There's a few mature jokes...
It was nice being back on Earth. Although it wasn't how they remembered it, and reconstruction was still needed, the paladins were more than happy to come home.
And while Keith was happy to be back, he didn't have a family to go home to. Shiro set a hand on his shoulder. "You can stay with Adam and I." He offered.
"Just as long as I don't have to hear you guys doing it through the walls." Keith smirked.
Shiro laughed. "No promises. But, I don't know if Adam will even want to see me. I might be stuck on the couch." He rubbed his neck sadly. "That's also assuming he isn't dating someone new."
"Don't worry, Adam will be happy to see you." Keith reassured.
Lance ran out of his lion. He was crying but a large smile was plastered on his face. "C'mon Guys!" He yelled running.
"Well someone's excited." Keith chuckled.
"Yeah, it's probably you. I saw you looking at his butt." Shiro bumped him.
"Grah! Shiro, you're gross!" Keith punched him in the shoulder. They were both laughing as they entered the Garrison.
Lance was buried in a small mass of people receiving one big group hug. Tears were streaming down all their faces happily. "Guys! This is my family!" He yelled laughing gratefully.
Shiro began to turn his head in the direction of his name but he was being pulled into a tight hug. "Adam..." he breathed in sharply. His ex-fiancé grabbed his head kissing him passionately.
Hunk and Pidge could be seen hugging their families happily as well.
Days had went by. Keith had stayed at Adams place with Shiro. Lance had spent the days with his family telling them anything and everything.
"Hey guys!" Lance walked in to the meeting room seeing his teammates. "Would you guys mind coming over tomorrow night. My mom wants to meet all of you. She's cooking a big dinner."
"Yeah, that sounds great." Shiro smiled leaning into Adam. The others were happy to attend.
The next day they all arrived at the small house. It was old and looked as if it could fall just by a breeze. They rung the doorbell and it opened immediately.
"Hello." A small boy stood there staring up at them.
"Alejo! Let them in!" Lance called from somewhere in the depths of the house.
The boy stepped aside and they all walked in. He house was surprisingly clean and tidy. Lance smiled holding his hands up to keep from touching anything. "Sorry, I'm helping out in the kitchen. Feel free to make yourselves at home."
It was impossible to not feel at home. The house felt cozy and welcoming to any who walked through the door. Hunk had been there a billion times being Lances best friend. "I can help!" Hunk left to the kitchen.
The others became familiar with all Lances family. Keith who was being pulled around by a small girl stopped to look at a few pictures hanging on the wall.
He paused staring at one of Lance. His hair was wild and his blue eyes were bright. He was smiling and it seemed to be windy. There was the same boy who greeted them up on his shoulders.
"Do you think Lance is pretty?" She asked suddenly making Keith's legs go numb.
"I-uh," He didn't see any harm in answering honestly, she was too young to truly understand anyway, "yeah."
"Do you and Lance kiss?" She asked.
"What? No, we don't." Keith felt embarrassed. He wished.
"Oh... okay!" She smiled and began pulling him down the hallway again.
She brought him to the kitchen and he felt his stomach do a flip. Lance was smiling as he cut some onions. He was talking with Hunk who was mixing something in a bowl with a whisk.
"Oh, hey Keith!" Hunk smiled.
Lance turned around and gave him a warm look. "Maya, give him a break. You're gonna rip his arm off." He chuckled.
"Keith told me you two don't kiss." She said bluntly.
Both boys went completely red. However they were saved.
Lances mom walked in and smiled widely. "Ah! You must be Keith!" She grabbed his hand shaking it with both of hers. "We've heard so much about you."
"Mom!" Lance whined. They were not saved.
She rolled her eyes. "What?" She laughter pretending she had no idea what was wrong. She walked to the cupboard and tried reaching for a bowl just out of reach.
"Here, let me get that for you." Keith grabbed it handing it to her.
"Thank you," she gave Lance a small wink and a thumbs up making his face go red.
The dinner was amazing. The food was great and hearing the embarrassing stories of Lance made the paladins overjoyed.
After, they all thanked them for the dinner and left. Keith however stuck around a little longer.
"You're our guest, you don't have to go that." Lances mom smiled.
"I don't want to leave you with a mess." Keith said guiltily picking up the stack of plates from the table.
"It's alright, that's what kids are for." She lightly bumped him teasingly. Lance picked them up, "It's true." He chuckled.
His mom went back into the kitchen and Lance gave him one last smile before disappearing into the room too.
"Don't worry, he likes your butt and fancy hair." Alejo said scribbling in a coloring book with a crayon.
"What?" His attention turned to Lances young siblings and nieces sitting up to the table coloring.
"Yeah, he talks about you a lot." Maya commented.
He head a screech from behind him as Lance stood embarrassed. "Th-they're just kidding."
"You think it's fancy?" Keith smiled deviously.
"Yeah a bit ago I heard Lance saying your name a bunch late at night. He made a lot of funny nois-." Alejo informed.
"That's enough!" Lance yelled humiliated.
Keith was laughing despite being embarrassed himself. Lance pulled Keith out of the dining room and into a more private place, his room.
"That's not, I mean, they have an active imagination." Lance scrambled to find an excuse.
"Lance, it's okay." Keith chuckled.
"Yeah, but I-!"
Keith kissed Lance. After a moment they pulled apart. "Weird noises huh?"
Lance covered his face embarrassed groaning. "I'm so going to kill them."
Keith chuckled kissing him again.
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