Heat of Battle
Things weren't going well for the paladins. Lance breathlessly looked to his teammates in despair. He watched as Shiro fought off a few Galra soldiers with his hand before yelling in a loud harsh voice, "Fall back!". His lip was split and a cut fell along his hairline. Shiro began running and Lance watched Pidge and Hunk follow. Where was Keith?
Lance helplessly scanned the area before seeing Keith unable to retreat as he was up against three soldiers. He was backing up, sword clenched in hand.
Lance began to run to help despite every inch of his body aching and begging him not to.
Keith tripped on a rock falling back. He quickly went to defend himself but was too late and a Galra soldier hit him on the head with the end of his gun. Keith was limp on the ground, but before the soldiers could pursue Lance stepped in between. He blocked an attack with his forearm and shot his gun from a mere foot away. Close range wasn't his forte but he didn't have a choice. Another attacked shooting but it thankfully missed and Lance fired back making the perfect shot. As for the third, he charged throwing a kick. Lance squeezed his eyes shut bracing for impact blocking it, however, it was followed up with a punch landing on his cheek. He felt it pulse with pain as he was knocked back. The soldier took threatening steps forward hastily. Lance forced himself to stand ready to fight once more but immediately took a blow to the gut.
He hunched over on his knees resisting the urge to hurl. He gripped his gun shakily from the ground and aimed it up without looking and pulled the trigger. He didn't want to look at the damage he'd just caused and instead crawled to Keith's aid.
Lance felt a few stray tears run down his face cooling it from the heat of battle. "Keith...," Lance spoke quietly gripping the boy's shoulder and shaking it. "Keith." His voice resounded in the now peaceful area. He, in a panic, checked Keith's pulse before relaxing as it was a perfect beat.
Lance took a sharp, deep, breath before pushing himself up to his feet wary. He picked up Keith and, seeing in the distance another crowd of soldiers, decided to find a place to hide.
Adrenaline was keeping Lance going, he was moving as quickly as he could in his condition. He wandered with Keith for about 10 minutes before finally finding an old abandoned cabin. Lance made it inside and set Keith down carefully. Cobwebs lingered, gently wavering in the air restricted to the items they couldn't let go of. Lance found a warn table cloth, soft and tired with age. He patted it out watching dust fly before setting it underneath Keith's head.
He found a few quilts and patted them as he did the table cloth before laying them on Keith. Hoping he was comfortable, Lance sat next to him. He felt another tear run down his cheek and Lance quickly wiped it sniffling. He pushed Keith's hair back from his forehead and planted a soft kiss.
Lance, taken back by his own actions stood up and sat in the window looking out to ensure they weren't found. Lance drew the grey curtains closed leaving it open enough to stare out.
Minutes passed and Lance began to panic that perhaps the pulse was just a figment of his imagination, that what if he's dead. Paranoia was getting the best of Lance, eating away at him with every passing minute. All doubt was erased when Keith let out a low groan sitting up heavily. He gripped his head in pain with his eyes squeezed shut.
Lance couldn't bring himself to say anything but instead watched breathlessly knowing the boy was okay.
"What's goi-where? Lance?" Keith spoke quietly. The noice broke through silence and it almost seemed foreign.
"We're safe." He said looking away back out the window. He could feel his eyes welling up with tears and refused to let Keith see.
"Thank you." Keith said after a while.
"How do you feel?" Lance walked over and sat next to Keith.
"Like I was hit in the head with a gun." Keith said stolidly.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Lance scolded him, "Are you dizzy or anything?"
"No, I'm fine." Keith sat up more and looked at Lance. "Your cheek?"
Lance lifted his hand to touch it finding it was indeed sore. He had a large black and blue bruise across his cheek bone. "It's fine."
"Where are we?" Keith changed the subject with solemn eyes.
"An old cabin. It's safe for the time being, as long as the Galra don't find out which direction we went." Lance looked back at the window before checking. Once again, it was clear of any soldiers.
"Thanks." Keith said again.
"You should lay back down for a bit." Lance sat down by the window.
