I walked down the hallway my hands behind my head lazily. It was pretty early in the morning and I had some difficulty sleeping last night... and the night before... and the past week. So in conclusion, I felt like a zombie.
I stepped into the elevator and pressed a button to take me down to the pool. Nothing a quick swim won't fix. Just before the doors closed a hand stopped it. Keith walked in wearing swimming trunks and a black tee. His towel was flung over one of his shoulders. "Great" He muttered.
"You going to the pool to?" I asked leaning against the elevator wall.
"No, I like wearing my swimming trunks around the castle for no apparent reason." He snapped sarcastically.
"Geez, what got your panties in a twist." I sighed and leaned my head back on the wall exhaustedly. As much as I hate to admit it, the reason I was up all night was because of Keith. Me contemplating my feelings and whatnot for him. I decided to just give up and forget them which sounded easy until I saw him again. Though, it's never gonna happen. Keith pretty much hates me.
"Sorry. What's up with you, you look like shit." He smirked.
I shot him a glance but remained silent and just closed my eyes. I didn't feel much like talking, especially to him.
Keith opened his mouth to say something but the elevator jerked to a complete stop roughly. "W-what was that." I was kneeling on the ground and Keith was clinging to the wall like a cat.
"I don't know."
We both pried the doors open to reveal solid wall. "Damn." I said quietly. The elevator gave another jerk.
"Try the panel up top." Keith instructed. I squeezed the handle and pulled it but it didn't budge.
"It's jammed." I said pulling it with more force.
"Here let me try." Keith jerked with all his weight but came up with the same results. "You've got to be kidding. We're stuck."
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. The last thing I need to help get over Keith is to be trapped in an elevator with him. I walked to the corner pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. "We'll wait for someone to come then."
Keith sat on the opposite side of the elevator resting casually against the wall. We were both clearly bored.
Ten minutes passed.... it's clear we'll be here a while. My head continued to droop before I would jolt up awake. It happened a few times before Keith said something.
"Why are you so tired?" Keith spoke up breaking the silence and startling me a bit.
"Why do you care?" I said rubbing my eyes and shifting in my spot to wake myself up a bit.
"I care because your my teammate and if you're tired when the Galra attack-"
"Just drop it Keith." That simple statement felt like a slap in the face. He only cares because because he has to. Maybe my response was harsh but I didn't care. I wanted out of that elevator so I could run to my room and hide under the comfort of my sheets.
Keith stared at me a moment as if trying to read what I was thinking or feeling but soon gave up and looked down at his hands. "Think we should give the panel another try?"
"Do whatever you want Keith." I said coldly looking at the wall.
He stood up in anger his fists clenched.
"That's it Lance! Did I piss you off or something?! What the hell did I do?!" He looked furious catching me off guard and surprising me.
My shocked look slowly formed back into a frown. "You didn't do anything..." I said slowly. "Sorry." I just hugged myself and leaned into the corner.
"Then why do you you hate me." Keith said calm now. My head jerked up looking at him. His fists still in balls and his eyes looking like gorgeous glass marbles. This is why I can't just fricken get over him that easily.
"I-I don't."
Keith's expression softened and his fists relaxed into open palms.
"And that's the damn issue." I said lightly under my breath and rubbed my eyes stressfully. But Keith heard.
Keith mouth opened to say something but the elevator jerked beginning to work again. There was a ding and the doors slid open showing the empty hallway. I quickly sped walked out and went my room the door sliding closed behind me. I climbed under the covers and sat feeling a painful lump in my throat.
A couple minutes passed when there was a knock at the door. I sat up with red puffy eyes and glared at the door. "Who is it?" I snapped harshly.
"Keith. Can you open the door?" He said quietly.
"Yeah... just give me a sec." I said hopping up running to bathroom. Oh my flip, I looked awful. Sleep deprived and heartbroken was not a good look on me that's for sure."
I ran my fingers through my hair and rubbed my eyes, all to no use. "Lance?" Keith called.
I quickly ran back out into my room throwing some dirty cloths into my closet and sitting on the edge of my bed in a matter of seconds. "You can come in." I said.
He walked in looking embarrassed and unsure. "Look, what happened in the elevator..."
"You can forget about it." I cut him off.
"Lance, what the hell has been going on with you lately?! You're always huddled in your room, you look like you haven't slept in ages and you act all snippy with me! Then you say it's nothing and that I haven't done anything wrong? You say you don't hate me but that's the problem? Could you just tell me what's wrong?" Keith pleaded.
I looked down at the ground guiltily. I didn't even know how to respond. What am I supposed to say? I love you but you never will back so I'm trying to get over you but I'm getting infuriated because I can't? He would probably punch me.
I felt his eyes on me but I remained silent. He walked forward and crouched down onto one knee. "Just tell me what's wrong. Please?"
I looked away again.
"Is it your family?"
"Then what it it?!" Keith said loudly causing me to finally snap.
"You! Shithead!" I yelled back. "Or me... I don't fricking know!"
"What do you mean?" He asked getting closer. He looked up at me with those gorgeous damn eyes again.
"No, it's stupid and you'll..."
"Lance!" He said sternly causing me to snap again.
"I like you."
Keith stared at me speechless.
"But you don't like me back, that's something I'll have to deal with-" Keith cut me off by planting a sweet kiss on my lips. We parted slowly looking each other in the eyes in disbelief.
"I like you too." Keith said breathlessly.
A wide smile spread across my face and I jumped off the bed wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into a bear crushing hug. "Mullet-head~"
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