Future Keith
I sauntered down the hall, boredom getting the best of me. Pidge was busy doing nerdy stuff on her laptop, Hunk was busy trying to make an alien version of spaghetti sauce, Shiro and Allura would probably tell me to train. Keith popped into mind and I quickly brushed off the idea. That would never happen.
Just as I pushed the thought aside, Keith passed by. We're rivals, only rivals. I gave him a sort of soft half smile. He seemed a little surprised but returned it.
Yup, rivals. I turned the corner and ran into someone. "Sorry." I muttered backing up awkwardly. "Keith?"
I quickly realized that this wasn't Keith. He looked nearly identical to him besides his hair being longer and pulled back into a low ponytail, he was taller and more muscular, and to top it off, there was a new element to his face; a little more square and chiseled, perhaps even a small bit of stubble was growing in, the kind you get in the afternoon.
"Lance!" He breathed surprised. "I need help."
I looked him up and down once again. He wore a black shirt, black skinny jeans, and a long red coat with the sleeves rolled up. He wore black gloves and a few scars marked him.
"Look, I'm from the future, I think the Waywatch is malfunctioning." He explained.
"Future? Waywatch?" I stared at him uncertainly. "What the quiznack?"
He rolled his eyes, "I'm from the future," he showed his wrist with a single metal watch, "I used this to get here, but I think it's malfunctioning." He examined it once over before turning his attention back to me.
I know it's bad, I'm seriously finding out that time travel will be invented in my lifetime, and all I can think about is how hot Keith looks. "Um, right," I shook my head clearing my thoughts.
He smiled holding back a laugh. It was a genuine laugh head tilted back slightly and his hand slipped over his mouth to try to contain it. "I'm- I'm sorry."
"What?" I cut him a sharp look crossing me arms.
"You're so... small," He laughed a little more, "I'm finally taller than you."
"Whatever, you're probably a lonely old man in your future." I huffed.
"Sorry, I actually have someone." He gave a sort of half smile.
I uncrossed my arms a little surprised. I felt kind of... bummed? Or annoyed? Frustrated? Jealous came to mind but I pushed it out. I'm not jealous. "Well your gir-"
"Boy." He corrected.
I froze. "Well your boyfriend-!"
"Husband actually." He smiled smugly crossing his arms.
"Wait... hu-hu-husband...?" I looked at him a little shocked. I could tell my face was probably a bright pink.
He nodded. "Now, about getting me back to my time."
A million questions were running through my head. Who was he married to? Do I know him? Does he have kids? Is there any chance he could be lying?
"What the quiznack?" Pidge dropped her mug with wide twitching eyes. It shattered on the ground causing me to jump. Keith put a hand on my lower back and I nearly jumped again at the gesture. He pulled his hand back almost as if he didn't mean to do it in the first place.
Pidge, after being filled in, called in the others. Keith never looked so confused when he walked in to see an older version of himself. I felt a tinge of sadness to see him. A boy I've always known I could never have, but whatever hope existed was now crushed to dust before my eyes.
Older Keith sat on the couch as he explained for the third time what was going on. I was unusually quiet; receiving a few odd looks for it. I just couldn't help but ponder who Keith could be married to.
"You good buddy?" Hunk asked a little concerned.
"Yeah..." I looked to older Keith again. He grinned at me and I looked away. Present Keith caught this and looked confused. Pidge was tinkering with the watch while all this was occurring.
"I can't wait to get back to everyone." Older Keith said making conversation with Shiro.
I crossed my arms grumpily. "I can't wait to get back to everyone." I mocked quietly. Looking to the side frustrated and older Keith gave me a pitiful smile which drove me insane.
"Am I missing something?" Keith looked to his future self then back to me.
I stared at him a little longer than I intended before breaking my gaze and rubbing the back of my neck. When I looked, older Keith was smiling at me.
"Keith-um- er... Future-y Keith," Pidge said awkwardly, "I think I get it."
"I knew I could count on you, you evil genius." He bumped her chair playfully.
And I swear, I'm subtle, but I watched him. His muscles, his arms, his hair, that smile... "It's rude to stare." Normal Keith folded his arms with a smirk.
"I was not staring. Besides, it's not everyday you see someone from the future." I turned my nose up in the other direction with crossed arms.
"Right." He leaned back on a desk exposing his beautifully sculpted collar bones. I thought I was going to lose my mind then and there. Maybe it's the mixture of having both Keith and his future self there, but I never felt more in love with him and everything he does. Which is all the worse now knowing he had a future that excludes me.
I looked to the floor and sat down feeling defeated. "Hey, Lance, are you Okay?" Allura asked catching the attention of the team.
"Huh?" I looked up distractedly. "What?"
She sighed, "Are you Okay?"
"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." I tried to clear my head.
Older Keith looked at me concerned. "Lance, can I talk to you?"
I didn't respond immediately. "Sure." He nodded outside and I suddenly felt a surge of worry. Present Keith looked like a kid who was being excluded from grown up talk.
When the door shut behind us I turned around to find future Keith very close to me. "It's so amazing to see how you've changed." He smiled looking at my face with nostalgia.
