Famous Artist Keith
Lance had had enough.
Everything had been going wrong all day.
First, he tripped going down the stairs of his apartment complex and dropped his phone in the process cracking it. Then, while he was walking to school, he stepped in gum! It gets worse..., when he arrived on campus, someone riding by on a bike accidentally nocked him down into the grass. And to make all matters worse, Professor Takashi gave a pop quiz.
"What's up buddy?" Hunk clapped a hand on his shoulder happily.
Lance startled. "Dude! You scared me!" He was simply heading back to his apartment after the long day despite it only being eleven in the morning. His next class wasn't until much later. At least it was his last year and he'd be done with college for good.
"Sorry," he gave Lance a friendly shake, "what're you up to?"
"I was gonna head home for a bit until physics 302. I'm actually having the worst day in history."
"What if instead, you went to the mall with Pidge and I?! That might turn your day around!" Hunk spoke excitedly giving him a nudge.
"I don't know... my luck is really bad. It might rub off on you guys." Lance said playfully.
"Nah! All you need is some positive vibes! To which Pidge and I will bestow upon you." Hunk struck a noble pose.
"You've convinced me." Lance rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Mind if I ride with you? I left my car at home to save gas."
"'Course buddy!" Hunk led the way to his adorably small car.
"Did you invite Shay?" Lance asked wiggling his brows.
Hunks cheeks flushed, "No! Why would I invite her?"
"Because you've got a super big crush on her!" Lance hummed smugly.
"I do not! And besides, what is this? High school?" Hunk pouted starting the car.
"Whatever you say buddy..." Lance laughed. "Can I be DJ?!"
"Sure," Hunk rolled his eyes.
Lance connected to the aux and immediately began to play Keith Kogane. He couldn't get enough of his music recently.
"Keith Kogane? Lance, you're so predictable." Hunk gave him a knowing smile.
"Don't give me that look! I actually like his music! It's not just because he's drop dead hot, thank you very much." Lance turned up his nose and dialed up the volume.
Lance let his head fall back against the headrest. He let the music wash over him and drown him in the soft gravely sound of Keith Kogane's voice.
It was generally known that Keith had been through both of his parents passing and was raised in the foster system. He didn't often talk about his time before his growing fame, but he conveyed emotions well through his music.
"You know, its pretty cool that Professor Takashi is super close to Keith." Hunk hummed as he turned into the parking lot of the mall.
Lance's eyes snapped open. "What?"
"You didn't know? Apparently he and Keith are like basically brothers." Hunk smiled. "I wouldn't tell anyone though, he might get overloaded with fans bothering him."
Lance nodded but was still a little shocked. "He's probably exaggerating anyway. Like how people suddenly claim to be super close friends with someone just because they're famous but they really didn't give two shits before."
"Maybe, but Takashi doesn't really strike me as that kind of person." Hunk shrugged.
"Same. But still, I mean, like what are the odds?" Lance spoke skeptically.
They walked into the mall and saw Pidge waiting in the food court holding a large coffee. "Took you guys long enough." She took a sip.
They walked around together as a group but it had always been difficult not to split off considering their different interests.
Pidge broke off to a tech store and Hunk eventually did the same at a small culinary shop. Lance first went to Hot Topic and found a Keith Kogane sweater that was incredibly soft. Eventually he wandered into a music store and skimmed through the vinyl. He had quite the collection already but was still looking for one of Keith's earliest albums on vinyl which was proving to be impossible.
Lance did find Tame Impala's album Currents and decided to get it. He was at the checkout and a kind lady took his card. Glancing over at the register next to him was a boy wearing a red hoodie. The hood was pulled up and he was wearing dark shades. Lance quickly glanced back at the transaction taking place and took his card back. He grabbed up the bag with his brand new vinyl and headed out following the boy in the hoodie. Just as they reached the door, he watched a small leather wallet drop from his pocket.
"Hey," Lance called out dropping down to a kneel to grab it, "you dropped your..."
The boy had turned around slightly startled and Lance froze in place as he was holding out the wallet from his position on the ground.
"Are you...?" Lance's voice failed him as it died in his throat.
"Is that Keith Kogane!?"
"Keith Kogane! Where?!"
Lance couldn't process what was happening as a fist closed onto the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him out of the store and into the open crowded mall. He watched the boy- Keith- he corrected, drag him through the crowd and into a tornado shelter.
When Keith shut the door, his head rolled back against it and he sighed, "Shit..." he pulled off the shades and shoved them in his hoodie pocket.
Lance silently and still a little awestruck held out the wallet again.
