Friendship Bracelets!
"Hey Keith." Lance said smugly whilst hiding something behind his back.
"Um... hi." Keith looked at him slightly untrusting.
Pidge's attention was caught when she saw what Lance was holding. Intrigued, she folded her arms and watched.
"So, we've become a lot closer lately... and well, I wanted to get you something..." Lance said bashfully.
"Oh, okay." He sat up straighter kind of excited.
"I got us friendship bracelets." Lance admitted.
"Friendship bracelets?" Keith felt like he just got a punch to the gut. He got friend zoned on a whole new level.
"Hold out your wrist and close your eyes, I'll put it on you." Lance smiled softly. How could Keith say no to the boy?
He did as Lance asked before hearing a snap. His eyes opened to see an Altean version of handcuffs on his and Lances wrists connected by a thin bright rope of blue energy. "Lance?! What the heck?!"
"Now I can be with you every minute of every day." Lance smiled evilly.
"Ha. Ha. You're hilarious, now unlock it." Keith demanded.
"I can't, I don't have a key." Lance smirked.
Keith gave him a deadly look ready to kill.
"I'm kidding! It's right here!" Lance reached into his coat pocket before his smile dropped. He checked his other pockets frantically yet came up empty handed.
"I can't find it. It's gone." Lance spoke panicked.
"What do you mean gone?" Keith jerked at his hand pulling Lances with.
"I mean I lost it." Lance looked guilty.
Keith looked like he was going to kill him for a moment before calming. "Let's start looking."
Lance who was cowering away trying to hide behind Pidge was surprised by Keith's coolness. "Wait, you're being surprisingly calm about this."
"Theirs no sense in me losing my temper now, it will just take time away from finding the key." Keith sighed pulling Lance along. "Where did you last have it?"
"The kitchen for sure. I was telling Hunk of my genius plan while he was making cookies."
Keith gave him a certain look and Lance corrected himself.
"Not so genius plan."
Keith tackled Lance to the ground face full of fury.
They'd looked everywhere and couldn't find the key. Now was the time for Keith to lose his temper.
"You're dead."
"Let's not be to hasty!" Lance yelled horrified.
Shiro walked in and nearly had a heart attack. "Break it up! Keith!" He snapped.
Keith got off still glaring at Lance.
"Are-are you two... handcuffed?" Shiro asked unaware of the situation.
"Yes, thanks to Lance." Keith spoke harshly.
"It was meant to be funny!" Lance defended.
"Newsflash, no ones laughing." Keith insulted. However, he couldn't be more wrong as Shiro and Pidge were in tears trying to hold back a fit of giggles.
"I'll talk to Allura to see if she has any spares." Shiro assures.
"What do we do in the meantime?" Keith asked.
"Go about your business as usual except together." Shiro instructed.
Keith facepalmed. Everything about Lance drove him insane. His dad jokes, his flirtatious tendencies, his soft brown hair, his flawless tanned skin, his mesmerizing blue eyes, his positive personality, his care and love for everyone and everything, his-"
"C'mon Keith, lets go see what Hunk is up to." Lance pulled him along enthusiastically.
Keith felt his cheeks shine a bright red seeing Lance like this, he felt his stomach drop knowing he'd have to keep up the act of hating Lance for who knows how long. "O-Okay."
They strolled into the kitchen and Hunk took a double-take. "Lance I thought you had the key."
"I lost it." He admitted and the two sat down watching Hunk cook.
"Keith, if it makes you feel any better, I told him not to do it." Hunk said stirring a pot of spaghetti.
"Thanks Hunk. If only Lance listened." Keith scolded the boy handcuffed to him.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm immature." Lance rolled his eyes. "Let's go, I'm bored."
Keith was dragged out and pulled down the hallway. "Where are we going?" Keith asked.
"My room." Lance stated.
Keiths stomach dropped. Of course his mind took it wrong. He watched as Lance slid open his door and dragged him inside.
"Welcome to my room." Lance gestured to the messy area.
It looked so homely compared to Keiths, which was empty and bare. He looked around at the space and rolled his eyes at the clutter. Lance collected many items from the earth store, it made him feel more at home.
Keith noticed the posters on his walls. There was one of Beyoncé and a few of... Zac Efron? Keith shot a questioning look to Lance.
He shrugged in response plopping in his bed while Keith stayed standing. "What can I say? Everyone has their celebrity crush."
"Yours is on Zac Efron?" Keith laughed sitting next to him leaning back slightly on his hands.
"Is there something wrong with that?"
"No, I'm just more of a young Leonardo DiCaprio person myself." Keith smiled slightly surprising Lance.
"I thought you were more of a Nicolas Cage kinda guy." Lance teased.
"Oh come on! That's not even funny." Keith chuckled and pushed him, however, the handcuffs dragged him along.
Keith was hovering above Lance a mere inch or two away from his face. "But I'm also a Keith Kogane kind of guy." Lance said casually.
They closed the gap and when they separated Keith frowned. "But what about Zac Efron?" He questioned jokingly.
"Keith, if Zac Efron walked into this room right now and said 'Lance, I'm in love with you' I'd tell him 'sorry, a handsome boy with a mullet already stole my heart'." Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's neck.
"My hero." Keith said flatly. They kissed again before Lance pulled away.
"I guess I should probably unlock the handcuffs now." He said digging into his coat pocket pulling out a round blue disk.
He inserted it in the handcuffs and they snapped open and the blue string connecting them dissolved. "You have got to be kidding me. I might actually strangle you." Keith threatened.
"Ah, but my genius plan ended with this." Lance kissed he boy's cheek and well... Keith couldn't argue with that.
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