"Yeah," I looked away, "I guess you can gohomeandtellyourhusbandaboutit..." I mumbled the last part quietly.
He seemed to roll his eyes and his hand reached up to cup my cheek. His thumb lightly ran across and his fingertips brushed my skin. I felt myself leaning into it a bit. "I think I should tell you who I married."
I pulled away a bit; reality coming back to my head in one disappointing wave. "Who?"
"You, Lance."
My heart dropped and I felt like I can't breathe. "Me?" I said in disbelief. "You Keith Kogane, and me Lance McClain. We- we get married?" I rephrased just to be clear.
He nodded chuckling.
"Who proposed? What are our last names? Do we have kids? Do we live together? If so is it on a ship or a house? Who tops?" I spouted question after question.
Keith stared at me for a moment processing everything I asked. "I can't tell you much, you know that." Keith put a hand on my shoulder. "But keep in mind, I'm only five years into the future."
My smile was wide but I realized something. I looked down, my expression changing.
"What? What's wrong?" He lifted my head.
"How am I supposed to... I don't know...? Come clean? Confess?" I looked at him nervously.
"You'll be fine. The hardest part is already out of the way, you already know I like you." He put a hand on my back comfortingly.
I felt myself lean into him and before I knew it I was hugging him. "I don't know... it's just comforting I guess; Knowing that it does work out, anyway." I smiled into him.
"It'll be all right." He assured wrapping his arms around me and holding me close.
"I never could have imagined in a million years, it would be a future version of my crush talking me into confessing to his present self." I laughed.
"You know, it's not the weirdest thing I ever encountered. I'm married to you after all." He chuckled and I couldn't help but find it funny too.
"Rude." I squeezed him tighter.
The door slid open and Keith and I quickly let go. Keith stood there looking both confused and traumatized. "Uhh..." he cleared his throat glancing from me to his future self. "Pidge thinks she fixed the watch."
"Oh! That's great!" Future Keith exclaimed sliding past the both of us and joining the others anxiously.
"What was that all about?" Keith turned to me when his older self left the room.
"What was what all about?" I only had a few options as a cover up and I decided to go with the 'play dumb' choice.
"Gee, I don't know Lance, maybe it's you hugging a future version of myself?" He crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. I couldn't help but notice the way his hips stuck out to the side.
"Right, that." I pursed my lips. "Well... I have a really good explanation..."
"And that is?" He pursued.
"I love you." I said bluntly.
"The quiznack?" He spoke quietly a little dumbfounded.
His reaction made me nervous, and, therefore I did what I always do when I get nervous; I began to ramble. "Okay, I know it's a stretch, I know you might think it's weird right now. But I know it works out; it has to. Unless your future self was lying just to mess with me. But he... or you, wouldn't do that..." I laughed, but it was strained and full of anxiety.
Keith still looked bewildered.
"Look, your reaction isn't exactly what I was expecting and I wish you'd say something because it's scaring the quiznack out of me." I breathed.
"I..." he started, "I don't think you're using that word right." His lips curled up into a half smile.
I moved forward a bit and leaned in uncertainly. My lips brushed his and he didn't pull back or push me away. I took that as a good sign and finally closed whatever gap was between us.
Our arms tangled around each other and we didn't come back to reality until the door slid open again.
We parted instantaneously, only for older Keith to smile at us proudly. "Told you it would be okay."
And as if on cue, a hand reached in and gripped the back of his armor jerking him back into the the room nearly choking him. Both me and Keith looked at each other and took off after him.
"¿Estás bien?! ¡Estaba preocupado! Me has asustado de la mierda!" Someone yelled.
When we ran in, I saw an older version of myself. He was scolding Future Keith crossing his arms angrily.
"Lance, please calm down. You know I can't understand you when you get like this." Keith sighed with a small smile.
"Do you know how worried I was?! Don't ever scare me like that again!" He jabbed a finger to his chest.
Keith held open his arms as if they'd been through this a hundred times before. Lance surrendered and wrapped his long arms around his husband in relief.
I glanced to present Keith who was watching them trying to absorb what was happening. My hand slowly slipped into his and he broke his attention to look at our hands and then back up to me. I felt his hand squeeze a little tighter and I felt comfort.
As for the other paladins, they were watching with their jaws dropped as far as the ground. Older me turned to look at us and he grinned widely. "Oh wow, we're so young." He reminisced. "Wait, this is five years ago. Didn't we get together four years ago?" Older me then looked sharply to his day Keith. "What did you do?" He scolded.
"Nothing! I just gave past you a little push is all." He said innocently.
Present Keith looked to me, "Heh, we act like a married couple."
Both future versions of us and I stiffened. "Um, Keith..." I started.
Our future versions held up their hands, Keith pulling off his glove, to show two rings.
I thought Keith was going to drop dead.
"Well, I think we should get going." Future me laughed nervously. They both waved tampering with their watches and disappearing.
"You failed to mention that earlier?" Keith socked me in the arm.
"Ow!" I pouted. "I was going to tell you, I just didn't get the chance."
He rolled his eyes. "Well, I guess I can forgive you; since I'm stuck with you after all."
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