Keith looked to Lance almost like he just noticed he was there.
"You dropped your wallet."
Keith reached out and took it. "Uh thanks."
Lance felt shivers run up his spine. That was Keith alright. "So much for a full proof disguise," Lance said lightheartedly.
Keith cut him a look and Lance pursed his lips awkwardly.
"You know, the tornado shelters lead outside... I'm sure this would go to the back of the mall." Lance offered.
Keith pushed off the door and glanced down the hallway. "There's no way we could find how. There are too many ways, none of them seem to be labeled."
"That Keith, is why you're lucky to have been stuck with me. As a kid, I used to sneak around through these with friends." Lance said smugly and began walking in the direction of the exit.
Keith stuttered and moved to follow after him.
Keith pulled out his phone and tapped at it quickly before shoving it back in his pocket.
"So?" Lance grinned.
"So what?" Keith grumbled as he fell into step with Lance.
"So, grumpy, what brought you to the mall of all places?" Lance raised an eyebrow.
"To shop?" Keith said like it was obvious.
"Okay yeah but like why? I mean, couldn't you just like snap your fingers and someone would go get it for you?" Lance asked animatedly.
Keith grimaced but let out a small chuckle. "You watch too many movies." He shook his head.
"Okay, okay," Lance laughed, "my bad Hotshot. What were you shopping for?"
Keith sighed and opened his bag from the music shop. He pulled out Tame Impala's album Lonerism on vinyl. Lance grinned widely and pulled out his own purchase.
Keith pursed his lips and put the vinyl back in the bag. "I guess we have similar taste in music."
"Guess so." Lance had a little more spring in his step now.
"Do you collect?" Keith asked awkwardly looking down at the ground.
"Yes! Do you?" Lance asked excitedly.
Keith cracked a smile, "yeah, I think they sound better. It's hard to describe but it's like it's..." he struggled to find the words.
"Warmer?" Lance offered.
"Yeah!" Keith let the energy burst simmer back down and he cleared his throat. "Yeah, that's exactly it."
"Speaking of which, you know, I haven't been able to find your album Cosmo on vinyl anywhere. I've honestly been all over the place," Lance complained.
"You... you listen to my music?" Keith asked trying not to let surprise into his voice to which he failed.
"Well, yeah, I mean who doesn't. You're like the new Taylor Swift," Lance said blatantly. "And I'm not just saying that to flatter you, that's just a fact."
"Um, thank you...?" Keith looked away again. "I don't think that's entirely accurate."
"Agree to disagree." Lance shrugged before proudly presenting the exit door to Keith.
They shoved out of the claustrophobic hallway and into the open outside. Fresh air and sunlight never felt so sweet. A black car with dark tinted windows was pulled right up to the pavement. Keith seemed to sigh in relief.
"Well it was a pleasure being your chauffeur Mr. Kogane," Lance smiled crossing his arms and leaning on one foot.
"Um, I never did get your name," Keith turned to Lance, the car patiently waiting behind him.
"Lance, Lance McClain."
A smile flicked across Keith's lips, "Yeah, that suits you well. Thank you Lance."
Lance grinned and watched Keith open the backseat door. He was about to leave but Keith turned back around suddenly. "Um... did you... did you need a ride?"
Lance considered it, tossed it back and forth with the angel and devil on his shoulders, and almost accepted. "As tempting as this is, I came with my friends and I shouldn't ditch them."
Keith nodded, "Well, maybe I'll see you again sometime." He gave a wave and Lance returned it in a daze.
He practically floated back into the tornado shelter and headed back. He checked his phone and sighed.
Hunk: we're meeting up at the food court <3
Hunk: you all good buddy?
Hunk: you're not dead or kidnapped right?
Lance quickly typed out a response putting his friend's worries to rest.
When he spotted his friends in the cafeteria he smiled. "You guys won't believe what just happened to me."
"Do tell." Pidge looked up intrigued.
"So I was shopping for vinyl at Music Pro and someone dropped their wallet. So I picked it up and handed it to them, turns out it's Keith Kogane right? Then people start noticing him so we run and hide in the tornado shelters. I help lead him out and we talk, turns out we have the same music taste. Then when we got to the exit, there was a car waiting for him. He offered to give me a ride but I turned him down instead of ditching you guys. So we made out for a bit instead." Lance explained casually.
"That's really great Lance." Pidge rolled her eyes disappointedly.
"Okay, I added on the make out thing, that didn't actually happen." Lance admitted with a grin.
"Lance, with the time you wasted telling me that garbage, I could have got myself a smoothie." Pidge pulled a look over the top of her glasses.
