Mix Tape
"Lance! Do we really have to listen to Beyoncé again!!!!" I said in frustration.
Lance made an offended noise, "Respect Beyoncé!"
"Can we listen to something else for once?" I huffed in response.
"Like what?"
"I don't know Muse, Glass Animals, MCR, Panic! At The Disco?" I suggested.
"I didn't recognize half those and the other half are just emo bands." Lance folded his arms. We continued to argue about the music selection annoying everyone else until no one could take another second of it.
"Lance! Keith! That's enough! Why don't you two go in a whole different room where we can't hear you bicker and find common interests in songs. Make a playlist of songs you can agree on or something!" Shiro rubbed his eyes stressfully.
"You mean like... a mix tape?" A wide grin spread across Lances face.
"Yeah sure, make a mix tape." Shiro kicked us out before closing the door behind them.
"Are we really going to make a mix tape?" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow.
"Of course!" Lance said ecstatically. "C'mon! Let's go to my room!" Before I got a say, I was being dragged down the hall to my rivals room to put together a collection of songs; A mix tape.
He dragged me into his room and plopped onto his bed. I stood for a while looking around at everything, I hadn't really been in his room before. It was messy but still clean and well kept. Comic books, magazines and old books were scattered on his desk. I read the title of a couple: 'The Outsiders', '101 pick up lines', 'Bisexuality'. My eyes quickly flicked back to the last book. Lance had immediately ran in between me and the desk blocking out the books.
"You can sit on my bed if you want." He said slowly slipping the book into a draw trying to make it unnoticeable. Could Lance be Bi? I quickly shook the thought and sat on the edge of his bed. He joined me and we began tossing songs back and forth. He wound up liking a lot of Panic! At The Disco and a couple other songs from other bands.
By the time an hour passed I knew all the words to Fergalicious. I have never been more embarrassed. Even at that, we were still actually having fun.
"Okay okay, what about... Billie Jean." Lance laughed.
"Billie Jean?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously?! It's Michael Jackson!!" Lance threw his hands up dramatically.
I pulled the headphones over my ears and listen. "Yeah okay, go ahead and add it."
"Ooooh, So you like Michael Jackson!" Lance said confidently typing in another song.
"What's this one?" I asked but the moment he pressed play I began to laugh. "Thriller? Really?"
"Why of course! You know, in my elementary years, I danced to this for the Halloween concert." Lance bragged.
"No way."
"Yes way." He said laughing with me before pausing the music. He looked at me dead in the eyes. I wanted to ask him something... maybe it's not the time or place... but I might risk it.
"Hey Lance?" I asked looking down at my hands as I fiddled with them.
"Yeah?" He asked still looking at me and I really truly felt his gaze.
"A-are you Bi?" I asked and my body went hot and numb as I waited to see his reaction. I was nervous for various reasons. He could become angry that I asked, he could not be ready to come out and I've pushed him into it, or worst of all... he could say no.
He stared with wide eyes before clearing his throat as he ran his fingers through his hair and resting it on his neck indecisively. "U-uh well, um, I..."
"You don't have so answer it Lance." I said sincerely.
"Y-yes. I'm Bi." He moment he said it he looked at me searching for approval. I knew how he felt, I'd done the same when I told Shiro I was gay.
I smiled, "Thank you for telling me."
"Really? That's it?" He raised an eyebrow.
"No rude remarks? No teasing?" He folded his arms not buying it.
"No, why would I? I'm gay." I said leaning back against the wall. The simple sentence looked as if it shot him through the stomach.
"You're gay?" Lance muttered in disbelief.
"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?" I raised an eyebrow curiously.
"No!" He yelled but a large smile was set across his face and clearly had no intentions of leaving. "How come you never told me before?!"
"I dunno? Just never came up I guess." I laughed a bit at how happy Lance was. "Gee, if I would've know it would make you this happy I'd have told you sooner."
His eyes flickered from his hands to me and to the other side of the room. "C-can I... can I ask you something?" He looked really nervous and troubled by the question.
"Yeah, of course."
"How'd you know... find out you were gay?" His thumbs twiddled as he spoke and he wouldn't look me in the eye.
"I dunno, I guess I just noticed I never took much of an interest in girls and when I could never help myself but glance at the occasional male butt or whatnot. One day it just sort of clicked."
"What about you? How'd you find out?" I asked leaning forward in curiosity.
"Well... I sort of developed this crush on a boy back at the Garrison. In fact, I still really like him." Lance was blushing as he spoke.
I didn't want to admit it but I felt a twinge of jealousy hit the pit of my stomach and it made my fingers grow cold. "Who was it?" I tried to ask casually.
"Uh, I um... I don't want to really say." His eyes were farting everywhere but me. I noticed he rarely ever actually looked at me and that kind of bothered me a bit. Does he hate me that much or something?
"What was he like then?" I may be pushing my luck but I really wanted to know who.
"Well, he is stubborn. That's for sure. But he's got gorgeous eyes, his hair looks really soft all the time. He would always act really tough but if you payed close attention you could tell how much he cared about people. He's definitely not weak that's for sure, boy is he strong, well built too."
Lance was going on and on and with each compliment that came out of his mouth I felt like I was getting kicked in the gut. Lance had no idea just how much it hurt me to hear him talk about another guy.
"Oh and as much as I acted like I hate it, I'd never admit this to him, but I actually really like is his mullet. He's got the solft black mullet and oh my gosh every time I see it I just want to run my hands through it and-" Lance was cut off when I smashed my lips into his.
He was talking about me. That little shit was talking about me the entire time. To think I was there feeling crushed that he liked 'someone else'.
Lance sunk into the kiss putting his hand on my cheek and the other on the back of my head as he fiddled with my hair.
"I was right, your mullet is soft." He smirked as I rolled my eyes. We warmly kissed each other again, things were never going to be the same again. For once, that would be a good thing.
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