Hero Lance and Villain Keith
By day I'm Lance McClain but by night I'm- what the citizens call -Doctor Sharpshooter. Maybe not the name I'd really hoped for but whatever.
My arch enemy is the Smooth Swordsman. He robs banks and steals weapons offed either keeping them or selling them to other robbers on the streets. His weapon of choice however is a knife that can turn into a sword, giving him the name Smooth Swordsman. Why couldn't I get a cool name like that?
My weapon of choice is a gun that transforms, pistol to rifle. The bullets are laser blasts which makes me feel all futuristic.
My wardrobe consists of a skintight blue suit with a DSS on the front and a blue mask. White thin armor covered my shoulders, chest, and abdomen. I wore white gloves and boots.
Smooth Swordsman really looks smooth in his outfit. He wore a similar suit to mine black but laced with purple. Instead of a mask, he had a black fabric covering his nose and mouth.
We fight a couple times a week, and while he's my arch enemy, I love seeing him every time. I love while we fight the little comments we make. Sometimes we even confide in each other a bit without giving away our identities.
But right now, I have a little more on my mind than crime fighting. I stared at Keith practically drooling over him. He sat alone on the other side of the cafeteria eating with his earbuds in.
Keith is this really cute guy I go to school with. He's a bit of a loner but when I have talked to him he's funny and clever. Did I mention I have a crush on him.
Hunk noticed my staring. "Why don't you just go talk to him?"
Hunk was my best friend ever. Pidge and him are the only ones who know about me being a hero in my spare time. They often help cover for me and inform me of any crime. They sos are sources of bad advice, like just now. "Are you kidding? Me? Talk to him?"
"Come on Lance. You're a crime fighting hero and you're too scared to talk to your crush." Pidge asked raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, just because I'm good at beating up criminals does not mean I have enough courage to get shot down by the person I like. Besides, even if he did agree to date me, he would get suspicious of why I'm so busy all the time. It could even put him in danger." I pointed out taking a bite of the mashed potatoes. School food was awful.
"Or it could turn out amazing and you'll be really happy. It could even help you relax from the stress of being a hero." Hunk pointed out cleverly.
I looked to Keith considering it. "I don't know... what if-"
"Don't you dare bring out the 'what if's'. It could turn out amazing and won't even know it." Pidge threw a pea at me.
"F-fine. I'll try." I stood up shakily. I looked at Keith and felt nervous butterflies in my stomach. Oh no.
I walked to his table and he didn't notice me until I sat across from him. He looked puzzled and pulled out his earbuds.
"Hi, the name's Lance. I was wondering if you'd like to see a movie or-" I began feeling the words flow thoughtlessly.
"I'm busy."
"Oh, um, like all the time?" I asked a little heartbroken.
"Yeah. Sorry." He put his earbuds back in and got up to dump his tray.
I felt awful. I got up silently and walked back to the table. Pidge and Hunk looked at me sympathetically. "What an asshole! He didn't even give you a-" Pidge began to rant.
"No, it's fine. He wasn't interested." I said sadly. I never thought Keith to act like that. He's always been decent and fairly nice when I talked with him.
School went by as usual but I was still really shaken about the Keith experience. I just wanted to go fight with Smooth S or something. I always felt better after fighting and talking with him.
I got home changed into my suit and immediately took off. I was walking down the street checking on my holographic screen for any crimes in the area. Nothing was going on.
Damn it Smooth S, where are you when I need you? Just then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I tuned around to see him and his violet eyes. They reminded me of Keith's.
"Can you walk with me to my car quick?"
"Uh Yeah sure." I rubbed by neck a bit embarrassed. He walked to the trunk and opened it.
"I have something to show you." He stared and I looked in only to see nothing. I went to look up at him and ask but my face met with a rag of chloroform. My vision blackened and I never felt myself hit the ground as I was already passed out.
I opened my eyes and sat up. Smooth was tying my legs and I was sitting in the trunk. "Smooth, what the fork?!"
"Sorry, but I have plans and you'll ruin them."
I rolled my eyes, "Was tying me up really that necessary?"
"Yes, you would've ran away." He said plainly.