"No, I think it's sweet. He's so desperate for someone he's finally reverted to imaginary people." Hunk shrugged.
"Fricken rude." Lance crossed his arms and leaned on the table. "We should head back, class starts in a bit."
They all packed up and headed back for campus. Lance sat down for physics but could hardly focus. His afternoon was definitely unique, he wished he could go back and relive those few minutes with Keith. He'd never get a chance like that again.
He saw professor Takashi check his watch and felt a moment of victory knowing what he was going to say. "I know this is a three hour lecture, but I don't want to stay any longer. You're getting out an hour early today."
Lance happily slid his notes and laptop into his bag sharing an excited look with Hunk. "Bar tonight?"
"I know it's Friday, but aren't you tired? We've been going nonstop with school and work. If I go, I might pass out at the bar, alcohol or not." Hunk gave him a pout. Lance continued to stare at him and, when that didn't work, he stuck out his lip. "Okay, okay, I'll text Pidge." Hunk smiled seeing Lance light up.
Lance made eye contact with Takashi across the room and the professor waved him over. "Go on ahead, I'll see you tonight buddy." He clapped a hand on his friend's shoulder.
Hunk left and Lance walked up to his professor casually. "Yes sir?"
"I know you've tutored practically every night this week, but can you do me a favor and come tutor tomorrow?" Shiro asked while erasing the board. "There's a big exam coming up for many of my physics classes and a calculus class. My other tutor just called in sick, plus you're my best tutor."
"Don't try and butter me up." Lance folded his arms knowing damn well he was very susceptible to flattery. Shiro continued to stare and when that didn't work he pulled the familiar move of sticking out his bottom lip. "It sucks Shiro." Lance toed the ugly lecture room carpet with his shoe.
"I know, and I'm sorry. But there's going to be at least twenty students who need one on one help and I can't do it alone." Takashi gave a sympathetic grin. "We aren't starting until ten in the morning," he winked, "have fun tonight."
Admittedly, Lance had a massive crush on his professor when he was a freshman. Of course, since then he came to see the professor for the dad-joke loving man he is. Now he's more like a father figure or a reliable uncle. Lance was glad he got to know Shiro, thankful his hormones drove him to become a tutor for him. Now of course, Lance was... well, he didn't really find himself interested in anyone. Since when had Loverboy Lance become this model student? He rarely even got out anymore, confined by copious amounts of schoolwork and tutoring. He was thankful for Pidge and Hunk very suddenly, realizing they were probably the only reason he was still sane.
"There's something else I'd also like to talk to you about..."
"You're... offering me a job?" Lance felt his stomach do a flip.
"Well yes, essentially. Dr. Iverson is a really good friend of mine and he's the leading expert for a project through NASA. I'll be working this project next year with him and he said if I had any promising students, he'd be willing to hire them. You're the only student who came to mind really." Shiro handed him an application. "Don't leave anything out, Dr. Iverson will want to know everything you're capable of."
Lance's hands were shaking as he took the application. He felt his heart swell in his chest, this was his opportunity! He looked at the application and felt tears prick the corners of his eyes. "I'm going to work for NASA?"
"Yes," Shiro smiled widely.
Lance immediately burst in celebration. "Thank you Shiro!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!" He pulled the professor into a hug for a split second before pulling away and doing a small dance. "I have to go call my mom!" Lance wiped his face and grabbed his bag.
"Hey Lance?" Shiro stopped him. Lance looked up barely able to focus with all the excitement. "I'm glad to have you on the team."
Lance forced down another burst of excitement and smiled from ear to ear. "I'm glad to be on the team."
Lance took off fast-walking out the door. But he collided with something-someone.
"Excuse me I'm so sorry-" Lance's long limbs flailed in apology.
"Lance?" Cool eyes framed by dark hair, square jaw, sharp nose, and that red hoodie.
"Keith?" Lance blinked.
"What are you doing here?" Keith asked almost accusingly.
"What do you mean? I go to school here." Lance narrowed his eyes at the underlying accusation. Lance is a lot of things, but a stalker is not one of them. "What about you? Didn't get enough of me at the mall?"
"I came here to see someone." Keith spoke vaguely.
"Professor Takashi?" Lance asked.
Keith's eyes widened slightly. "How'd you...?"
"Because this is his class...?" Lance frowned.
"Right, sorry. I'm just a little..."
"Paranoid?" Lance finished raising an eyebrow.
"For understandable reasons." Lance nodded but glanced away. He didn't like that, yet he couldn't exactly explain why. It wasn't really any of his concern what this guy thought of him, famous or not. "I should probably get going."
