista set the coffees on the counter and Lance jumped up grabbing them and bringing them back.
Keith smiled as the cup was set on the table. They tried to study but kept getting sidetracked getting into conversations with each other. Soon enough history was forgotten and they were talking about funny stories and things they did when they were young.
Keith bit his lip as he nearly spoke of his visit to Magellium. A fun theme park. Except it was for magicians...
Lance stared at the boy admiringly. His dark hair, his cool nonchalant eyes, and his pink cheeks. His eyes trailed to Keith's lips and they both felt themselves leaning forward slowly.
Keith's phone went off. It ruined the entire moment and Keith laughed nervously pulling out the phone.
Lances phone went off. He questioningly pulled it out and read it.
"I have to go." Keith said groaning slightly.
"That's okay, me too." Lance sighed.
They packed up their things and began the walk back to their homes.
"I'm home! What's the emergency?" Lance opened the door rushing in.
"Thank god!" His mom hugged him. "We got a letter from the industry, there's a powerful goblin on the loose and he's on the hunt for wizards. They think he may be in this region."
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Lance assured. "I'll be careful."
"I'm home Shiro." Keith called closing the door behind him.
Shiro immediately rushed out of his room and pulled him into a hug full of relief. "What took you so long?"
"I just went for coffee with a friend? I wasn't at war." Keith spoke sarcastically.
Adam rounded the corner reading a letter and handed it to Keith. "We got this while you were gone. It scared us."
Keith read it. "A goblin? That's what's got your panties in a twist?"
"Ha. Ha. This is serious Keith. He's powerful and could kill you." Shiro scolded.
"Okay, I'll be careful!" Keith put up his hands.
Lances mom kissed him on top of his head and muttered a few heartwarming words.
"So? Who was this friend you had coffee with?" His mom asked with a teasing look.
"Just a boy from school." Lance rubbed his neck nervously.
"His name?" She raised an eyebrow.
"Keith." He sighed.
"Oh, and he's..." She began.
"Human. Yup." Lance finished.
"I would really like it if you dated and well... married another witch; OR wizard, of you prefer. It would be much safer, no secrets, you can protect each other..." she advised.
"Mom..." Lance began.
"I know, I know." She rolled her eyes and walked off. "Date whoever makes you happy."
"Sooo? Who was this 'friend'?" Adam asked pulling a freshly baked casserole from the oven.
"It's not-He's not..." Keith got flustered instantaneously. "His name is Lance..."
"Ooh, Lance." Shiro teased. "Last name?"
"McClain." Keith grumbled.
"Hmm... Keith McClain? That actually has a nice ring to it don't you think Adam?" Shiro smiled.
"Definitely. I can hear the wedding bells." He spoke dramatically.
Keith folded his arms grumpily.
"Okay, Okay. We get the idea. We'll stop teasing." Adam set the food on the stove. "Tell us more about Lance."
"Well... he's kind, oh, and really passionate. He's goofy, and very flirtatious. Also he's funny and more extraverted than I am." Keith said with a light blush on his cheeks.
"Ooooooh!" Both Adam and Shiro gripped their hearts dramatically to tease him.
"Whatever." Keith folded his arms.
"Keith, in all seriousness, please be careful; with your secret, with the loose goblin, and please, with this boy." Shiro put a hand on his shoulder.
"I will."
The next day Lance spotted Keith at his locker and casually strolled up to him tapping on his shoulder. "Hey Keithy~"
"Keithy? Really?" He rolled his eyes shutting his locker and turning to face the boy.
"Yup. I wanted to apologize again for having to cut our study session short yesterday." Lance smiled.
"I had to go too, remember?" Keith smiled softly folding his arms.
"Still." Lance shrugged. "Oh, and I got you something." Lance awkwardly pulled out from his bag a little wand keychain. "You said yesterday that you were a fan of Harry Potter and magic books and I thought of you when I saw it."
Keith accepted it holding the object tightly. "Thank you Lance, I love it."
Lance actually made it. He's been working on his craft magic by forming and transforming objects.
When Keith held the object he could swear he felt a faint buzz of magic emitting from it. But that's crazy.
"Lance I..." Keith began.
Suddenly a loud roar erupted and stomps rattled the floor.
"Keith, you gotta get out of here." Lance immediately reached for his wand.
"No, Lance, you need to get to safety." Keith argued pulling out his want.
When both boys looked at each other their jaws nearly dropped to the floor.
Kids were running and scattering about them trying to get to safety but the two kids held their ground smiling at each other.
The hallway was clear in no time.
"I can't believe you're a wizard!" Lance was beyond thrilled.
Their idiot like smiles dropped when another loud roar erupted. The wall suddenly exploded and both boys waved their wands simultaneously making a barrier of magic. They had flinched holding each other as if still expecting bits of broken wall to still fly at them.
When they looked up they saw their magic had mixed, blue to purple to red.
The two gave each other small glances as they walked forward more confident in their abilities waiting for the smoke to clear.
