Lance POV:
I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my siblings'. "C'mon Charo and Mateo! We don't want to be late!" I called out. They bustled down the stairs and took their backpacks from me in a rush.
"Bye mamá!" All three of us called out in unison as we did every school day.
"Bye my niños!" She yelled back.
We left and began our walk to school. My sister Charo and brother Mateo were both in kindergarten and I walk them to school since I pass by their elementary on my way. I'm in my senior year and I already have my future planned to the T. My other siblings were older some were in college and others married. In total I have 7 siblings.
We were all singing on our way as usual when light flashed in the sky. A massive ship appeared blocking out the sun and casting an ominous shadow over our town. I instinctively stood in front of my siblings and watched as people ran out of buildings and cars stopped, people got out in order to watch as our planet was being invaded. Smaller ships surrounded three larger ships and landed throughout the town going out of sight as buildings blocked the way. I heard yells and panic rose through everyone.
"Charo! Mateo! Get inside!" I yelled pushing them into a police station across the street. The police were all confused and looking out the windows as well. "Help us." I begged.
One of the men nodded too shocked to say a word. "W-we have a bunker for emergencies, we can take them there. It's stocked with food and water."
"Thank you. Please protect them. Keep out of sight. I need to go find mamá, I'll be right back." I ran out. There was a smaller ship across the street and several purple and cat like people exited and were grabbing people and shoving them on the small pods bound.
I breathed heavily and ran down the street. An older woman was attempting to run as three soldiers were chasing her. I picked up a stick and swung at them as the old woman fell. People began to gather behind me. A mother with her child, a young boy a little older than Mateo.
I felt adrenaline rush through me. What would happen if I couldn't hold off these three aliens? I quickly turned my head, stick still aimed at the purple freaks. "Run to the police station. They have a bunker." I whispered and they ran quickly.
"Put down your weapon and surrender quietly." One demanded. I noticed that a soldier stayed somewhat in the back. He appeared to be a higher up from the other two but he looked more... human.
The only thing proving he was indeed with them was his clothing and a purple streak on his cheek that curved down onto his jaw.
"Leave us alone!" I yelled. The human one had almost a surprised look with my outburst.
They lunged at me and I swung hard hitting one in the head but the other grabbed me. I quickly bit him and stumbled back tripping over a curb and landing on my butt.
My weapon laid too far away for me to grab so I stood up as quickly as I could only to be shot with a laser. It didn't hurt that bad but it wasn't supposed to kill me. I felt my eyelids go heavy and I stumbled forward a bit. The human looking alien caught me and I looked up at him confused.
"Eat dirt." I mumbled before blacking out.
I woke up in a cell. I quickly stood up and ran to the bars grabbing them tightly. I yelled furious.
An alien hit the bars with the back of his gun. "Shut it!" He yelled angrily.
"Bite me hobbit!" I kicked the bars.
"Why you-!" He began to pull out his keys. I could either get beat to a pulp or manage to fight him and escape.
"Hold it. He's just riling you up so he can take your keys and escape. Leave. I'll watch him." The human alien from earlier said leaning against a wall before walking to the cage.
The guard looked from me to him angrily before tossing the raven haired boy the keys and leaving.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked leaning back against the bars folding my arms.
"Keith, Keith Kogane. I'm Zarcon's top general." He said stolidly.
"Okay, let me ask another question. What are you?" I glared.
"We are Galra."
"Why are you different?" I asked grabbing the bars with one hand.
"I'm a halfbreed. Half Galra, half human."
"Let me out." I said bluntly.
"I can't do that." He looked away.
"Why not?" I said calmer than I wanted to.
"Because you're a prisoner." He got close to the bars in front of me.
"My family. If you hurt them I swear I will make you pay." I grabbed him through the bars before he could react. His eyes almost looked sad. Like they wanted to do something but couldn't. I felt a tear run down my face. I quickly let go of him knowing it wouldn't do any good and wiped the tear away with my sleeve. "Why do you look like that? I'm the one who's supposed to be sad." I chuckled to push away the stress.
He seemed to look around for a moment before walking over and shutting the door. "Listen. You have to keep quiet, you could blow my whole cover. I shouldn't even be saying this aloud."
I stared at Keith confused. "What are talking about?"
"Look, I'm part of something called the Blade of Mamora. We're working to take down Zarcon. I've spent years getting him to trust me and that's why it's important it stays a secret. Not to mention I would be killed immediately." Keith said standing in front of the bars closely.
"Why should I believe you?" I said lowly.
"It's up to you whether you want to believe me or not."
"Why are you telling me this? Especially if it could get you killed." I got close to the bars as well.
"When you were on Earth I saw you protect those people and you didn't give up even when it was three against one. I haven't seen anything like that. Even in a prison cell you refuse to give up."
I stared at him slightly confused as to why he was complimenting me.
"I need someone I can trust on this ship and I think you're all I have." He stated.
I stared at him a moment, shocked. I knew what I needed to do. "Fine, But you have to do something for me."
"I can't let you out-."