"Uh, wait." Keith blurted.
Lance stopped and gave the star his attention.
"I wanted to thank you again for earlier," Keith rubbed the back of his neck, "helping me at the mall." He clarified when Lance tilted his head quizzically.
"Oh, don't mention it." Lance looked away embarrassed. It was quiet for a moment and Lance cursed himself for desperately wanting to fill the silence. "Look, my friends and I are going to the bar tonight... this place called Rover Pub. If you're not busy, you're welcome to join."
As soon as he made the suggestion, he became skeptical that Keith would agree. "Maybe I will," Keith did this half smile where only the corner of his mouth corked up and Lance felt himself go warm.
"Great, maybe I'll see you tonight." Lance smiled walking away backward from Keith nearly bumping into a passing professor who was carrying a stack of books. "Sorry sorry," he took the books from her and followed her to her classroom. As he passed he saw Keith retreat into Shiro's classroom but he took note of the smile on Keith's lips, earnest and whole. Not the same smile on t-shirts and posters and album covers. A smile not meant to please others but a smile that came from being pleased. It made Lance walk a little faster and with a spring in his heel.
Lance sat up to the bar tapping his fingers waiting for his drink. He changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans and wore a white shirt with a jean jacket for the evening. He couldn't help the nervous nagging in the back of his head. They'd already been there for an hour and a half and there was no sign of Keith. He knew deep down Keith wasn't going to show but he couldn't help the disappointment.
"Your drink," the bartender sat the glass in front of him and Lance took it with a smile. He pulled the sweet liquor into his mouth, the slight heat in his throat as he swallowed it down went unnoticed thanks to the haze brought by his previous drinks. He set the glass back down and pursed his lips at the taste.
A figure stepped close and he paid no attention as whoever it was made an order. A little too close to Lance, the stranger sat beside him. Lance looked up to the stranger to find those familiar cool eyes. "You came." He said with surprise.
"Yeah, I didn't know when I should come so I just made a guess." He gave a smirk that came off as more of a lopsided grin.
Lance wanted to drown himself. Here he was moping that Keith stood him up and he didn't even give the poor fucker a time. "Sorry about that." Lance winced.
"It's fine," Keith waved his hand dismissively and was momentarily distracted by a glass being placed in front of him. Lance took note of the way he promptly turned away from others trying to conceal his identity. Keith was wearing a beanie, a black jacket over a red shirt, dark jeans, and black fingerless gloves. And he was hot.
Lance was thankful for the dim lighting to conceal the heat gathering in his cheeks. "Sorry, I guess I didn't really think about you being swarmed by the public."
"You apologize too much," Keith waved his hand and ordered shots. Lance blinked at him before cracking a smile. Keith was sitting closely with his hand on the back of Lance's stool—a cool lean. When their shot glasses hit the bar table, Lance immediately pulled Keith off to a more secluded table in the back where Hunk and Pidge sat sipping on their drinks. They slid into the booth and Pidge and Hunk's mouths both fell open. Pidge looked from Keith, to her drink, back at Keith and then promptly slid her drink away from herself.
"I think I've had too much." She grimaced.
"You just barely started it." Hunk looked at her just as baffled. "And I think we're both seeing things."
"Maybe we were roofied." Pidge offers the next most logical explanation.
"Or maybe, you're both being dorks." Lance pouted. "This is Keith." He stated the obvious. "And Keith, this is Hunk and Pidge."
"Nice to meet you Keith!" Hunk smiled a large genuine smile that made Keith visibly relax. It was loud in the bar and music played a little louder than what Lance remembered to be normal.
"Ditto!" Pidge said over the growing volume of the music.
Keith nodded, "Nice to meet you guys too. Do you both go to school with Lance?" He spoke loudly but it was drown out.
"What?! What's with the music?" Pidge began craning her neck to look at the vast bar full of more people than usual.
A large group of bridal party women were dancing and others from the bar were joining. The music seemed to increase again and nearly half the bar was dancing like their life depended on it. "Oh my gosh that's insane, that's never happened here before!" Hunk laughed delighted by the group of strangers all coming together to dance like fools.
"Let's join!" Lance yelled over the music. Hunk and Pidge shook their heads embarrassed. "Come on!" He slid out of the booth and pulled Hunk until he reluctantly stood up.
"I'll watch the drinks!" Pidge held up her hand.
Lance turned to look at Keith who sipped his drink averting eye contact with Lance. "You too!"
"I'll watch the drinks too," Keith said bashfully.