"We both know you're the faster runner between us." I kicked him a little causing him to glare at me. "I just can't even believe you're doing this."
"Kidnap you?"
"No, I was a little off put by how you messed my hair up." I said sarcastically. "Of course I mean the kidnapping!"
"You didn't really put up much of a fight, are you sure you didn't want to get kidnapped?" Smooth S asked smirking at me.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't exactly expect you to chloroform me!"
"I'm a villain." He stated putting a hand on his hip as if it were obvious.
I glared at him disapprovingly. "Smooth, don't do this please."
"Come on, I told you I have plans, I can't have you rush in and save the day. This is important." He said tightening the knots.
"Important? So are the lives of everyone out in danger by the weapons you sell. Someone has to stop it." I sat up straight and rugged at the ropes.
"I know, and I love you for that, but I have business to tend to."
"This is seriously the calmest kidnapping ever."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He rolled his eyes but I could tell he was smiling.
"Today is not a good day." I sighed.
"An why is that?" He asked leaning on the car with folded arms.
I gave him the typical 'are you stupid look. "Well for one, I'm getting kidnapped."
"Hah. Hah. C'mon, it's not that bad. I for one am having a great time. I get to see your cute little face."
"Cute enough for you to let me go?" I smiled widely.
Smooth frowned, "Sorry you're not that cute." He teased.
"Very funny."
"Why else is today so bad?" Keith asked emphasizing the so to act like I'm being dramatic.
"Well, my crush shot me down today so there's that. Didn't even give me a chance. He said 'I'm busy' and that was it." I said still a little hurt.
"What?" He looked completely dumbfounded.
"Yup, you know what that means. I'm single as a Pringle." I winked at him.
"Was this boy named Keith by any chance?" He asked wide eyed.
"Yeah how did you-?" Comprehension set in and my mouth dropped open. "Keith?"
"Um..., Yeah." He pulled his cover down to show his face.
I scowled at him and immediately stood up out of the trunk. I jumped over my tied hands so they were in front of me and I sat on the edge beginning to untie my legs.
"Lance wait-I." Keith began.
"Save it." I said coldly. I finished untying my legs and began to walk away. Keith didn't stop me and instead looked angry, not at me but at himself.
I went home changed into my pajamas and watched dirty dancing 3 times. I fell asleep on the fourth time and woke up a little later than I should have for school.
Got ready quickly and took off. I dreaded the thought of seeing Keith. It amazing how in just a couple hours everything could change, normally I would be ecstatic to see him or SS.
I was in my locker and shut it seeing Keith just a meter away. "What?" I asked annoyed.
"You didn't try to stop me from selling weapons last night." He stated.
"Sorry, I wasn't exactly feeling up to it." I turned around and began walking away but he grabbed my arm.
"Lance, wait."
"What now Keith?" I asked a little angry. I felt tears prick my eyes.
"Look. I wasn't interested in you. I didn't know that much about you. I liked Dr. Sharpshooter. He's who I spent most of my time with and got to know the best. I liked you and that's why I turned you down." Keith said quickly but genuinely.
I bit my cheek thinking of how to respond. This changes things. He actually did like me.
"I know you probably don't like me anymore. Keith turned you down and Smooth Swordsman is a villain but- I don't know. Could you at least forgive me?"
I laughed a little, "Keith, when you saw me in the street I was looking for you. My initial action after getting my heart broken was to find you. As Smooth, you were funny and witty but you were the villain. Then I found Keith. He was just as funny and witty and clever so I had a crush on you," I laughed a little more thinking further about it. "No matter, I liked you either way."
A small smile formed on Keith's face.
"But we're going to have to sort out that whole villain thing!" I put my hands on my hips.
"To be completely honest the only actual crimes I've legitimately committed are jay walking and I haven't payed for music since 2012." Keith laughed.
I couldn't help it, I began to laugh. When we calmed down I got up the courage to ask. "If I ask you on a date this time, will you say yes?"
"I dunno, try me."
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"I'm busy." He said flatly.
I punched him in the arm. "Jerk."
"Ow! Okay, yes. I'd love to."
"That's what I thought."
Now our city has two crime fighting heros.
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