"But what if the Galra-" Keith tried to protest.
"Then I'll wake you up. Just lay down for a bit." Lance countered.
Keith contemplated listening to him or not before doing as he was told. Some time passed but there was no way he could sleep. "Lance?"
"Why didn't you retreat?" He asked.
"I didn't see you leave with the others." Lance said as if it were obvious.
"So? You still should've ran." Keith turned on his other side to look at Lance realizing the boy was already looking at him.
"No, I shouldn't have." Lance argued.
Keith sat up and looked at the boy annoyed. "Yes you should've! I'm replaceable, you can easily find another red paladin!" Keith argues back leaving Lance quiet for a moment with shock.
"You're right, we could always find another red paladin. There's a whole universe of people who could be a great paladin, just as good as you. But you know? We can't replace you." A tear fell down Lances cheek but he didn't bother to hide it this time, he simply wiped it away when it tickled his jawline.
Keith felt a wave of guilt seeing he made Lance cry. "Lance I-"
"You don't get it." Lance snapped, "Would you leave me?" The tears flowed now and there was no stopping it.
"Of course not!" Keith stood up.
"Then why would you ever expect me not to do the same?" Lance turned away looking back out the window.
"I-I don't know... I guess I just always assumed you hate me." Keith spoke with surprise and guilt.
"I could never hate anyone enough to leave them to die. Besides, I don't hate you. In fact, you couldn't be more wrong." Lance still refused to look back at the boy.
"Lance, I'm sorry." Keith said in desperation.
"Don't be." He wiped his face, "I'm sorry for crying. I'm just still kind of shaken up."
It was quiet for a moment but Keith sat down across from Lance. "Shaken up about what?"
Lance took a deep breath, "I don't feel like talking about it."
Keith looked out the window with him unsure of what to say but managed to find the words. "You can talk to me you know? I'm your teammate... and I think your friend." Keith added the last part unsure.
"You 'think'?! Jeez Keith, are you really that oblivious?!" Lance snapped looking at him harshly. He stood up and stomped away from Keith.
"Wait, I was trying to-" Keith attempted.
"Trying to make me more ticked off?!" Lance turned around folding his arms.
"Lance, you know I'm not good at this." Keith defended.
"Yeah sure, but do you really think I hated you that much?" Lances almost looked hurt.
"I-I don't know what to think!" Keith threw his hands up at a loss.
"Then I'm sorry for not being nicer to you." Lance said sadly and walked away.
"Wait wh-Lance? Where are you going?" Keith stood up but didn't go after him.
"I'm... just going to check the place." Lance said quietly. He found stairs going up and decided to take them.
Keith watched Lance ascend and tried to comprehend all that happened. What had he said to make the conversation go that awful? Lance never showed he wanted to be friends, why did it matter so much that they were? Keith knew what he wanted from Lance but there was no way he could ask that of him, of course the feeling wouldn't be mutual, because Keith loved Lance.
Lance wandered through the hallway, his fingers brushing along the wall as he walked. He'd messed up. Teasing Keith so much was the biggest mistake he'd ever made. He thought it was all in good fun, that he was still on good terms with Keith. He didn't really want to be friends with Keith, he stupidly wanted more than that. But friends was his only option and he would take what he could get. Turns out they weren't even friends. What was he to Keith?
It crossed Lances mind that Keith might hate him, despise him, resent him and his relentless teasing. Guilt courses through him and he quickly turned the knob on a door pushing inside. So, he messed up, because Lance loved Keith.
Lance looked around the dusty room in despair. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to see Keith.
Neither knew who kissed who but yet it happened. They savored it and when they parted, they were in disbelief with each other's reactions.
"Keith I'm s-"
"If you say you're sorry I'm going to punch you." Keith said breathlessly.
Lance smiled and they kissed again.
They heard a loud roar outside and they both ran down the stairs and outside. The yellow lion was standing before them triumphantly.
It allowed them in and were greeted by the paladins all thankful they were alright. They all noticed a different atmosphere between Lance and Keith, especially when they were holding hands but, considering the events, chose not to say anything.
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