"We only need one!" Lance took Keith's hands in his own and pulled him to the place people decidedly made a dance floor. Keith was clearly embarrassed and self conscious as he was brought to the mass of dancing people.
Hunk began doing a super cute dad-like dance that made Lance throw his head back with laughter. Keith couldn't help but smile as Lance's own grin was infectious and alluring. Lance carried his own gravitational pull and Keith was getting sucked in. Drawn to the beautiful curve of his neck and the way his hair swept back with the tilt of his head. The burst of laughter that erupted from the boy had him enthralled and when Lance turned to him, his heart actually lost rhythm in his chest.
And then Lance started dancing.
And then Keith was captivated.
Lance urged Keith to join and Keith awkwardly moved closer trying to mimic Lance. Lance who's hips did not lie, and feet moved with swift precision. Keith took dance classes upon dance classes, and while he did master some dancing, it was mostly show dance when he was meant to be the center of attention. Performing on stage, sweeping through a music video—he couldn't use any of that here.
Lance chuckled at Keith's embarrassing attempt and grabbed his hands pulling him into the crowd and started moving his arms getting Keith's whole body in motion. "That's it!" Lance dominated the music.
Keith felt himself blushing at the encouragement. This was so far out of his comfort zone, and if his agent could see him now he would be a dead man. Keith pulled his hands away from Lance's but kept up the motion.
Lance felt a small flicker of embarrassment when Keith pulled his hands away. He already knows Keith is straight, so why does he keep making small moves on the star? The reality check reminded him to back off before he scares off the potential friend. Keith was cool, and funny, and surprisingly awkward, and Lance didn't want to ruin the chance of being friends just because of some hormones. To make it seem less significant, he started dancing with hunk hands clasped together.
The three in a small dance circle, all hopping and loosely flailing about with everyone else. Keith had to take moments to briefly look away from Lance and those enticing lips. They were laughing and Keith couldn't remember the last time he felt so carefree and happy without the burdens of his career choice. The alcohol helped but Lance's aura was really causing the feeling.
But that feeling can only last so long. A man came up dancing behind Lance and leaning down into his ear seeming to whisper something. Lance shoved away and lacked the same enthusiasm as he had a moment ago. Still definitely drunk, Lance took a few steps before the man was behind him again. Keith, albeit a little tipsy, was perfectly fine to handle the situation, but he found himself pouring over with anger. He shoved between the two and pushed the man hard causing him to fall on his ass.
"Is that Keith Kogane?"
"Did Keith Kogane just get in a fight?"
"Oh my god! I love you Keith!!!!"
Lance looked panicked turning Keith away from the crowd and bringing them back to their table. Surely people were expected to follow but when they turned around, Hunk was asking people to stay back and acting like security. Lance grabbed a shot off their table, took it in one go and pulled Keith out the emergency exit of the bar, Pidge following not far behind.
"Are you okay?" Lance asked a little slurred when they got outside.
"I should be asking you that. What was that fucker's problem?" Keith still a little angry, kicked a small rock sending it skidding across the asphalt of the alley.
"It's fine," Lance stumbled a little. "Can't believe you like, pushed that dude. He looked so stupid when he fell on his ass!" He broke into laughs and giggles, officially drunk. "I think someone said they wanted to marry you Keithy!" Lance broke out laughing again.
Keith cracked a grin, anger subsiding at the sight of toasted Lance. "Did they?"
"Ohhh yeah," Lance stumbled and Keith wrapped an arm around Lances side. Since he was rather tipsy himself, balance was not on their side. "You're not engaged are you?!"
"No, Lance, I'm not." Keith chuckled.
"Oh, good," Lance gave a loopy smile. "Your fingerless gloves are kinda hot."
Keith turned a deep shade of red and glanced at Pidge to see if she was listening. She seemed to be ignoring them and typing on her phone. "Uh, thanks."
"Careful, Lance is kind of a horny fucker when he's drunk." Pidge mumbled not even looking up from her phone.
Embarrassed he nodded, "right". So Lance wasn't into him then? He was just drunk?
Hunk bursted out of the door and hunched over hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. "Wow, they're die hard fans."
"I'm sorry, this is my fault," Keith was remembering why he doesn't do this. Why he doesn't do 'carefree'. No amount of alcohol or Lance could change that.
"It's not a big deal," Pidge said noticing his underlying guilt. "Really. We had more fun tonight than in months."
"Yeah, I don't think I've seen Lance so carefree. At least not since high school when he accidentally had three pot brownies and tried to go swimming in the neighbor's pool." Hunk laughed. Even Pidge chuckled at the memory.