Out stepped a large pail skinned goblin. It was sickly with a green tint to its face. Sharp jagged teeth like broken glass poked through its plump rugged lips. It's eyes were narrow and cloudy. It's nose was large with warts scattered on it. Several hoop rings hung from its long pointed ears. It carried a long tree trunk over its shoulder triumphantly.
"Two wizzies in one go eh?" He laughed deep and low his belly bouncing and sloshing grotesquely.
Lance pinched his nose. "Ew, dude, when was the last time you took a shower. I know you're evil and all but hygiene is still a thing."
Keith gave him a look like he couldn't be serious. "Do you want to make the bad monster more mad?" He spoke sarcastically.
The goblin stepped up to their barrier and let out a big roar spit flying from his mouth. He swung the trunk and it didn't leave a mark.
"Heh, sorry bud. We're a little stronger than you think." Lance smiled putting a hand on his hip.
Suddenly a small girl with short brown hair walked out of the computer and business department.
"Pidge!" Lance yelled worriedly.
The goblins focus turned to the human and it chuckled making his was slowly as he had a lot of weight to carry.
"Who the hell are you?" She pushed up her glasses ruthlessly.
Lance ran to get her safe letting down his barrier.
"Lance!" Keith chased after him letting his down as well.
Lance ran in front of Pidge trying to urge her to run. The trunk made a loud whoosh as it swung through the air making contact.
It hit a red barrier just feet from Lance and Pidge. Keith was breathing heavily having put it up in the nick of time.
Lance breathed heavily as he realized he hadn't been pummeled. He didn't have much time however, he quickly waved his wand casting a charm. Pidge was dragged down the hall by her hand at a quick rate of speed.
Keith made the quick attempt at shooting a ball of energy mumbling a few words in Latin. It hit the monsters back causing it to stumble forward in a clumsy mess of blubber.
Lance yelped trying to run out of the way. Keith grabbed his hand as the goblin came crashing to the ground barely missing Lance. The momentum lurched him forward practically tackling Keith.
Both boys groaned in pain as they opened their eyes to see the predicament.
"Oh, hello." Lance smiled on top of Keith.
Keith glared at him in response. "Get off, you're heavy."
"I actually quite like it here." Lance rested his chin on the boy's chest.
The goblin let out a low growl as it began to get itself upright.
"Guess we'll just have to pick up where we left off later." Lance climbed up quickly helping up Keith.
Keith hid his smile as he stood on his feet again. "Whatever you say."
The goblin let out a heavy laugh. "That all you got you puny wizard?" It's belly jiggling.
Lance reached in his pocket pulling out what appeared to be marbles. He tossed them at the foot of the goblin earning a confused look from Keith.
"What's that supposed to do? This isn't Tom and Jerry." Keith said sarcastically.
Lance gave him a look folding his arms. "Butio." He didn't even look behind him as the marbles all exploded and a loud vicious roar sounded behind him. "I charmed them. A family trick."
"Oh." Keith simply said, face a light pink.
The goblin wailed in pain as it made its way to its feet again dizzily. "Don't fight me you pesky wizards. I'm stronger."
"Well so far you've gotten your butt kicked." Lance spoke cockily.
The goblin jumped and part of the ceiling broke away. Both Keith and Lance dove out of the way.
Lance didn't have time to recover as the trunk flew full force into his stomach making him fly into a row of lockers.
"Lance!" Keith yelled. He quickly stood up and pointed his wand threateningly at the beast. Before he could release a spell the goblin kicked him. He rolled across the hallway floor sliding to a stop.
Lance took the moment to cast a spell. He blew an icy wind onto his wand. "Hiems." He whispered. He gracefully waved his wand and an icy cold blast erupted from it. Icicles breached the skin of the goblin and Lance ran to Keiths aid.
Lance helped Keith up and watched him prepare to cast a spell of his own. "Liquescimus." He muttered. Everything around the beast from the walls, to the floor, to the ceiling, began to melt. It engulfed the goblin before solidifying, only his head poked out. It roared and growled trying to get free to no avail.
They notified the industry and waited for the magicians to show up and help fix the situation. "What do we do now?" Lance asked bored sitting criss-cross on the floor.
"Oh, what happened to the 'we'll just have to pick up where we left off later' bit?" Keith asked smugly sitting next to him.
Lance had a goofy smile as he nearly tackled Keith and kissed him. Keith wrapped his arms around Lances neck kissing back.
"Ahem." A woman spoke breaking them up instantaneously. And to make things worse... that woman was Lances mom. And to make things worse... standing behind her was Shiro and Adam.
"Well you two are definitely friendly." Shiro teased.
The two teens faces were beat red. Their first kiss just got to be witnessed by their family, they hoped it wasn't to late to release the goblin.
"Aw Lancey, was this the boy you were talking about?" She smiled widely. "Oh, and he's a wizard." She gave her son a thumbs up embarrassing him even more.
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