Grumpy Lance and a curious Keith
Request by: AyMaBa
'Lance is super grumpy because Keith left and no one knows why so they bring in the angst boy to confront him about it.'
"Keith, come in, are you there?" Shiro asked as the screen went in and out of snow.
It finally came in clear showing Keith standing with his arms crossed. "Guys, I'm busy. The Blade of Marmora is under a lot of pressure right now."
"Sorry, we just wanted to know if there was any chance you could squeeze in some time to drop by." Shiro asked casually.
"What? No, I'm really busy Shiro. Sorry." Keith furrowed his eyebrows as if it were obvious he couldn't. "Where's Lance?" He asked noticing a missing a certain brown hair, blue eyed boy.
"That's the problem..." Pidge started.
"He's okay right?" Keith asked a little too quickly leaning forward slightly.
"Yes, well, we're not exactly sure. Physically yes, mentally... we don't think so." Hunk added.
"What do you mean?" Keith asked confused.
"Lance has been very distant. He's locked up in his room most of the time. He only comes out to train. We bring food to his room but it either goes untouched or barely eaten." Allura explained.
"We've tried talking to him but he just shuts us out or denies he's been acting strange." Pidge added.
"What about Hunk?" Keith asked. They were best buds after all. If all else fails, Lance must open up to him above anyone else.
"Nope, nothing... he just said he was fine and pushed me out of his room." Hunk said desperately.
"What about Allura? He's got a crush on you doesn't he? Did you try?" Keith pointed out.
"No use. He didn't even open the door. He just told me to go away." Allura responded quickly.
Keith chewed his cheek considering it all. "What makes you think he'll open up to me? Doesn't he hate me?"
"Well, he started doing this shortly after you left and well... we're out of options." Shiro said.
Keith took a deep breath. "I'll be there as soon as I can."
Keith arrived in a pod jumping out quickly. He was wearing his normal cloths: a black shirt, black jeans, his red crop jacket, boots, gloves, and a belt. "Is he in his room?"
They nodded silently. Keith left walking down the hall until he reached Lances door. He took in a deep breath before knocking.
"What do you want!?" Lance shouted angrily from the other side of the door. "Why won't you guys just leave me alone? I'm FINE!"
"Lance it's Keith, can you open the-"
The door was already open with Lance staring back at him. "Keith, I thought you were with the Blade. What are you-?"
"What's wrong? The others called me, they said you've been acting strange." Keith said sternly.
Lance bit his cheek a similar habit, "I- it's... nothing really. Did you want to come in, we can just talk or-?" He stepped to the side letting the raven haired boy walk in.
"So Lance wha-?"
"Hey, I found this on a mission a bit ago, pretty luck huh?" Lance
said holding up a rubix cube.
"Wow, yeah, do you think aliens could have been on earth at some point then- wait. Lance what's wro-?"
"Oh and um I found this cool alien tech, it took a while to figure out but-" Lance said as he dug through a drawer pulling out a small metal ball with glowing purple lines. "It's purple but I don't think it's Galra." He fiddled with it pressing specific places that were hidden buttons quickly. It opened to reveal a small crystal inside.
"That-that's cool Lance but you-" Keith started again.
"So how's the Blade?" Lance asked.
"They're fine. Lance we should really talk abo-"
"Any missions recently?"
"Lance!" Keith finally snapped. "We can talk later, as much as you want, but right now I want to talk about why you've been hiding in your room."
Lance stared at Keith for a moment before looking down and plopping on his bed. Keith walked over and sat next to him leaning forward not looking at Lance. Silence loomed over them for a few short moments.
"So? What is it?" Keith asked.
"Promise not to be... weirded out or... back off or something?" He muttered.
"Yes, why would I?" Keith questioned.
"Look, I missed you alright. It's just- it, it didn't feel right with you gone. I-um- I kind of realized... something... after you left and I just... I don't know." Lance said quietly trailing off.
"What did you realize?" Keith asked looking at the tan boy sympathetically.
"I..." He tried but he backed down.
"Lance it's okay."
"I'm bisexual." He looked as if a big weight lifted off his shoulders.
"Oh, that's it?" Keith asked relived it wasn't something bad.
"What do you mean that's it!?" Lance asked.
"Well I don't know, I mean, I'm gay so-."
"You're what!?" Lance exclaimed jumping up.
"Yeah, wasn't it obvious?" Keith raised an eyebrow curiously.
"No! I mean, you never did really flirt with any girls but you didn't exactly flirt with any guys either!"
"Now that's not true, I flirted with y-." Keith quickly shut his mouth.
Lance immediately looked at him. "You flirted with me?"
"Yeah, it was subtle but I did. And I didn't actually think anything could happen. You were more of a... crush. I thought you were as straight as they come." Keith said a little embarrassed.
"Well, I'm about as straight as a circle and did you say crush?" Lance smirked.
"Well, yeah but..."
"Keith, who do you think made me realize I was bi?" Lance asked with a small smile.
Keith opened his mouth to say something but froze wide eyed. "Really?"
Lance nodded.
"Can I just ask, was it the mullet?" Keith asked with a small wink.
"Oh my gosh." Lance put his face in his hands.
"What? It's a fair question." Keith said jokingly.
"Yes, it was definitely your mullet." Lance laughed.
"Can you guys just quiznacking kiss already?" Pidge yelled from the other side of the door.
The door slid open to show the others all still in position for their ears to the doors. Lance screamed as if caught naked. They smiled guiltily. "Sorry we'll just leave you two-." Shiro said shutting the door leaving the surprised and embarrassed boys.
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