"Did you say swimming? We should totally go swimming!" Lance threw a fist in the air.
"You can get him home right?" Pidge asked. "I just called a cab for Hunk and I, we live on campus."
Keith hesitated, "I need the address."
Pidge held out her hand. And Keith reluctantly handed her his phone. After a moment, she handed it back. "I typed the address into your google maps and I put my number in your phone. Call me if you dope heads run into trouble."
Keith nodded and watched the two climb into a cab. Keith rung his driver and a few seconds later, the car came around the corner from where it was hidden. "Okay Lance, get in." He pried Lance off him and opened the door. Lance flopped into the backseat facedown.
Keith facepalmed and pushed Lances legs off the seat so he could get in and shut the door. "We're going swimming right?" Lance sat up and leaned his head back on the seat.
"We're going to your apartment." Keith told his driver the address and shut the privacy divider.
"Oh, wow Keith. I thought you were straight." Lance leaned into him as the car started moving.
"I-I'm taking you home!" Keith stuttered embarrassed at the implication.
"Please do," Lance wiggled his eyebrows and broke into laughter.
Keith's bright pink cheeks glowed despite the night making it dark in the car. "I-I I'm just-!"
"I'm fucking with you," Lance broke into a giggle his head rolling back on the seat. His head rolled back to face Keith and he wasn't laughing anymore. And Keith felt impeccably drawn to Lance's chapped lips.
But then he was leaning forward, or was it Lance leaning? Or was it both of them? But then Lance's lips were on Keith's and Keith's were on Lance's. And then Keith was pulling Lance into his lap and Lances hands were on his chest and in his hair discarding the beanie. And then Keith's hands were on Lance's ass pulling him closer.
And admittedly, while Keith knew he was in deep shit, he was loving every fucking minute of it. The way Lance kissed him was like playing with fire. Thrilling, exciting, his heart pounded in his chest, and Keith knew somehow he was going to get burned.
They broke the kiss to breathe and Lance rested his head on Keith's shoulder. And a few seconds passed before Keith heard light snores. "Motherfucker."
Keith got out of the car and opened the door wide. Lance was passed out with his mouth hanging open wide and his face smooshed against the leather seat. Keith grabbed his hands and began dragging him out of the car and when he got him to the edge of the seat Lances eyes opened a smidge, blinking at different times. Lance smiled and giggled and fell into Keith tired.
Keith half walked, half dragged, Lance up the stairs of the apartment complex and haphazardly propped Lance up against the wall and felt around in the boy's pockets for his keys. When he got the door open, he dragged the tall boy the last of the way to the bedroom and dropped him in the bed. Sleeping facedown and drooling, Lance had finally reached his destination. Keith sat on the floor with his back against the bed to catch his breath. He let his head fall in his hands recalling their make out session in the car.
Lances hand flopped over the edge of the bed falling right next to Keith's head. He turned around and looked at Lance sleeping soundly. He leaned forward and kissed his slightly sweaty forehead. He took off lances jean jacket and pulled off his boots. Leaving and returning with a glass of water, he set it on the bedside stand.
Keith sauntered into the living room of the apartment and surveyed the space. It was clean overall despite a little bit of clutter. Blankets littered the couch and papers with complicated looking equations were fanned all over the place. Seriously. All over the place. Papers on the coffee table, the dining table, the kitchen counters, on the fridge, taped to the walls, strewn about the floor, and there was even a large whiteboard filled with completed diagrams, variables, and numbers. Symbols most definitely foreign to him, yet familiar as he'd seen Shiro do calculations like these before.
Keith texted his driver and walked to the kitchen pouring himself a glass of water and guzzling it down. He found Lances vinyls in the living room and began going through them, impressed by his music choice. After a while he realized the time and moved to the couch. Cuddling up in the blankets there, he fell asleep much quicker than he expected. The smell of Lance was strong and a little comforting.
Lance woke up with a headache and felt a little lost. He slowly sat up and grimaced. His tongue was like sandpaper in his mouth, and he turned to find a glass of water. When the glass was empty, he set it down and picked up his phone (strangely plugged in).
9:20 a.m.
Lance read the time again.
"Fuck!" He ran to the bathroom and chucked off yesterdays clothes. He hopped into the shower and scrubbed that awful bar feeling off himself. It gave him a moment to retrace what happened the previous night in his head.
Dancing. Lots of dancing. Douchebag dancing on him. Keith pushing the douche. He remembered people yelling and shouting at Keith and the last shot. And... and... swimming? He remembered Keith's fingerless gloves. How did he get home? He remembers seeing Keith up close, a flash of cool eyes. Lance scrubbed his face. His head hurt too much and his memory was too foggy to piece it all together.
