Lance Gets Bitlife
Lance was happy the school year was back up and running again. Better yet, it helped that he was in his junior year and the end was drawing near. Eager to get his hands on his bachelors in marine biology, he couldn't be more excited for the next year or two to fly by. Admittedly though, this had to be the toughest year yet. It was plagued with exams and quizzes every week and he rarely had free time. He knew he wasn't the only one as his friends seemed to be in the same sinking college boat. It also meant, less time hanging out with them.
On the brighter side, they all managed to have lunch together twice a week and their group chat was a never ending steady flow of texts and memes. Still, Lance couldn't help but miss them. Most especially his boyfriend Keith.
Keith had his plate rather full with his mechanical engineering classes, astronomy, and levels of physics that had Lance's own head spinning. It was clearly stressful as every time Lance saw him, Keith carried out a combination of both tapping his fingers and bouncing his leg. His textbooks were always out and his boyfriend would read each page and thoroughly take notes.
As proud of Keith as Lance was. He missed their time spent together. They hadn't been on a date in eons, they seldom talked face to face, and Lance was undergoing some serious cuddle withdrawals.
On the occasions they were free, it was always far too late into the night or one of them would be far to tired. Last week, Keith had wanted to come over after a project to which he didn't end up finishing until twelve-thirty in the morning. He still insisted on coming over because he felt bad and missed Lance. It took a FaceTime conversation to talk Keith into staying home and getting some much needed rest.
Maybe Lance took to an interesting way to cope, but could you blame him? He missed Keith, he missed his friends, and he missed living life. So when an ad popped up for BitLife, he had mindlessly downloaded it without much thought.
It was fun and relaxing! He could play it in between studies to help relieve mental fatigue, and he played before bed to help himself wind down. Sometimes he even played while he ate just to feel less lonely. He hadn't accounted for how addictive the game could get.
Before he knew it, he blew eight dollars unlocking all the premium stuff so he could have the most control. He played any chance he got and when hanging with Hunk, he talked his ear off about it.
Lance played as an avatar of himself, to which he was quite proud of. He had befriended all his real friends in the game and even had a Keith avatar as his boyfriend.
Yes, maybe his addiction was becoming a little toxic and a little extreme, but he found refuge in the game. It helped relieve some of the stress of his junior year and distract him from the lack of company from those he desired it most.
The only issue is, you don't really have control. And the avatars aren't the most true to their real selves.
To Hunk
Lance: Hunk you won't believe what just happened
Hunk: what is it buddy?
Lance: I just caught Keith cheating on me
Lance: with Dylan Dickson from school of all people
Hunk: omg lance I can't believe it
Hunk: that's so unlike Keith! Are you sure
Lance: oh I'm sure alright
Hunk: I don't even know what to say I'm so sorry lance
Lance: I know. I mean.. to not even respect the sanctity of marriage. How could he do this to us?? Should I divorce him? What's going to happen to our dog Cosmo?
Hunk: omg Lance are talking about BitLife?!?!?!?
Lance: yeah obv
Hunk: I was so scared wth
Hunk: I was about ready to hunt Keith down and kill him
Hunk: you're taking that game way too far... you're becoming addicted
Lance: How dare you
Lance: and in my time of need too
The next day at lunch, Lance quietly poked at his food. Occasionally he glanced up at Keith who had his nose in his astronomy textbook and was shoveling food into his mouth. Lance frowned.
He knew it wasn't the real Keith by any means who cheated on him, but he couldn't help the sad empty feeling at the bottom of his stomach. They'd been so distant lately with the stress of school, what if their days were numbered?
Hunk, watching as Lance gave sad and pitiful looks to his clueless boyfriend, sighed. "Lance," he grabbed his friend's shoulder, "I love you, but it's just a game. Poor Keith has absolutely no idea right now."
Keith glanced up from his book absentmindedly. "No idea about what?"
"Lance has been playing BitLife and he made up avatars for all of us. Though, your avatar cheated on Lance last night and now he's all gloomy and butthurt." Hunk rolled his eyes.
"Hey! It was really traumatic okay? It was one of those things where you had to be there." Lance scolded Hunk. "And you," he turned to his boyfriend, "I thought things were good between us! Our relationship meter was always perfect, you just got over contracting the bubonic plague, and I even had a vacation planned for us and our dog Cosmo."
Keith stared at Lance completely at a loss. Suddenly a smile cracked and he leaned forward pulling Lance into a deep kiss. "I love you so fucking much."
Lance's cheeks turned a bright sherbet pink. He hadn't expected Keith to kiss him so passionately in the middle of the cafeteria.
"How about I come over tonight? It's been a few weeks since we've really been able to spend time together." Keith tilted his head. "I miss you."
"Are you sure? You've been so stressed about exams and I know that project for physics took a lot out of you." Lance looked concerned.
"I've been too stressed. Spending time with you will make me feel better. Plus I'm pretty on top of my assignments and I have time tonight to take a load off."
"It's good to hear you're on top of everything. It means you can be on top of me tonight." Lance gave Keith a sultry wink. Hunk promptly choked on his water and looked at Lance mortified.
Keith snorted. "That's right babe." He took Lance's hand in his own and went back to studying.
"But don't think you're getting off easy! I'm still mad at you for cheating on me with Dylan Dickson." Lance pouted.
"Dylan Dickson? What kind of a name is that?" Keith murmured.
"I don't know! Ask your new lover!" Lance grumbled back.
Keith laughed and stood up packing his things. "I gotta head out, I'll see you tonight," He smiled leaning forward to his boyfriend.
"See you tonight," Lance met Keith halfway for a parting kiss and felt butterflies. Why was he ever worried to begin with? Of course they were fine; Keith loves him and he loves Keith.
"You two are spoiling my lunch." Pidge looked up from her laptop for the first time all lunch.
They ignored her, and when Keith left, Lance couldn't help but feel giddy. Because BitLife Keith, didn't have anything on the real one.
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