"No. That's not it. I want you to check that my family isn't imprisoned. If they are, make sure they stay safe. Please? My two younger siblings are Chiro and Mateo. And my mothers name is Maricela McClain. I have more family but I need to ensure them first." I pleaded.
Keith stared at me a moment before nodding. "I'll do it."
"Thank you." He went to leave. "Wait!"
He turned around curiously.
"Sorry for telling you to eat dirt when you caught me back there."
Keith smiled. "I don't blame you. There's no need to apologize."
He turned to leave again. "Wait!" I stopped him once more. "Thank you again Keith."
I watched him as he smirked cutely and exited. I laid down on a metal bed that was propped up on a wall by metal chains. Looks like I'd be here a while.
Days passed. Keith would bring me meals everyday and we would talk. So far he hasn't found them but then remind me there was a lot of people to go through.
A random guard came in with several others following close behind. "Up and out!" He directed.
I know when a good time is to fight, this isn't one of them. Mamá always said choose your battles wisely and that's exactly what I'm going to do. They handcuffed me and pushed me down the hall to an empty room. "What is thi-?" I didn't finish as I was kicked in the back and fell to the floor.
With my hands cuffed I couldn't catch myself so I turned and landed on my shoulder. I hissed in pain. "Their are more inhabitants on your planet, where are they?" They demanded.
"I have no idea what you are talking about." I mumbled turning over to stand up. I was kicked again and sent back to the ground.
"Don't play stupid. There are at least 180,000 still unaccounted for. We saw you tell those people to leave. Where did they leave to?" They kicked again.
The place they went probably wasn't holding many but it was holding my siblings. No way in hell was I telling them anything. Besides, they think I'm responsible for hiding thousands of people. Might as well keep em' hanging. What else can I do?
"Ah Keith nice of you to join us. We're just getting some information from this one. He may know where some humans are hiding."
I got to my knees and looked up to see Keith. His face was cold and it almost made me scared of him. But I have to have faith in him. I need to trust him even if it means he beats me to a bloody pulp. "Do your worst." I let off a cocky smile.
"Give him a couple shots, he won't be so cocky after that." One of them joked to Keith. Keith stepped forward and bent down close to my face so the others wouldn't see. He hadn't done anything yet and there was already regret in his eyes.
His eyes closed and he mouthed 'sorry'. He stood up and grabbed me by the shirt lifting me to my feet. Boy was he strong. I was then about and inch off the ground.
"Anything to say earthling?" Keith asked coldly.
"Yeah actually. Your rippling muscles look great from here." I smiled lightly. As if it couldn't get any better, the raven haired boy went red in the face and was obviously flustered.
Keith socked me in the stomach and dropped me to the floor. "Put him back in his cell. He doesn't know anything. The people he told to run away are already captured."
My stomach dropped and not from the punch. Those people... they were caught. Tears ran down my face. My body hurt, the people were already taken and I would never get to see my family.
I felt another kick before I was lifted up and brought to my cell. My feet dragged as I just couldn't bring myself to try and walk. They dropped my in and I landed on the floor. I got to the bed and lied on my back. Tears flowed down my face.
Not much time passed before the door open and closed quickly. Then the keys began to do their work on the cell door. I sat up and flinched before leaning against the wall sitting down. Keith rushed in.
"Are you Okay? I'm so sorry but I couldn't blow my co-."
"It's fine." I held up my hand. "Is it true the people I helped were captured?"
"No, their unaccounted for. I just had to think of something to get you out of there." He chuckled.
"Thanks gosh." I breathed out in relief. "What If they find out you lied?"
"They don't have access to that information."
"Good. And my family?"
"McClain is a somewhat common last name but I found no one that you addressed in the camps." Keith smiled,
I breathed in relief. "Good, good. What do you mean by camps?" I asked eyeing him.
"We set up camps on Earth to keeps track of everyone. They aren't very good. There's plenty of food but it's gross and the place can get pretty unsanitary. Eventually they'll be put to work mining any resources for the Galra." Keith explained.
"That's awful." I stared at the ground. "Why am I here and not there with everyone else?"
He froze as if that was the one question he didn't want to hear. "Because I sorta sjfnakbssnhsbssjjdntksidnrkdj." He mumbled the last part to be inaudible.
"Because I sort of requested that you stay here." Keith finally admitted.
"You what? Why?" I asked turning myself towards him and leaning forward slightly in curiosity.
He sighed. "Because I didn't want to see you imprisoned like that."
"Yeah but- why?" I asked again.
"I don't know! That's the first time I've done that! I just-." He stared at my eyes and I felt the urge to move closer or lean forward at the least.
It was an intense moment. Us staring at each other deeply and slowly leaning in neither of us wanting to make the first move.
Finally he put a hand to my chin and we both closed the gap.
Keith's lips were soft but rough. He was extremely gentle for someone so strong.
He pulled away and immediately began to apologize.
"Keith Keith! It's fine!" I assured him. "I leaned in too." I grabbed his hand and intertwined it with mine.
His eyes widened and we both smiled at each other. "I'll get you out of here, I promise." He said kissing my hand sweetly.
I think I might make a part 2, waddya think? I might put out another chapter in between or something tho.
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