He came out of the shower drying off and wrapping a towel around his waist. He put a generous dollop of toothpaste on his toothbrush and started out of the bathroom. He walked into he kitchen to get more water and when he turned around he nearly dropped his glass. He let out a small shriek before cutting himself off.
Keith slowly sat up, a paper filled with calculations stuck to his face. He looked just as rough as Lance had. Did Keith bring him home? He got more drunk than he initially thought.
Keith pawed at the paper until it fell from his face and he broke into a yawn stretching his arms. "Good morning." His voice cracked when he made eye contact with the exposed tan lean chest and the start of a V-line poking out from under a towel. A toothbrush hung from his mouth and his hair was still wet sticking up in random places. The bright blue eyes blinked at him completely surprised.
"Uh, good morning..." Lance spoke in a deep roll, little bits of toothpaste drying at the corners of his mouth. And Keith wanted to lick the toothpaste off because he's sick and twisted like that.
"Sorry, it was late and I just crashed here." Keith rubbed his eyes. Mostly to break his gaze away from the man in front of him.
"That's fine, did you uh... bring me home?" Lance asked with those cute doe like eyes.
"Yeah," Keith rubbed the back of his neck. "Pidge gave me your address."
"Thank you." Lance smiled and he caught a glimpse of the time. "Shit." He sped off to his room throwing on jeans, a shirt, and a jacket. He rubbed the towel over his head, pawed his hair into place, and washed the toothpaste off his face. He grabbed his bag, and sped to the door slipping on some shoes. "I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for work, feel free to use the shower, and there's cereal in the cupboard!" The door shut and Keith blinked a few times.
Lance drove to the university making it just in time. He walked into the library and let out a sigh of relief. "There you are!" Shiro smiled. "You look like you just woke up."
"I did." Lance yawned.
"Well, I did tell you to have fun." Shiro laughed lightheartedly and messed up his hair.
Lance frowned trying to paw it back in place again. "I got I little more toasted than I initially planned."
"That's how it usually goes. But that's a little out of character, how exactly did that happen?" Shiro asked grabbing a stack of papers and straightening them out.
"Well," Lance let out a huff. "There's this guy. He's really great! Super funny, awkward, handsome, and totally straight. I don't know though, sometimes I'd get this feeling that maybe he likes me back. It was probably all in my head."
"Or he's closeted." Shiro shrugged. "Same thing happened with Adam and I once upon a time. He wasn't openly gay at first, but then we kept hanging out and it just sort of happened."
"Yeah yeah." Lance shrugged. "It's whatever. He's pretty far out of my league anyway."
Shiro tripped him as they walked down the hallway. "I don't want to hear those words from your mouth again."
"Yes Shiro."
"No I want a 'sir' for that one." Shiro had stopped them dead in their tracks.
"Yes sir." Lance stuck out a pouty lip.
The two of them walked into the library and about five students were already there. Many students came and went over the course of a few hours and Lance was happy that it was relatively chill.
1:00 pm rolled around and the two were hungry. "What would you like to eat? My treat."
Lances eyes lit up. "Drunken noodles please!"
"Gotcha," Shiro typed on his phone and then they resumed tutoring students. Half an hour passed and when the two thought they were going to die of starvation, the door opened.
"Lance, food's here." Shiro told the boy who was preoccupied helping a classmate with a particularly tricky problem.
"Be there in a second." He said finishing setting up the problem. "Give that a try, I'll check it when you're done."
Lance started walking to get his share of food and nearly tripped on a chair. Not nearly—he did. Keith Kogane was staring right at him.
"Lance, you're a fan of Keith aren't you?" Shiro smiled. "I thought you'd like to meet him. He brought us food." Lance opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.
"I didn't know you worked for my brother as a tutor." Keith cracked a smile.
"You two know each other?" Shiro raised a brow.
"We coincidentally ran into each other the other day... twice. We went to the bar last night." Keith explained.
Shiro nodded and then it clicked in his head and whipped his head to look at Lance. "You were talking about-!"
"Hunk! Yup good old Hunk! I was telling Shiro about Hunk really busting a move at the bar last night." Lance saved it.
"Yeah, he was killing it," Keith chuckled. "Uh, I should be getting back. I'm supposed to be shooting a commercial that has absolutely nothing to do with music."
"Let me walk you out." Lance stood up abruptly.
"Oh, uh, thanks." Keith grinned happy to have Lance follow him out. "About last night...?"
"Did I do something bad or offensive?" Lance asked quickly. "I don't remember anything really after that last shot."
"You don't remember anything? Like at all?" Keith spoke slowly.
"I have fragments but I can't really piece it all together. Why? Did I do something? I'm really sorry if I did, I got way more lit than I wanted to last night. I know I can get... flirty when I'm drunk. That's it isn't it? Of course I did, I mean look at you, of course I was flirting with you last night, what am I saying?" Lance rambled and when his diarrhea of the mouth was finished his face fell into his hands. "I. Am. So. Sorry."
"Lance, Lance, it's fine, you're fine, you didn't do anything bad." Keith assured with a chuckle. He couldn't help but fluster at Lance's words.
"Oh," Lance raised his head from his hands. "We're good then?"
"Yeah," Keith nodded with an uneven smile that had Lance's stomach doing Olympic style flips. "Give me your phone," he held out his hand. Lance startled at the demand and felt around in his pockets finally retrieving the square device. Keith took it and tapped at the screen and when he handed it back, Lance looked at the screen with a grin. Keith put his number in phone, setting his name as 'Fingerless Gloves'.
"I'll see you later," Keith smirked and turned to leave.
Your fingerless gloves are kinda hot.
Cool eyes locked on his, smooth lips just within reach, pale porcelain skin, dark hair soft under his fingertips—"Keith?"
"Are you sure I didn't..." he trailed off.
"Nothing, never mind." Lance smiled, but he struggled to shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, something happened between them. Call it blind hope, but maybe there's a chance Keith is into him.
Keith exited the school attempting to conceal his panic. Are you sure we didn't...-don't finish that sentence, Keith silently begged. Nothing, never mind. But why did he feel disappointed? Keith was a busy guy, a busy guy who met hundreds of people in a day. Hundreds of attractive men who were interested in him. None of which he was allowed to reciprocate a relationships with, otherwise putting his whole career at jeopardy. So why did he so desperately deep inside him, want Lance to remember? And why did he so desperately want to do it again?
Keith has had opportunities galore but he's always restrained himself from ever having anything of a relationship. Why is that self control slipping around Lance? Why is it that keeping his hands to himself suddenly became such a difficult task. Why was he wanting Lance to remember despite what that could mean for his career. What if Lance told people about their make out session? What if someone noticed them at the bar and took pictures, catching the fond way he watches Lance. This was too risky, he was pushing his luck.
"I can't believe you were talking about my little brother." Shiro frowned.
"I didn't think it was a big deal! I thought you two were like friends or acquaintances!" Lance screeched. Him and Shiro were whisper shouting at each other in the hallway.
"You... you like Keith?" Shiro asked a little more curious now.
"Yeah, but so does the rest of the world." Lance spoke sounding a little more hurt than he intended. He fiddled with the end of his jacket, avoiding looking at his professor.
"And your point is?" Shiro folded his arms.
"And my point is, it's never gonna happen. Keith has the whole world throwing itself at him. He could have anyone he wants. It's stupid to think he'd choose me."
Shiro took a deep breath and let it out. "Lance,"
"I know, I know..." Lance rolled his eyes, "you're going to say something encouraging and tell me about how I'm never getting anywhere with that attitude."
"When Adam and I were first hanging out, as you know, he was closeted. And despite thinking he was straight, I fell in love with him. I told myself there's no way he'd ever choose me, I could never be that lucky. What would he see in me? I'm just a physics nerd with PTSD and a missing arm." Lance opened his mouth to protest but Shiro held up a hand. "But things have a way of working themselves out. If it's meant to be, it will be. It's funny how we see something in people sometimes that no one else sees, and it doesn't happen every day. Maybe Keith will see something in you he's never seen before. Not in anyone in the whole world who's passionately throwing themselves at him."
Lance chuckled and wrapped an arm around himself. "You're being surprisingly cool about this."
"I always thought I'd be overly protective and refuse to accept anyone Keith took an interest to. But I'm surprisingly okay with it since it's you. I know you Lance, you're a good kid." Shiro dropped a hand on his shoulder. "Plus, I can't deny that I didn't have buried underlying intentions by having you two meet. I mean, my younger brother and my star student, both about the same age and single."
Lance beamed at Shiro's words. "Wait, but Keith is straight Shiro, why would you...? Oh my god." Lances eyes went wide. "Keith's... Keith's gay. Isn't he?"
Shiro opened his mouth and closed it. "That's not really for me to say."
Lance was overcome with a new determination. "I'm totally gonna romance the fuck out of Keith."
Shiro cracked a smile, "That's the spirit!"
"How do I romance the fuck out of Keith?"
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